Saturday, December 31, 2016

Obama Seems Determined To Become "Public Enemy #1"

He's already got my vote, but that doesn't seem to satisfy him.  He's so busy baiting Russian President Putin that one has to wonder if he wants a nuclear conflagration before he leaves office, just to make things difficult for the Trump Administration.  I guess a nuclear wasteland of America, like Hiroshima, from New York to L..A., would soothe his "Lame Duck" ego, and the pain of a Democratic loss of the Presidency.  Talk about "sour grapes"!!!  Get over it, already!!!

At what point do Democrats forget their personal humiliation, and remember that this country has to carry on, even if you don't like the winning candidate.  Republicans had to grit their teeth, and move on. while Obama tried to turn Washington into the "Tehran of the west".   You would hope that the Democrats  would have enough  decency to remember that they are still Americans, first.  But, I guess that's too much to expect from the likes of Obama, Clinton, or Kerry.  I wonder if the Arab Gulf States have set up Swiss "Retirement Accounts" for all of them, to guarantee their continued outrage over Israeli settlements in the West Bank?  Their views couldn't be more outrageous if they were blatantly bought and paid for.

My last Post said we should hold our breath until January 20th, when Obama leaves office. But, I guess it would be more accurate to say midnight of the 20th, because I think Obama's going to do as much of his dirty work as possible right up to the last minute he is in office!

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Holding Our Breath Till January 20th...

How much damage can one man do in a little less than one month?  President Obama seems determined to find out, before he leaves office next month.

His Anti-Israel moves are just the beginning.  He has apparently orchestrated the recent U.N. censorship of Israel, for their allowing developments to be built in West bank territories, which he had America's representative abstain from voting on.  This in itself broke with a tradition that America had long held of vetoing the mostly Muslim nations' efforts to pressure U.N. sanctions on Israel.  I think we can assume that any U.N. angst against Israel is bought, an paid for, by Arab oil money, in the form of bribes ( I wonder if the Arabs. have set up a "retirement account" for Obama in some Swiss bank).    At the same time over 20% of U.N. donations come from American taxpayers, which could be stopped by the new Trump administration.  Perhaps it's time to tell the U.N. to get the H*** out of New York, and take their sometimes evil resolutions to Europe, where they will fit in just fine with all those bastions of Islamic terrorism.  Why are we continuing to fund that evil organisation, anyway?  Their best resolutions are usually symbolic, toothless efforts which harmlessly do nothing to increase peace in the world, and their evil diatribes against anything good would be a better fit in Europe, I think.

Maybe Obama will take a permanent vacation in Abu Dhabi, where he can schmooze with all his Arab buddies about how awful Israel is, and leave us alone.  Quite frankly, I'm sick of the guy, and his pathetic wife, who is apparently heartbroken over Trump's pending ability to reverse a lot of the so-called "Obama Legacy" which was built mostly on reversible Executive Orders.  How could they expect them to stand close examination by any new, incoming administration, except someone like Hillary, who promised to maintain his "legacy",  Thank God  we don't have to deal with either one of those idiots for the next four years!!!

The mere fact that Hillary came close to winning the election should scare the "willies" out of every decent American today!  We need a massive Holy Spirit breathed revival in this country, or the Democrats will find some way to re-ignite their former voter base, and we'll have another "Legacy" as bad as the one Obama wants to leave us with, now!

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The Obama "Legacy"

I think Obama is planning to hit us with some of the most blatant Anti-American Executive Orders in the history of American Presidents.  I admit this is merely a suspicion, but there is growing evidence to support my views.

While Trump has made clear that he is considering formally moving the American Embassy in Israel from Tel  Aviv, to Jerusalem, which has been ordered by Congress for years, but never enacted by an American President, Obama has countered by ordering an American Abstention to the United Nations vote to censure Israel for allowing Jewish developments to be built in West Bank territory. This has been a traditional American veto for years, as a way of American efforts to deflate the virulent antisemitism of the other nations who support the move to censure Israel.  But,by ordering an abstention, Obama has essentially allowed the bill to pass, without having to say he supported it.  While I suspect this move will be little more than symbolic, it lets us know where Obama's heart lies as he prepares to leave office.  I wouldn't be surprised if he were to announce publicly that he was always a Muslim believer, since before he was sworn into office in 2008, and perhaps he will move his family to some Muslim country, to retire to.  I said I wouldn't be surprised, and I would have to say,"good riddance!", if he were to do so.

