Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The Politics Of Divisiveness

There was a time when the only viable politics in America was racist political rhetoric, bent on promoting white supremacy, especially in the southern states. In reaction to the obvious injustice of this condition, the Democratic party found it to be politically expedient to promote African-American favoritism as a staple of their political platform. It got a lot of white politicians elected and re-elected over the last several decades, while they posed as Liberal, free-thinking politicians, who were characterized as having a heart, as opposed to their opponents, who were logically considered heartless bigots, and racists. Now we are in danger of going full circle into a reverse-racist political quagmire, that could be just as dangerous for our country as a Neo-Nazi, white supremacist take-over of the federal government.

The problem for our country is not white racism, against black Americans, or the reverse (black racism against white Americans, with other races choosing up sides, whichever way they prefer to go). The deeper problem is the whole concept of political divisiveness. We as a nation seem to have forgotten that the concept of Unity is the only thing that kept this country strong through times of great hardship, and struggle. We got along well enough for the first 80 some-odd years, confining our racism to the southern states, until the injustice of it rose up to the point where we were willing to risk the destruction of our Union in order to legally abolish it. And we came very close to destroying that Union in the process.

Afterwards, we struggled through more than 100 years of unofficial racism in the southern states (primarily, but not exclusively), which was supported, paradoxically, by the Democratic party. Then the Democrats decided that supporting legitimate welfare for the downtrodden blacks was politically expedient, and that white politicians who supported these efforts could get re-elected repeatedly by doing so. Eventually, these legitimate welfare concerns became a corrupt obsession, and any democrat who wished to get elected to a powerful position simply ran on the platform of giving more taxpayers' money to "the poor", which the black population accepted as a welcome bailout, in place of decades of discriminatory hiring practices in the general economy. By now it has degenerated to the point where many black Americans feel they are owed a living (albeit a small subsistence one at best), simply because they exist, and the only alternative is some form of illegal activity, like drug sales, or prostitution, etc. The occasional black American who recognizes that the best way to climb out of poverty is through educational excellence and successful competition in the free market economy, (like Dr. Ben Carson), is the rare exception. Not because they can't do it, but because our Welfare-State government has made it easier to just ride with the system, or try and cheat against it, often with disastrous results. That's the real reason there is such a disproportionate level of black prisoners in jail, not so much because of continued racial discrimination in the criminal justice system. I've even heard blacks complain that when they were in school they were "A- students" in the early years, until they were bullied into accepting the role of the "under-achiever" by their black friends, who pressured them into fitting into the stereotype rather then be ridiculed as an "Uncle Tom", or a geek, or something. Media advertisements were insufficient to keep them from living out the axiom, "a mind is a terrible thing to waste!"

Now we have a sitting black President who would seem to be the antithesis of the above (a Harvard educated Constitutional Lawyer), who seems bent on destroying our Constitutional form of government. What an embarrassment to have the President of the greatest Christian nation the world has ever known visit an African nation that is probably less than 200 years from Pagan domination (Kenya) try to lecture them on the morality of equal treatment of Homosexuals in their judicial system! The response was polite resentment, as it should have been! One has to wonder if he studied voluntary lunacy, and stupidity at Harvard rather than Constitutional Law. Or perhaps the curriculum at Harvard just tends to point in that direction to the willing student. Perhaps their idea of Constitutional Law involves teaching how to destroy the law, rather than how to administer it. I think the lunacy, and stupidity aspect must come naturally from too much association with other like-minded students, before and after graduation. Et tu, Bill and Hillary???

