Tuesday, October 6, 2015

America Is In Deep Doggie Doo-Doo!!!

Pardon my trite reference to perhaps the most seriously dangerous state of the union in history, including the threats to our security pre-World War II, even on the eve of Pearl Harbor! That threat comes from ourselves, or at least those among us that have the temerity to call themselves "Progressives", and "Liberals", most of whom vote Democratic in each election. The absolutely diabolical thing of it is that they honestly believe that they are doing the right thing in voting for like-minded Democrats for political office. They are nothing different from the "Fabian Socialists" of the 19th century, mostly in England, who were bent on overthrowing the British Empire, not by violent means but by chipping away at it, politically, a little at a time, and by brainwashing their country's children through controlling the curriculum of the public schools, and Academia. They intended to slowly mold the general attitude of the majority of the voting public, until they could be counted upon to vote the way of the "Social Engineers" who desperately wanted to control every aspect of society, especially the wealth of the National Treasury! I am convinced that this is the tool that the Devil will use to bring his Antichrist to power, over his one-world form of government, which appears to be set for a European platform, probably centered somewhere in Switzerland. Those arrogant Bankers seem to feel they know more about running the world then God, Himself, and He is apparently going to give them the opportunity to try and prove it, for about seven years. Then when they have made a thorough mess of it all, Jesus is going to return to set up His Millennial Kingdom, after He disposes of those arrogant "Social Engineers".

These "Fabian Socialists" brought their perverse, and greedy values over to America, mostly after World War II, when it became obvious that the financial power of the world was shifting here form Europe, and they will shift again if our financial world-influence shifts from Wall Street, to somewhere else, like China. They consider themselves above the local laws of whatever country they reside in, and they depend on bribery of local officials to prove their point. But they are absolutely dependent upon the voting power of their brainwashed Democratic party members (as I was myself, until I found Jesus), to place them in positions of authority, from which they intend, eventually, to wrest control of the government from our Constitutional authority, so they can establish their One-World government, which will eventually end up in the control of the Antichrist!!! (As Socialists, they believe that destroying the wealth of the rich will "automatically" create the opportunity for greater wealth for the poor. It will; but it will also create an equal opportunity for their increased poverty, without the relief supplied by the jobs created by the former wealthy, who needed to reinvest their wealth in job-creating activity to maintain, or increase it. They can't create those jobs, because the Socialists have destroyed their wealth, and don't know how to create real jobs, themselves. All they can do is create government jobs for endless bureaucrats to check up on everyone, at our own, taxpayers' expense.)

That is probably why they scream so loudly about gun-control laws, which are unconstitutional on the Federal level, and are not strong enough on the state, and local levels to keep guns out of the hands of those insane idiots who commit mass murder, like this Satanist who killed those nine people at the Community College, in Oregon. (He apparently thought he was doing his boss, Satan, a favor, for which he expected to be given a role as "a god, in Hell". By now, after committing suicide, he has discovered that Satan, "is a liar, and the father of lies", and he will simply be roasting in the flames of Hell, with the rest of the deceived, forever!) The "Progressives" want to overrule the Constitution, so the sane gun-owners will have no-way of rebelling against their eventual attempts to take over the government, some day. And our "beloved" "Fabian-In-Chief", Obama seems to be screaming the loudest, followed by Hillary, John Kerry, and Biden, probably.

The truly sad thing about it all is that they will not only destroy this country's Constitutional form of government, in the process, but they will be setting perhaps millions of Americans up to be condemned to eternity in Hell!!! This One-World government is prophecied (in Revelation 13: 16, &17) to be based on an economic system that requires everyone who buys, or sells, to have an identifying "mark of the beast"( probably a sub-cutaneous microchip injected under the skin, as is done now for the home addresses of pet owners across America, in the neck flesh of their pets) in their right hand, or forehead, which God has declared will automatically condemn them to Hell!

That ain't me talkin', folks! That's God!!! So don't blame that one on me! It's your choice; either take my word for it, or don't and pay the consequences!

Does anyone still want to call these peoples' beliefs to be "Progressive", now??? I don't!!!

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