Friday, July 26, 2013

After Gog/Magog; Armageddon's Attackers

Once I had satisfied myself that the Biblical chronology of prophetic events of the last days ( or "End Times") convinced me that God's "Rapture" of the Church of Jesus Christ will precede the seven-year period called the "Great Tribulation", which ends with the final battle of Armageddon, I became somewhat less concerned with the actual developments leading up to that final battle.  My reasoning was that I have no intention of missing out on the Rapture, should I live long enough to see it, therefore it is somewhat irrelevant to me, personally; and terribly confusing as well.

The most confusing thing to me was that the Armageddon enemies of Israel who will be the main participants in the final battle which causes God's wrath to come against them in defense of His people ( Israel) seemed to be mostly European, and mostly western European at that; along with the "kings of the east".  These "kings of the east" I had always presumed would be mostly China and other nations of mostly Oriental racial mix.  But their motivation seemed to be rather obscure for me, so I just didn't concern myself with that which I can't understand, and which I believe will not effect me personally.  Still, it nawed at my sense of curiosity.  I am sure that many Bible-believing Christians have much the same attitude.

I had pretty much written off any significant Muslim element in connection with Armageddon, since the Gog/Magog invasion ( which I think may be called World War III) is prophecied to have 83% of the entire combined Russian and Muslim-nations' armies destroyed, "upon the mountains of Israel".  One would logically expect that that kind of disaster would tend to discourage further hegemony in as little as seven years time.  But I realized that one of the nations that could qualify as one of the "kings of the east" could be Indonesia ( which has the largest Muslim population in the world), and which is not mentioned as a participant in Gog/Magog.  It could be that resentment towards Israel could drive them, and those of neighboring nations with large Muslim populations, to want to avenge the Muslim forces that perished in Gog/Magog.  That combined with China's undiminished desire to conquer the world for their own purposes could fit the bill, in a sort of Oriental "Gog/Magog II" alliance.  This will prove to be the ultimate exercise in futility as God doesn't reveal the percentage of their armies that will be destroyed, but He gives us a very graphic idea when he says that their blood will rise to the level of the horses' bridles.  This is obviously meant as a measurement that ancient people would understand, not necessarily as a prophecy that horses would be used to transport the armies through the valley of Magiddo.  Since most saddle horses' bridles would be roughly five feet above the ground, that gives us an idea of the level of blood that will be spilled when God destroys those who will come against His people in Israel.  If the invading armies are not totally wiped-out, it seems that it must come pretty close to that.     

Also the western European nations, especially France, Germany, and the United Kingdom are already struggling under the pressure of large Muslim populations several times as large, and twice as politically belligerent as our own in America.  Could it be that Muslim anti-Semitism could become so "politically correct" in combination with that of old European anti-Semitic traditions that it could be the major reason for the Armageddon invasion itself???  That seems mind-boggling to me, but unfortunately quite possible!       

After much reflection upon the likely consequenses of the Gog/Magog invasion of Israel, which I have written about in my previous posts, I have begun to formulate a possible scenario that makes sense to me logically, and I don't believe it does any violence to the Word of God's last days prophecies.  However, some of what I'm writing should not be taken as "Gospel Truth", so much as another category which I might call "Gospel Possible", if you will.  It's a matter of reasoning through logically between what is prophetically clear, and irrefutable, and what is prophetically unclear, but could develop in a certain manner based upon present-day circumstances.  Obviously, if I've guessed wrong about the timing, which is the easiest mistake one can make with prophecy, then the circumstances could be dramatically changed by the time God decides He's ready to bring it all to pass.  And He hasn't bothered to check with me lately about His timing!  So, the best I can hope for is to make educated guesses now, and humble apologies later, if I have guessed wrong.  But I don't think I'm way off base with my Gog/Magog analysis, or (hopefully!!!) my pre-tribulation rapture call.  So, if I'm wrong about Armageddon, we should all be in Heaven by then, and we won't care much either way!!!

What do you think?     

Thursday, July 25, 2013

It Ain't Me; It's God...

I was watching C.B.N.'s television show today, the "700 Club" when the host, Pat Robertson interviewed a guest named Raymond Ibrahim, an Arab Christian who is the author of a new book called, "Crucified Again:  Exposing Islam's New War on Christians".  In the interview Mr. Ibrahim stated that he believed Egypt was headed for a civil war, "based on precedent."  He feels that the Muslim Brotherhood is so invested in returning ousted president Morsi to power that a violent civil war is all but inevitable. 

