Thursday, May 21, 2015

"Spiritual Wickedness In High Places", Like, Umm...The White House???

I'm not trying to suggest that President Obama and his staff perform Voodoo rituals, and dance naked around the Oval Office, chanting Satanic incantations (though nothing would much surprise me about that incompetent Administration). But I am deeply concerned about the level of official denial, silence (instead of outrage), and intentional ignoring of the obvious threat of Muslim terrorist groups like I.S.I.S., as they grab more and more territory in Iraq, while Obama sits on his hands, trying to make the world believe that an air offensive is sufficient to wipe out the advancing threat. How long will it take for him and his like-minded advisors to admit the obvious, and send in enough troops to eradicate these vermin from off the face of the earth. Let's send them to Hell, where they belong, and let them spend the rest of eternity wondering what happened to their 72 virgins. Better yet, give them the 72 virgins that their "beloved prophet" was referring to at the time, some 1400 years ago, as a fitting reward for their earthly behavior. Let them have their lustful pleasures with the wrinkly old prunes that have been waiting all this time for them to arrive! I can't think of a more "Hellish" fate than that, and it would certainly be deserved for these murderous imbeciles.

Today, we have reports that Obama has sunk to new lows of Presidential credibility, in that he dared to say, in a commencement speech before the Coast Guard Academy, that Global Warming was responsible for the development of Nigeria's off-shoot of Al Quaida, known as Boko Haram. I guess I shouldn't be surprised at the level of logic he seems to think we are capable of here. After all, he hired the idiot as an assistant spokesperson for the State Department who recently said that the solution to the I.S.I.S problem was that they needed more jobs. Do these people really think so little of the voting public that they expect us to buy this cr@p??? How did this guy get elected in the first place? Obviously, the color of his skin was his greatest drawing point, then his brilliant mind was next. But I can only hope that America's voters remember that a brilliant mind without a wise heart is pathetically inadequate for the job of President of the United States! George W. was no brilliant thinker, as his knowledge of military "strategery" made evident. (Credit for that one goes to the writers of "Saturday Night Live". I don't know if Bush actually said that, but I'm confident that the SNL. writers wouldn't lie to us. Would they???)

I really don't think that Obama believes the slop that he's trying to feed the American public. But I am afraid that he and his idiot advisors believe we are stupid enough to buy it. His real purpose is to buy time for the Muslim "Caliphate" to become established, and I don't think he cares much whether it's the Sunni concept of I.S.I.S., or the Shiite concept of Iran. He knows that his term as President of the most powerful nation the world has ever known is ended in less than two years. I firmly believe two points about Obama. One, that he is, and has always been from the day he was elected, a "closet Muslim", indoctrinated by his great hero the "Reverend" Jeremiah Wright, the Chicago minister who poses as a Christian, while spouting Muslim and Communist doctrine. Obama didn't spend twenty years attending his "Church" without becoming indoctrinated, and it wasn't because someone was holding a gun to his head, either. Second, I think he wants the "Calliphate" to become so firmly established that they will need someone of his experience to manage their government for them, after he leaves office here. In essence, Obama is being soft on the Muslim nations because he is lobbying for the job of "Chief Caliphate", or whatever that position would be called. I know this all sounds ludicrous, but remember, there is only one thing (besides God) that can override the intelligence of a man like Obama, and that is a foolish heart that is totally deceived by Satanic false doctrine. And I think it's pretty obvious who came up with the doctrine given to Mohammed, which I believe Obama has swallowed, "hook, line, and sinker"!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

"Those That Live By The Sword..."

There is a spiritual principle that unfortunately cuts both ways, in the temperate world. Jesus pronounced it, and Peter nearly practiced it, when he cut off the ear of the High Priest's servant, in the Garden of Gethsemane, when Jesus was arrested. I quoted the first half of it above, "Those that live by the sword shall die by the sword." The Lord was quick to tell Peter to put away his sword for this very reason. He new that he couldn't defeat all of the soldiers by himself, and he would surely be arrested and executed if he were to murder one of the servants. Plus, Jesus knew that He had to allow the arrest to be carried out, in order to fulfill the prophecies about His execution for all of our sins, that we might be forgiven.

