Friday, May 27, 2016

Things Could Get Uglier, and Uglier...

To borrow the phrase from that well-known English philosopher, Alice, of "Wonderland" fame, "Things are getting 'curiouser', and 'curiouser'...", in the Presidential election race. But, it all could get real ugly, real fast, and God only knows how it's all going to turn out.

On the Republican side, we have the presumptive nominee, Donald Trump, all but declaring victory in the election, already, after some "super delegates" pledged their convention votes to him, which they were not required to do, legally. This puts his delegate tally one vote over the minimum to be the nominee (1238, versus the minimum of 1237 delegates), as of the first ballot. As regular delegates are bound to vote for their primary winners, ONLY on the first ballot, it is crucial for the Trump campaign to lock up the nomination before another ballot becomes necessary. If a second ballot were to take place, God only knows who would eventually be selected for the Republican nominee!

On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton has received a scathing denouncement by the State Department's Inspector General's office. She has been accused of not even asking their office for approval of her intended use of a private (and security "unsecured") phone server (which the Inspector General's office assures us she would not have received, if she had asked). This is beginning to shape up as her possibly being the first person in American history to be on the verge of receiving her party's nomination to the presidency, about the same time as she might receive an indictment from the F.B.I.! Then we would have to wonder if the thoroughly corrupt Obama administration would allow their Justice Department to prosecute a Democratic nominee. Or, would Obama fail to allow an F.B.I. indictment to be enacted, and the subject to be fully prosecuted, as the Constitution mandates, or, would they make sure a "sham" trial would exonerate Hillary, regardless of guilt, or innocence, in a desperate effort to keep Democratic control of the White House? Obama, and his "lackeys" are capable of just about any "quasi-legal" manipulation of the law, if it appears to suit their purposes. (We thought we had seen the worst in an illegal presidency with Nixon, didn't we?) Well, "Fasten your seat belts, boys, it looks like we're in for a bumpy ride" (to quote Bette Davis, in some old movie, the name of which I have forgotten).

All this makes me wonder if God is not trying to confuse all of us who are habitually used to practically worshipping our presidential candidates (I can remember, as a child, being hugged by my consoling mother, over the "terrible" news that J.F.K. had been elected president, after I had set my heart on a Nixon presidency (talk about being, "careful what you wish for"!). Well, I learned my lesson years ago; are we, as a nation, about to see how good we really are at choosing a "savior" president?!! One has to wonder...

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Who Will America Turn To For Salvation...Trump, or Clinton???

As a professing Christian, the reader must already know the title is intended to be a "loaded question", which has only one obvious answer... Jesus is our only hope of salvation, both individually, and as a nation, and it doesn't make "a hill of beans" difference which president we will elect! Jesus can either save us from His judgement (which doesn't seem far off), or He'll save His people within it, and in spite of it! I think God prefers to allow us time to demonstrate either our obedience to His Biblical principles, or foolish choice to disobey them, as the Obama administration has blatantly chosen to do, lately. It is not too late for this country to receive God's protection from the sinful (one can not call it anything else!) policies of this horrible Obama administration! But, we must demand that the other two branches of our federal government stand up to the President's brash policies that will clearly bring a "Sodom, and Gomorrah-like" judgement on us all, if we do not!

Are we so completely without any national concept of decency (Biblically based, or intrinsically realized) as to allow, and even force our children to share bathroom facilities, now, and probably "Phys. Ed." locker room, and shower facilities, eventually, with opposite gender students, simply because a few children are temporarily confused about their own sexual identities? How absurd can we get?!!! If the Obama administration can not figure out whose "rights" need protection here, then the sooner Obama leaves office, the better, as far as I can see!

Clinton has projected herself as the defender of the Obama "legacy". Let her accept the blame, then, for every idiotic policy his administration is responsible for! The truly sad thing, for our country as a whole is that I can't see Trump as being much better than Clinton intends to be! He says he will, but I really have trouble believing him. As I said earlier, what a choice we have between the two!!! I think God may be testing us to see if we will keep trusting our foolish choices for president, or will we finally recognize that this world has become too evil for any mere president to "save" us from the mess that our own foolishness has allowed to become government policy. But at least Trump will probably recognize the outrage of the Republican voters to the policies of his predecessor, if he can just get enough Democrats to agree that Obama has gone too far, and that his policies clearly must be reversed. I suspect that even Obama doesn't expect all of his Executive Orders to stand Supreme Court challenge, he just wants to go on record as promoting the evil laws that one hopes the Supreme Court will abolish. (Beware, Barak, for God is keeping score, too; and it doesn't look good for your side of these issues, so far!)