This tends to make me feel a bit justified in my having been proclaiming the same thing for the past four years, though I don't claim to be well versed enough in international geo-politics to base my opinion on present-day politics alone.  My opinion would certainly be most irrelevant if it were not backed-up by the Word of God, specifically in Isaiah 19.  My only concern is whether I'm interpreting this prophecy correctly or not.  Since I'm unaware of any historical fulfillment of Isaiah 19, and the present-day circumstances seem to be setting the world up to witness it's fulfillment in the near future, I feel God's assurance in making what would otherwise be rather outlandish predictions in this regard. 

Mr. Ibrahim stated that the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt has been struggling for power for almost 100 years, and having held power for a year, only to have it taken away is an affront that they will find intolerable.  He feels that the Egyptian Christian population will bear the brunt of their outrage, at least initially, in the form of a murderous persecution, and it will be up to the moderate Muslim population to support the Christians (called Coptics) if they wish to prevent Morsi's return to power.  It was the support of the moderate Muslims who brought Morsi his election victory a year ago, and it will only be by their support of the Coptic Christians that they have a chance of keeping him out, with or without the Army.  Since the Christians are only about 10% of the population, they can't do it alone.  So if enough moderate Muslims will stand by them perhaps they'll survive.  If not, it could be wholesale slaughter of genocidal proportions.  And the fact that God has promised to give Egypt, "into the hand of a cruel lord; and a fierce king shall rule over them, saith the Lord" ( see Isaiah 19:4) does not bode well for the Christians.  Perhaps they will be driven into an alliance with Israel, maybe taking refuge in the Sinai, or southern Israel, providing a buffer zone between Israel and a hostile Egypt.

Anyway, I found Mr. Ibrahim's interview very interesting, and I recommend that everyone should see it.  You can view it at any time by clicking onto and then clicking the Raymond Ibrahim interview, titled, "Divided Egypt putting Christians in the Crosshairs".  Or just click, Raymond Ibrahim Interview.  C.B.N. also is publishing Mr. Ibrahim's blog on the same issue.  Read that at your on risk because the truth he writes about may just "scare the bajeebers out of you" ( whatever "bajeebers" are)!  God bless!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Happy Birhtday Prince Whatshisname

I am about to offend many of my potential readers with my personal opinion concerning the historically corrupt concept of hereditary monarchies.  Yet I feel I am being consistent with the most logical Biblical view, based on thousands of years of trial, and error with the concept.  This is in no way meant to seem irreverent, or even disrespectful of the innocent little tike born yesterday to Prince William, and Lady Kate ( if that's the correct way of addressing her).  God bless him, and the whole royal family.  That said, it's my opinion that there should only be one hereditary monarch, at least for those countries that profess predominate faith in the Judeo/Christian Bible.  Jesus Christ is our de-facto King, and He will soon be our King in fact, eternally!  Any nation that allows themselves to be even symbolically ruled by an earthly royal family is extremely unwise to say the least.  Take into account also the obscene wealth that has been given directly into there possession, at taxpayers' expense ( and I'm focusing now only upon the European royal families), as payment for what amounts to a campaign of irrelevant, feel-good, and mostly politically correct, humanistic public relations appearances, and speeches, and you'll have extreme difficulty in convincing me that they are worth the money.  One European royal family actually owns one of the largest international oil companies.  If the entire family abdicated their royal titles, present and future, they would still be so rich that they could live in "royal" luxury for the rest of their lives. 

Biblical accounts, both Old and New Testament give us endless record of horribly evil monarchies, set against very few good ones ( David, and Solomon were rare examples; and Solomon's reign was blessed of God mostly for God's abiding love for David).  The absolute power of these evil Kings did indeed corrupt them "absolutely"; eventually leading to the destruction, and enslavement of the entire nation of Israel, by Babylon, as God's punishment for their evil ways.   