Today, we are joyfully told that American Special Forces teams of the Army's Delta Force have moved into Syria, and after a brief firefight have succeeded in killing one of I.S.I.S.'s top commanders. That would normally be cause for celebration, except for the fact that I.S.I.S. is a lawless group of terrorists, and that principle was obviously spoken with reference to those who operate in the realm of lawlessness. Jesus new that Peter had no legal authority to execute anyone, therefore, if he killed anyone he would be either killed on the spot, or convicted of murder, and executed for his "crime", no matter how righteous his intentions. I am reminded of the Mafia tradition of murder-for-murder, as in "an eye for an eye". This is the way lawless people think; they don't "get mad, they just get even". And with the White House Secret Service security recently proven to be run by the descendants of the "Keystone Cops", I have to say that I have grave concerns for the safety of President Obama! Obviously, anyone who has been reading my blog for very long knows that I do not say this out of any great love for our President, my greatest hope for him is that he finishes his term quietly, without doing too much damage to our Constitutional form of government, and melts away into political oblivion, never to be taken seriously about anything, again. The worst thing that could happen would be for him to be assassinated, while in office, and someone like-minded, like Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, or Elizabeth Warren, should receive a "martyr's" sympathy vote from a swooning Democratic party, and we would have to suffer through another four, or even eight years of Obama-like Presidential lunacy! May God save us from that tragedy!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

More Prophetic Musings

The following comes mostly from my own imagination, which certainly should serve as due warning for those brave enough (or foolish enough?) to pursue further.

I was napping today, and I awoke with a rather strange thought in my mind. I won't say that God showed me something in a dream, because I have no memory of even dreaming. But Joel 2:28 does prophecy about the "Latter Days" (nothing to do with Mormonism) when he says, "...that I (God speaking through Joel) will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions...". Unfortunately, I must confess to qualifying to the "old men" category.

Anyway, concerning the propecied "Gog/Magog" invasion of the Middle-East (bare with me; I realize my obsession with this prophecy must be getting tiresome to those who have been reading many of my posts. Nonetheless, I feel that this is something new that has never occurred to me before, and so I must share it with the reader and let him, or her decide if there is any merit to it.)

I have always assumed that the prophecy concerning God's turning of the allied invasion forces against each other (Russians, verses the Muslim allies of the region, namely Iran, Libya, "Ethiopia" which may mean Somalia, or even an Iranian conquered Yemen, and any others not mentioned) until their fighting has destroyed their forces to the tune of 83%, probably meant the forces on both sides would most likely be destroyed roughly equally, about 40 some odd per cent on each side. But, what occurred to me today, upon awakening ( I won't claim it was God-inspired, because if it wasn't I won't blame Him for my foolish imaginings) was this: If the Russian field commander realizes that his forces have already been severely decimated, and are about to be overrun, mostly by his former Iranian allies, and he knows that he has mid-range, tactical nuclear weapons at his disposal, wouldn't he be very tempted to use them??? It occurred to me that he might! Therefore, perhaps the 17% survivors were to be all Russian, with the complete destruction of the Iranian forces. Perhaps this would happen upon their home territory, which would also destroy the civilian population. I realize this is a callous, and even gruesome thought, but when God has had enough of an evil people, total destruction has been His way of ending their evil ways, especially when it has been directed towards His people, Israel.

As a Biblical support for my musings, I recalled the prophecy of Isaiah 13, which dealt with God's judgment for ancient Babylon. This ancient Empire covered the present-day territories of both today's Iran and Iraq, which is becoming less, and less of an important distinction daily, as Iran's army "assists" the Shiite dominated Iraqi government in fighting the threat of the I.S.I.S. insurgents ( because our cowardly President refused to commit our "boots-on-the-ground", leaving the door wide open for Iran to step in). After the I.S.I.S. insugency is defeated, you can bet that Iran will simply decide to stay there. Anyway, verse 19 (of Isaiah 13) says, "And Babylon (now Iraq, and Iran combined), the glory of kingdoms (obviously referring to it's ancient splendor) the beauty of the Chaldees's excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gommorrah." The imagery of the complete destruction of those ancient cities sure carries the present-day image of a nuclear explosion, at least for today's version.

The prophecy continues in Chapter 14, where it describes how God's people (Israel) will rejoice over the destruction of the "King" of their most dangerous enemy, Iran, whose real leader has been spewing threats of death to all Israeli citizens for years. This may well be God's way of receiving the glory, and revealing to His people that He does exist, and that He is still protecting them from their enemies.

