Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Shame On Us!!!

I am so sick of American politics, as usual!!! What does it take to get through to us, as a nation??? I understand that God tends to allow a people that have become cold, and spiritually dead, to get worse before He brings about a spiritual revival to restore them. But what I don't understand is how we as a predominately Christian nation can look upon the blatant corruption of our society and not realize that we need to repent, and pray for a Holy Spirit revival now, instead of waiting for things to get much worse. What kind of thick-headed, and hard-hearted idiots have we allowed ourselves to become???

I apologize for my self-flagellating outburst, on behalf of all of us, but I tremble for this nation because we seem to be so caught up in traditional foolishness, and self-interests, that we collectively fail to recognize the dangers that are creeping upon us. It's like we're crossing a deep river by stepping on lily pads with several ravenous crocodiles snapping at our heels! Our worst enemy, I.S.I.S., is laughing at us, and deservedly so, because they openly mock us, while telling us exactly what their intentions are for us (killing us in our streets, and even our own homes) and recognize that we don't have the stomach to do what is necessary to combat them! How long till this nation wakes up to the obvious!!!

The initiation of my frustration this morning was a report on Fox News that showed the results of a "hypothetical election" between Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump for president, in next year's election, if it were held today. Hillary beat "the Donald", with 37%, to 36% of the vote. That must mean that 27% of the voters polled voted for "none of the above", which was clearly the best choice, if anyone cared about my opinion! Unfortunately, they apparently don't! And that's sad for us, not because I'm so "smart" that my opinion should be automatically agreed to, but because these candidates are both so poor that an idiot should be able to see that we should not elect either one of them! I guess that makes me the idiot, but I'm smart enough to realize that our president is not going to save us from ourselves, in spite of "the Donald's" massive ego. And Hillary simply doesn't have a clue, and probably doesn't care, beyond the prestige of getting elected. Once elected, she would most likely turn over her authority to her chief adviser, the man who will most likely be sleeping in a separate bedroom at the White House (with his mistress, Monica)! What a pathetic condemnation for our country, if we can't find any better candidate to be our president!!! But half of the Republicans are unfit, if you ask me ( and even if you don't, for that matter) and none of the Democrats have a clue!!! Even if they are better than Obama (and that would have to be measured in the smallest of degrees) it is unlikely that any of them would have the courage to reverse his policies. Without that, America can expect to be a third rate power, both Militarily and Economically, probably before the decade is ended! And I am already on record as saying that that is what I suspect will happen, not because I want it to be so, but because I believe that we are so far into the "Last Days" that God must allow us to decline, in order to allow His Antichrist to come to power, and create his one-world government. I don't see how that could happen if a strong America were being led by a wise president, elected by a wise, and righteous populous! So, sadly I feel resigned to waste my vote on someone who will not likely get elected, and I will get no satisfaction out of being able to say,"I told you so!"

Remember, God must allow this idiotic, and rebellious world to try and run things without Him, and He's chosen to allow the Antichrist to do his "best" (with the resulting chaos) before He says, "enough is enough!", and destroys all those who placed their trust in the Antichrist, rather than Him! And if "the Donald " thinks he can do any better he is sadly mistaken! A man who uses Hitler's techniques to rise to popularity (and looks like Benito Mussolini, with hair, at least the "comb-over" variety) is patently untrustworthy in my book! Does anyone out there agree with me on this?

Monday, December 28, 2015

Reviewing My Thoughts About The "Rapture" Timing, In Relation To The Ezekiel Prophecies

I just spent some time re-reading my second, third and fourth posts on this blog site (since I left my original blog server, which I was dissatisfied with the service they provided) (see the archive list to the right of this column, for the posts dated "June 6th through June 10th" of 2013), which detailed extensively my reasoning on the possible timing of Jesus' "Rapture" of the Church of His believers, worldwide, instantaneously ("in the twinkling of an eye"), and the subsequent Nuclear Holocaust which may well befall those who remain, as a result of the conclusion of the "Gog/Magog" war, and the "sour grapes" attitude of the Russian losers, who may "push the button" in order to get even with the ones they hold as ultimately responsible (namely us!). Justifiable, or not, any surviving Russian leaders may blame us for giving Israel the technology which they may use to somehow defeat the overwhelming Russian/Muslim- allies invasion force, that comes against Israel. Even though it seems that God will cause the hatred that the Muslims have for each other, (Sunni verses Shiite, or I.S.I.S. verses Iran) to boil over into in-fighting that will destroy 83 1/3rd% of their invasion force, the Russians may find it more believable to blame America, since many of their leaders are probably atheists, and can't blame a God that they don't believe exists. Therefore, we who believe in Jesus may be the only "survivors" of a Russian Nuclear attack, while the Russian "survivors" (excluding those who likewise are believers) will apparently take refuge in their anti-Nuclear tunnels, which double as subway tubes in peacetime, and may be the ancestors of the generation that will live underground for 1000 years. ( I can't guess how they will survive, but "God said it, and I believe it, and that settles it, for me!")

I am impressed by the Biblical reasoning of whoever wrote those posts (I wonder who that could be?), and I think anyone who can stand any of my twisted writing since, will find it all interesting, too. It took three posts to detail it all, and I don't have the patience to re-write it now. So check it out if you're interested, and "may God have mercy on your soul", if you're not!!!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Putin Gives Trump His "Kiss-Of-Death" Endorsement

One has to be suspicious of an endorsement of any presidential candidate, by any Russian President, Premiere, Foreign Minister, or dog catcher, for that matter. Vladimir Putin especially! Remember, Russian political figures tend to view everything through the eyes of a chess-playing Grand Master, trying to speculate on what each move will bring as a counter move, and to anticipate how to best counter that move.

When Putin volunteered that he had great respect for Donald Trump, and he was looking forward to working with him, you have to figure that that's a bunch of cr**, at the very least!!! But more, you have to wonder why he volunteered that, and what reaction was he trying to get with it? He certainly knows that American opinions of Russian intentions, internationally, have not mellowed much since the height of the "Cold War"; and he is certain to know that Republican voters think less of his opinion than they do of Obama's. An accurate description of the typical Republican view of his opinion would necessitate another four-letter word, which I will spare the reader of here.

So why does he even bother to voice his opinion publicly? Obviously, he wants to form an American back-lash to his spoken opinion. I suppose he is concerned that Trump's capacity to "shoot from the lip", without considering the potential consequences, might be very dangerous for the man who sits in the Oval Office, with his finger on the button of the only Nuclear System in the world that is more powerful than his own. If Trump gets P.O.'ed at Russian misdeeds (like, say, an unprovoked attack upon Israel by Russian, and Muslim allies, which can be determined as an eventual effort to conquer the Saudi Arabian, and other gulf states' oil supplies [i.e., see Ezekiel 38, & 39]) would he be more likely than other candidates to "push the button"??? Perhaps his uncertainty on this issue urged Putin to praise Trump, hoping that his praise will have the calculated effect of offending enough Republican voters to get them to elect some more timid, and easily intimidated candidate (like Hillary, who thinks America is "right where we ought to be", on international issues).

One thing is certain, Putin does not praise Americans because he likes them! He's up to something, and I think we'll find out what real soon!!!

[Addendum-- By the way, am I the only person who sees Benito Mussolini, with a generous "comb-over" hair style when Donald Trump is listening to someone's opinion that he obviously disagrees with??? If Trump shaved his head bald, would he look like the second coming of Mussolini??? Just a thought.]

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Let's Talk Turkey!!!

No, this is not a belated tribute to Thanksgiving dinner celebrations, nor a hint at desired Christmas dinner expectations, although it could well be, as turkey dinners are perhaps my favorite culinary temptation.

My true interest today is my fascination with (and apologies to friends who have come close to characterizing my interest in the Ezekiel 38, & 39 prophecies as an obsession [I plead guilty as charged, on that one]) the makeup of the prophecied Middle-East invasion force that Russia is expected to bring against the, "mountains of Israel". Specifically, the supposed role that Turkey (the nation, not the bird) will play in their diabolical alliance with Russia, and other nations that are made up of mostly Sunni Muslim forces, which hate the Shiite forces of Iran, perhaps the primary Muslim ally of the Russian invasion force, and are quite deadly enemies of each other. On the surface, this would seem to be an utterly impossible alliance, but upon closer examination, it is perhaps plausible, especially for believers that God is bringing this force together in order to present what seems to be an overwhelming enemy invasion force upon His Chosen People (Israel) in order for Him to receive greater glory when He causes them to fight among themselves, destroying up to 83 1/3% of their forces. Remember, if the Bible is true, and I believe it is, then, "all things are possible with God", including an unlikely alliance between hated enemies, each of whom hates Israel more than they hate each other. I suspect they will rationalize that they are allying themselves with Russia, and not with each other, for the greater "good" of slaughtering all the innocent men, women and children of Israel, and taking "back" the Holy Land, which they believe was stolen from them, by Israel. First, it was not their land to begin with. And, second, God sovereignly chose to drive out the original inhabitants of the land, for their unrepentant evil practices, and He gave the land to Israel for a, "perpetual possession". Since God can not lie, and "perpetual" includes today, I'd say that Israel still holds title to the land, and God's about to prove it!

So, as unlikely as it seems, in the natural, I guess Russia will somehow swing a tentative alliance with the Shiite Muslims of Iran, and Lebanon, allying with the blood-thirsty Sunni Muslims of I.S.I.S., and Al Quaida, and the Muslim nations that support them. This would seem to include Turkey, which is referred to in the Ezekiel prophecies by it's ancient name of "Togarmah", and which is reputed to be clandestinely cooperating with the I.S.I.S. forces in Syria to sell the oil they produce from their captured Iraqi oil fields, which has netted them an estimated $1 million dollars per day, to finance their murderous invasion of Syria. If Russia can get these combatants to at least profess a willingness to temporarily lay aside their personal hatreds, in order to attack Israel, this would bring the set-stage for the prophecied invasion of Israel, and it would seem to provide the powder-keg of mutual hatred that God will likely use to bring about the fighting between themselves that is likewise prophecied.