Even worse is the history of the so-called "absolute monarchies" throughout the ages and the international lunacy that has frequently proceeded from the various thrones, ( some consider this to be the result of the inbred practice of one monarch frequently marrying their first cousin from another country, as if family relations were more important than national loyalty, or genetics).   Not to mention all the largely unnecessary wars that have raged throughout the centuries, mostly because one "rightful heir" was being challenged by another that was considerably less so.  Consider also that America might still be part of the British commonwealth if not for the greedy policies of the mostly autocratic rule of that insane tyrant, King George III, who was raised in Germany, and whose loyalty to England apparently did not extend further than the vanity of his inherited power to control his kingdom, and it's (read: "his") wealth.  He cared even less for his American colonies, which he tried to brutally tax in order to fund his nation's inflationary profligate spending, rather than forcing his government to make painful budgetary cuts. 

And now we hear in the international media that the apparent front-runner for the name of the innocent babe, Prince Who'sit, is likely to be "George".  No disrespect meant for Queen Elizabeth's father, for whom the young prince would be most directly named, but it just seems rather unfortunate that a potential King of England should bear the same name as that old buffoon who bumbled his way into providing us with our freedom.  While we are grateful that he did, we should have trouble respecting his memory, and feel pity for the child that may bear his name.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

My Contrite Apology...Or, Maybe Not

In recently re-reading some old posts in my original blog (see "The End-Times News Review"), it occurred to me that the recent economic "recovery" may be forcing me to the point of making an apology for having proclaimed a world-wide deflationary depression as having begun with the recession of 2008/2009.  Ashamedly, I must confess that I am belligerently unrepentant in this case, in spite of statistical evidence that seems to refute my opinion.

In the 1930's a Russian economist named Nicolai Kondratieff braved the wrath of Joseph Stalin by publishing his theory of economic "Long-Wave Cycles", which expounded upon historical evidence that the world's economy has repeatedly fluctuated in 50 to 75 year cycles of inflationary price rises, with consequential deflationary collapses which painfully "cleanse" the worthless "dross" out of our currencies, every 50 years, or so.  These collapses seem to most frequently occur near the 30th, and 80th year of each century. 

I wrote back in 2009 that this was all very consistent with the Biblical account of God's plan for a "Jubilee" year to be honored by His people in Israel every 50 years ( in Leviticus 25).  However, God approached the plan in a backwards form ( at least from our perspective), proclaiming that if His people would conduct their agricultural, and business practices in a voluntarily deflationary manner, little by little over 50 years, they would be spared the pain of a massive economic collapse every fifty years, and would even prosper while their neighboring countries were suffering the consequences of their own inflationary profligacy.  There is Biblical evidence that these principles were faithfully followed during the reigns of King David, and his son, King Solomon, who eventually presided over the wealthiest kingdom of his era.  God blessed Solomon, and all of Israel throughout his reign with great prosperity, in spite of Solomon's blatant disobedience of God's commandment not to marry wives from foreign nations, who would not share his Biblical values, and would seduce him into worshipping their false gods.  Solomon erred repeatedly to the tune of nearly 1000 mistakes in this regard, thus establishing the principle that "sin is pleasant for a season...", eventually resulting in the succession to his thrown of his son, Rehoboam, whose mother was one of these foreign wives.  Apparently Rehoboam didn't inherit Solomon's wisdom, and began to flout God's principles, which started a disastrous slide into national decline until Israel was eventually conquered by Babylon.

 This kind of decline can still happen today to a nation that continuously flaunts God's principles by such things as endlessly inflating their currency to the point of near worthlessness, or by cannibalizing generations of their children ( abortion), and legitimizing sexual perversion nationwide with such Biblically "abominable" concepts as homosexual marriage.  Only, it may not take 500 years, or so, to wait for our "Babylonian" destruction, as a consequence of our sinful, and profligate behavior.  Today, God can cause us to instantly repent of our disobedience by allowing some meglo-maniacal dictator ( see "Gog/Magog" previous discussions) to simply push a button unleashing nuclear destruction.  Then some of us will spend an eternity in futile repentance ( along with those pathetic fools who will be endlessly searching for their 72 virgins among the eternal flames), while the rest of us will be blessed with a new heaven, and a new earth, and a "new" King who will honor God's commandments, because He wrote them!

In the early 18th century, America experienced an economic contraction that went beyond the 50 to 75 year cycles of Kondratieff''s theory, extending the deflationary collapse throughout most of the century.  As a consequence, we endured two bloody wars, the latter of which brought about the complete overthrow of our previous government, in what we refer to as our Revolution.  This was caused primarily by England's attempt at taxing America brutally in order to recover the costs of the previous war, against the French (and their Indian cohorts), while refusing to restrain their own profligate, inflationary spending.  England's penalty for their greedy intentions was ultimately the loss of their American colonies, in a humiliating military defeat, and the further bogging-down of their economy in another war with France (following their Revolution).   

