Friday, July 26, 2019

After Mueller's Testimony, It Would Seem Trump Is A Shoo-In, In 2020...

But...,  the level of ignorant gullibility of American Television viewers is mind-boggling!!!

This is both because of the Propaganda campaign of the Mainstream Media, and it feeds the great hope of it's continuance, throughout the  2020 campaign!!!

I was mortified, yesterday, when a typical middle-class friend asked me if I had watched the Mueller testimony before Congress.  When I said that I had, her next comment floored me!!!  She said, "It looks like Trump is going to go to Jail!!!"

To say I was flabbergasted is an understatement!!! 
I had watched the same telecast that she had, though obviously broadcast from a different media source, and she had drawn the 180 degrees opposite conclusion from what was generally conceded as a disaster even by the liberal media outlets!  Without asking her, I  assumed that she had formed her foolish opinion by listening to the endlessly hostile commentaries on the liberal media, as they tried to put an anti-Trump spin on what should have been obvious to the most casual observer, that the President had received an overwhelming boost by the incompetent testimony from the namesake of the Mueller investigation!   If anything, it made impeaching the President even less likely than before, and therefore it should have shown that  prosecuting him after leaving office was ridiculous to consider!!!  It clearly indicated that the whole investigation had been directed by his Leftist-leaning, Clinton-supporting  staff, who were well-known Trump-haters, and Hillary-supporters, as Mueller was obviously not competent to run an investigation.   Rod Rosenstein must have been aware of this, when he appointed him as Special Prosecutor, apparently to serve as a figurehead, and an ineffective supervisor, who delegated all authority to his staff, and would not be able to restrict them in their work!

As all this became painfully obvious to all viewers, it had to have been the comments made by the Trump-hating commentators, who had so effectively spun this debacle as to convince my friend that the complete opposite was true!!!   It leaves me feeling desperately worried for my country, in the 2020 election, to think that a very average citizen can be so thoroughly brainwashed by this disinformation campaign, of the Mainstream Media, as to completely draw a false conclusion of what had been so obviously portrayed before her very eyes!!!  If Heinrich Himmler were alive today, I'm sure he would be proud of the international Mainstream Media (he was the propaganda minister of Nazi Germany!!!) There has to be a strong delusion over the audience that watches their shows!!!  And only Satan has the power to administer such delusion!!!

Fortunately, we as Christians have access to the only power in the universe that is strong enough to break through this, and cause these people to see the truth!!!  If we all pray fervently for God's deliverance of these Satanically-blinded viewers, we can save our country from a monstrous defeat in the 2020 election!  I have already written that this may be the most important election in our history, as the Democrats may be planning to abolish the Constitution, if they win, and try to drive us into the "One-World" Socialist government, that Europe is developing, and which God has prophecied will send all their  participants to Hell!!!  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

A President Can Be Indicted After He Leaves Office...

I've been hearing the Leftist Media, and politicians talking about this for a long time,  now!  I recognized that there intentions were that,  "We'll get him (Trump), after we win in 2020!"  So maybe now they will recognize that Trump might just beat their you-know-what's, in 2020; in both the Congress, and the White House!   But, as they say, "turn-about is fair play!" And, "what's good for the goose (Trump), is good for the gander!"

I think we may need to keep these old adages in mind, when the results of the D.O.J.'s investigation, and Attorney General Barr's investigation, are finished, and made public!  It's beginning to look like my suspicions about previous Presidents may be about to come to light!!!  There just seems to be too much clumsy Deep State chicanery going on, in government circles, lately, for certain Democratic Presidents not to have known about it!   The level of clumsiness is so silly as to suggest that the perpetrators figured they were so above detection, and punishment, that they didn't have to worry much about public revelation.   They seemed to feel that they would win so easily, that anyone who was convicted of criminal activity, would be freed after they took control of the government, and abolished all the laws that they might have broken along the way to gaining power!