This perspective is even more illogical when one considers that Turkey has been a N.A.T.O. ally for decades. But the recent election of Prime Minister Erdogan was recently forecast as a movement to bring a more "fundamentalist" leaning to his government. I guess they consider clandestine cooperation with I.S.I.S. to be what our liberal Media likes to categorize as "fundamentalist". That smacks of an insult to Bible-believing Christians whom they love to categorize with the same term, when they are not trying to connect us with Hitler's Nazis by calling us both "Right Wingers", even though the term Nazi is short for National Socialists. I guess they figure if we're to the right of Stalin's Communism, they can call us "Right Wingers". I wonder were that leaves them???

An offshoot of the destruction of this invasion force will probably be the recognition by any would-be "Lone Wolf Terrorists" internationally, that they no longer have a safe haven "Caliphate" to repair to, at least for the few who survive their usually suicidal escapades. And God will have given pause to even the most dogmatic "Jihadists" that perhaps their suicide will be in vain, after all. This should bring an end to the spread of international terrorism that plagues us today (at least for seven years), and if the Rapture follows soon after, as I suspect it may, any resumption of it later will not effect Christian believers, anyway!

I'm going way out on a limb by calling for this, but since I have repeatedly explained that I am no Prophet, and therefore am quite allowed to be wrong in my predictions, I stand upon my right of calculated error with my best-guess perspective. There you have it, folks; take it or leave it, as you choose. Either way, it makes watching the developments in the Middle-East fascinating, since I've read the, "last chapter of the book" (so to speak) and I believe I know how it will all turn out!!!

Stay tuned!!!

Monday, December 14, 2015

The Republican Plan To Lose The Election

I am on record as stating in previous posts that I find it difficult to believe that a really strong Conservative Republican, let alone an evangelical Christian, will likely win the Presidential election next year. My reasoning comes from my belief that God is still in control, and it may serve His purpose to allow the Evil in America to increase for a bit longer, in order to try the hearts of the complacent non-believers, and get them to choose which way they're going to go in these last days. Are they comfortable with the evil, and willing to submit to the Devil's authority as many are prophecied to do in the last days, or are they troubled by what they see, and ready to admit that they need a savior for the whole world, and that a new President of the United States is not good enough for what ails us all, in the world today. A truly righteous President would immediately begin to try and restore America's "greatness",as Donald Trump rather presumptuously proclaims that he intends to do. Well, even if he is sincere (and I'm not sure I trust him) if God has determined to allow America to decline in world preeminence, then even "the Donald" won't be able to stop it. God will simply bring it to pass through some other source; perhaps Congressional, or Supreme Court interference, or maybe the overall rebellion of an amoral society (which some might say we are not far from now) might cause it to come to pass.

The prophecies of the last days, or the "end times", that many believe we are well into already, tell of a future time (especially in the book of Revelation) when a one-world, evil dictator will be welcomed to power over the whole world by a world population that has become so corrupt, and callous to the principles of God that they will fairly worship him as the true god, receiving a "mark of the Beast" on their right hand, or fore-head (presumably for amputees), which will determine their personal ability to participate in the One-World economy, or simply starve. We now have the capacity to discriminate between the haves, and the have-nots, thusly, by simply injecting an electronic computer chip under our skin, similar to those identification chips that are being injected under the skin of many pets today, to restore runaways to their owners. The same thing could easily be done to those who wanted to "protect" themselves from identity theft, of their credit cards. And if the Antichrist decided to make it mandatory, for buying, or selling, I'm sure many would be willing to comply, on the surface. But, God has clearly proclaimed that to receive this mark would instantly condemn the recipient to an eternity in Hell!!! And that sounds pretty serious to me! We don't need to consider if it is reasonable, or not; just believe that God said it, and if you want to challenge Him on that, well, the consequences will be pretty severe, for a very long time!!! Take your choice!

Anyway, I'm beginning to get a picture of how God may cause a corrupt America to reject the truly good Republican candidates, and elect some Bozzo like Hillary, or Bernie to complete the destruction of America's preeminence in world Geo-politics, that Obama has so craftily begun. Donald Trump has intimated that if he does not feel he has been "treated fairly" by the G.O.P., he may run as a third party candidate. I suspect that anything less than winning the Republican nomination will constitute "unfairness" in his book. Therefore, we can expect either he will win, and we will have a Republican president who won in a very similar fashion as Adolph Hitler (with a matching disposition???), or his third party candidacy will throw the election to one of the Democratic Bozzos.

As I stated clearly in the last post, I do not claim to be a prophet myself, so none of this has to happen just because I think it might. But, I would not be surprised if this is similar to what God has in store for us in the near future. Remember, there has never been a spiritual revival in history, without a proceeding social decline of strong enough proportions to cause many to feel that a revival was needed. I'm not sure we've reached a chaotic enough state in America yet today for this to become a generally accepted view. But with another 4, to 8 years of another Democratic Bozzo President, we may well have. We might even be ready to decide if we'll accept, or reject the Antichrist's system of One-World government, and econmic system! Which side will you stand on???

Friday, December 11, 2015

Updating Ezekiel 38, & 39...

I haven't posted much lately on the main prophecy that I am convinced is about to be fulfilled, and probably sooner, rather than later!!! I must admit that I frankly expected the recent "Blood Moons" to have heralded some great event that God was about to bring to pass. Logically, I wrote that I wouldn't have been surprised if the Middle-East war between Russia, with several Muslim nations' armies, or terrorist militias, fighting against lonely Israel (with no allies to help them, thanks to the cowardly Obama administration) would begin to take place last summer, and be brought to an astounding conclusion by this Fall, with God's miraculous deliverance of His people (Israel) when He turns the armies invading Israel against each other, until they have destroyed 83 1/3rd % of their invasion force.

If this all happened without my being aware of it, somebody please let me know, because I didn't notice any news reports about it!!! I don't think even the most deceptive liberal media news corporations could keep a story like this from breaking publicly. So, once again, I have to reassert that I am no Prophet, and never have claimed to be! Now the whole world has conclusive proof to that fact, although I will state that I never predicted any time frame for this to come to pass; only my best guess as to what God was up to. I should have remembered that one always asks for trouble when he tries to out-guess God, and I am certainly capable of eating my share of "Humble Pie" when I have deserved it.

That said, it changes nothing concerning the ultimate fulfillment of the Ezekiel Prophecies, even if they aren't fulfilled precisely as I had expected. All this goes to show us is that God is not as much of an idiot as I am (thank God for that!). So, what does this mean about the "Blood Moons", and their relation to the Prophecies, if any? I have to confess that I am clueless on that one (to absolutely no one's surprise, I'm sure).

I suspect He is waiting for two main things to happen: one, He may be waiting for the Muslims of the world who collectively hate Israel worse than they hate each other, to congregate in the area of Syria/Iraq to decide to invade Israel, and, two, He is probably giving Putin's Russian forces time to build their army in the area to sufficient strength (slowly enough as to not cause America, and the European nations to realize that this is actually an invasion) until he thinks it's too late for them to try and stop him. This could go on for a couple of years, with the western nations so wrapped-up in detecting potential domestic terrorist attacks, and foiling them before they happen, that they won't hardly suspect this is an invasion until the real shooting starts.

Then, the whole world had better "fasten your seat belts; it's going to be a bumpy ride!!!"

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Right Way To Shut Down The Bureaucracy

It is way past time to pay the Federal bureaucracy it's comeuppance, and I'm afraid it may necessitate the firing of the whole bunch of them, the good, as well as the bad, to clean the whole house of the cr**! The source of the problem it appears to me, is not within Congress, that can be addressed by the filibustering of future debt ceiling legislation. That may have been well-intended as a painful demonstration, in the past, but what did it accomplish, except a lot of political animosity between those Republicans who pretend to be Conservative, and those who truly are, but feel their hands are tied by the rest of Congress; and the Democrats, who simply like the Federal chaos that has been largely created by themselves, and their predecessors.

I suspect the real source of the problem is not the Congress, as a whole, but in the Government Employee's Contracts that have been negotiated, in bad faith, by the Government Employees Union, which over time has made it virtually impossible to, "throw the rascals out", by firing those bureaucrats who are demonstrably guilty of malfeasance, and corruption, such as has been reported at various branches of the Government, the most shocking examples being in the I.R.S., and the Veterans Administration, in which political vendettas and illegal corruption is rampant, and those who are obviously guilty are not fired, let alone prosecuted, when warranted. Political appointees are sometimes fingered for the excesses of their underlings, guilty, or not, but the bureaucrats are not punished in any significant manner. Why is this??? It seems obvious to me that there are contractual restrictions that prevent the firing of these bureaucratic incompetents, and even criminals, or make it so difficult to accomplish that the decision is made that it is just not worth the effort. I understand the importance of protecting career bureaucrats from the potential of being fired simply because they were hired by a political opponent, in a previous administration. But, if their contract has gone so far beyond that that it is virtually impossible to fire anybody, for any reason, no matter how deserving their behavior is, then we have the "tyranny of the Bureaucracy" that we have today. The only solution,
as I see it, is to repudiate all employee contracts of the past, and rehire only those bureaucrats who will sign a new contract that allows their firing for certain acts of incompetence, and downright criminal behavior, and criminal negligence (as we've seen is rampant in the V.A., lately). This will certainly bring many lawsuits by the Employees' Union, and will require endless appeals to higher courts, all the way up through the Supreme Court, which can not be counted upon to rule conservatively, as we've seen recently. But, most of the good bureaucrats (including those who will belligerently support their union's contracts) will probably sign the new contract rather than be unemployed, while awaiting a final judgement. I suspect that enough of them will sign that the Government will be able to function well, with the remaining jobs filled by others, who will be on notice that their job security depends upon their good, and legal performance. And perhaps a congressional threat to either "pack the court" with more conservative justices, or to form a Constitutional Convention to discuss a possible amendment allowing for the removal of the lifetime terms of the Justices (perhaps a bluff in this regard will be sufficient to swing a responsible decision) perhaps will result in an end to this absurd contractual overreach by the corrupt trade union of the employees, serving notice to all that "We the people..." mean to take back control of our government, both through political, and legal means!!!