The significant difference between then, and now is that we were an overwhelmingly agrarian society back then, and if no one bought our products, we could either eat them ourselves, or barter them for something we needed, from someone else who couldn't find a buyer for his products either.  Also, if the housing market dried up on us (like today), we could always grab an axe and build ourselves a cabin, on land that no one would dispute was free for the taking.  It's possible that we are in for at least the beginning of such a century-long deflationary depression, in order for God to allow for the rise to power of the Antichrist's one-world system of government, which necessitates his absolute control over international economics.  America can not maintain our international economic dominance in such a one-world government.  This is why I've called this development a kind of Satanic perversion of John the Baptist's reference to Jesus ("He must increase, but I must decrease").  American economic dominance perhaps must decrease in order for God to allow the prophecied ascendancy of the Antichrist, so that God will ultimately be glorified when He sends Jesus back to Earth to destroy all evil, and the Antichrist with it.  "Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus, and count us worthy to escape the wrath that is to come!"  Amen!!!           

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Egypt's Civil War On Holiday?

I was all set to explain in this blog why I suspected that the demonstrators in Cairo's municipal squares could be expected to take a "holiday" break from their confrontations until the Ramadan period of month-long fasting was over.  In fact I figured that the Army's "non-coup" coup was planned to nearly coincide with the Ramadan month, so that if protests got out of hand, they could be expected to calm down considerably, and perhaps disappear after thirty days of fasting.

But I forgot that the Muslim concept of fasting is not close to resembling the Biblical concept of fasting.  While it certainly qualifies, technically speaking, it could more accurately be called thirty days of half-day fasts; or thirty days of skipping a couple of meals per day.  The presumption here is that practitioners would most likely eat a huge pre-dawn meal, which would suffice until another huge post-sunset feast.  (If my presumption is incorrect, someone please straighten me out on this; this blog has been getting multiple "pageview" hits from Muslim countries, especially from the United Arab Emirates, so somebody out there should know).

The fact is that God will honor any sincere form of fasting, to some degree, but the Bible makes clear that He measures our sincerity on how we are striving to draw closer to Him, and His ways, rather than that we are trying to get Him to take our side in our on-going strife with our enemies ( see Isaiah 58: verses 4,& 5).  His concept of fasting is designed to draw people together in God's Love, rather than to make us better fighters than our enemies.

So when I heard on the news today that the demonstrations are continuing, and that seven more people died in fighting, with 400 arrests, I realized that there are many people in Egypt (probably on both sides) who are more interested in continuing to stir up war-mongering strife against their enemies, than they are in sincerely drawing closer to God.  That being the case, it would seem logical (Biblically speaking) that God would give them exactly what they want:  a costly, and very bloody civil war that resembles closely the one prophecied in Isaiah 19.    

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Evidence Of Egyptian Civil War Is Building

It seems that the B.B.C. is the only major news agency that understands the significance of the turbulence in Egypt today.  Their international news service is reporting on the developing crisis with in-depth analysis while the American press is busy obsessing over which young punk is more responsible for the death of Trayvon Martin; the Neighborhood Watch volunteer with the obvious vigilante fantasy ( and a loaded gun), or the teen-aged tough who smoked "dope" and then acted like it by beating up a guy with a gun because he didn't like being followed.

The B.B.C. reports today that the U.N. reported last April that the rebellion in Lybia was followed by the break-ins of the armories of the forces of the deposed Muammar Gaddafi, and that small arms and explosives were "flooding into neighboring countries" with much of them ending up in the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood's fighters in the Sinai peninsula in their battle with the Egyptian Army there. 

So, here's the recipe for civil war:  You take two major populations in Egypt, one supported by the Army, which is under constant armed attack in the Sinai by a militant enemy ( the Muslim Brotherhood).  It becomes quite clear to the Army who their enemy is, and when snipers in the Brotherhood's protest march are caught on camera shooting at them, they open fire on the otherwise unarmed crowd, killing 50 and wounding 400.  Mix in the weapons that are smuggled in from Lybia.  Add a large dose of religious fervor when the Army coup arrests Morsi, and many in his government, while posting arrest warrants for many of the Muslim Brotherhood's leaders.  Muslims don't believe in leaving vengeance up to God, but then that's the whole point of the Gog/Magog war which follows.  Stir in a large measure of bitterness from the Coptic Christian community, which endured persecution and frequent murders at the hands of the M.B.'s jihadist zealots, while Morsi's government did nothing to stop it...Blend it all together, then let it ferment awhile.  Next, bake it at 350 degrees, which is approximately the average daylight temperature of the Egyptian Sahara desert, and voila!!!...You've baked a perfect civil war cake, just ready to explode in your face as you try to blow out the candles!!!