The first rude awakening, came in 2016, when Hillary won the popular vote, but forgot to bring the Electoral College along with her!!!   The second rude awakening happened yesterday, when the nation viewed the Mueller testimony before Congress, and instead of the testimony re-igniting the Mueller investigation conclusions into implicating President Trump's complicity in some, "high crimes, and misdemeanors" (which are impeachable offenses), it merely exposed the Democratic control of the investigation, since Mueller proved to be so ignorant about the investigation that bore his name!!! It became embarrassingly clear that Mueller had left the investigation entirely in the hands of his subordinates, which were scandalously known to be corrupt  Democratic sympathizers!!!  Especially, Andrew Weisman, who had a reputation of being perhaps the most corrupt prosecutor in America, having won cases repeatedly, which destroyed corporations, and thousands of jobs with them, and sent their executives to jail, only to have the decisions reversed by unanimous agreement of the Supreme Court Justices, upon appeal!!!  His fingerprints are all over the behavior of the investigation, and people have gone to jail that also may have their sentences reversed upon appeal!!!  He clearly must lose his license to practice law, at least, if not spend years in jail himself !!!

It now seems as if my tendency to panic at the thought of the Democrats being able to win the election, in 2020, was unwarranted, due to my lack of faith that the Lord had it all in control, and all He had to do was expose the truth, so that even the most gullible Democratic voters would understand that the Democrats don't want to gain power, so they can control the county's government!  They want to gain power, so they can abolish the Constitution, and force us to join the European "One-World" Socialist government system.  Therefore they are not afraid of being prosecuted for breaking our laws, in their effort to gain power, because they expect to abolish those laws, as soon as they gain that power!!!

This "Deep State" coup is too big to be the product of one  hostile Democratic administration!  It has to have been planned for decades; and perhaps organized by some Presidential administration, that was heavily influenced by, if not directed by a former Rhodes Scholar, or two, who went to England and studied under the influence of the so-called, "Fabian Socialists", who believe in the slow, incremental takeover,  of socialist control of the government, which lends itself perfectly with the European plan of "One-World" Socialist government!

Gee!  I wonder if there have been any Presidents in recent memory, who fit that description???  And does he have a wife who has been ridiculously careless in protecting government secrets as though she was unconcerned about prosecution for her actions???   And was he followed by another Democratic President who was equally unconcerned about the propriety of has administration's legal behavior, with reference to the harassment of conservative  organizations, while they further established their "Deep State" bureaucracy, in an attempt to extend their control of the government even after they leave office!  I wonder who might be suspected of this kind of political chicanery?!!

The third rude awakening may be just around the corner,  after the 2020 election may well restore President Trump's administration, and the Republican control of the House of Representatives, along with the refreshing defeats of the abominable "squad" that has seemed to take defacto control of that useless part of the Congress!!!

Sunday, July 21, 2019

"Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem,..."

"...They shall prosper that love thee!!!"

The converse is also true!!!  History is replete with instances of God's blessings being poured out upon those who bless Israel, and, conversely, the curses of those who hate Israel being poured out back upon themselves, and even more so!!!

I was reading today, in the book of  Esther, how Haman, the ancient equivalent of the Prime Minister of Persia, in the reign of King Ahasuerus, plotted for the genocidal slaughter of all the Jews in the Persian empire of the day, because one Jew (Mordecai) refused to bow in his presence!!!  At that time, the Persian empire extended from India, to Ethiopia, so essentially, he plotted to have the entire race of Jews wiped off the face of the earth!!!

Sound familiar???  The "Persian Empire" of today, called Iran, hasn't learned much from their own history, for they still vociferously harangue for, "death to Israel,...and death to America" (because we support Israel)!   But God will still turn their hateful cries back on themselves, as He did in the days of Esther, and Mordecai, (as well as in Nazi Germany) when He blessed the Jews by removing the proclamation for their destruction, and turning it into a proclamation for the destruction of all the enemies of the Jews!!!