It's time for us to take back the ability to "throw the rascals out", instead of our lazy congressmen simply signing a contract to keep the status quo, and avoid the hassle of Union trouble. And I strongly suspect there is some level of organized crime involved here!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Jesus Loves Muslims, Too!!!

Three days ago I wrote of my concern that we might well be facing an imminent Black/White race war in America, due to the vast movement away from the overwhelming Christian faith of the newly freed slaves of the Confederacy, after the civil war. As bad as slavery was, for the Blacks, one good did come out of it. An overwhelming Christian revival exploded among these slaves, probably from overhearing their White owners talking among themselves, and even overhearing the Gospel preached, while they waited to serve their masters, who were apparently devout believers, whether their faith could justify their slave ownership, or not. After all, Jesus came to save the poor, and the oppressed primarily, and who fit the bill at that time more than the slaves of the South? Yet their descendants have repudiated the faith of their ancestors because the apparent passivity of their parents, during the "Jim Crow" era, which led to the castigation of "Uncle Tom" being attached to those who tolerated the further persecution of that time. While their outrage was surely just, their reaction to the persecution, in being offended towards Christianity was foolish, as it drove many into the cultish search for an alternative religion, to that of their parents' "White Man's religion" (the frequent portrayal on church bulletins of Jesus, as a blue-eyed, and even blond-haired young man surely didn't help matters either). The result is the movement of many American Blacks into cultish Black Muslim "churches",like the one Obama reputedly attended for twenty some-odd years, in Chicago, where the "Reverend" Jeremiah Wright preached what was reputed to be a blend of Christian, Muslim, and Socialist values, or the "Nation of Islam". As a result, we have a hot bed of potentially radical Islamic terrorists, especially the hot-blooded teen-agers, who believe that everything Muslim is good, and everything Christian is evil (regardless of whether they associate Christianity with Whites, today, or not.

I may have spoken rashly, when I said we may be in danger of a race war. A report on today's "700 Club" may have been God's way of correcting me, and reminding me that He is still in control. A story of Muslims having dreams and visions of Jesus calling them to believe in Him, and their willingly obeying His call, in spite of the threat of a death sentence in their countries for anyone who does so, inspired me to wonder if this whole threat of I.S.I.S., and Al Quaida terrorism is not being used by God to offend any so-called "moderate" Muslims who have simply ignored the violent terms of their religion, and now are forced to either embrace them, or look elsewhere for a true faith of peace.

If it can happen in countries where "Sharia Law" demands the death of any Muslims who convert to Christianity, then it can certainly happen here!!! We, as Christians must be prepared to share the Gospel, in love, to any questioning Blacks, no matter how apparently hostile they might be to it, at first. I suspect that Jesus appears in dreams, and visions in countries where Christian Missionaries are not allowed to preach, but in countries like ours, He probably expects us to do the work for Him. With the help of the Holy Spirit, this should be easily done, and we may turn this country back to a revived Christian faith, yet!!!

Friday, December 4, 2015

Are We In Danger Of An All-Out Race War???

I am writing this post with a feeling of great "fear and trepidation", not for the error of my concerns, but for the potential of great wrong to be taken from what I am about to write, by those who would twist my meaning to suit their own perverse agendas. However, the peril exists today at such an obviously high level that I feel it must be openly examined by those who would keep cooler heads in the midst of great turbulence. I am concerned that America is running a great risk today of descending into an all-out race war that would be both senseless, and unnecessary, and potentially very bloody for all those involved. (I don't mean to side with either the Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton, or the K.K.K./White Supremacist clans, either way!)

I am also convinced that this is the main reason the the Obama administration is so blatantly reluctant to call obvious acts of terrorism, like the rampage in San Bernardino, Ca. this past week by it's obviously correct title. The pathetic vacillation of the Federal investigators, who probably recognize an act of domestic terrorism when they see it, but are reluctant to call it such without conclusive overwhelming proof, indicates to me that they fear retribution from higher administration officials if they should incorrectly brand something as terrorism, which turns out not to be provable. This kind of official paranoia must have a deep concern behind it, and I can think of only one possible issue that may cause it.

Traditionally, many African-Americans have gravitated away from the Christian faith of the newly freed slaves, after the Civil War, because of their resentment of the "Uncle Tom" stigma so easily attached to any southern Blacks who seemed to embrace any of the values of their former white slave owners. They didn't seem to consider that these slave owners might simply be confused between their Christian values, and their material loss of economic power with the loss of their cheap labor source. It was too easy to blame their former slave owners' religious views for their racism, instead of realizing that their economic concerns were corrupting their Christian values. So, it was too easy to seek out another religion (since, "all roads lead to heaven", anyway [yeah right, guess again, folks]), and thus we have the acceptance of the Black Muslim belief system that led to the formation of large congregations such as the Nation of Islam, and the "church" that the "Reverend" Jeremiah Wright pastored, in Chicago, which was reputed to have been attended by Barak Obama for some twenty years. Even if "Reverend" Wright tried to mix Christian principles in with his reputed blend of Islam, and Socialism, what he had to have ended up with was nowhere near the truth of the Gospel.

But since there has been such a wide-spread acceptance of Islamic principles in the Black communities, there is a real risk that this recent trend of mostly youthful exuberance to support I.S.I.S., and Al Quaida internationally could spread to the Black Muslim community, as well. Satan is certainly well aware of this potential, and I suspect that he is using all these cases lately of Police brutality (mostly in the Mid-West, but Baltimore as well) between white officers, especially, against blacks, who may have been unarmed, and even innocent, to stir up latent reverse-racism hatred. Mix this hatred together with the appearance that the long-"prophecied" coming of their Muslim "Mahdi" (the Islamic equivalent of their Messiah), to take over the world, and kill all of us wretched, non-believing Infidels, and you have the basis for some bitter black Muslims to follow the recent trend of the lone-wolf terrorists, to become blatant murderers, and even suicide bombers. After all, they would believe they would escape legal punishment, and be rewarded with the Muslim concept of 72 virgins for their "sacrifice". The Biblical concept of "Thou shalt not kill (meaning murder)" bares no relevance to them. (I have to wonder if the female suicide bombers expect to get 72 bumbling, teen-aged husbands for their efforts, or does Islam allow for 72 Lesbian lovers in their concept of "Paradise"?)

One can easily see how this could easily become a chaotic Black/White race war, which would suit the Islamic terrorists just fine, as it would divert America's attention from the international war on terrorism. That's probably why both the Obama administration, and the Bush administration before them, tried so hard to delineate between "Radical Islam" and main stream Islam, which they categorized as, "a religion of peace". True, for those who believe in Islam, only; but for the rest of us "evil infidels" it's open season, and the more of us are beheaded, the better, in their judgement! I'm sorry, but I have trouble calling that a "religion of peace"! They even don't allow for "denominational differences", which is why they fight among themselves (Sunnis verses Shiites, etc.).

The bottom line for us now is that we will need to be much in prayer, for the foreseeable future. This could all blow up upon us very easily, or the Lord could deliver Israel from the murderous threat of the armies (and terrorist Militias) that surround them, which are mostly Muslim, which might cause the Muslims around the world to have second thoughts about their "religion of peace", at least for several years! (Check the Archives list for more on my guesses about how this could all turn out, based on the Ezekiel 38, & 39 Prophecies, if I'm reading my Bible correctly.)

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Lunacy In High Places

One has to wonder what makes the "Brain Trust" of the White House, and the Left (in general), tick. It is certainly not for lack of intelligence, or insufficient education (though the perspective of schools such as Harvard is certainly debatable). I tend to categorize this deficiency as "Dogmatic Lunacy" (meaning that the proponents choose to reject common sense logic, in favor of comfortable dogma, with the rationale that only the intellectually sophisticated (most of whom reside, pompously, in the Democratic party) can understand their reasoning. But, in order to sway the voting public (which includes the rest of us "intellectually deficient" poor souls), they commonly try to publicly attach an unpopular concept (such as the expense of "fighting Global Warming") with a concern that is widely shared by the Left, and Conservatives, alike.

Such seems to be the case with the most recent effort by President Obama to attach our concern for the fight against I.S.I.S., and other International Terrorist organizations, with his intentions to spend millions, if not billions, of taxpayer dollars on the "fight" to stop "Global Warming". He seems determined to try and equate the threat of encroaching "Global Warming", which may seem hard to fear, in the immediate future, at least, with the obvious threat of runaway murderous terrorists trying to kill us, simply because we reject their foul false religion.

I'm sorry, Mr. President, but I can't get as worked up about someone knocking on my door to warn me that the earth is getting warmer, as I would be if a terrorist showed up with a butcher knife, wanting to decapitate me, for the "glory of Allah"!!! Where is the logical perspective of the Left???

The obvious truth is the the Left, in general, and the White House in particular are adamant in their obsession with spending our money on boondoggles such as wind turbines, which work, but are no where near cost-effectiveness, and they are not at all determined to really fight the Muslim hoards at the gates. I guess it all boils down to one's perspective of Prophetic beliefs, and the fulfillment of Prophecy in our time. If one believes (as I am convinced that Obama does) that the world will soon be "saved" by the coming "Mahdi" prophecied by the Koran, then it makes sense to distract us all from our natural fears of those who are attempting to set the stage for "his coming". Give us something else to concern ourselves with, such as "Global Warming" and maybe we'll become so obsessed with this that the terrorists will have time to behead all of us who resist them. The concept of "saving us" apparently only extends to those who believe in Islam, or those who will lie about it to save their lives. The reversal of the effects of "Global Warming" then becomes crucial for those that expect to live in their Muslim concept of a Utopian world.