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Different Reactions To The Same Evil

As the nation grieves for the horrible evil that takes place with increasing regularity at various places around the country, most recently in Lafayette, Louisiana, it seems imperative that perspective must be kept in order to understand why this is happening. Besides the obvious evil of the I.S.I.S. inspired calls for "Lone Wolf" violence in America (to distract us from defeating the Middle-East evil of their efforts to take control of the entire region, and wiping out Israel in the process) there is a basic, fundamental reaction to the evil of the day that is different, but is inspired by the same source (Satan). It is what apparently caused the rampage Thursday, at the movie theatre in Louisiana. It is the reaction of a man who recognized the obvious, that America is drifting rapidly into a period of moral decline that will most likely cause us to be shocked at our loss of influence in the world, which has probably already begun at the hands of our present Administration, and will likely be increased by the next (whomever wins in 2016). His mistake was not in recognizing the problem, but in thinking that random violence would in any way solve the problem. He was reportedly depressed by the state of decline in America today, and he took out his frustrations on those who were close at hand, regardless of their innocence, or guilt in the matter.

This is why the Lord said to His disciples, "Judge not, lest ye be judged". I don't presume to know whether this man knew any of the Bible, or not, but if he did, he certainly did not act upon it. The evil that we see in the world today was prophecied nearly 2000 years ago, by the apostle Peter, and others when they talked about the end times becoming so evil that even some Christians would be tempted to turn away from their previously held faith (one can already hear the weak believers saying, "How can a loving God allow..."etc.). We must remember that God wants to save not only the people who want to be good, but also those who are bound up in their evil ways. If that were not so, then He would not have save one of the most evil men of his day, along the road from Jerusalem to Damascus, and the Apostle Paul would never have been available to write nearly half of the New Testament. Can you imagine how that would have effected the growth of the Christian Church over the last 2000 years??? The difference between God and us is that He knows what He can do with an evil person, once they have truly repented of their sins, and asked Jesus to forgive them, and take control of their lives from that point on, as the Apostle Paul so obviously did! We are too quick to judge an evil person as being hopelessly sinful, but God knows who still has hope, and who doesn't (especially since He is the source of all Hope).

Apparently this gunman in Louisiana had lost all hope in himself, and presumed therefore that all hope was indeed lost. Then he simply took out his frustration on anyone around him. But God is the source of all Hope, and he warned us through the prophecies of the Bible that these evil days would come upon us shortly before His return to both save His believers, and judge the rest of the world for their evil ways. Unfortunately, when one decides to take the "Law into his own hands", and kill innocent people, just because he is angry at the decadence of others, he has joined the ranks of those whom God will judge, rather than those whose hope of salvation rests in Jesus. Then, by killing himself he has indeed foiled all of us who wish to see him punished by our laws, only to rudely discover that God still exists, and that He reserves all ultimate judgment for Himself. And His judgment is both permanent, and eternal. I'm sure this guy is very sorry now for what he did, and he will be for a very long time!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Obama's Divisive Symbolism

I realize that divisiveness is not an impeachable offense, but it is at least a strong indication of the mindset of the person's character involved. Case in point: President Obama has apparently decided that he doesn't want to live in the White House any more. I concur that getting him out of office would be a blessing for all of us, but I'm afraid that's not what he has in mind. He apparently wants to change the White House into the "Rainbow House"!!! At least that's what can be gathered from the way the White House is now being lit up at night with various colors of the rainbow, through floodlights. Every color is apparently acceptable, except for white. After all we can't have the White House actually looking white, not in the city that considers itself the Socialist capital of minority (especially black) America. I guess Obama is publically declaring that he does not consider himself the President of all America, merely the President of minority America; or more specifically the President of black America, and the rest of us know where we can go, as far as he seems to be concerned!

I thought that white was supposed to be the blend, or mixture of all colors. If he wanted to bring this country together, wouldn't white be the color to best symbolize this intent? Therefore, the opposite intent must be true, since he has intentionally decided (or some junior official has decided for him, without his correction) that the "colors" of America's population must be broken apart to create the country that he wants to serve. If this is true, I can't think of a more divisive symbolic gesture from the President of the "United" States of America. Perhaps he would be more comfortable operating out of Moscow. At least he would not have to pretend that he actually cared about this country, from there.

I recognize that on face value the colors of the floodlights that are trained on a building matter little. But the consistency of his administration's perspective in their public policies indicates that this is a very appropriate conclusion to draw from this symbolic gesture. How much more anti-American behavior, and rhetoric must we put up with over the next year and a half, until we are finally rid of this man's twisted, and even "reverse-racist" values posing as the official tenor of American policy?