Also, he has released, or commuted the sentences of a record number of convicts in federal prisons. This seems to be setting a pattern of trying to create as much havoc in America as he can manage to create, as some sort of parting shot, on his way out.  We still have almost another month of his creative evil efforts, all of which are legal, and most of which can be reversed on day one of the Trump Presidency, but how many can not???

This is why  I feel that Obama will be remembered as the worst President in American history!!!  He will be considered as the opposite of George Washington, or Abraham Lincoln!!!

Monday, December 19, 2016

Is America Facing a Constitutional Crisis today???

Lets hope (and Pray) that's not the case, but it may be.  The Democrats not only do not care about Constitutional values, if they can manipulate them to their political advantage, but they absolutely detest them when they are restricted from power by the rules of the game that are contained within them.  Today we have the Democratic "squealers" (as in "stuck pigs") desperately trying to get legal members of the Electoral College to renege on their legal commitment to vote for the candidate for President that their voters sent them to the College to elect, and change their vote for Clinton.  The shamelessness of this act is itself incredible, but after the last several months of propaganda from the Liberal Press, it seems to be par for the course.  To think that this could actually succeed is scandalous!

I think the strategy is something like this:  1) get enough Electors to switch their votes, for Clinton..., then, 2) when the Trump campaign will surely sue them in the Supreme Court, hope that they can win their case in what is no longer a conservative Court (since the death of Antonin Scalia) and hope the American people will stand for this kind of Constitutional "skulduggery", and accept a blatant criminal as their President!!!  Whether Trump was intending to prosecute Clinton for her obvious illegal E-mail security breaches as Secretary of State, or not, hardly matters. Her obvious guilt is so blatant, that no trial should be necessary to convince anyone who cares a whit about our Constitutional  principles, to recognize that she should never be elected to the Presidency.

 And by this effort to scrub the procedure that our Founding Fathers put in place (in order to guarantee that the states with smaller, more agrarian populations should have the same voting power as the more populous states, with large cities [like New York, Chicago, and L.A.] ), the Liberals expose themselves as the International Socialists that I suspected they were all along.  They are likely the forerunners of the Antichrist's One World system of government that God has clearly condemned in the book of Revelation, and they not only don't care for our Constitution, they probably believe it must be repudiated, in order for the Antichrist's system to come to power!

They are probably right about that, but I had hoped that the "Rapture" would come before an effort like this could destroy our Constitutional government!  Let's all hope (and Pray!) that I have not missed my guess on that!!!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Slander Of Evangelicals By The Media

So,tell me what else is new!  Evangelicals slandered by the Liberal Media?  That's become par for the course, for them.  But the fact that they  collectively ganged up on Evangelicals shows that they consider us a viable political threat to their preferred Liberal agenda.  Not to mention their wholly unscrupulous attempt to falsely influence voters, who may be easily swayed by public opinion, no matter whether right, or wrong.

On October 19th, I wrote that I was personally disappointed in the Evangelicals, who were reported to be "split" evenly between the Democratic and Republican candidates.  I frankly should have been more trusting in the Lord that He would not allow His people to be so easily "hoodwinked" by these Liberal Media liars, to have difficulty choosing between a morally bankrupt businessman, who wants to put America back on track to the freedoms that the Obama administration has gone way out of it's way to grossly erode, and  a woman who is so incompetent that she most likely broke National Security laws, while Secretary of State,  as well as promising to "maintain Obama's legacy".

Thankfully, the actual truth is almost 180 degrees opposite of what was reported!!!  Trump won almost 81% of the Evangelical vote, and thankfully, we are spared that horrible woman trying to mess up our government from the White House over the next four years.  I don't much care if Trump follows up his campaign promise to prosecute her, or not.  Just get her out of my sight, please!  And someone, please, tell her and all the other Democratic loudmouths to SHUT UP!!!   They've had their way for eight years, now get out of the way, and lets see how the country responds to some real leadership ( if he can only keep his hands to himself while in office)!!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Democrats Reduced To Screaming "Foul"

So far the Democrats have proven no Russian election hacking interference, or any other form of election malfeasance, of any kind.  But are they ever going to give up, and, more pertinently, will they ever shut up???  It doesn't look good for the latter.