As a believer that Jesus Christ is coming soon, beginning with God's destruction of the armies that surround Israel, who intend to murder all the Jews, I have to reject that Muslim concept of "Prophecy". It's either one, or the other, they conflict as totally as can be! They can't both be true, and I know "in whom I do believe". When Jesus does return, to establish His 1000-year "Millennial Kingdom", He is prophecied to create "a new heaven (the earth's atmosphere, referred to Biblically as the "first heaven", of the three levels of heaven God created), and a new earth". I don 't think we'll have too much trouble dealing with any more "Global Warming" then. And He will not have to tax us to smithereens to pay for it.

That does not give us, as believers, the freedom to ruin this planet today, because "Jesus is gonna fix it all when He comes". There is still our responsibility to be "good stewards" of God's creation while we wait for the Lord's return. However, the Left want to go way beyond the reasonable efforts of stewardship, to reverse something that they will eventually fail at anyway, as long as they don't have to pay for it all themselves (let the nameless, faceless Taxpayers pay for it all), while they destroy our economy and allow "developing economies" (like China) to increase their polluting ways, in order to grow their economies, at our expense. I guess they would all rather live under a communist regime, anyway! I wish they would all just go live in China, and leave America alone!!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Cracks In The Hull Of The "Good Ship: 'Obama Administration' "???

Is it time for the Obama Administration to start bailing??? Or should they all just jump-ship, and start doggie-paddling???

The President's plan to allow for the immigration of 10,000 mostly Syrian refugees is meeting more resistance than just my previous post, of yesterday. For the very same reasons that I tried to articulate yesterday, some 26 State Governors have stated that they will refuse to allow these refugees to be settled in their states. Yes, this was mostly along party lines, but there was at least one Democratic Governor among them. Could this be an amazing beginning to a Democratic mutiny of President Obama's absurd concept of "humanitarianism"? Was it a quote from "Poor Richard's Almanac" that went something like, "[humanitarianism] begins at home"??? Mr. President, you do not place the entire American population at risk, just to help some refugees, who most likely agree with the murderous rampage they are fleeing, they just don't want to get caught in the cross-fire. He says, "That's not what we're about." Well, speak for yourself, Barak, because you sure as **** don't speak for me!!!

I recognize that this Gubernatorial rebellion is mostly symbolic, because all these refugees would need is one state that is willing to allow them to be temporarily placed in their borders, and then Obama could be counted on to issue "Executive Orders" to send smaller groups of them to various locations around the country, probably without even notifying their Governors, let alone asking their permission. I would expect something this under-handed from a guy like him! But it is interesting to watch, to see if other Democratic Governors will join the mutiny; could there actually be bipartisan support in Congress for a law forbidding the President from doing this??? And, could there be enough Democrats to override the President's certain veto? How about a Supreme Court challenge to the certain "Executive Order" that would follow? Boy, things just might get interesting in old D.C. if all this came to pass. A Democratic Party mutiny of one of Obama's policies would be a fitting rebuke for the "Obama Legacy" that Joe Biden is so concerned about protecting, once he's gone!!!

Monday, November 16, 2015

We May Need An Amendment To The First Amendmet!!!

All right Rick, what kind of paranoid mumbo-jumbo are you about to spew on your blog readers today?

Just a thought about some concerns that our Founding Fathers never could have imagined would be necessary to address in a so-called "civilized society", with a President who was elected, and subsequently re-elected by a legal majority of our voting populace. When they drew up the Constitution they knew that there might well come a day when an issue that they had not considered would need to be addressed. Perhaps that day has arrived!!!

The murderous rampage that occurred in Paris, France, this weekend goes to show Americans just how vulnerable we are to this kind of attack, anywhere, and at any time, by people who dogmatically believe that God will reward them for committing suicide, and killing hundreds of innocent people in the process, simply because they reside in a nation whose government opposes their evil regime, as does ours (I'm sure that God will reward their behavior, but with the flames of Hell, and not with "72 virgins").

On September 5th, of this year (please check the "Archives" list, to the right of this column), I wrote that I was deeply concerned that the leadership of our country (namely the Obama Administration) could shortly be counted upon to use the Middle-Eastern immigrant flood as an excuse to fling wide their "humanitarian" arms to allow the easy immigration of thousands of refugees of mostly Arabic/Muslim descent, for no more real humanitarian reason than they were potential poor people who would be briefly, at least, dependent upon the "charitable" options of the present Democratic government. Then, the government would decide, sometime before election day that it was too difficult to discern between the legal citizens who could vote, and those illegal, non-citizens who merely pretended to be eligible, and could mostly be counted upon to vote for the "status quo", in order to protect their social benefits from any opposing candidates.

I wrote that this would seem innocent on the surface, but it would be extremely dangerous because these murderous terrorists were well-known to hide in the general populations of their countries, and would likely use this tactic to gain entrance to otherwise peaceful nations, to further export their murderous/suicidal terrorism internationally, and how would our immigration agents be able to detect them, and discern them from the peaceful immigrants, each of whom look essentially identical. This would open a mind-boggling problem that would be extremely dangerous for our country. But, not long after I wrote of my concerns, President Obama (as expected) announced the intentions of his Administration to allow for the "humanitarian" immigration of some ten thousand immigrants from Syria!!! One can only wonder how many I.S.I.S. terrorists will accompany these immigrants, and how many of our innocent citizens will they likely kill, or maim, before they blow themselves up, believing that they will escape just punishment for their crimes. Well, God has the most horrendous form of judgement waiting for them, and His punishment lasts forever!!!

I understand that this is exactly the tactic used by at least one of the terrorists in Paris, as determined by retrieving his fingerprints (probably others, as well, whose remains were not sufficient for fingerprints). This leads me to suggest that the visas and passports of American citizens who can be proven to have traveled to any nation to aid these terrorist organizations should be permanently revoked, and their names be placed on an international "no-travel, and immediate arrest list", along with the known terrorists of other nations, and if the first Amendment to the Constitution restricts our legal ability to do so, on freedom of religion grounds, then an amendment to the Constitution should be made excepting those Religions that preach the "just" murder of those who merely do not share their beliefs. But "fat chance" this President would ever go along with this!!!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Dr. Ben Carson's God

I just finished watching a taped "C-Span" interview of Dr. Ben Carson, which had to have been taped fairly recently (though I didn't catch when) because he referred to the slanderous media attacks that have been made towards him recently, which have only come because the media has finally caught on to the fact that he is really a legitimate contender for the Republican nomination for President, in 2016. I'll admit to some very strong skepticism about his ability to win election (not because he's not good enough, but because he is too good, and the American public doesn't want a truly good president, they want a corrupt President, like Obama, who'll continue the perverse values of our present administration), but he could very well be the Republican nominee, to show us what we could have had, when we elect some perverse loser, like Hillary, or Bernie. This may be part of God's plan to judge America for the avaricious, and immoral policies we've allowed our politicians to foist upon us for the past fifty years, or so.

As I've stated often before, I don't see how God can allow the Antichrist to come to power over his One-World government (which is clearly prophesied in the Bible) while America stands as the preeminent economic, and military force in the world. I acknowledge the fact that He doesn't need me to understand what He's about to do, but it seems that He must have allowed Obama's corrupt, and immoral administration to come to power, and be re-elected, for a reason. We have seen so many of our constitutional values trampled upon, and many others to be verbally attacked (which indicates that they are next on this administration's agenda) that I don't logically see how God can allow this to happen to an America that loves Him, and fears Him (in the sense that we have an awesome respect for his power). That may be precisely His point! He may be allowing us to elect the corrupt idiots that we want, in order to show us what we get when we purposely leave him out of the equation. Dr. Ben Carson does not qualify in any respect as one of these "corrupt idiots"; we must turn to the Democratic party for that!!! Of course, we have to eliminate Donald Trump from consideration, but we have almost a whole year of public appearances left for his mouth to accomplish that feat for us, by himself!

But, I have become very impressed with Dr. Carson's obviously honest faith, and his intelligence is even more unquestionable than Obama's. The major difference between these two men is not their level of intelligence, but their acquired wisdom, which only comes with a deep and abiding faith in the God of the Bible, and not in the false god of the Koran, which I am still convinced is Obama's true religion, no matter how much he professes the contrary. Jesus said, "by their fruits ye shall know them" referring to how His disciples would discern the true believers from the "wolves, in sheeps' clothing". "Fruits" was meant to collectively include what a person says, combined with what he actually does. While we are all guilty of occasional hypocrisy, for which we must ask the Lord's forgiveness, when he makes us recognize it, that is different from living a lifestyle of constant unrepentant hypocrisy, and that is how Jesus meant we would discern the "sheep" from the "wolves". Dr. Ben Carson is a legitimate believer, who is eminently qualified to be our next president, which is why I cynically believe he will not be elected, for the reasons that I've just stated. I truly hope I'm wrong, but I don't think so!

Saturday, October 31, 2015

"Mission Creep?", Hardly!!!

This was the way "Fox News" described President Obama's "new" policy of sending a "force" of not more than 50 military "Advisors" to fight I.S.I.S., in Syria, and Iraq. I doubt seriously that this was intended to be viewed as a slur against the President, as the assumed originator of this pathetic military strategy, though one can certainly make a strong case for it being more appropriately used to describe him, than his policy change. I do not wish to denigrate Mr. Obama, but it is amazing to me how a man of such obviously high intellect can so dogmatically embrace such lunatic strategy, and try to justify it to the public, with a straight face. It almost seems as though he is trying to earn the title of "Twerp in Chief", but the implication that those who implement his policies are lesser "Twerps" should not extend any further than the White House advisors who help him develop these silly policies, and expect honest soldiers to place their lives in "harm's way", in order to desperately carry out this foolishness!

To honestly believe that the addition of "less than 50" additional advisors, to join with the already 3,500 advisors he previously sent there, will have a significant effect on the plan to "destroy I.S.I.S.", is absurd! What will have an effect upon the President's policy there is the decision to allow these advisors to move closer to the front lines of the fight against I.S.I.S.. Especially since these troops must be walking "barefoot", since Obama has previously promised that he would not send any more "boots on the ground", and we know that he would never consider changing that policy (I certainly hope these "barefoot" soldiers don't trip over Mr. Obama's "red line", in Syria; they might stub their toes!), or his promise that these troops would not be involved in combat missions, though I wonder how the widow, and orphans of that Army sergeant who was recently killed over there can explain how their husband, and father was somehow killed in a non-combat roll! I am so sick of diplomatic lies taking the place of sound judgement in our foreign policy, especially when American lives are at risk!!!