But, we as a nation must ultimately recognize that our own salvation (both personally, and collectively as a nation) depends not on who is elected president, but upon our own repentance, individually, and as a nation (for having elected a man who would bring our country to the point of utter perversion, while wiping out our ability to defend our nation from it's enemies [see previous post]. And, only Jesus has the authority (given Him by God) to forgive us of our sins (again, personally, and collectively as a nation [for we all bare the guilt for having elected Obama, and re-elected him.])

I'm sorry for feeling it's necessary to burden my post with a seemingly "tired old sermon message", but the reader can take "comfort" in recognizing that this message will not be necessary to be repeated, much longer! One way, or the other, we will see a change around here! The only question is... will it be for the better, or worse? Only we can say, collectively, which direction we'll go... Obama's way, or God's? It can't be both!!!

Monday, May 16, 2016

Obama--The LITMUS President...!!!

I have never seen an American President that was so clearly, and unabashedly a perfect "litmus" for everything we, as conservative Christians, ought to be concerned with, in accordance with our beliefs in the whole Gospel Of Jesus Christ, and his apparent lack thereof!!! I know the Bible condemns the practice of judging other peoples' faith, or lack thereof, but, by the same token Jesus said, " their fruits ye shall know them". There seems to be a discrepancy here...How can we know (or, "judge") their "fruits" (a combination of their words, and actions,...either in harmony, or in hypocritical contrast to what they say), without judging them, which is clearly discouraged, if not outright condemned! I admit to some rather difficult meditations on the difference between these two concepts.

It seems to me that "Time Frame" is the determining factor, here. Repentance has always been the key to salvation, and only God (and Jesus) know who has really repented of his, or her sinful past. Obama has stood for plenty of concepts that desperately need repentance for, as a nation, and him, personally. I don't believe we should judge him as repentant, or not, personally. That would be our assuming a role that God has reserved for Himself. God is clearly giving Obama time to repent of the evil he has brought this country into (careful, Barak...Jesus has promised to return when you LEAST EXPECT HIM!!!), and even now continues to try to do more, as though he was trying to destroy our nation from within. And He is clearly giving us the opportunity, and the impetus to reverse his most evil plans! If we choose to allow them we endanger the whole nation accordingly. But, as President of the United States, I believe we must "judge" his administration's policies, as either good, or evil, accordingly. We either join with him in his evil concepts (like forcing our children in public schools to share bathroom facilities, now, and probably Gym Class showers, and locker room facilities, later, with those who "feel" their "sexual orientation" is opposite from the gender they were born with), or we oppose them! And, how can we oppose his policies, without judging them? Clearly, the Lord makes a distinction between judging people for their personal sins, and for our blind cooperation with their evil policies, and practices.

Their comes a time when we have to show people like Obama that "enough is enough"!!! Even if he duped enough voters to get himself elected (and re-elected), we need to resist his administration's blatant move toward National Perversion, or suffer God's judgment ourselves, for not doing so. We saw (in Biblical History) a time when the local perverts had taken over the whole society, until God had decided that "enough was enough", and He judged all of Sodom, and Gomorrah, Himself! And we know that His Judgement is final!!! But how many people secretly disapproved of the evil behavior that had taken over their society, and just learned to live with it all? We know that Lot's two sons-in-law did not heed the warning. Are we as a nation in danger of the same blind complacency??? If we are, then can the same kind of judgment be far behind?

If Obama, and his administration want to implement this perverse law within the bureaucracy, fine! But when they try and force our children to do likewise, that's going way too far!!! How many young girls will lose their virginity in school restrooms, and probably locker rooms, and risk even "gang rape", when young boys who thought they were Homosexuals will surprisingly discover heterosexual feelings (whether they call themselves "Bisexuals", or not) at the expense of our young girls' purity, and innocence ??? Out-of-wedlock childbirth may soon become statistically commonplace, or Planned Parenthood may receive a new source of income with the new abortions that may result from this perverse Obama law!!!