Today, we face a world where Israel is surrounded by their enemies (especially Iranian forces), who preach the same murderous hatred against them!!!  They have learned nothing from their own history!   They presume that because God punished Israel for their disobedience, by allowing Persia to conquer them, that means that their land belongs permanently to them!  They ignore the doctrine  of Cyrus, the Persian King who decreed that Israel should be allowed to return, and rebuild their nation, and they continue to threaten Israel (and us), at their own peril!!!  Ezekiel: 38, and 39 explains what will befall them, for their evil intentions, when He has finally decided He has had enough of their belligerence toward Israel!  He will allow them, and those who help them, to destroy their own invasion force, to the tune of 83 and 1/3rd %, by turning their own weapons against each other!!!

Yet, we have the like in our Congress, today, with Rep. Omar frequently blasting Israel, and calling for America to boycott Israel, which we (thankfully) will never do!  She does so (also) at her own peril, and those of her "squad", as well!  President Trump has denounced her crying, as the insipid haranguing that it is, and I wonder whether God will wait for the 2020 election for His judgment to be brought down on these Congressional  enemies of Israel, or whether He has something in store for them before that!!!  Remember the quote that I  wrote about recently, that their, "arms are too short to box with God!!!"  But, there seems to be an almost endless supply of idiots who think that they can do just that!!!  God patiently gives them time to realize their error, and repent,  but at some point He must judge their foolishness, and He will!!!

Friday, July 19, 2019

When Faith And Intellect Deviate From Each Other

I admit to being somewhat mystified by recent developments between Iranian and American military actions in the Persian Gulf region.

Probably my #1 position for basing this blog's existence has been that current events in the region have caused me to believe that the Middle-East invasion, prophecied over 2500 years ago, to the prophet Ezekiel, in chapters 38, and 39 of his book of the Bible, seem to indicate that God is about to fulfill this prophecy, sometime soon!   I certainly can't determine when that will happen, but the indicators are very real!!!

Yet, I must admit the most recent developments would tend to refute my logic.  The prophecy has bewildered me for some time, concerning the silence of any possible reference to America, even loosely described in a way that would not confuse the generation that received the Ezekiel prophecy, but would be recognizable to us, today!  It seems so illogical that an invasion, beginning with an all-out attack on Israel, our best ally in the region, would not stimulate an order for our military forces in the region to immediately go to Israel's aid!!!  Yet, the prophecy is silent about anything that can be remotely construed to be America, which certainly did not exist as a country, 2500 years ago (but the God of the universe, who knows all things, would certainly have found some way to indicate our aid, if it were to be forthcoming)!!!  Or, if not, we should expect some clear explanation as to why not!!!

The only reference to anyone even remotely appearing to be America might be a rather limp-wristed diplomatic response from, "the young lions of Tarshish (Britain, and her present and former colonies)",  which say, "Have you come to take a great spoil?"!!!  The appropriate answer to that question must be, "DUH!!!!!!!!!"  The fact that "spoil" rhymes with "oil", in English, the language spoken by these "young lions", I don't think is coincidence at all!!!  I believe the Middle-East invasion will start with Israel, simply because they are the only country in the area that can cause any significant resistance to an invasion!  But, I believe the real goal is not Israel, but the Arab Gulf States oil reserves, so that the invaders can embargo the western nations that have placed such painful tariffs upon them!

America has several thousand troops in the region, with ships and aircraft armed with missiles that could do extensive damage to an invasion force!  Granted, Israel does also, but God seems to be preparing some natural development (an earthquake???) to destroy many of the invading troops, causing them to panic, and retreat!!!  That being the case, I can see why God would not want to share His glory with some other country, for helping Israel to overcome what would seem to be an overwhelming invasion force!!!  But, why would America not, at least, try to come to Israel's aid???

But, the immediate "current events" seem to suggest that America may soon be in an all-out war with Iran, ourselves!!!   With Iran's belligerence in threatening to, in essence, shut down the Saudi Arabian shipping of it's oil sales through the Strait of Hormuz, which handles roughly 20% of the international oil trade, and the shooting down of drones from both America, and now Iran, it seems as though war is both imminent, and inevitable!  But if this were to be a prelude to the Iranian invasion of Israel, I am sure that God would have found some way to describe it so that today's readers would have recognized it!!!