This administration revels in fantasy rhetoric, which they absurdly seem to believe themselves, and even more absurdly expect the American public to believe it, too! It's the Communist doctrine of propaganda dissemination full-blown; i.e., if you keep repeating a lie, no matter how absurd, over and over, sooner or later you will convince the weak-minded listeners of it's truth. This seems to be the favorite tactic of the Democratic party, which the Obama Administration uses "in spades"!!! Unfortunately, this concept has become so common-place in the public schools, and Academia, over the last 4, or 5 decades that today's adults march "lock-step", (whatever that means; perhaps "goose-step" would be more appropriate) to buy into it. This is part of the reason that I am so pessimistic about the chances of any qualified Republican candidate winning the Presidential election, next year. I firmly believe that the majority of American voters would rather believe the foolish lies that are spouted by the Democratic candidates, than deal with any truths that Republicans might try and convince them concerning our perilous future (economically, and geo-politically)!!!

I shudder to think what will be the end result of a further Democratic Presidential victory, in 2016, let alone another in 2020. But, as I've speculated before, God's plan to allow the Antichrist to come to power over his one-world government probably could not happen without a continuance of Obama's dismantling of America's military authority, along with our financial predominance over the world's economy. As I said before, this must be what Vice President Joe Biden meant when he said the Democratic candidates should be consistent with the, "Obama Legacy", if elected, and I expect they will be. God must allow the Devil to have his way, briefly, before he judges those who blindly cooperate with him, as distinguished from those who won't. But, I tremble for those who will!!!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Biden Is Biding The Benghazi Bombast

So, Joe Biden is, "not running for president", at this time...Hmmm... I wonder at what time he will run??? I suspect he is nothing more, nor less, than a "candidate in waiting", just in case the Congressional hearings on the Benghazi Consulate attack turns out to bring an indictment for Hillary Clinton. And I suspect it will. Not because she is culpable for any crimes, while Secretary of State, though I strongly believe she is guilty, along with someone in the White House, of deciding to leave the Benghazi Consulate woefully understaffed with Security personnel. She will be indicted because she is the Democratic front runner for President, in 2016. This Congressional hearing is merely a ruse by the House Republicans to ruin her campaign, which an indictment will certainly do. But they have no intention of convicting her of any crime, just ruining her political campaign with a trial that will last until after the election, and then she'll "mercifully" be found "innocent" (which she certainly is not) but they won't send her to jail, even though she and the White House advisors that "did not" advise her of President Obama's interests in the Benghazi fiasco (an obvious lie, but unprovable) are indirectly responsible for the deaths of Ambassador Stevens, and three Security personnel, that tried bravely to protect him against overwhelming forces. She will be exonerated simply because the election is over, and they would never consider sending a former First Lady to jail, not to mention a former Senator, or a former Secretary of State. No matter how obviously guilty she may be, or how bloody the hands of someone in the White House are over the Benghazi affair, she will not serve any jail time.

Her punishment will be the excruciating humiliation of having her political career brought to a screeching halt, because Congressmen in both houses know that their peers have long memories for political retaliation, and short memories for corruption, and dangerous incompetence. The Democrats can easily forgive the incompetence that led to the deaths of four Foreign Service personnel, simply because protecting the Democrats whose incompetence allowed it to happen is much more important to them than assigning true responsibility to those who truly deserve it. Any legal punishment would certainly bring the most vitriolic response for any perceived incompetence by a future Republican Administration, worthy, or not. So, we recognize that all politicians in Washington have an effective waiver of all legal responsibility (should we call this "Political Immunity"?), for any crimes, simply because their Congressional accusers recognize that they may be guilty of like crimes in the future. Ain't Washington politics grand, folks??? They have an unwritten "get out of jail" pass as soon as they are elected, and most who are appointed by those who are elected, or are married to them. (Remember that he, "...did not have sexual intercourse with that woman"!), yeah, right! And President Nixon was pardoned, rather than face conviction, after his impeachment.

Fortunately, there is no "get out of Hell" pass with God, unless they go through His, Son Jesus! One certainly hopes that they will, but only God knows.

Anyway, I guess this means that Joe Biden will be elected President in 2016 (may God save us all from that horrible prospect!) He will take over Hillary's loyal constituents, who have already demonstrated that they don't care what incompetence she is capable of (what with the obvious guilt of her Benghazi decisions, and her lazy decisions in her E-mail scandal), as long as she is a "Democratic incompetent", they don't care! They apparently want a Liberal figure-head, and they don't much care about what international fiascos they are capable of. Joe Biden made a point about hoping the "Obama legacy" will be upheld by any Democratic candidate. So, I guess he is eminently qualified, and willing to continue the dismantling of America's greatness in the international geopolitical sphere, which I unfortunately expect will be necessary for God to allow the Antichrist to ascend to power over his one-world government. God can't destroy the Antichrist's system, unless He first allows it to come to power. And I don't see how that can happen unless America is driven to a third-world status, and it seems the Democrats are falling all over themselves to help us get there! I guess that's what Biden means by the, "Obama legacy"!!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

I Am Not A Capitalist!!!

I am certainly not a Communist, nor a Socialist, but that does not mean that I am automatically a Capitalist. I remember saying something similar to a friend, at church, one Sunday, about a year ago, and was a bit surprised at the level of shock he displayed at my confession. I gathered that he assumed I was a firm supporter of America's "Wall Street" brand of Capitalism, since we were discussing the flaws of the various forms of Socialism in the world, today. I am not, and, perhaps even more shocking, I don't believe that God really prefers that economic system, either.

I believe the kind of economics God would prefer the world would collectively employ would have to be called something like "Benevolent Free Enterprise". And before someone chokes on the concept that Capitalism and Free Enterprise are not necessarily intertwined, the difference is basically that Capitalism is not necessarily for enterprise, it's for investment, which is "borrowing", and "lending", plain and simple. That wise old be-spectacled philosopher, who wrote under the pseudonym of "Poor Richard" once wrote the adage, "Neither borrower, nor lender be". I think truer words were rarely spoken, this side of the Bible. But, I wonder if your name must be Richard, and you must be poor to really appreciate the concept. Well, I guess I fit the bill all right!

Recently, this blog was silenced, for what seemed permanence to me, because my computer became so clogged up with spam, "malware", or whatever, I really don't know what all. But, fortunately, I have a good friend who knows more about computers than I do (doesn't everybody???), who fixed it after three hours. Being the incurable paranoid that I am, and as I've said before, "I've rarely found a conspiracy theory that I didn't like, I have to wonder if this isn't part of a Microsoft plan, or even a computer manufacturing companies' conspiracy to create a sort of "Planned Obsolescence" which forces idiots like me to cough up money for a new computer, every few years! Has Micrsoft become so financially bloated that they have devised a plan to systematically clog up the little guy's (me!) computer memory with endless "Updates" that do nothing but take up space that their engineers designed to be large enough for the average consumer's needs for many more years??? One has to wonder, well, so be it. I guess God will sort it all out, one day. I just hope Bill Gates is not trusting in his Billions to buy his way past the "Pearlies", when the time comes! Anyway, I'm not planning on taking my computer with me, when I go, so I guess it doesn't matter much. But, when the economy crashes next, or when the Dollar collapses, like everybody is screaming at us on T.V. that it will do as soon as yesterday, if not sooner, I figure we'll have no need to look any further to place blame than the "Good Ole' Boys" on Wall Street, who will be sitting pretty, while the rest of us try and figure out how to fight off starvation!

Thank God for the brilliant minds at the Federal Reserve, who know how to keep the economy running smoothly, with government intervention, or not, as the situation calls. Wait a minute... they're not part of the government, are they? They are just warmed-over Wall Street lackeys, that try and make the best conditions for more investment. And when they mess up, like the last decade or so, they just get the government to bail out the corrupt bankers who caused the crash in the first place, with the little guy's money, and very few of the rats go to jail!!!

Sorry, I guess I'm waxing a bit Leftist, huh?

Anyway, thanks, P.C.!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Perhaps Ready For Prime Time

Two things are evident about my predictions concerning the "Gog/Magog", or Russia-led invasion of the Middle-East, and attempted (but failed, thank God!) Massacre of all Israeli Jews. First, there is sufficient evidence that God is slowly moving Russian President Putin (or "Gog"???) to begin his invasion, ostensibly to assist his Syrian allies in defending the Assad regime, before he will (I believe) make his inevitable move towards Saudi Arabia, and the rest of the Arab Gulf States oil reserves. I guess he is biding his time, while he slowly builds up his forces, till they are large enough that a conventional force would have trouble driving him out (though God is able, anyway). He knows that it would risk a nuclear confrontation at that point, and America's President Obama is too spineless to even hint that. Well, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanjahu is not, and the Israelis are on record as saying if they ever faced a situation where it looked like they would be wiped out, as the Bible predicts (and their Muslim neighbors would love to carry it out) they would not react in a "David vs. Goliath" manner, but they would react in a "Samson vs. the Philistines" manner. Namely, they would be willing to destroy themselves, in a manner that would also destroy an enemy that was about to overrun them. Remember, Israel not only has Nuclear Weapons, but also is reputed to have Neutron Nuclear capacity, perhaps in short range artillery shells, capable of killing the enemy, while not destroying buildings, or armaments. The Ezekiel Prophecies talk about God helping the Israelis to defeat, overwhelmingly, their invading enemies, after which they will spend seven years burning their flammable weapons, and armaments (does that sound like Neutron Nuclear warfare,to you? It does to me!).

