Monday, April 30, 2018

Is It Really About Diplomacy, And Painful Sanctions, Or Are We Being "Gamed"???

Somehow, I just can't quite believe that North Korea's Kim Jung Un has had a total change of heart, and now wants to be a good guy, and get along with everyone, while he denuclearizes his nation.  Have the sanctions we have placed upon his country really forced this total reversal of his hegemonistic belligerence?  Or, are we being "gamed", into believing he is sincere, when he really wants to stall us with some endless negotiations, which will take our eyes off of the Middle-East, long enough for Russia, and their Muslim allies to move into the area, and make a solid foothold before anyone awakens to what their real intentions are?

Thank God for President Trump, and thank God that Mike Pompeo has been (finally) confirmed as Secretary of State, before the negotiations begin in earnest.  Trump is a serious negotiator, thankfully not a diplomat, or "smarmy" politician (Obama!), who will sell out his country for an appearance of negotiated settlement, without any real substance to it, just so they can receive electoral "brownie points" (Democrats!), at the expense of international safety.  Mike Pompeo is a brilliant security analyst, who can be expected to see through any "gamesmanship" antics that we can reasonably expect from the likes of North  Korean negotiations, and his recent tenure as director of the C.I.A. has surely informed him of the real status of North Korea's Nuclear development program, so they won't be able to  get away with any denial of true conditions.  

I admit to a rather myopic view of international relations, now days.   Since I have gone on record as believing that the 2500-year-old prophecy of the "Gog/Magog" invasion of the Middle-East, and Israel, in particular, is rapidly unfolding before our eyes, I tend to view every new development in terms of it's potential effect upon  this scenario.  It is undeniable that Russia has tremendous influence upon North Korea, perhaps even more than that of China, and I have written that I wouldn't be surprised to find that Russian pressure has brought North Korea to the negotiating table, and if I am correct, one can bet there is no sincerity to negotiate truthfully, but it is merely a ploy to distract America, to keep us from coming to Israel's aid.  Fortunately, God is even more able to help Israel than America's military could ever be, and He will turn the invasion into a panicked retreat, that will lead to a battle between those who retreat, and those who try to stop it, leading to the decimation of 83 and 1/3rd% of their invasion force.   I suspect that any denuclearization that North Korea agrees to will be backed up by Russian promises to supply them with Russian missiles, once they have taken over the entire Middle-East, and placed the western nations under an excruciating oil embargo that will keep us from trying to stop any Russian mischief.  There is only one problem with their plans.  They have to win the war against Israel first, and God's prophecy makes it clear that that will not happen!!!

After the "Gog/Magog" war, God prophecies that He, "will send fire (Nuclear?) upon "Magog" (presumed to be Russia), and upon a nation described in terms that many scholars believe to be America.  Russia will defend itself by going under ground (probably in their subway systems) for a thousand years ( perhaps they have developed the means to feed and protect large segments of their population, under ground), until the "Nuclear Half-Life" expires.

America's defense will be much better if, as I believe, their is ample Biblical evidence to expect the "Rapture" of the Lord to occur before any missile blasts descend upon us!  I have heard many preachers are expecting the greatest revival in history to begin at any time, which would coincide with my reading of scriptures perfectly!  Historically, every major revival since the sixteenth century has been followed by the most gut-wrenching wars of our nation, and this would certainly be the "grand-daddy" of them all!!!

"Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus!!!"

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Trump Teaches Syria A Lesson!!!... Or Does He?

Did Trump really bloody Syria's nose, with the attack on Syria's "Research Center", where we know they were producing their chemical weapons?  Perhaps in a symbolic way, but apparently Israel had already bombed the site previously, so that all we appear to have accomplished is to demonstrate our capacity to destroy future chemical weapons plants, if we can locate them.  Syria has probably established other manufacturing facilities, and for that matter, Russia surely has more than enough stockpiled for the "Gog/Magog" invasion, so nothing really has changed, here.

I think Trump was glad to be able to seem tough on Syria, without collaterally damaging either civilian residential areas, or killing any "innocent" Russian, or Iranian troops, which could draw us into a bigger conflict.  President Trump has already expressed his intent to withdraw American forces from Syria, and Iraq soon, which I have previously stated that Putin may have tied to his ability to restrain the belligerence of North Korea's Kim Jung Un, for Trump's promise to do so.   I doubt that Trump would like to deal with more of Kim's threats, or worry about a nuclear attack from North Korea either.