So far it seems that the B.B.C. is the only member of the international media that has shown up for the party.  I guess the rest of the world's press is waiting for the civil war to explode into the Gog/Magog invasion before they begin to take it seriously. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Wake Up America!!!...And The Media!

I feel like a little kid who's just been told a secret with the emphatic warning not to tell anyone what he knows.  Naturally, almost any kid in that situation can be expected to blab his mouth off, as I have about the prophecied Egyptian civil war that seems to be unfolding in front of the world, and which I suspect could lead into the so-called Gog/Magog invasion of Israel, or a "World War III".  And just like the proverbial "boy who cried wolf", there doesn't seem to be very many people around the world, and far fewer in America, who are ready to believe what I'm saying.  It doesn't matter that it's not me that's saying this, but God, ( presuming that I'm reading Isaiah's prophecies correctly).  We live in a horribly Atheistic, or Pagan-worshipping world that doesn't place any credibility in the warnings that God gave His prophets thousands of years ago, which may be about to unfold before us in the near, or not too distant future.  Worse are the millions of sleepy-eyed Christians around the world who have apparently become so calloused by the endless reports of violence around the world, and especially those which seem to be caused by radical Muslim jihadists, who believe they are ushering in their brave-new-world ( called the "Caliphate", in which their kind of messiah [ called the "Mahdi", I think] is coming to take over the world for Islam), or the Jews who won't believe anything about any Messiah named Jesus.  They are too busy waiting for any other messiah, as long as his name is not Jesus. 

As I said before, the Media still seems reluctant to consider the rioting in Egypt to be anything more than a diplomatic embarrassment, that will take care of itself if we just wait a little while.  I suppose the recent body-count of 50 dead, and 400 wounded doesn't impress them that this will spread into a full-fledged civil war.  I wonder what is the magic number that will cause them to sit up and take notice that this is the real deal! 

As for the White House, they seem to be even more reluctant to enter into the discussion, for fear that they might be perceived as taking sides for one group or the other.  This, after the anti-Morsi Egyptians feel that Obama already supported the Morsi government far too much to try and remain neutral now.  They feel Obama has tried too much to cosey-up to the Muslim Brotherhood already.  One has to wonder if he is looking forward to the Muslim Caliphate himself; or worse, is he lobbying for the job after he leaves the presidency???    

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Will Saudi Arabia Survive Gog/Magog???

When it comes to making educated guesses about God's prophecies, one must recognize the likelihood of being wrong, no matter how sincere your efforts to avoid it.  And when you are wrong about God's Word you are very wrong!   So it is with fear, and trepidation that I expound on the meaning of the prophecies concerning Arabia, found in Isaiah 21.

There is not a lot here that can be positively identified for what God is saying, other than that He is talking about a desert people known for their constant travel, and later identified specifically as Arabia.  He is talking about a time when they will be fleeing the danger of a treacherous enemy referred to as "Elam" and "Media", two provinces of the ancient Persian Empire, in the area we now know as Iran.  It is probable that most of this has to do with the conquering armies of that Persian Empire, yet it ends with the statement that, "...the residue of the number of archers ( modern day fighter jets; pointed weapons, directed by men, that fly through the air, with deadly effect???), the mighty men of the children of Kedar ( also Arabia), shall be diminished".  One of Saudi Arabia's strongest military forces is it's fighter jet squadrons, bought from American defense companies as part of our treaties with them.  God frequently mixes His prophecies with predictions for short term revelation and Last Days revelation; I suppose this is in order to keep us wondering as to exactly how He is going to bring it all to pass. One major reason for my belief that this is at least partially an End Times prophecy is the proclamation in verse 9, of Isaiah 21, where He quotes a messenger saying, "Babylon is fallen, is fallen".  Any average student of End Times prophecy should recognize that quote as also appearing in the book of Revelation, chapter 14: verse 8, which says, "And there followed another angel, saying 'Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication'".  Frankly, I have hardly a clue as to the significance of either of these references, other than to connect them together in the time frame of  His revelation.    