The other obvious conclusion we can draw from the Middle-East developments is that I was dead wrong in trying to predict that the Blood Moons of recent days would possibly mark the beginning, and end of the conflict (since Middle-East wars have lasted only a matter of days, in the past). I thought the significance of the Blood Moons might be to parenthetically date the Ezekiel prophecied conflict. Well, "Mea culpa" (I'm guilty, in this case), but the Blood Moons do seem to have ushered in the beginning of the conflict, it's just developing more slowly than I expected. I should have realized that predicting the absolute start and finishing dates, (even as speculation) was foolhardy, in the same manner as the Lord's admonishion, in the gospels, and later in Acts 1, that no man would know the, "day, or hour", and later, that we could not even guess the, "times (Biblical terminology for "years"), or the seasons" of His second coming, so it would be foolish to try to predict the date. I am reminded of a time, several years ago, when a rather over-zealous friend was in the habit of telling people that it would all come to pass sometime (I think it was September, something, in 2011, if I remember correctly). I rather angrily admonished him to stop this silly predicting, and I never heard him retract anything after the date came, and went.

Well, I guess I have been unintentionally guilty of the same thing, in predicting that the "Gog/Magog" invasion might coincide with the "Blood Moons" of this year. Since I have also speculated that this invasion might culminate in the Lord's "Rapture" of the world-wide body of Christian Believers (or, His Church), with a seven year respite before Jesus returns to judge the whole world, I guess simple arithmetic would make me guilty of the same dating prediction of our Lord's second coming, which I would never consciously do. So I must apologize to anyone who may have felt that I was trying to put a date on the Lord's return. Perhaps that is why this invasion (if that is truly what is happening) is developing so slowly. God may be giving me time to digest some of my self-made "Humble-Pie", and I ain't much of a cook!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

"If My People..." ..."Then Will I..." "And Heal Their Land."

This chopped-up quote should be recognizable to all Bible believing Christians, who tremble for their country, as I do, not for any threat from external enemies, nor international terrorists, though there are many, but for the evil which we are probably going to bring upon ourselves, beginning in November of next year (and maybe sooner).

I did not have the stomach to watch the Democratic debate, last night. Thank God I was able to go to sleep early, as the early morning coverage of the debate, this morning, showed me that I would most likely not have slept much had I tried to watch last night. The pathetic fools the Democratic party has offered as "Candidates" for president is nauseating to behold, and worse still is the thought that one of them (probably which ever is worst) will most likely win election to the White House. I am on record as expecting a bad Democratic Candidate to win election, not because I am trying to set myself up as some kind of prophet (I have repeatedly denied any effort to promote myself as such), but because the world is quickly moving in the direction of a one-world government, as prophecied in Revelation the 13th chapter, and I don't see how America can retain it's preeminence in the world, and let this happen. Plus, the destruction of our Constitutional form of government, that the Obama Administration has already been able to bring to pass is mind-boggling to reflect upon, and I don't think our nation could allow him to do this, unless God were allowing the greedy, selfish, perverts within the Democratic party to have free reign over our politics, which means it will probably get worse before it gets better, if ever.

The scriptural quote used for the title of this post is from II Chronicles 7:14 (which most Born-again Christians have desperately memorized by now): it says, "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear them from Heaven, and will forgive their sins, and will heal their land." I think this is more apropo today, for America, then ever before, including the great threat to our security after Pearl Harbor. That threat was external, which was less dangerous to our freedoms than the internal threat we now face, from ourselves. The real threat comes first from our economy, which is becoming overwhelmingly Socialistic, as the people have begun to realize that they don't have to work for a living, they just have to elect people who will dip into the national treasury, and give them a living, as a reward for having voted them into office. This is the basis for the Democratic party's Presidential hopes (especially Bernie Sanders), and Hillary has tried to seem more Leftist of late, as well. Rather hypocritically, as her husband went out of his way to promote himself as a "conservative" Democrat before he was elected, after which he revealed his true Liberal, Socialist values.

It is no coincidence that most Born-Again Christians, or "Evangelicals" seem to vote Republican. I'm not suggesting that one must be a Republican to enter Heaven, though it might seem so. But, once you become a Born-Again Christian, you begin to study up on the Bible, recognizing that it is not nearly as contradictory as the Liberals have tried to promote it as such. When you have read the entire Bible, you recognize the foolish principles that you once held to which are non-Biblical, and you realize that you must choose which to believe in. Most recognize that the principles of the Bible are true, and are greatly to be sought after for your personal traits. So, it behooves you to vote as consistently with those values as you can.

Socialism is completely antithetical to Biblical values!!! I know that many Christians in the "United Church of ...Whatever" try endlessly to blend the two concepts, but they generally end up worshiping Karl Marx as their Lord and Savior, rather than Jesus. Sadly, they probably don't even know it! Socialism has been so thoroughly woven into the fabric of everyday life in America today that many simply equate it with what used to be called "the American Way. Giving to the poor, and needy is not a concept that originated with Karl Marx. He just gave us the idea that the government should do our giving for us, out of taxpayers' revenue, so that other people would pay most of my giving, and I wouldn't have to. God's plan is for each of us to give generously, before we pay taxes, and hold the government responsible for any wasteful spending, and promoting perverse institutions, like Abortion, and Homosexual Marriage. Concepts that are clearly non-Biblical can not be supported, in good conscience with one's Christian faith. You Gotta choose!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Satan, The "God" Of Coincidence

Well, he's always wanted to be God, which he is not, but perhaps I'll give him this dubious title, since I don't believe there is such a thing as "coincidence". Or "luck", or "accidents" for that matter. I believe that all things happen for a reason, even if there are times when God is the only One who knows why they happen. I believe He is in control of everything, and Satan is welcome to all the rest. That's about all he can be trusted with, and he knows it, and it's absolutely "killing" him, so he tries to steal what he can't have.

Today's news reports contained stories that the Muslim "Mullahs" in Israel are calling for another series of "Intifada" riots, throughout Israel, in which the "faithful" (including children) are encouraged to stab, and otherwise kill Jews, and if they die in the process, their spilled blood will be considered "pure" by their "God", Allah. Ain't it "coincidental" that this crisis in Israel is coinciding with the Russian move into the Middle-East, which (to me, at least) seems to fit the bill for the Prophecied "Gog/Magog" invasion by Russia that God Prophecied to Ezekiel around 2500 years ago, in Ezekiel 38, & 39. It's almost as if God is allowing the Muslim hatred of the Jews to reach such a climactic point that they will jump at the chance to join in a common anti-Semitic rampage to murder all the Jews in Israel, and claim the land for themselves. But since God promised to give the land to the children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (the Jews) for a "perpetual possession" (and God can not lie), He must intervene for the sake of the Jews, as He promised He would to Ezekiel, even to the tune of 83 1/3rd % destruction of "Gog's" (probably Putin's) invasion force, including his Muslim allies. We'll let them rot in Hell, and I wonder how much pleasure Satan will get out of it all, as he spends eternity roasting in the flames!!!

Friday, October 9, 2015

May God Grant Us All Some Of Dr. Ben Carson's "Stupidity"!!!

This is the most insanely bigoted story I've ever heard reported on the "Leftist" media to date, though I expect it could get even worse, as the Left gets more and more desperate, come election day, in November, of 2016. One can only hope (and pray!) that their desperate campaign of political slander is unsuccessful, but I tremble for the Media gullibility of America's average voter.

Fox News reported this morning that "GQ. Magazine" published an article claiming that Dr. Ben Carson was "stupid"! [UPDATE: 10/10/'15-- This slightly inaccurate report was corrected last night on Bill O'Reilly's show. GQ. Magazine's article apparently did not directly call Dr. Carson stupid, merely implying the same by saying that he was seeking support from the, "stupid vote", obviously implying that all the Evangelical Christians, who might share affinity with Dr. Carson are "stupid", rather than saying that he is himself, except by association. Boy, I feel so much better knowing that Dr. Carson is not slandered, it's just me, and all those who believe in Jesus, like me! We're the true "stupid" idiots, because of our faith, I suppose, which could obviously only be remedied by renouncing our faith in Jesus, and immediately subscribing to GQ. Magazine (don't hold your breath, for either likelihood).]

Yeah, right!!! Johns Hopkins University Medical School really has to defend it's record of hiring "stupid" people to be in charge of it's department of Pediatric Brain Surgery! And not only that, but they must answer for their irresponsibility in allowing him to preside over the operation to separate conjoined twins, joined at the head, which may be the most delicate operation possible. After that, they'll have to explain how a man so "stupid" could actually pull it off successfully! Wow! I must admit, I haven't managed too many of those operations lately; I guess I'm just not quite "stupid" enough for that! Like I said in the title, if it takes that kind of "stupidity" to accomplish what he has accomplished, we could all use a generous supply of that "stupidity"!!! But how does "GQ. Magazine" figure that Carson's level of "stupidity" disqualifies him as a fit Presidential candidate? After all, look at the level of "brilliance" he may well be replacing! I think I'd much rather trust the welfare of my country to the likes of Dr. Ben Carson's "stupidity", than to the "brilliance" of Barak Obama!

Excuse me! To impugne the intelligence of Obama must fall into the category of "racism". After all, his law degree, in "Constitutional Law", from Harvard University should easily certify his intelligence. I wonder if his degree was in learning how to uphold the Constitution, or undermine it??? Anyway, why is it that we must be careful not to seem to say anything durogatory about a Liberal black candidate, but it is apparently "open season" for liberals to make outrageously racist slander against a conservative black candidate? Oh, I get it; the source of his "stupidity" must not be his black skin, but his conservative values, which stem from his Christian faith!!!! But, how does that not qualify as "racism" and anti-christian bigotry, unless those are both totally acceptable values within the Leftist Media today???!!!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

God Is Waking Up The World To Putin's Game

I'm beginning to feel a little safer about being the Internet world's laughing stock, for actually believing that the Ezekiel prophecy was about to be fulfilled, when it had been unfulfilled for some 2500 years. It struck me as pretty arrogant for me to feel that I was the only person I knew of that felt this way. Either God had caused me to draw this conclusion during normal Bible study, in which case He was not only capable, but His character indicated that He would probably cause others to draw the same conclusion as I did, or I was surely the most pathetic fool since "Chicken Little" ran around crying, "The sky is falling, the sky is falling!" Either I am an idiot, or God has revealed this to me for a purpose; and only He knows why.