Fertile Ground For Christianity

The Washington Post reported today that according to the Pew research polling service the number of Americans who describe themselves as having no religious affiliation at all has increased from 18% to 23% since 1990. This represents a decline in the overall percentage of those who consider themselves to be "Christians" from some 86% to about 71% in roughly the same time period. Catholicism has lost at the rate of 6 to 1 of every person who says they were raised Catholic, but switched to other faiths in adulthood, verses new converts. The Post's view on these findings was alarm at what appears to be a trend away from the Christian faith. I have to disagree.

I sense that God is setting this nation up for a wonderful Revival that is prophecied to come in the "Latter Days" (see Joel, chapter 2). The prophecy is very general about the location of the Revival, but with modern video technology, I suspect that whatever happens in one part of the world will quickly spread to the rest of the world as well. With all the unrepentant sin in the world, especially here in America, I'd have to say that we certainly have a situation that resembles the fertile fields of the typical farmer, after he has spread all of the stored up manure he has collected over the past year, from all his horses, cows, pigs, and whatever animals he has, and spreads it all over his fields to enrich the soil before planting the seed. I suspect that God is allowing these people who have turned away from formal "Religiosity", thinking that that was as good as God had to offer them, to give them time to try living in a world without God at all. They will soon find that they are incapable of controlling their own lives, and when they become desperate for something that offers real direction, and hope, they will be ready to receive the real God of Christianity (His name is Jesus), and not the pretend God of structured "Religiosity". That's when we could see a glorious revival break out all over the land, which could easily spread throughout the world, especially through Christian television.

I would have to say that now is the perfect time for all born-again Christians to spend as much time as they can spare on their knees, praying that God will bring all this to pass, just as He has prophecied it to be. All He's waiting for is enough of us to agree with His plans before He brings it all to Pass!

Friday, May 8, 2015

The Signs Of A Nation's Judgment

I was reading in Deuteronomy 28 about the promise God made to the nation of Israel before they began to conquer the Canaanite nations, and drive out the remnants in order for God to give them the land that He had promised to give them. He made it abundantly clear to them that there was a very specific price for His giving them this "Promised Land"; namely strict obedience to His commandments. While I understand that we Christians are under the New Testament (or Covenant), none the less our nation will still be judged by the sinful behavior of the majority, even as He will somehow spare the Christians. His judgment of our nation is unnecessary, though, if we can pray for a national revival, for those who are living in unrepentant sin, to turn from their wicked ways, and receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

If I am reading the Prophecies of the "Latter Days" (or the "End Times") correctly, time may be growing very short for us as a nation. I know I keep harping on the prophecies of Ezekiel 38, and 39, because they strike me as the most likely to be fulfilled in our lifetime, maybe even as soon as this year. If it all happens even close to what I expect, not only will God cause the nations' armies that come against Israel to fight among themselves, until they've destroyed 83% of their combined forces, but I see the possibility of the losing commander of the retreating Russian forces to decide to send a first strike nuclear attack against some country that he blames for helping Israel to defeat his invasion. Guess who that would be? America has shared a vast amount of weapons technology with Israel, and some of that may be responsible for the panic that causes part of the invasion force to retreat, and to turn against those who try to resist them. I believe that God's "Rapture of the Church" (the whole world-wide body of believers in Jesus Christ as their Lord, and Savior) will happen after he "pushes the button", but before the missiles strike their targets. (For a full account of my Biblical reasoning, check out my post for April 21, 2014, in the "Archives" list, to the right of this column.)

Anyway, I thought about the Deuteronomy curses that God promised to bring upon His people, if they refused to obey His commandments, and I thought that some of them sounded strikingly similar to what America is experiencing today. Beginning in verse 15, the curses listed here can be collectively categorized as economic failures, since most of Israel's economy at that time was tied up in agriculture, and I don't think it's much of a stretch to extrapolate to America's more diverse economy of today, all of which are heavily dependent upon the trade value of the dollar. You can't turn on the television today without somebody talking about how weak the dollar is today, and the 18 trillion dollar deficit we owe, worldwide. Sooner or later, the rest of the world will lose confidence in our phony money that has been backed up with thin air since 1971, when Nixon took the dollar off the Gold Standard, and will refuse to accept it as payment for our debts. At that point, there will probably not be an area of our economy that will not go into a horrendous deflationary depression that will make the 1930's look like a party.