So, perhaps Trump will play this up big as if Syria has been taught a tough lesson, even if they only lost a few empty buildings.  Syria will show how much they learned when Israel is attacked, probably sooner, rather than later!

No matter...  Syria, Russia, Iran, and perhaps Turkey will all be taught a final lesson, by Israel, real soon!!!  When God allows Israel to drive back the "Gog/Magog" invasion force (which appears as though it will be begun with a large scale Poison Gas attack on Israel) they will see that God's people can overcome even such a diabolical attack, and still emerge victorious, with God's protection!!!  His warnings, in a 2500 year-old prophecy to the prophet Ezekiel, have given Israel plenty of time to prepare, including the distribution of gas masks to the public, for just such an emergency.

I guess when 83 and 1/3rd% of the invasion force is destroyed they will finally get the message!!!

Monday, April 9, 2018

Don't Build A Wall North Of Mexico, Untill You Build One East Of California, First!!!

A wall between States is primarily a defensive measure designed to protect the people from an invasion from the others.  I only somewhat facetiously suggested that Americans might someday call for another incursion into Mexico, to arrest, or kill the drug lords who are making billions by selling drugs to our irresponsible children, some of which are so strong as to constitute poison, sending the users into drug-induced coma, after the first dose.  These same criminals who are importing these drugs into our country, are correspondingly exporting our children to be sold as sex slaves, around the world.  The American people will tolerate this only for so long!  I am amazed that we have tolerated it to this point!

But, another evil exists to the west of this problem, and it is probably best referred to as the People's Republic Of California!!!  Their invasion is far more insidious than mere military; they pervert the innocence of our childrens' minds, primarily through Hollywood propaganda.  This problem should be dealt with first, as it is of far more diabolical influence!  We may have to arrest Hollywood, itself, and deport it back to Siberia, were it belongs.  Or, perhaps a few well-place Nuclear bombs, along the San Andreas Fault might help the predicted sliding of the "Left Coast" into the Pacific Ocean.   If they floated as far as Hawaii, I think they would share ideological values with that other lunatic society.  Are the people out west drinking the water from the Pacific?  There has to be some regional excuse for their collective lunacy!  Oregon, and Washington State, suffer from the same delusional malady.  I guess they become irradiated by the western sunshine, because they sure have seemed to lose all touch with reality!

I strongly suspect that a lot of the drug cartel's billions ends up in the pockets of the local politicians, in order to buy their feigned moral outrage, which is no more believable than anything else that comes out of Hollywood.  In turn, the movie stars' pretense of liberal worship, while more skillfully expressed, is much more nauseating to behold, and really should be rated "PG", at least!!!

So, this all leaves me to conclude that the world would be a much better place without California, and I wish somebody would do something about that real soon!!!  Perhaps Jesus will; (is that part of the plan, when we are encouraged to, "look up, for your redemption draweth nigh!"???) 

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Mexico: Land Of The "Bandito" Warlords...

One might legitimately argue that the Mexican government does not control Mexico.  The local drug Czars seem to control most of what goes on down there. The government either turns a blind eye to the exported drug shipments over our southern border, or perhaps is bribed to do so.  It's obvious that they could stop it, or significantly slow it, if they really wanted to.  And. the citizens (certainly not all, but a large percentage of them) cooperate with the drug lords, as if they were the legal authorities in the land.  It's a simple matter that the people are among the world's poorest, at least many of them, and the drug lords have the money available to spread around, thus buying the people's loyalty.  This is classic "Warlord Power Grab" systematic behavior.  And there is a precedent, in their so-called "Civil War".

In the early twentieth century, their traditional wealthy landowners supported a dictator-led government, that routinely oppressed the poor.  Their "Civil War" was led by two prominent leaders, who were little more than "Bandito Warlords"; Poncho Villa, in the North, and Emiliano Zapata, in the South.  They resembled the drug lords of today, except that they rose because of the oppression of the people, while today's drug lords rose because of their own greedy values.