All I can say is, "I don't get it!!!"  But, it seems as though something is about to happen that will make it clearly understood, shortly!!!  So, keep looking up, "... for your redemption draweth nigh"!!!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Fight To Defend The Constitution, Or Promote International Socialism!!!

These two concepts are mutually exclusive of each other!!!  The International Socialists, or "Globalists" are the main motivators of the move toward "Open Borders", internationally!  This concept, I believe,  is intended to bankrupt the western economies, including America's, because the European "Globalists" (or "One-Worlders", as I call them) believe that if they all become bankrupt,  especially the American dollar (which is still the accepted international currency of exchange, for all trade deals)  they will be forced to accept their newly created computer-based currency (like the "Bitcoin") which the Bible warns all believers not to accept, on pain of eternal damnation!!!  So, as long as the American people are loyal to their Constitutional government ( which we refer to as "Patriotism") we will be in direct conflict with those who wish to abolish our Constitution, and similar documents of every other nation, and join in with the "Globalists" who wish to enforce only the laws of this future "One-World" government!  You can bet that their laws will NOT enforce any trade tariffs America has placed upon other countries, all of whom will desperately welcome the chance to join their system!!!

I suspect that the illegal immigration campaigns that have so severely burdened the Western economies, and threaten to overwhelm our own, is an attempt to bankrupt our economies, with welfare for all immigrants, so we will all be forced to join their system, and their government!!!  So, all those who support the "Open Borders" movement, (in our country they  are called the "Democrats") are setting us up for this transfer of our economic freedom, for the enslavement of  the "One -World" Socialist system!!!   The Devil's Antichrist is prophecied to rise to absolute power over this system, for seven years, before Jesus returns to set up His Kingdom of Heaven on Earth!  During the Antichrist's reign, he will terrorize those who refuse to join his system,  and will kill many Christians, because they will not join!!!  When Jesus returns, He will send the Antichrist to Hell, along with all those who participated in his system!  

So, in America, the Democrats in Congress, are blatantly violating their oath of office  ( to "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States") and are therefore not fit to retain their seats in Congress!!!  But, the Democrats obviously believe that the American people are so ignorant of Constitutional law that they will re-elect them to office, along with others of like-mindedness,  and that's how they intend to regain control of all our government, so they can destroy it from within, abolish our Constitution, and force us to join their "One-World" Socialist system!!!

Only God can deliver us from this tyrannical coup of our freedom, and He will not, unless enough of us earnestly pray for Him to do so!!!

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Is God Allowing The Democrats To Expose Their True "Values"???

All this silly bantering between the ultra-Left Democrats, and the further Left Democrats (further "Left" than even the term of Socialist can contain), serves one perverse purpose, and I wonder if God is intentionally allowing this to happen!   Perhaps this is His way of making the perverseness of the Democrats "stink" so badly, that even the most confirmed Socialists will be offended!

 Socialists have been tolerant of Bernie Sanders for decades, but perhaps they will finally be offended by the lunacy that is being vocalized, daily, in the House of Representatives!  The most offensive speaker is the defacto "speaker of the House",  A.O.C',. who was brought to power while serving on Sander's staff.  Her vocal battling with the real speaker, Nancy Pelosi, would seem to be a battle for control of the House.  But, since she turns 30 next year, which makes her eligible to run for the Presidency, if she turns in time for the elections, I wonder if her ambitions will lead her to consider that option???   Can you imagine someone with so little understanding of reality being in control of the Executive Branch of our government???  She would force her "Green New Deal" down our throats, literally, by banning cows, who pass flatulence, so all the beefeaters of the country would have to become vegans, or develop cows that can live with corks up their wazoos!!!