All this concern may be moot, anyway, as this perverse law will surely be tested, Constitutionally, all the way up to the Supreme Court. But, with the recent passing of Justice Scalia, who can say if there is enough wisdom left on the Bench to throw this absurdly perverse law out? Since Presidential Executive Actions carry the weight of law until they are reversed by the courts, if there is not enough wisdom left on the court, and they allow it to stand (not showing enough "gumption" to reverse it), then perhaps this is God's way of testing us to see if we will continue to send our children to such a perverse school system, or whether we will demand that the States be given back their controls over the public schools that were rightfully taken from them, due to racial discrimination. Some forms of discrimination are not only proper, but necessary (people should not be discriminated against because of the blackness of their skin, but because of the "blackness" of their hearts; Obama, apparently is "black" throughout)! But, apparently, the public schools of the land (or, at least, the Department of Education) have lost the ability to discriminate between good, and evil; and want our children to be equally confused as they are. If we allow this to continue, how can we not expect God to judge us the way He judged Sodom, and Gomorrah!!! I think it's time for America to choose which way they are going to go; God's way, or Obama's way. There is a clear distinction between the two positions!

I have long felt that the Bible draws a clear distinction between "intelligence" (which Obama clearly has in abundance) and "wisdom" (which can be defined as the ability to discern "right" from "wrong") which Obama, and many other Democrats, seem to be pathetically lacking in! It's getting to the point where anything that comes out of Obama's mouth has to be rejected automatically for the foolishness that it represents!!! He is becoming a perfect "litmus" for any degree of wisdom in our government.

Does he not remember (at least from History classes, in school) that America had undergone a huge military disarmament before Pearl Harbor, and this may have played a large role in allowing the Japanese to believe that they could attack us safely? This disarmament was because of the popular view, in America (though obviously foolish), that World War I was the "war to end all wars", because certainly man could not possibly dream up more efficient ways to kill their fellow man, than was seen in World War I. Well, guess again, folks! Mankind has apparently an infinite capacity to dream up better ways to murder his fellow man, and Satan is always whispering in his ear! This will continue until God decides that He has had enough! Wars will continue until Jesus comes back, and finally puts an end to it all! ("Even so come quickly, Lord Jesus!")

We have now undergone the greatest military disarmament in history, thanks to the Obama administration's policies. Does Obama think history will not repeat itself? Is he truly ignorant of George Santayana's famous quote that, "Those who will not remember the past are condemned to relive it"? Perhaps Russia will decide we are too weak to put up a fight against their aggression! From almost 2 million service personnel, we are now down to about 1 million, and 300,000 active duty personnel (men, and women). That's less than we had before Pearl Harbor! The Navy has been reduced to about half of their former amount of ships at sea. Obama has left us open to the aggression of any hegemonistic idiot that wants to control the world (like that insane idiot who rules North Korea). Do we really want to be drawn into a war with China, or Russia, or some lunatic society like the I.S.I.S. Caliphate (would I.S.I.S. have dared to challenge the Bush administration, or the Reagan Administration)? If we are viewed as being too weak to defend ourselves, we are practically begging our enemies to test us, internationally, and even domestically!

I have quoted before the famous words of Alexis De Tocqueville, the French philosopher of the early 19th century, who came to, and travelled around America to determine what made our country great. His conclusion was that, "America is great, because America is good. When America ceases to be good, it will cease to be great!" This wisdom was not spoken by a known theologian, but by a member of the French Revolutionary government, which was oppressively atheistic, and obsessively exercised the Guillotine to decapitate those who dared to disagree with their polices.
Does that sound more like the wisdom of America of the past, or today (thanks to Obama's policies)?

At some point, Jesus will decide to come back to put an end to all of our evil foolishness. Then, He will simply destroy all those who wish to create more evil in the world (Obama please take note; guess which side of the issue you're on, so far?), leaving a peaceful world for those of us who believe in Him. The only questions are, how many of us will be around when that happens, and which side of His judgement will we receive?!!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Is "Google" Cooperating With Muslim Beheadings Of Christians???

Is this just my own personal paranoia, or do I really have cause for concern here???