Poncho Villa was very successful in battling the government forces, until about 1915, when two major defeats caused him to enter the United States, and attack and "conquer" a small border village, until he was driven south, again, by General John Pershing, who later commanded the American army in World War I.  I wonder if Poncho Villa planned to make that his refuge from the government's army, until Pershing drove him out?  There seems to have been a Mexican tradition of trying to use American soil as a refuge from their legal problems, just as American Criminals have frequently tried to escape American Justice, by fleeing to Mexico.

So, it only seems natural that today's drug lords should take advantage of our weak laws, that preserve the porous nature of our border, to distribute their evil wares in America, and import our children back to Mexico, as sex slaves, presumably to be shipped all over the world.   At some point, this egregious import/export transaction has to become so noxious to the American public, that they will demand an expedition (with, or without Mexico's permission) to hunt down and arrest, or kill these drug lords. to put an end to their practices, or at least put an end to their comparative safety south of our border.

And if Mexico's government officials seem outraged at our effort to stop this trafficking, you can bet it will have nothing to do with their concern for national sovereignty, but merely a threat to their arranged bribes from the drug lords.  Just like I suspect that all this "moral outrage" of the left's politicians, especially the mayor of Oakland. California, and "governor Moonbeam", Jerry Brown. in Sacramento (as Sean Hannity calls him), is probably financed by drug lords' bribes, also.  The so-called "Sanctuary City, or State" movement probably has less to do with compassion for the poor immigrants, and more to do with illegal bribery of these leftist politicians!!!  I am making no charges, certainly, but there has to be a reason why these self-serving politicians are more concerned for the welfare of these poor immigrants, than they are for the safety of their constituents, who voted them into office.

How long will America listen to the lying chants of "compassion" that are probably bought, and paid for by the sleazy drug lords, and sex traffickers of Mexico???

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Newt Gingrich: "We're In A Cultural Civil War"...

Gingrich feels the ideological split between Republicans and Democrats is so vast that it may be irreparable.  If that's so, it's because we no longer have a "loyal opposition" party in the Democrats, who lost the election in 2016. 

My position, which I have written about before, may seem a little extreme to those who are not familiar with End Times Prophecy, or who are merely not convinced that we are in the beginning of that prophetic period.  The whole purpose of this blog is awaken the seemingly "comatose" Christians who prefer to believe that all they need to do is their daily Bible study, and prayer, and Church attendance, and everything will continue as it has.  The concept of End Times prophecies is somewhat confusing, so they may prefer to assume it relates to a time hundreds of years in the future.  The thought that a 2500 year old prophecy may be about to be fulfilled, perhaps makes them feel uncomfortable, and they might rather just dismiss it all.

Now, we have the Democratic party that is not only upset about losing the election, but it is trying to reverse the election results through the most absurd investigations, and absurd efforts to bring "impeachment" charges against Trump, not because he is guilty of anything, but simply because they dislike him.  And the more they investigate him, the more they simply uncover evidence of their own Russian collusion, and illegal "Deep State" tactics within the F.B.I., and the Department of Justice.

We used to have a concept of the "loyal  opposition" in this country, where the party members of the losing ticket would delineate between their disappointment at losing, and their desire to harm the country as a whole, with their Congressional voting, simply to make the winning administration look bad.  We used to have two parties, with differing views of how best to serve our country.  Now, we have one party that is trying to help the nation as a whole, and the other party that is trying to subvert their efforts, any way they can.  The nation's welfare is absolutely irrelevant to them.  If the country is weakened by their efforts, that is acceptable to them, because they hate the Constitution, and will blame any weakness on the "tired old document" that they consider to be irrelevant, today.  They want us to voluntarily repeal it so we will join in the European plan to bring the whole world into their concept of a One-World Socialist government, which is their "best hope" for peace and prosperity for everyone!

This is not a bad idea, except for one thing.  All the power will eventually rest in the hands of one person!  And we know that, "...Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power tends to corrupt, absolutely!!!"  Only Jesus Christ can deal with such power, without becoming a meglo-maniacle tyrant, as the Devil's Antichrist will become when he takes over the European 13-nation Confederation, that is prophecied to develop out of this effort.  Jesus Christ will give them 7 years, before their misguided efforts become so evil, that He will return to set up His Kingdom of Heaven on earth!  And, three guesses where the rest of these One-World Socialists will spend the rest of eternity, afterwards???