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Trump Reverts To His Old Self

I feel a bit silly defending Trump in one post, and then having to turn around and condemn his comments in the next. But that's what I'm about to do. I think the man suffers from a terminal disease. Probably called "Political Foot-In-Mouth" disease!

I defended his willingness to condemn the Mexican government for their poor record in stopping the illegal immigration traffic flow, and the flow of illegal drugs across the border. Anyone who thinks this is a way to condemn all immigrants because of the criminal element that gives them such a bad reputation is a fool, or a Democrat, which is about the same thing!  But if it's necessary to slow the legal immigration process in order to stop the open door policy for Mexico's drug thugs, then so be it! We've got to put a stop to this liberal insanity.

But on the other hand, Trump stepped over the line when he condemned Senator John McCain's record as a war hero, which is legitimate, and irrefutable. There are myriad reasons to condemn McCain's moderate voting record as a Senator, and he was a disaster as a Presidential candidate. But his war record is unimpeachable.

Catch a clue Donald!!!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Much Ado About Nothing

It tickles me to see the liberal media in a flummox over Donald Trump's indecorous comments about our "friends" to the south, especially Mexico. They are outraged to think that anyone would suggest that Mexico would willfully export it's most undesirable felons and miscreants across their border to leave their problems for us to deal with. After all, these poor persecuted illegals must be coddled, and protected from such outrageous legal harassment as the federal government's efforts to deport them back to their countries of origin. That's obviously why so many localities have instituted laws protecting their "rights" from the federal government, making themselves into so-called "Sanctuary Cities". That's how multiple-felonious criminals can escape both incarceration in our prisons, and the threat of deportation, while they sit around and take "pot shots" at California's Sea Lions, with stolen federal hand guns, and commit accidental murder (presumably in an alcoholic stupor) against innocent American women as they stroll along a California peer. I mean, let's get serious here. Who is to be condemned here, Trump (for merely stating the obvious, which apparently none of the other Republican candidates are willing to do), or the liberal politicians, and media pundits, who created those "Sanctuary Cities" and seem to feel that the Constitutional protection for the "States and the people" applies only to illegal immigrants, at the expense of reasonable protections for our legal citizens. In other words, the Constitutional protections are available for Liberal manipulation, to be applied to their various pet special interests (especially when it effects potential Democratic voters), and if legal American citizens rights and protections get in the way, well, that's just too bad for them, tsk, tsk. Does this smack of a Liberal view that the Constitution is not the "law of the land", but merely a tool to be used to promote their one-world, international socialistic values? It would certainly seem so!

Don't get me wrong, I am not a Trump promoter. I don't care for his brash manner any more than the Liberals do. But if my enemy is right about a certain issue, I have enough courage to say so, and shame on the legitimate Republican candidates for not doing the same. I'm afraid they have collectively bought into the political view that nauseated me when it was clear that George (W.) Bush seemed to believe it was politically expedient to be soft on the illegal immigrant issue, perhaps feeling that these potential new voters could be stolen away from the Democratic Party, which is absurd. Most of these people come from countries very staunchly Catholic-influenced, either from their own views, or from the views of their peers. They are not likely to turn quickly away from the one-world socialist views that the Catholic church has been promoting for centuries, and become devout Conservative Republicans, just because a few Republican candidates are soft on their immigration status. All these Republicans are doing is cooperating with the Liberals in trying to make new voters to elect liberal Democrats into office. They seem to feel they can "out liberal" the Liberals, and somehow this will get them elected. May God save us from the mind-set of politicians, who can't distinguish between right, and wrong, beyond what will get them elected. Where are all the statesmen who can save us from these politicians? Donald Trump is not one; he's just accidentally right on this issue.

I guess we're facing the horrible prospect of four, to eight years of President Hillary! May God have mercy on us all!!!