Every time I write something that could easily be taken as "offensive" to either Muslims, or to the Kremlin, in Russia, I seem to spark interest in my location, from my Blog server. What a coincidence!!! But, it's too frequent to not be at least mildly concerned for my own personal safety.

My Blog server is a derivative of a parent company that is, in turn, owned by Google. I have intentionally given minimal personal information to my Blog server, simply because my ability to express my opinions freely is important, since I intend to deal with issues that are not popular, especially in countries that do not respect Free Speech. Neither Russia, nor countries that are dominated by large Muslim populations have great appreciation for the concept of free speech. Whenever I write about issues that Muslims might disagree with, the statistical breakdown of my readership shows more interest from Russia, than even the United States. In fact, the Muslim population within Russia, to say nothing about the former Soviet satellite countries that are Russia's neighbors, are extensive enough to cause suspicion for their apparent interest in my Blog, especially when I write something potentially "offensive" to Muslims, worldwide. I suppose it would be easier to get along with people, if I didn't take offense to such practices as the beheading of Christians, and others who have the terrible temerity to disagree with the tenants of Islam! I suppose it would be easier if I allowed that Muslims have the "right" to carry out their bloody retributions, simply because their Koran not only allows this, but actually encourages this kind of treatment for those who dare to call their faith to question on this. But, I do not, and never will believe that they have any "right" to murder those who simply disagree with their faith. In this country, at least, we have supposedly been given the right to express our outrage verbally about such treatment. If Google, and it's subsidiaries feel it's more important to protect the feelings of their complainants (I guess for fear of offending their Muslim clients around the world), than protecting my safety, so be it!!!

Every time I write something potentially offensive to Muslims, like my previous post (two days ago), I seem to get a message from my Blog server saying they want to know where my "physical location" is. As I only get this message when I write something that may be offensive to Muslims (like they should not be allowed to behead those who disagree with them [how rude of me!]), I have to conclude that they are responding to complaints of those who find my opinions distasteful. I further conclude that if I gave my location to them, they would quickly pass that information to whomever might be complaining about me. It would not be that difficult for them to send their international Jihadi terrorists to my front door, to politely ask me to refrain from expressing my opinions, or to behead me for refusing. I wonder which is more likely?!!

I am not afraid to be beheaded for writing my opinions that are largely based upon Biblical Prophecy, so if they really fear my writings that much, go for it! My reward for being beheaded for my faith is clearly expressed in the Bible, along with God's promise to punish those who harm His people thusly, lest they repent. But, if Google, or my Blog server really think I'm stupid enough to actually make it easier for them to find me, they should think again! Contrary to the opinions of some, there are very real limits to my stupidity! And, that goes beyond even my limitations, thank you very much!

So, if my "regular" readers find an unusually long period of no postings on my Blog, they may find news stories about my head being used for a basketball (I have previously been accused of having too much rubber between my ears, anyway). Then, I guess they'll have to get my next post from heaven, if I'm not too busy (praising the Lord) to care, up there!

Saturday, May 7, 2016

More Trump Bluster,...But...?

I have to admit to two things about Donald Trump...I am getting tired of all the easily professed bluster that comes out of his mouth, and if I have to listen to it for the next 4, to 8 years I may go crazy. Of course that's presuming I'm not already, which many have debated with me before, and continue today.

But, strangely, I do appreciate, and agree with, his most controversial position, to date, that of making it a policy not to allow any more immigration of professing Muslim immigrants, which of course we all recognize would be a clear, and irreconcilable violation of the first amendment to the Constitution. There is a point where we have no choice but to accept the fact that the Constitution did not consider all possibilities, and the "Founding Fathers" left open the possibility that there would necessarily be times when the Constitution would not be appropriate for every situation. I think we have found one today!