Talk about "sour grapes"!!!  More than a month after the election, they still can't just "get over it", and go get a real job, rather than wait for a Democratic President to appoint them to some "cushy job", at an exorbitant salary, doing nothing but making silly, unnecessary regulations that will hamstring other businesses from their ability to profitably provide services, or products that will really benefit people.

It's like these people were so sure that Hillary would win, that they didn't bother with a back-up plan, in case she didn't.  And now they have no way to cope with reality, other than to run around like "chickens with their heads cut off", screaming "foul", hoping that reality will just go away!  (Should we call these people the "foul" "fowls", or something that resembles their behavior?)  Nancy Pelosi seems determined to use the House of Representatives as her format for 2 years of complaining, now that she is the leader of what amounts to a meaningless minority of representatives.  I don't see how this is going to regain her a Democratic majority in two years, unless Donald Trump starts groping every female from New York to Washington, D.C.

Trump will provide an invaluable service to the American people with his Supreme Court nominations, alone, if he does nothing else admirable for four years.  Not only for his nomination to replace the late Antonin Scalia, but at least three other Justices are getting on in age, even for Supreme Court Justices.  Health issues may give Trump more appointments before this term ends.  Could we actually see some sanity returning to the government of the United States???  Heavens to Allah, Mr. Obama, what a nightmare (at least for the Democrats)!!!  Looks like 8 years of running rough shod over the U.S. Constitution accomplished very little, as it all seems about to be reversed!

But coming back to reality, remember that God is going to allow the Antichrist to take control of the world, at least for seven years.  That probably means America will have to decline some how, one way or another.  So, as positive as the Trump Administration seems to be shaping up, we still have some bad times ahead, before Jesus returns to send all the evil to Hell, where it belongs!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Is The Antichrist's European Confederation Dead???

Not hardly!  God's prophecies must be carried out to the fullest detail, regardless of what we would prefer, or what circumstances seem to indicate.  He has prophecied that the Antichrist will come to power, and that the confederation that he will use to control the world will look like the European Common Market was shaping up to look like.  However, the recent instability of the Common Market would seem to suggest that it is about to collapse under it's own mismanagement.  But, don't hold your breath that it will!

The recent British revolt from the Confederation (referred to as "Brexit", for "British Exit"), and the appearance of other member Nations' desire to follow suit leaves one with the logical assumption that the Common Market is about to implode on itself.  I don't believe that will happen.  I wonder if the "Brexit" movement was meant to separate England from Europe, since God has prophecied that the "young lions of Tarshish" will object to the "Gog/Magog" invasion of Israel (as Europe is not likely to do).  The Biblical reference to "Tarshish" refers to the country that was colonized by the city-state known as "Tyre", which was located just north of Israel, in what is today called "Lebanon".  It was a maritime trading nation, and it colonized a place in northern Africa, which would become known as Carthage,(perhaps the ancient name of "Tarsish" evolved through much mispronunciation to the later name of "Carthage", which sounds phonetically similar), an adversary of Rome, later;which would precipitate the "Punic Wars", with the famous invasion of Rome, by Hannibal, with an army of elephant riders (which almost defeated Rome) and would eventually establish a colony in the ancient Island nation of "Britannia", which was later known as England.  So, the "young lions of Tarshish" probably refers to England, and it's later colonies of America, Canada, Australia, as well as the other members of the "United Kingdom": Scotland, Wales, and Ireland (give or take some of the more rebellious countries, like Ireland).

Remember, Satan is God's devil!  He allows him free reign to work his evil devises on mankind in order to test us all, to see which of us will foolishly follow him, and which of us will choose to turn to God, through faith in Jesus, because God has already told us what will be the end result of following the Devil, and his Antichrist.  The end of the Antichrist's reign of terror will be sudden, and it will not be pretty; but before it ends, he has first got to come to power, and I don't see God allowing his platform to disappear, before he has a chance to claim it.