No sooner did I make the above post then I turned on the Fox news morning show to watch what turned out to be a story of the 10 states (and the District of Columbia) which have passed laws allowing driver's licenses to be issued to illegal immigrants, and stating that over 400,000 such licenses have been issued in California so far (that's 52% of the nearly 700,000 issued by the state this year). Sounds like the liberal state governments are preparing for the 2016 Presidential elections already! Obviously, they feel that an election is not important enough to be left up to the best candidates with the best capabilities to lead the country, and with the best political perspective. As you probably know, every voter polling station will ask each potential voter for a picture I.D., or a Driver's License, to "verify" his address, which is presumed to validate his legal "right" to cast a vote in the election. They seem to feel that "stacking the (political) deck" is appropriate, even if you have to "import" illegal voters from other countries to do it. There was a time in years gone by when it was common for unscrupulous politicians to have their political cronies pay local drunks, and "bums" to vote for them, sometimes repeatedly, over and over again, in the same election. It was considered illegal then, but this is apparently a "legal" way of doing the same thing, today. Only on steroids!!! Any wonder why I'm so pessimistic about the prospects for saving this country's political system? The only hope we seem to have now is in a spiritual revival which can save those who will stand for righteousness, to either face the doom of our country at the hands of liberal international socialists, and the Antichrist's one-world Government, or pray that God will mercifully "Rapture" His Church home to be with Him in Heaven, and leave the skeleton of this former Constitutional government to those who are left behind. May God have mercy on them all!!!

But I've already expounded on that prospect in my most recent posts, previously.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

The Enemy Within

The Old Testament talks about various punishments God promises to bring upon the nation of Israel if they willfully abandon His commandments, and begin to practice various sinful activities that He has forbidden. If I remember correctly, I think it's somewhere in Deuteronomy, perhaps the 28th chapter, but I'm not certain. It talks about various ways in which God promises to bless their willful obedience, or curse their willful disobedience; leaving it up to them to choose to obey, or not, with promises of consequences for their collective choices. I'm not trying to state categorically that those same principles apply to us in present day America, but the consequences for their disobedience sure bare similarities to what we see in the world today. I'll not try to convince the reader, I'll just enumerate the coincidences and let you decide if they are applicable, or not.

God has made it clear to those who believe in His word (the Bible) that all Homosexual behavior, as with adultery, and other forms of fornication (which is any sex outside of marriage) is a special degree of sin that he refers to as "an abomination". Does anyone really have the temerity to believe that God is too "stupid" to recognize the difference between heterosexual, and homosexual unions and call them both "marriages"? Does the U.S. Supreme Court really believe that they can overrule God's perspective, and trick him into blessing a perverse union, simply because we have legally called it a "marriage"? Such arrogant decisions, smacking of a belief that what the Supreme Court pronounces is more important than what God has already pronounced, thousands of years previously, can only be equated to poking one's finger in God' eye! Do you suppose that God will stand for this long? I don't! And as far as breaking their vows to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States" (which clearly states that any authority not expressly contained in the Constitution is reserved for "the States, and the people" [meaning the local voters]). Since the Constitution is silent about any aspect of licensing marriages, the authority to do so is to be left up to the States, and local governments. Therefore, these assenting Supreme Court Justices have broken their vows, which should be considered an impeachable offense, but fat chance they will be so punished in this life, though I'd hate to be in their shoes in the next life! And the same is true for those Justices who voted for Abortion to be "legal", in the Roe v. Wade decision. The Supreme Court has been reluctant to recognize the clear "wall of separation" between federal and States Rights ever since the racist southern states used this clause to justify their "Jim Crow" racist laws, which were overthrown by the Supreme Court. They apparently feel that the clause in the Constitution was voided by their decision, and not simply the racist laws. All this leads me to be very pessimistic concerning the restoring of America's government to any form of Constitutional correctness. What with the prophecied rise of the Antichrist's one-world government, it seems that we can expect America's status as a world-leading power to be significantly diminished, to make room for "his satanic majesty". In the short term, I suppose we'll have to expect some Democrat will win the 2016 presidential election, in order to destroy America's influence in the world, which Obama has already greatly started. (God save us from a president Hillary, or worse!) Right now I think a revival would be spiritual, only, and the church will probably be raptured to heaven before a vote to restore America's righteousness cold take place.