Next she would ban the combustion engine, including jet engines, and train engines, not to mention automobiles, so we would be forced back into the 19th century, "horse and buggy" days!   But wait, horses have been known to pass gas, as well, so I guess we would have to walk where ever we go!  But wait, again, we would all have to live with corks up the wazoo, as well, or she might just ban all human existence in America!!!  I guess this is what the Socialists consider to be "serving the people"( perhaps "on a silver platter"???)  How would Congress distribute revenue, if there were no people around to tax, in the first place???  She would have to commit suicide, unless she can live all corked-up!  Maybe she already is, which may be the reason for all the hot air exploding out of her mouth!!!

At some point even the most rabid Socialist must realize that their crazy values will destroy themselves, along with the rest of us!!!  I wonder if God is allowing the dialogue to become so absurd, so that even they will become offended at the garbage they are so blatantly professing!!!

Sunday, July 14, 2019

I Grieve For My Country!!!!!!!!!!!!!

America is no longer, "the land of the free, and the home of the brave"!!!

We have degenerated into the land of the oppressed patriots, and the home of the lunatics "who are trying to run the show"!!!

There is more than an anti-American hatred that is corrupting our government!  It is bound up in an international lunacy that could not have been given credibility without supernatural power behind it, and I don't mean God!  At least, not directly!  God is responsible only for giving Satan his power to try and corrupt as many people as he can, in the little time he has remaining, before he is sent to Hell, along with those who do not repent of his evil ways!!!  God will always provide a way of escape for those  who recognize their error, and decide to repent and turn to His righteousness, but He will never force them to choose it;  they must decide on their own!  I just hope there are enough people in America who have the courage of conviction to resist Satan's evil meddling in our politics, which is lightyears more dangerous than anything that Russia may have tried to do in 2016!!!

We don't have time to wait for the brainwashed public school kids to wake up to the foolishness of Socialism, when they get out into the workforce, and learn what really works, and what doesn't!!!   And this battle over including nationality questions on the upcoming census, is obviously Trump's effort to provide a way of determining the legality of the illegal immigrants that the Democrats are probably planning to bribe to vote for their candidates!!!  (Some states  are already trying to get illegal immigrants to receive driver's licenses, which they can use to "prove" the "legality" of their voting rights!)  If we have to suffer through another Democratic presidency, that was bought and paid for by the Democrats' cheating ways, I'm not sure this country can survive that!!!  (President A.O.C.???   EEEYUCKK!!!!!!!!)

I am convinced that the "One -World" Socialist government that the European Commonwealth is trying to develop is the main culprit behind the upside-down immigration movements, mostly in Europe and America, today!  They are playing on the naïve faith in Socialism that many young people are subtly indoctrinated in, while growing up in public schools in western countries, and it is not tempered by the prophetic warnings of the Bible, which they are not so subtly propagandized into believing are irrelevant, at best, and even evil, beyond that!   The Bible even talks about those who live in a country where it's people, "call evil good, and good evil!"  I have written before that I believe the Bible warns Christians that participating in the "One-World" Socialist government will bring an automatic ticket to Hell, for an eternity!!!  So, guess what that means for non-Christians, who join it???

Today, we have news reports of an immigration holding center in Aurora, Colorado, just outside of Denver,  where protesters took down the American flag, replaced it with the Mexican flag, spray painted "I.C.E." on the American flag, and re-raised it under the Mexican flag, upside down (the sign of "surrender)!!!

May God help this nation, and He is the only one who can!!! If enough of us pray fervently for His deliverance from these lunatic Socialists trying to ruin our Constitutional government, we can still keep it!!!  IF NOT, THEN NOT!!!

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

The "Deep State" Stall Continues...