I suspect that God will allow the Common Market to appear on the brink of collapse, in order for the leaders to realize that they need a stronger leader to manage their system.  Like ...Oh, I dunno..., maybe, the ANTICHRIST!!! (whomever that will be)???  This may be the format he will use to gain control of the Common Market, which Revelation refers to as a Confederation.  Perhaps a world-wide financial collapse (like the one currently touted on television by all the sellers of Gold Bullion)  will set him up to take control of the world's financial markets, with some form of Gold-backed, computer currency (like the "Bitcoin") that all the world will embrace as the only stable currency around. This will probably require the prophecied "Mark of the Beast" which is condemned for Christians, and I suspect that the "Rapture" will have already occurred by the time it becomes totally accepted, world-wide.  The Antichrist could not foister that upon a world full of all those pesky Christians, so they must be removed from interference, to bring it to pass.  I believe God will cooperate to this degree, not because He wants the Antichrist to succeed, but He wants those non-believers who will follow his system to have the opportunity to choose to do so.  Then they will have no excuse when they stand before God's White Throne Judgement!  The Antichrist will have served his purpose, by then, and God will have Judged him accordingly, as well!

This would seem to  be another perfect opportunity for me to extol what is becoming my most common scripture quote, to end my Posts with:  encouraging Christian believers to, "Look up!  For your redemption draweth nigh!!!"

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Cabinet Qualifications

After listening to criticism from that bastion of Congressional Wisdom, former House speaker Nancy Pelosi, claiming that Donald Trump's nominee for the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development is poorly qualified, I want to throw up!!!  Dr. Ben Carson is a brilliant neurosurgeon, who developed trend-setting surgical procedures for separating conjoined twins, and as far as I'm concerned he is eminently qualified for any position in the Federal bureaucracy, and then some!!!  If I wanted to challenge someone's qualifications I would look first at Pelosi, and others of her party in Congress, whom God only knows how anyone could actually vote for them, in good conscience.  But since when have "qualifications" (or, rather, the lack thereof) ever hindered a Democrat from seeking political office, or condemning a Republican, in the Democrats' perverse opinions?  So, the bottom line is anyone that Nancy Pelosi condemns has to be a stellar choice to serve in the Trump Administration, if you ask me.  After all, H.U.D. is in the business of loaning money for housing developments, which is not exactly brain surgery.  And, even if it were, Carson could handle that, too.

It's really pathetic to hear all the Liberals trying desperately to find fault with Trump's appointments, and his announced agendas.  Talk about "sour grapes"!!!  You would think they had better ideas, themselves, to offer as an alternative!  Oh wait, I guess the election proved the American people didn't think so!

Friday, December 2, 2016

A Liberal's View Of Trump...

I was talking, yesterday, to someone who was obviously a Liberal, and probably voted for Clinton, though I didn't bother to ask.  It didn't seem necessary.  She was rattling on about how Trump was seeming to be not so bad, after all.  She liked the fact that he had appointed a woman to the U.N. Ambassadorship ( I didn't bother to mention that the appointment was of a very Conservative, former Governor of South Carolina, and an evangelical Christian.  I didn't want to spoil her enthusiasm, and it seemed that all she cared about was that she was a woman, appointed to a high office in the Trump administration.)

She added that she applauded Trump's consideration  of Mitt Romney for Secretary of State, because he would get the experience in International Relations  to prepare him to be the next President !  I don't think many Conservative Republicans would agree with her on that point, and I suspect Trump will have a change of heart, either voluntarily, or with a whole lot of help, in that regard!!!

But it is interesting to see that at least one Liberal is trying to find something in Trump, and his administration, that they can appreciate.  If she is indicative of others, we may have something like a unified Government, after a few of Trump's plans actually have a positive effect.  If not, then the Democrats will probably find another International Socialist candidate that is even worse than Obama, and Clinton, to move us even closer to the Antichrist's One-World system of Government, that the Bible condemns in the book of Revelation!  I'll bet Bernie Sanders is just biding his time!!!