Foremost in my position is the promise of God that their disobedience would mean that their enemies would begin to prevail over their armies, whereas if the obeyed God, He would cause them to prevail against their enemies. Also, their disobedience would bring about an infiltration of their enemies into their society, making it necessary to fight their enemies within, and without their homeland, simultaneously. Do you sense a parallel with the rash of home-grown, or so-called "Lone Wolf" terrorist attacks we've seen in America today? I certainly do! And the Obama Administration must agree, since they refuse to even categorize these acts as "terrorism", perhaps for fear that a statistical rise in terrorism for their years in office will leave a black mark on their "legacy". A bit late to be concerned about their "legacy", if you ask me, but well deserved at least.

This leads me to suggest that America is heading, not "toward" God's judgment, as many have been preaching for years, but into it! We're there, folks, and what are we going to do about it? There's only one effective solution, and that's collective repentance, before it's too late! And the only way to get a whole nation to repent of their individual, and collective sinful disobedience is through a Holy Spirit breathed Revival. And that's more than a bunch of faithful church-goers showing up for a week's worth of singing and preaching in a circus tent. A real revival can only be brought about by the earnest, "effectual, fervent prayer of (righteous people)", which the Bible assures us that it "availeth much". And that does not give those of us who don't feel very "righteous" an excuse to sit around and wait for others to do the praying for us. The Bible makes it clear that none of us are "righteous" in our own selves, but that if we are "born-again" through asking Jesus to forgive us of all our sins, and save our souls, we become the "righteousness of God, in Christ, whose (we are)". Therefore we take on the righteousness of Jesus Himself, and we approach the thrown of God confidently, believing that whatsoever we ask the Father (God), in His (Jesus's) name He will grant us. And if enough of the believers will cry out to God to send a great revival upon this country, we may see hope for this nation, yet!!!

At least for the people. And may God have mercy upon the members of this government, and those who are duped into voting them into office!!!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Apologies For Long Delay Between Posts

I apologize for taking so long to create another post, but I've been having problems dumping my internet security service that keeps raising their prices annually for services that other companies provide for free. Apparently, my former provider was upset that I should wish to cancel, and (coincidentally) I have been having a nightmare of a time even connecting with the internet since. Mighty strange coincidence, don't you think? You don't suppose they were trying to create a need for there own service, do you? Anyway, hopefully that's all over with, and we can pick up where we left off.

Watching the news lately, what with our incompetent president trying to declare victory over the Middle-East terrorists in the hopes that they will just go away and leave him alone, the unconstitutional decisions that our supposedly conservative Supreme Court recently handed down, and our incompetent Foreign Service trying to negotiate a deal with those liars in Iran so that they will agree not to build nuclear missiles capable of wiping Israel off the map, and then eventually us, too, one would think that we should expect the outraged judgment of almighty God to turn our nation into the second coming of Sodom, and Gomorrah before too long. And perhaps so. But in reflection, I'm afraid that this is all part of His plan. Not that He wants us to be a rank third-world nation, incapable of assisting other nations in fighting the oppression of the would-be "Hitlers", "Stalins", and the like totalitarian despots. But I can't see how the Antichrist's European Confederation can rise to absolute, One-World preeminence if America is restored to our previous stature in the world geo-political arena. I'm not suggesting for a minute that we should stop praying for a national revival, but realistically, I think it makes more sense for Him to "Rapture" the believers out of America, and let the unbelievers deal with what is left. After all, this "is not our home" as the Bible makes clear. We are only living here temporarily, while the Lord, "prepares a place for (us)", in heaven. So, while things are getting horribly worse almost daily, in America's situation, perhaps He wants us to long for a better place to live, while at the same time continuing to pray for America's revival. Either way, we can't help but benefit from the improvement!