Verse 23 talks about the sun's heat being magnified to the point that drought becomes an increasing problem, both for agriculture and for livestock. Verse 24 talks about dust being sent upon them, instead of rain, and I thought of the dust storms last year in Texas, which will probably return this summer, reminiscent of the "Dust Bowl" years of the 1930's, also a factor in America's "Great Depression". And I don't need to say much about the dramatic increase in the number of tornadoes in the mid-western states recently, which are strongly influenced by dramatic contrasts in temperatures colliding with each other.

Verse 25 talks about their army being defeated by their enemies, and we are led to remember how easily they defeated Jericho, when God did all the hard work, and how they were defeated miserably in their next battle at Ai, against a much smaller force, when one man disobeyed God's commandments. We have the most powerful military in the world today, but if God wants us to be defeated by a weaker force (like I.S.I.S., or Al Quaida, or Iran's proxies, in Yemen), you can bet it will happen.

Verse 43 talks about the "Stranger", among us (foreign immigrants), becoming more powerful (economically, I suspect), while you (the citizens of our country) become "very low". I'm sure there are Saudi bankers in New York today whose vast wealth wields more power than the biggest banks on Wall Street.

All in all, I think this is enough similarity to cause the Christians of this country to fall on their knees in repentance for the collective sins of our nation. We must pray fervently that God will send a Holy Ghost revival upon America, before it's too late!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

"Happy" Anniversary, Kent State

Last November the 11th, (check the Archives list to the right of this column), I wrote about my youthful experience with Satan's ability to create chaos on one of the most politically apathetic campuses in America, at that time. The next year, I was profoundly amazed at the great increase in the student population of those who chose to dress like what we others referred to as "hippy types". The only logical conclusion we could draw from this was that the school's admissions board had decided that admitting more of these emotional degenerates to the school would appease the "spirit" of chaos that gave us the rioting of the previous year. This seemed to be like giving a "spoiled brat" a piece of candy to stop him from throwing a tantrum. In reality the only thing that appeased these "pervs" was the random killing of 4 students (only one of which could be proven to be a rock-thrower that day, and the other three were probably innocent bystanders), and the wounding of nine others. The awful reality of possibly getting shot, by panicky National Guardsmen, who rightly, or wrongly' got fed up with the rock throwing, and decided to take the law into their own hands, and opened fire, was the only reason we didn't have more rioting. Most of these "hippy types" presumably were only "closet radicals", who only wanted to dress the part, and shout slogans from a safe distance, while other innocent bystanders took the bullets.

My reason for rehashing brutal memories is because Monday was the 45th anniversary of the May 4th killings at Kent State (also on a Monday). As I watched the news reports of the rioting in Ferguson, Missouri, a few months ago, and now the same in Baltimore (though the latter outrage seems more justifiable than the former), I can't help but see the same turmoil brewing, with the apparent help of self-serving instigators, like the "Reverend" Al Sharpton ( that great blustering fool, who brought us the moral outrage of the Tawana Brawley false "gang-rape" affair). I wrote last November that I knew who the real instigator was of these riots (Satan), and the rest were just trying to profit from the turmoil however they may. As far as the rock-throwers and the arsonists are concerned, they can be counted on to try and do their "dirty-work", and then clear out to let someone else get shot, whether guilty or innocent they don't care. As long as it instigates more "moral outrage" against the authorities, it serves their purposes. So they suppose the great American Communist Revolution will finally appear, which Leftists have been expecting since at least the 1930's. I think it was the philosopher, George Santayana, who once said, "Those who refuse to remember the past are condemned to re-live it". Put another way, by another great thinker (Solomon), "There is nothing new under the sun". (Turn, turn, turn: Bob Dylan)

The rest of us are left to go "tsk-tsk-tsk", and shake our heads and wonder "what's the world coming to?". Well, I'll tell you. The world's going to Hell, and those of us who won't "jump ship" pretty quick will be carried right along with it. And the only way to effectively "jump ship" is to call on Jesus Christ to forgive us of all our sins, personal and corporate, and to come into our hearts, and be our Lord and Savior, guaranteeing our refuge in Heaven when it all "hits the fan". Your choice, do it or not, it's up to you.