Today, watching the "700 Club" T.V. show I was pleased to hear Pat Robertson speaking on much of the same points that I have been writing about since January of 2009, concerning what Putin is up to in Syria today, based on the Ezekiel prophecy, in chapters 38, & 39. This was especially gratifying since I was led to find the Lord by praying with Pat, some 37 years ago, and I have the utmost respect for his Biblical understanding, with the exception that I disagree with his "post-millennialist" view concerning the "Rapture", or rather the lack thereof. I sincerely believe in the "Pre-millennialist" view, and I hope I'm right; but either way, the Lord is coming back soon, and I can hardly wait!

Anyway, Pat has become suspicious of Putin's true motives in bringing his armed forces into Syria, in the light of the Ezekiel prophecy, especially with Syria being next door to Israel, and close to the Arab Gulf States' oil fields. Pat went into great lengths to explain how Putin can effect a significant increase in the world-wide price of oil, by simply creating more warfare in the region. The price of oil is crucial to the Russian economy, which has been hit hard by American, and Western European economic sanctions, due to his invasion and annexation of the Ukrainian territory of the Crimea, along with the collapsing price of oil, and Saudi Arabia's refusal to bare the brunt of the price drop, by not pumping oil, until the price "stabilizes" (or, rises dramatically). The area of possible disagreement may be in whether Putin will go all out for a military take-over of Saudi Arabia, and the other Gulf States, or whether he will simply settle for an implied threat to do so. Pat didn't take a position on that issue, while I firmly believe Putin's greedy nature will drive him to commit to total invasion before long. There has to be a reason for an invasion of Israel, probably by their blood-thirsty Muslim neighbors, in order to keep Israel from defending the Saudis, since Obama can not be counted upon. That's when God has promised to take over, and cause the invading armies to turn against each other, destroying up to 83 1/3rd% of their forces, in order to protect His "chosen people", and to reveal himself to them. He has always been protecting them, though admittedly it seemed a bit bleak during the Holocaust of World War II. I suspect He was testing us, the rest of the world; to see if we would come to the aid of the European Jews, which test we failed miserably!

So, it seems that God has indeed caused others to reach roughly the same conclusion as I; that Putin is rushing headlong to bring about God's prophetic revelations proclaimed by the Prophet Ezekiel more than 2500 years ago. It's just that no one but myself wanted to take the position publicly, for fear of looking like an idiot, if it didn't happen soon. Well, it seems that Putin is trying to make me look brilliant, when all I've done is read the Bible, and believe it's true. Putin aught to try that sometime!

I'm not trying to build myself up as some kind of courageous Biblical Scholar. On the contrary, my reputation doesn't matter if I've guessed wrong here, whereas Pat and others may have felt they had much to lose if they guessed wrong. Anyway, it will be gratifying if others "climb on board" in future days, but God deserves all the glory, because He gave the Prophet Ezekiel the vision, or word of prophecy, some 2500 years ago. All we have to do is believe it!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

America Is In Deep Doggie Doo-Doo!!!

Pardon my trite reference to perhaps the most seriously dangerous state of the union in history, including the threats to our security pre-World War II, even on the eve of Pearl Harbor! That threat comes from ourselves, or at least those among us that have the temerity to call themselves "Progressives", and "Liberals", most of whom vote Democratic in each election. The absolutely diabolical thing of it is that they honestly believe that they are doing the right thing in voting for like-minded Democrats for political office. They are nothing different from the "Fabian Socialists" of the 19th century, mostly in England, who were bent on overthrowing the British Empire, not by violent means but by chipping away at it, politically, a little at a time, and by brainwashing their country's children through controlling the curriculum of the public schools, and Academia. They intended to slowly mold the general attitude of the majority of the voting public, until they could be counted upon to vote the way of the "Social Engineers" who desperately wanted to control every aspect of society, especially the wealth of the National Treasury! I am convinced that this is the tool that the Devil will use to bring his Antichrist to power, over his one-world form of government, which appears to be set for a European platform, probably centered somewhere in Switzerland. Those arrogant Bankers seem to feel they know more about running the world then God, Himself, and He is apparently going to give them the opportunity to try and prove it, for about seven years. Then when they have made a thorough mess of it all, Jesus is going to return to set up His Millennial Kingdom, after He disposes of those arrogant "Social Engineers".

These "Fabian Socialists" brought their perverse, and greedy values over to America, mostly after World War II, when it became obvious that the financial power of the world was shifting here form Europe, and they will shift again if our financial world-influence shifts from Wall Street, to somewhere else, like China. They consider themselves above the local laws of whatever country they reside in, and they depend on bribery of local officials to prove their point. But they are absolutely dependent upon the voting power of their brainwashed Democratic party members (as I was myself, until I found Jesus), to place them in positions of authority, from which they intend, eventually, to wrest control of the government from our Constitutional authority, so they can establish their One-World government, which will eventually end up in the control of the Antichrist!!! (As Socialists, they believe that destroying the wealth of the rich will "automatically" create the opportunity for greater wealth for the poor. It will; but it will also create an equal opportunity for their increased poverty, without the relief supplied by the jobs created by the former wealthy, who needed to reinvest their wealth in job-creating activity to maintain, or increase it. They can't create those jobs, because the Socialists have destroyed their wealth, and don't know how to create real jobs, themselves. All they can do is create government jobs for endless bureaucrats to check up on everyone, at our own, taxpayers' expense.)

That is probably why they scream so loudly about gun-control laws, which are unconstitutional on the Federal level, and are not strong enough on the state, and local levels to keep guns out of the hands of those insane idiots who commit mass murder, like this Satanist who killed those nine people at the Community College, in Oregon. (He apparently thought he was doing his boss, Satan, a favor, for which he expected to be given a role as "a god, in Hell". By now, after committing suicide, he has discovered that Satan, "is a liar, and the father of lies", and he will simply be roasting in the flames of Hell, with the rest of the deceived, forever!) The "Progressives" want to overrule the Constitution, so the sane gun-owners will have no-way of rebelling against their eventual attempts to take over the government, some day. And our "beloved" "Fabian-In-Chief", Obama seems to be screaming the loudest, followed by Hillary, John Kerry, and Biden, probably.

The truly sad thing about it all is that they will not only destroy this country's Constitutional form of government, in the process, but they will be setting perhaps millions of Americans up to be condemned to eternity in Hell!!! This One-World government is prophecied (in Revelation 13: 16, &17) to be based on an economic system that requires everyone who buys, or sells, to have an identifying "mark of the beast"( probably a sub-cutaneous microchip injected under the skin, as is done now for the home addresses of pet owners across America, in the neck flesh of their pets) in their right hand, or forehead, which God has declared will automatically condemn them to Hell!

That ain't me talkin', folks! That's God!!! So don't blame that one on me! It's your choice; either take my word for it, or don't and pay the consequences!

Does anyone still want to call these peoples' beliefs to be "Progressive", now??? I don't!!!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Not Ready For Prime Time, "Mea Culpa", Yet...

I'll admit to being a bit worried. The concept of becoming an internet laughingstock certainly does not appeal to me. But things are developing in the Middle-East sufficiently so that I'm not quite ready to call myself the total buffoon that I'm sure many skeptics are quite ready to anoint me.

So far, all you can say for certain about Putin's move into Syria is that he does not intend to do what he said he would. And, that being the case, why would he feel it is necessary to try and mislead Obama about his intentions, unless he is bargaining for crucial time to establish his military presence in the region, sufficiently that it will appear too costly an effort to try and force his withdrawal? And it certainly will not take much to discourage Obama from any form of direct conflict with Russian forces.

Where is the collective courage of the democratic party? People like F.D.R., Truman, and Kennedy had the nerve to stand up to despotic tyrants, like Hitler, Mao, and Khrushchev, and either call their bluffs, or punish them when they weren't bluffing. Putin is probably doing both, right now. He is probably trying to appear so despotic that he'll scare Obama into a paralysis of inactivity, though he is desperate enough to act if Obama stands up to him. No fear of that possibility! Ezekiel 38: 13, makes it clear that the only resistance "Gog" (who is probably Putin) will get, from a country that Biblical scholars have long speculated to be America, will be the "profound" diplomatic outrage of, "Have you come...to take a great spoil?", which sounds like someone of Obama's minuscule courage. He has never found a political, or military crisis that he didn't feel was better served with whimpy diplomacy, and otherwise cowardly inaction, and I see no reason to expect better from him now! (Remember Obama's courageous bluster about a "red line" in Syria??? Followed by his classic inaction when that line was belligerently crossed!)

But I am not ready to say I've misinterpreted the Ezekiel prophecies until we can say for sure that Putin is not going to support some move into both Israel (probably by his Muslim allies, who would just love to set a new holocaust standard for murderous brutality throughout Israel), and probably his own Russian forces into the Arab Gulf States' oil fields. It's too early to say for sure what he is planning to do, except based on prophecy, if I'm reading it all correctly. And remember, I've said all along that God has not given me any special prophetic information about what He intends to do to stop Putin, (assuming he is the one God calls "Gog"). All I'm doing is trying to logically, "read between the (Biblical) lines", and imagine what an ancient Prophet of Ezekiel's day would mean when he describes, in words that people of his day would understand, (probably) visions of modern warfare, that God revealed to him. In order to speculate about what is probably about to happen, I've had to, "stick my neck out" pretty far, as far as geopolitical credibility goes. Only time, and Putin's tyrannical brashness will prove me to be an utter fool, or a genius, with God deserving all the real credit, and glory!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Did Putin Just "Flip Off" Obama???