I don't expect the D.O.J. Investigator General's report on the F.I.S.A. dossier to be released before the 2020 election results are in, if then!!!   Remember, who appointed the I.G. to investigate the F.I.S.A. report, and into who created the dossier???    Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions appointed him, after turning every other bit of his authority over to his corrupt assistant, whom he had previously appointed, Rod Rosenstein!!!   Rosenstein promptly appointed Robert Mueller to be the Special investigator, who in turn appointed every thoroughly corrupt Democratic strategist to help him investigate Trump for Russian collusion!!!  (Not to investigate ALL collusion, just Trump's!!!  Hillary's was apparently not to be investigated!)  This makes a complete triumvirate of Republican appointees (Sessions,  Rosenstein, and Mueller)  to oversee the one-sided investigation to accuse Trump, falsely, and throw off the attention from the real guilty party, Hillary Clinton!!!

The Mueller investigation was apparently meant to stall the D.O.J. from completing any substantive investigation into the real collusion attempt, by Hillary, which would surely shed light on her very illegal efforts to cover up the illegality, by destroying evidence along the way!   Now, we have Session's appointee, Horowitz ( the I.G.), finding an excuse to stall the release of his report, which was supposed to be released in June (let me think, if I remember correctly, July follows June, which means the I.G. report should have already been released!  So, where is it???).  Horowitz's excuse  is that some "reluctant witnesses" are apparently now willing to testify!  As if he didn't expect that some very complicit witnesses would hold out to be granted immunity from prosecution, which could have been granted months ago!!!

Something tells me this report, which should merely confirm what we already know (that Hillary blatantly broke the law), will not be released until after the election!!!   The Democrats are trying desperately to guarantee that they win the Presidency, which will effectively kill any trial resulting from the release of the report!  (This is why so many Democratic-controlled states are rushing to make "legal" the voting rights of today's illegal immigrants!  They obviously feel this is the only way to beat Trump's re-election!)

And, if they lose, the Clintons will conveniently move to some country that does not have an extradition treaty with  the U.S., like probably Barak Obama's vacation estate, in Tehran!!!  So. this whole "investigation farce" is just a stall tactic to throw off legal demands to prosecute for blatant "Deep State" illegal activity!!!

It's bad enough to watch the Democrats scramble to protect their "Deep State" lackeys, but to watch the Republican appointees do the same, makes us realize just how thoroughly corrupt our government has become, and how many within it want to abandon our Constitutional government, and join the European "One-World" Socialist movement!!!  I suspect whomever is calling the shots, in Europe, has promised a big bribery payout to all those in our government who assist in their efforts to overthrow it, and abolish our Constitution (since our strong economy threatens their efforts to draw other countries into their system)!!!

It all just makes me want to throw up!!!

Saturday, July 6, 2019

I May Have The Answer To My Question For The Ezekiel Prophecy!!!

I have written before that I have one very serious question that I can't answer on my own, concerning the Ezekiel: 38, and 39 prophecy, about the coming Russian, and Muslim nations' invasion of Israel, and other Middle-Eastern countries!  That is, "why is the prophecy silent about anything remotely indicative of American forces coming to the aid of Israel, in this invasion?"

Since we already have thousands of troops in the Middle-East region, and Israel is our best ally there, it makes sense that an invasion that was so obviously intended to obliterate every man, woman, and child in Israel would create the situation where our troops would be ordered to go to Israel's aid!!!  Recently I speculated that perhaps an E.M.I. burst of a nuclear missile somewhere in the atmosphere, over middle America, could fry our "Electronic Grid", which might shut off international communications, temporarily, just long enough for these invaders to perform their invasion, without having to worry about our forces, which could not communicate with the defense department, to receive such orders!!!

Recently, a report on FOX NEWS about a Russian Submarine that had an emergency fire  situation, suggested that they may have been seeking to cut the underwater cables that carry internet communications from the U.S., to European, and Asian nations!!!  It struck me that perhaps their mission was an effort to shut down our military communications, rather than the international banking, and business communications the report suggested!!!  This would align itself perfectly with my speculation that this prophecy was soon to be fulfilled after some 2500 years in waiting!!!   The report mentioned that Russia has been converting older class Submarines to carry out such procedures, and that suggests they consider it a fairly high priority!!!  Like perhaps they want to be able to invade the Middle-East with impunity, without having to worry about anyone coming to Israel's aid!!!