For many years it's been well known that Iran has coveted the rich oil fields of Saudi Arabia, and it has been considered likely that a secondary motive for their massive arms buildup was to someday invade, and conquer them for their own.  They would probably take Kuwait in the process, which would be no harder for them then it was for Sadaam Hosein.  Then they would control such a large chunk of the world's oil supplies that they could blackmail the rest of the world into doing virtually anything they wished.  ( I said this was their secondary motive, since the foremost motive has always been to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth. Russia shares the same motives, but in reverse order of priority.)

It's possible that Iran would feel that a Russian/Muslim Nations' invasion of Israel ( Ezekiel 38, & 39) would be the perfect distraction for the rest of the world, giving Iran the opportunity to conquer Saudi Arabia before anyone realized what was happening.  Unfortunately for Iran's armed forces, the fact that God mentions "Persia" ( Iran's ancient name) as one of the invading force's allies, it seems logical to expect that God's promise to destroy 83% of the invading armies would also apply to them!  So it would seem that if Iran does invade and conquer Saudi Arabia, they won't be able to enjoy their victory for very long!   

I admit that I'm drawing my conclusions from slim Biblical evidence, but it does seem to fit with the current geo-political conditions.  What do you think?      

Friday, July 5, 2013

First Shots Fired In Egypt

The first shots of what may well be the Isaiah 19 Egyptian civil war have been fired already, according to  the B.B.C.'s Egyptian correspondent who witnessed the Army soldiers who were guarding Ex-President Morsi in the Officers' quarters of a local Army base fire warning shots in the air before an angry crowd of Morsi supporters demonstrating outside.  Soon after the warning shots, the soldiers fired into the crowd and initial reports say at least three people have died.

The B.B.C. is also reporting that "shots were fired" in Alexandria in the north ( Egypt's second largest city), and in Qina, which is in the south.  It seems that the supporters of Morsi are orchestrating multiple demonstrations around the nation in order to provoke the Army into shootings that can serve as an excuse to take up arms against them.  The demonstration that provoked the shootings in Cairo reportedly was preceeded by a pro-Morsi prayer service at a local Mosque, which lends credibility to the assumption that violence was anticipated, if not intended. 

Meanwhile, in America the prevailing mood seems to suggest that this is all just an embarrassing diplomatic crisis that will all be settled in Egypt's next elections.  Neither the White House seems very concerned, nor does the media, which hadn't seemed to think this was news-worthy as of noon today.  All the major news channels, both liberal and conservative were too busy following the Trayvon Martin murder trial to apparently take notice.  If this powder-keg develops quickly, as I suspect, they will all sit up and take notice real soon!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Happy Independence Day!!!.....Uhhh...Egypt???

I sense the Hand of God moving in the news today!  Two days ago I posted my belief that Egypt would probably be the next powder keg to blow up on the international front, and I referred to the several posts I  (we?) had written on my original blog over the past five years.

 The position I had taken in these posts was that Sudan's oppression of the Darfur region's rebels might be a partial fulfillment of God's description of a future civil war in Egypt, given to the prophet Isaiah in chapter19.  It seemed logical to me then, as the fighting had been going on for years, and Sudan is the area that was known in that day as "Upper Egypt".  I speculated that perhaps the fighting might escalate to the point where the more stable Egypt might be drawn into the fighting to create a real civil war. 

But after a year of President Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood-sympathizing government, the Egyptian people had apparently had enough of their attempts to institute a Taliban form of repressive totalitarianism, and the streets became filled with multiple thousands of protesters. It now becomes more likely that the army will support the ouster of Morsi's government, which will lead to outright fighting between them, and the Al-Quaida backed Muslim Brotherhood fighters. 

Two days after making these "specudictions" ( a cross between "speculations", and "predictions"; that's as close as I'll come to trying to be a prophet)  the Egyptian Army has reportedly removed Morsi from office, and established an "interim government" in his place.  So, the people have gotten their way, and they'll all go home and everything will be hunky-dory.  Right!...Don't hold your breath!!!  This thing is just getting started, and it is about to blow up big time!