Monday, April 2, 2018

And Now It Begins..! Or, Will Shortly...

I guess I called it just right!!!  On last Mondays Post, the very last sentence I wrote said, "Keep your eyes on the Middle-East."  I was referring to a pre-"Gog/Magog" signal that Russia, and more specifically, Iran (which will most likely try to move against Israel, first) will feel free to begin their Middle-East invasion at any time.  I believed that there was just one obstacle to their doing so:  The voluntary removal of all American forces from the Iraq/Syria corridor.  I felt it had to happen, as any American forces in the corridor  would immediately come to the aid of Israel, our best ally in the Middle-East, as soon as they realized that Israel was being invaded.  And, the Bible says nothing about any ally (except God, Himself) coming to Israel's aid.

I just couldn't explain why Trump would be willing to deal with the horrendous outcry this would bring, especially from the Republicans in Congress, who have said repeatedly that I.S.I.S. took advantage of Obama's troop withdrawal from Iraq to immediately set up their so-called "Caliphate", in the absence of any significant resistance.  There would have to be a strong reason for him to do so.

I speculated that, perhaps the belligerent nuclear blustering from North Korea was at the behest of Russia's Putin, who is the main influence on North Korea (perhaps even more so than China), in order to distract Trump, long enough for their invasion to get well established.  If Putin promised Trump to use his "influence" to bring North Korea to the negotiating table (which seems recently to have been done), in exchange for the American troop withdrawal, I guessed that that would satisfy Trump, sufficiently.  Putin's "influence" would probably amount to a phone call telling Kim to get his rear end in gear, and get to the negotiating table!!!

As I said last Monday, that would be the signal that Putin was ready to unleash the invasion forces.  The beginning should be soon, probably with some Golan Heights border dispute, between Iran which has already stationed troops along the Syrian border next to the Golan Heights, and has been provoking Israel with it's Drones invading Israeli air space.  Russia will Probably sit this part out, since Iran, and their other Muslim allies are "blood enemies" of Israel, with Russia expecting that they will be able to drive the Israelis into the Mediterranean Sea, as they have vociferously harangued their desire to do for generations.

Only when the Israelis unexpectedly rout these Muslim invaders (which God prophecied in Ezekiel: 38, and 39, that He would help them to do) then will Russia likely step in, to resist the panicked retreat of the Muslim forces, which the prophecy calls, "every man's sword (or modern weapon) will be against his 'brother' (or, comrade in arms)".

Through this exchange, God will bring about the destruction of the invasion force, to the tune of 83 and 1/3rd %, including it's commander  "Gog" (who may actually be Putin, himself).

So, since I "predicted" this announced withdrawal of American Troops from Syria, and Iraq, does that make me a modern-day "prophet", now???  NOT AT ALL!!!  I had a bit of help, with a prophecy given to Ezekiel, some 2500 years ago!!!  All I did was try to reason how this could be brought to pass, based logically upon current events.  It was up to God to bring those current events to pass, and I'm not about to try and take credit for simply being able to recognize what He is bringing to pass!


It's a good thing that I was careful to discourage any confusion with my "prediction" (stated above), as seeming to be some kind of prophetic revelation.  As if to emphasize my point for me, God has moved President Trump to backtrack, somewhat, on his intention to withdraw the 2000 American Troops from Iraq, and Syria.  Today, the report is that he has said that the troops will stay in their Middle-East deployment, "at least for now".  So, if I had claimed to be a prophet, before, I would be worthy of being stoned to death, today!!!  This is nothing new, there have been many people who have known me that have thought this might be a good idea!  And, before I was a Christian, I tried to do a pretty good job of stoning myself (as in, "getting stoned"), but I managed to survive all of that, through God's grace.

But, now I'll just reiterate that I believe that the President will find some reason to withdraw the troops, soon.  There is no mention in the Ezekiel: 38, and 39 prophecy, about America, or anyone else but God helping Israel defeat this "Gog/Magog" invasion.   I think God wants to keep all the Glory for Himself, only, so that Israel will know that  He still exists, and that He, "still loves them, and forgives them" (for rejecting Jesus as their Messiah???)  And,  also, He wants the "heathen" to recognize that, "there is still a God in Israel"!!!