So, perhaps this is how Iran, and Russia, plan to invade Israel!   So, they may have figured out how to keep American forces from aiding Israel!   But, how do they plan to keep God from aiding Israel, as He has clearly prophecied that He will do, even giving Israel an overwhelming victory over the invaders!!!

Several years ago, there was a play, on Broadway, or somewhere, called, "Your Arms Too Short To Box With God!"   Perhaps these would-be invaders should consider that perspective, before they act!!!

Friday, July 5, 2019

Am I The Only Pundit Who Says The Democrats Want To Destroy America???

Democrats criticize American patriotism because they fear any form of "Nationalism", because it is antithetic to "Globalism"!!!  American patriotism is not in any way similar to World War II,  Nazi nationalism, which the critics are trying to imply!  Actually, the "Globalists" are much closer to the Nazi form of oppression, just as the Antifa protestors are much closer to the Fascism that they claim to resist!!!   Disapproval is not enough for them, nor is public condemnation.  When mega-corporations censor the dialogue, on their platforms, simply because it is opposing to their own preferences, they are acting upon the same form of  Fascist oppression as the Antifa mini-terrorists!!!  Just without the violence,... at least so far!   Perhaps it may develop into that, in time!

For decades, Democrats have used their form of shorthand to try to influence public opinion!  If they felt that their followers were so unsophisticated that they would not understand why they opposed something, they would simply try to connect it with something else that they know is nearly universal in a negative connotation!   That's why President Trump is called a "racist", without any factual basis for such a charge.  If they can associate Trump with something they know most people hate, they hope the hatred will transfer to Trump, by association, or by some form of political osmosis!!!  This effort shows an overwhelming distrust of their constituents' ability to think rationally, and make appropriate decisions for themselves!!!  Why Democratic voters are not offended by this patronizing view, is beyond me!   Conversely,  Antifa's mini-terrorists want to connect their Fascist behavior with something that will be approved by most people!  But, their Fascist behavior is only different from Nazi Fascism, by degrees, which can be, and probably will be, intensified, in time!!!

But, it's beginning to irritate me that I seem to be the only one I know of, that draws the connection between Leftist efforts to censor, or even violent protests (like Antifa, and student protests of Conservative speakers on their campuses), and the desperate attempt to Socialize democratic governments, coincidentally at the same time as Europe is trying to develop their "One-World" Socialist government system!   It seems that Leftists, world wide, are trying to desensitize the world  to Socialism, in general, so it may be easier to get them to join their "Globalist", or "One-World" system!!!  I guess Socialist governments like Cuba, and Venezuela, are to be ignored, when discussing the benefits of Socialism!  It seems to me that one should merely multiply the backwardness of failed Socialist countries, times the population of the world, to estimate the potential "success" of a "One-World" Socialist government!!!

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Let's Get One Thing Straight...

...The Democrats do not "hate Donald Trump" as much as they hate what he is doing, and what he further wants to do!!!  Donald Trump's "great Sin" in their eyes is that he wants to "Make America Great Again"!!!  And he wants to keep America great!!!

The bottom line is they love their "utopian view" of Socialism, and their "One-World" Socialist government system, which the European Common Market is trying desperately to develop, more than the rest of us love our Constitution!!!  The very reason they "hate Trump" is because he is trying to legally use his Constitutional authority to strengthen the very aspects of our society that the Democrats hate!  The stronger America becomes, the less likely their Socialist "utopia" will be accepted by all other countries!!!  Why should they vote to join the second best system in the World???  They could, alternatively, copy what America is doing, and prosper themselves, rather than trusting in Socialism, which has failed miserably, and is continuing to fail around the world, today!!!

As long as America stands as a better example of government, than their Socialist "utopia", they can never convince the rest of the world to join them!!!  Especially because America is based upon freedom, within the legal constraints of the law, whereas Socialism is based upon "the government controls everything", and gives the people "a little tip" to exist with!  I suspect that the possibility of Socialist bureaucrats being able to "enrich themselves by skimming off the top" of every government contract is the main reason for the absolute obsession of the Democrats, who probably envision themselves as becoming those very bureaucrats!!!   The whole thing can probably be explained by basic greedy lust, not so much for power, but for the wealth of the taxpayers!!!