The good thing here is that it may take years for this to play out, which postpones my view that the Russian-led invasion of Israel might be on the brink of coming to pass.  It seems that the Egyptian civil war would have to be largely concluded, in the favor of the "cruel Lord" that God has prophecied that He will give control of  Egypt to, before the Gog/Magog invasion can take place.  The war in Syria suggests that these wars will not be concluded over night. 

It now seems logical to reverse my position that Sudan's fighting will draw Egypt into it.  (I can change my mind because I've said all along that I'm no prophet,so I'm allowed to be wrong; I'm just trying to make somewhat educated guesses, and let the reader decide if I make any sense, or not.)  It seems that Morsi's "Brotherhood" supporters will have to consolidate their forces with Al-Quaida fighters from neighboring countries in order to take on the Egyptian Army, which they almost certainly will do.  Sudan's armed forces will be ready, and quite willing to help.  And if Al-Quaida elements from Ethiopia, and Lybia join in, then all the Muslim allies of Gog's invasion force will be right at Israel's doorstep ( especially since Iran, or present-day Persia, has announced that they are sending 4,000 troops to Syria to aid the Russian-backed government there).  Israel will be "toast", unless God is planning some sort of a miracle to deliver them from certain annihilation!   But it just so happens that that is exactly what God has been planning to do for thousands of years!!!  ( Refer back to the previous blogs for details on how God will save Israel, and destroy 83% of their enemies' invading armies!)       

Monday, July 1, 2013

Still Watching Egypt After Five Years

I began writing my blog almost 5 years ago.  So far it still exists under almost the same title, "The End-Times News Review", at the following address: which can usually be found listed on Google within a few places of this blog.  Initially, I wanted to remain as anonymous as possible so I wrote always in the first-person plural tense ( if "we" said something stupid it would be harder to blame me for it!), but other than that readers should be able to recognize that it's my writing style ( endless "run-on sentences", and all). 

Anyway, back in December of 2008 I wrote a post stating that perhaps the Egyptian Civil War that God spoke of in Isaiah 19, and which didn't seem to have happened yet, might have begun in the conflict in Sudan.  There the Sudanese Army which was loyal to the Al-Quaida influenced "Muslim Brotherhood" in Egypt was carrying out a systematic genocidal war against the Christian, and Animist Rebels of the southwestern Darfur Province.  I speculated that this might spread to the point that Egypt might feel compelled to intervene, though on whose side is anybody's guess.

 Biblically speaking, this is relevant because in the time period when Isaiah 19 was written the nation we now call Sudan was known as "Upper Egypt", while modern day Egypt was known as "Lower Egypt".  This was apparently a topographical distinction since "Upper Egypt" was at a significantly higher elevation than was "Lower Egypt".  So a civil war in any part of the region could have been referred to as a civil war in Egypt.       

As things developed over the years, I kept writing follow-up posts, especially as the "Arab Spring" uprisings eventually created the popular overthrow of President Hosni Mubarak (see posts for Dec. 2008, Feb. 2010, Mar.2011, May 3, and 11, 2011, and May 5, 2012). 

Now we are seeing renewed rioting in the streets, similar to that which forced the resignation of Mubarak.  Everyone, except the "Muslim Brotherhood", apparently is fed up with President Morsi's government and are demanding his resignation.  The standoff has apparently troubled the Egyptian Army whose generals have given "both sides" ( read Morsi) an ultimatum to work out a compromise, or they will "step in", probably on the side of the rebellion.  Either way, it seems the situation is ripe for civil war!  If the Army were to back the "Rebels" ( comprised of moderate, largely secularized Muslims, and Coptic Christians who are being persecuted, and even killed by Muslim Brotherhood thugs), there are enough radical Muslims in the Brotherhood, in Egypt and in the surrounding countries ( like Sudan), that a full scale civil war would seem inevitable.

As I believe that this prophecy (in Isaiah 19) probably will precede the Russian led Gog/Magog war of Ezekiel 38, and 39, I had previously written that "all eyes" should be watching Egypt, since any prophecied invasion forces from Lybia, and Ethiopia would have to pass through Egypt to attack Israel.  My opinion in this regard has not changed, though I'll admit I've been somewhat distracted by the rebellion in Syria.

Perhaps I should simply say, "keep one eye on Egypt, and the other on Syria".  Then if you're not too cross-eyed after that, it will soon be time to say, "Look up, for your redemption draweth nigh!!!"