He may as well have!!! Two days after meeting each other at the United Nations building, in New York City, and assuring President Obama that the Russian buildup of military forces at an air base in northwestern Syria was to keep I.S.I.S., and Al Quaida affiliates in Syria in check, we find that Russia has directly, and intentionally violated those assurances, by sending air strikes, not against I.S.I.S., or Al Quaida forces, but, against the more moderate forces that the U.S., and N.A.T.O. allies have been supporting in their rebellion against the Assad regime in Syria. How much more blatantly can Putin express his utter disdain, not for America's military capacity, but for the spineless Commander-In-Chief who commands them. It's clear that Putin intends to militarily defend the Assad regime to the fullest, which also means that ALL the rebel forces are in peril, immediately. And that Putin is counting heavily on our lily-livered President to be consistent in commanding his military forces to collectively sit on their "arsses", and wait for the diplomats to asses the situation (as Secretary of State, John Kerry so eloquently expressed it: These developments would cause us to have, "...grave concerns". Right, Mr. Secretary!!! The Syrian rebels "graves", and your diplomatic "concerns"!!!

After Putin "thumbs his nose" at Obama, and after Obama responds with an almost certain "do-nothing" response, except for his "absolutely terrifying" expression of diplomatic outrage, we can expect that Obama will seek to get Congress, and our European allies to intensify the financial sanctions against Russia. This will likely have the effect of spurring Putin on to what I believe is his ultimate intention, which is to invade, and hopefully conquer the Arab Gulf States' oil reserves (which just happen to be a mere "stone's throw" south of Syria, and Iraq), so he can counter our sanctions with a world-wide oil embargo that will make 1973 look like "Romper Room", by comparison! Remember, the Russians are great Chess players, and they devise their political, and military strategy accordingly. This, I believe, is how Putin plans to put our sanctions, and those of our allies "in Check" until we remove our sanctions, and acquiesce to any other demands he wishes to place upon us. Meanwhile, Obama will be happily driving around his parking lot in his "energy-efficient" electric car, exulting in his self-delusion that he really put the "fear of God" into Putin and his invasion forces with all of his diplomatic demands, and punitive sanctions. In reality, though, it will be God, Himself, who will deal with Putin, and his forces, when he tries to allow his Muslim allies to massacre all of Israel. I don't know how He's going to do it, but Ezekiel 38, & 39 assures us that He will do it!!! (For more speculation on how it might all come to pass, check the Archive list to the right of this column. I've written extensively about the "Gog/Magog", Russian Middle-East invasion, and I'll not bore any regular readers with any further "ad nauseum" rehash of those posts.)

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Feigned Moral Outrage

Two professional blowhards blasted the airwaves with their hot air today. One was American, and really should know better. The other has spent a lifetime doing nothing else, and has professed so many lies so glibly that he probably believes his own lies, no matter how outrageous they are. The former would be laughably pathetic, if the issue at hand were not so traumatic; the latter is far too dangerous to ignore.

First, we have Planned Parenthood's excuse for a CEO., Cecilia Richards crying foul against the investigative journalists who made the clandestine films showing Planned Parenthood executives discussing the "harvesting" of fetal tissue samples from abortions, in order to sell the samples to stem cell research laboratories, as if the moral outrage should be against the manner in which the evidence was gathered (hello "Miranda Law", which requires a silly Lawyerese recitation, lest all evidence against the accused perpetrator be forcefully disregarded, no matter how pertinent, or how heinous the crime), and not the doctors who are professionally sworn to "do no one any harm". Where is the moral perspective in this? Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that today's Public Relations courses, in agreement with most Law Schools in the land, teach their students that lying, in the face of obvious guilt, no matter how blatant, is an effective way of trying to throw their accusers off balance long enough to minimize the appearance of guilt. I really don't see much hope of it being effective here, as far as eliminating the appearance of guilt. But, as far as stopping the horrible abuse to unborn babies, for which they are absolutely guilty, I'm afraid there are too many dogmatic Feminists in the land, and too many cowardly, and immoral Democratic politicians in Congress who are either afraid, or unwilling to stand up to them, even with a painful government shutdown. We'll have to leave the punishment for this sinful practice up to the Lord, and believe me He will settle accounts in this regard, eventually!

Secondly, we have Russia's President Putin formally getting "permission" to deploy Russian Army troops in Syria, which is supposedly required by Russian Law (as if Putin were not the absolute dictator that we all know he is). Then, he has the gall to demand that American jets (and presumably N.A.T.O. jets) stop flying over Syrian territory, which essentially means "butt out of the war, altogether". If we were to do that, Russia would quickly obliterate both I.S.I.S., and any legitimate Syrian rebels immediately. Since that is out of the question, he is saying we risk an American/Russian conflict which could quickly escalate into a nuclear confrontation. As we all recognize that President Obama has the backbone of a paramecium, when it comes to military confrontation, and Putin knows this, too (and is counting on this, no doubt), I expect that Obama, and his cowardly Democrats in Congress will cave in and back out of any possible Syrian confrontation. He will probably declare victory (which is typical) before he withdraws, with his "tail between his legs". Then, Putin will have free reign to execute his Middle-East invasion, which is his true purpose, without the risk of any American jets around to hinder his plans (which Obama wouldn't have the guts to do, anyway). Thank God that He is not afraid to clean up the mess that Obama has allowed to develop, and He will protect Israel in the process. Then we'll see how fast Putin can "turn tail, and run"!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Nature Abhors A Vacuum; And So Does Putin

I'm so glad that Putin met with Obama yesterday to work out their concerns for any misunderstandings concerning the recent Russian military buildup at a Syrian Air Base, in northwestern Syria. One might easily misinterpret such a buildup (which has been described as the, "largest buildup of Russian military forces, outside of the former U.S.S.R. borders, in Russia's history") for a full-scale Russian invasion of the entire Middle-East! I'm so glad that Mr. Putin set the record straight in that regard. After all, we know that he has such an excellent track record in telling us the truth about his intentions, especially concerning his humanitarian efforts to help the poor, afflicted Ukrainian rebels, who spontaneously rebelled against their former government, totally without any Russian instigation, or any Russian troops disguised as civilian rebel troops, although they all wore the same type of camouflage fatigues, making it appear as though they had been issued from the same army supplies. And isn't it strange that they were all carrying weapons similar to those that would be issued to the most crack Russian Army units, as well as that passenger aircraft that was mistakenly shot down by non-Russian soldiers, firing non-Russian missiles, that had not been given to them by their non-Russian forces, just across their border with non-Russia!

I love it when potential enemies can get together and work out their differences peacefully, even while the rest of the world seems to be going to "Hell-in-a-hand-basket". Thank God for Obama's great Diplomatic wisdom, which has to rank every bit as highly (in my estimation) with the likes of that great "Collaborator", British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain. He, of the great treaty with Adolph Hitler, who proudly proclaimed, "peace in our time", just before Germany invaded Poland at the outset of World War II. Or as Julius Caesar might easily gasp out, if he were alive today, "Et tu, Obama?", as he pulled yet another dagger out of his back.

But, now we know that the sole purpose for the Russian military buildup in Syria is to fill the void left when Obama pulled the American forces out of Iraq, only to create the opportunity for the likes of I.S.I.S. to take over, with disastrous consequences. But, what I don't understand is why Putin continues the buildup way beyond what would be necessary to wipe out the I.S.I.S. rebels. It almost seems like he has an ulterior motive that he is not telling us about. Could it be that he is really intending to invade the entire Middle-East, with the goal of conquering the Gulf-States' oil reserves, while sicking the Israelis' Muslim neighbors on them to keep them from interfering with his plans??? Naw, that couldn't be the devious intentions of a man who is so openly agreeable with our great Diplomat-In-Chief. Why, I can just hear Obama now, asking Putin if he, "has come...to take a great spoil?" (see Ezekiel 38:13, for that one; it's got Obama's fingerprints all over it.)

Oh well...I guess the more things change, the more they stay the same, right Mr. Chamberlain??? Someone please tell Putin to put the vacuum away, when he's done with it. Obama might need it again sometime later.

Monday, September 28, 2015

I Think I Missed The "Blood Moon"

If you missed seeing the final "Blood Moon" of this current Tetrad, because you read my post which said it would be visible on September 28th, then I did not intentionally deceive you. I was simply misinformed, and am still not certain of the truth of the matter. I read that it was due tonight, the 28th., and read nothing about the so-called "Super Moon Eclipse", but heard it reported last night, in time to view it. It wasn't much to the naked eye, as it is difficult for non-astronomers to discern the difference between the Moon's orbiting distances from the earth, varying from 250,000 miles away, to 220,000 miles (which was the distance of the Full Moon last night, hence the exaggerated title of "Super Moon Eclipse", simply because it was when the Moon was at it's closest point to the earth). I saw no "Blood Moon" effect, and did not wait long for it since I believed that wouldn't happen until tonight. I'm still not certain that it won't.

In any case, please remember that I never said that the Ezekiel 38, & 39 prophecy of "Gog's" (or probably Putin's) Russian invasion of the Middle-East would definitely happen between the dates of this year's Jewish celebration of "Yom Kippur" (dusk of Sept. 22, through dusk of Sept. 23), and finish on the date of the "Blood Moon", which I understood to be tonight. I merely stated that I, "wouldn't be surprised if..." it all came to pass between these dates. More than that, I am surprised that nothing has happened, other than Putin's unusually large buildup of military force, especially aircraft, at a Syrian airport in northern Syria. I am certainly guilty of allowing my imagination to exceed my information in presuming that these "Blood Moons" indicated that God's judgment would be completed by this date. But, frankly, I never said definitively that it would. I'm not quite that stupid! I will not place dates on God's prophecies that He hasn't given me. When, and if, He does, I'll let you all know about it. But, don't hold your breath, because that's not the way He tends to operate. He tells us He is going to do something, and then expects us to wait for it to happen, confident that He will do it, even though we don't know when.

I suppose I am guilty of getting caught up in all this "Blood Moon" hype, when I should have simply waited quietly for God to reveal His will, in His good time. If the "Blood Moons", and eclipses were in any way indicative of what He is about to do, we will all understand the perfect logic of His timing of it all (afterwards), even if I have proven to be clueless in this regard. Again, I apologize for any feelings of misleading that my presumptuousness may have caused.