The obsession of the Democrats can best be understood by the ridiculous promises of virtually all of their candidates for president, in the upcoming election!  They are so determined to win the election that they are promising virtually everything for free, and I suspect that all they intend to give us, if elected, is an abolishing of the Constitution, as a tired old obsolete document, and the joining of the European Socialist system.   They are literally promising everything, just to regain power, and then they plan to take it all away from us, and steal it for themselves, basically!

Only the power of  God can keep our nation from falling for this Satanic deception, and not let the Democrats steal the election, next year!  If we earnestly pray for God to open the eyes of the voters who would normally vote for the Democrats, and let them see what the Democrats actually are trying to do, then we can save our country from those who wish to destroy it !!!  Otherwise we will lose our government, and the freedoms it guarantees !!!

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Gingrich: Iran Is Close To Breaking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't doubt this is true!  But, I don't accept the conclusion Newt apparently draws from this reality!  He apparently is trying to point to the effectiveness of President Trump's "tariffs-for-bad-behavior" diplomacy plan.  I agree that this is the driving force for bringing Iran to this point, and if there was no alternative, I expect Iran would be negotiating a peace treaty by now!  But, I also believe that Iran perceives another alternative, that will allow them to "save face", and believe they can overcome the painful economic forces that Trump's tariffs have forced upon them.

No one who has read very many of my posts will be surprised when I typically view anything about Iran through the eyes of the Ezekiel prophecy, in chapters 38, and 39, of the Bible!!!  Since Iran seems to be the major military force of the prophecied invasion of Israel, even if Russia is the original instigator, it seems obvious to me that they would prefer to invade our best ally in the Middle-East (which they hate with a passion) so that Russia could later invade Saudi Arabia, splitting the imagined oil sales booty with Iran, for setting them up to conquer the Arab oil countries, by invading, and "destroying" Israel!   From their perspective, this is a way of overcoming the painful effects of American tariffs, by conquering the oil reserves of Iran's hated enemies, and "sticking it" to those countries that cooperated with our tariffs.  Conquering Israel would be seen as a necessary step in the Arabian oil fields conquest.

Only problem is, God has prophecied that He will protect Israel, and even give Israel a major victory over the armies that try to conquer them!!!  This victory will be so overwhelming, that it will cause a running panic, with the Iranian soldiers apparently fighting with those who try to resist their panicked flight, as the prophecy says, "every man's sword (or modern weapon), will be against his brother (or, comrade in arms)"!

In a peace-loving world, Trump's tariffs would have the desired effect, drawing Iran to the negotiating table.  But, there is nothing peace-loving about the Mullahs that control Iran, and they believe their own false prophecies, from the Koran, which tell them that they will conquer the world, with Israel being one of the first steps!!!  I have been pretty explicit in declaring which prophecies I believe in, and I believe we will all see very soon which ones are true, and which ones are false!!!

The only issue I admittedly still do not understand, assuming I am correct about the above interpretation, is where is America in this war???  The Bible is strangely silent about us, even considering that America did not exist when the prophecy was given, other than to say that the merchants of Tarshish (which could be us), make a rather limp-wristed complaint to the invaders, saying," (have) you come to take... a great spoil", in Ezekiel: 38, 13 ???  Do we still have a way of communicating with our armed forces, then, or has an "E.M.I. Microburst" temporarily shut down our military communications network, worldwide???  Perhaps Junior officers are protesting, while they wait impatiently for orders to go to the aid of Israel???  Other than that, I can't understand why America is not described in some fashion, as going to the aid of our best ally in the Middle-East!!!  I recognize that God will receive all the glory for helping Israel, but why are we not mentioned, as coming to Israel's aid???  Do we still exist as a nation, when that invasion begins??????????????????????????