I think we must pressure Congress, and the state legislatures to amend the Constitution, regrettably, to exclude any religion from immigration to our country whose doctrine not only allows, but encourages the murder of anyone who disagrees with their doctrine, such as Islam (but without specifically naming it). The authors of the Constitution left open the door to amend the Constitution, and the first amendment is in fact the very first example of our doing just that. But the "Founding Fathers" could never have imagined a time when there would be such a diabolical religion that would not only allow for, but also encourage the murdering of others ("seventy -two virgins"; that's not encouragement?) , simply for disagreeing with their doctrine, even encouraging a suicidal effort to "escape" prosecution and imprisonment (as if God is not capable of providing a kind of punishment that is far worse than anything man can devise, and lasts for eternity, with no parole,... ever!), or death penalty for doing so. But, by clarifying this point, we will in effect be preventing a lot of discrimination against Christians, at least here in our own country. This was the main objective of the first amendment, anyway, but the "Founding Fathers" could never have anticipated someone using the first amendment's words to allow a certain kind of religion (Islam) to encourage the very kind of discrimination that the first amendment was obviously intended to protect against. Therefore, since no one can determine which of the Muslim believers will decide to implement this ideology to the harm of innocent people, who peacefully disagree with them, until it's too late to stop them, it is necessary for Islamic beliefs in general to be a disqualifying factor in allowing immigration to this country. As distasteful a concept as this is, in an otherwise free society, we may have no choice but to implement such laws; not because we wish to, but because we are left with no realistic choice.

Further, since we can not punish those who commit murder/suicide, in the name of "Allah", we must take the distasteful step of creating laws that will force the deportation of all immediate family members of those who commit such atrocities. I realize this is not legal, either in our nation's laws, or Biblically condoned, but it is the only way of creating pressure upon these murderous barbarians, to think that their actions will have material consequences that they might find unpleasant to consider, presuming of course they actually care about their family members, which, regrettably, some probably do not. I am not ignoring the Lord's promise to "repay" those who commit such sinful acts. However, my intention is not to punish the sinner; God will be much better at that than we could ever hope to be. But the innocent people will already be killed or hurt, by the time the Lord brings His vengeance upon these idiots. But, at least this may cause SOME to reconsider their lunacy, before they execute their crimes. There must be some way of legally causing these people to reconsider their murderous behavior, BEFORE they commit it! Clearly, their so-called "peaceful religion" (of Islam) in no way discourages this, and even encourages it. Therefore, the only way of protecting at least some of our innocent citizens, is to institute laws that will discourage this unacceptable behavior, before it is committed, even if it is contrary to the "spirit" of both the laws of the land, and the teachings of the Bible. There is no reason for us to allow the blind murder of our citizens, just because we ourselves intend to be law abiding citizens. If they wish to continue their religious beliefs, and practices, let them do so elseware. Period!!! Anyone who does not recognize Islam as a threat to our national security, both domestically, and abroad, is a fool. And we can no longer tolerate such foolishness within our government. We've had nearly 8 years of this foolishness with the Obama administration, and it's time to put a stop to it! (Even if it means we have to listen to a President "Bluster" (Er...I mean, Trump...) [I wonder if Donald is related to the old "Mr. Bluster", of the old "Howdie Doodie Show", I used to watch as a child (six, or seven hundred years ago, I think!)

I would also go so far as to call for laws that would make Islamic beliefs a disqualifying factor in holding public office, at least nationally, and leave it to the state, and local governments to decide if they wish to follow suit! This should also include the federal bureaucracy, since the Democrats are untrustworthy about protecting our citizens from the predatory behavior of our bureaucrats, whom they hire for their presumptive Democratic voting loyalty. (If you don't believe this, consider the I.R.S. and their blatant persecution of various so-called "Tea Party" organizations which applied for 501-C-3 non-profit status, and were turned down, or horribly delayed, simply because they disagreed with the liberal Democratic views of the present administration.) I realize that this position may be too extreme for even the most conservative Christians to accept, but ("should the Lord tarry") we may reach the point where it is necessary to institute such discriminatory laws, simply to protect our own citizens from predatory behavior, that can not receive punishment for their unlawful behavior, because of collective bargaining laws that protect too many predatory bureaucrats (appointees, as well as hired employees).

Case in point!!! Yesterday's news carried the story of the first Muslim election to a major European office, with the election of a Muslim Mayor of London, England! My, aren't they exceedingly "politically correct"!!! And he isn't even pretending to be a Christian, like I am convinced that Obama pretends, even though his policies protect Muslims (homosexuals, and others), at the expense of Christian freedoms, and values. Just wait and see if his administration doesn't do the same thing, locally, in London, that Obama has consistently done here. We will see!

My prevailing point is that the crisis is so dire that exceptional measures must be reasonably considered, whether by Donald Trump, or by whomever is elected president, next year. But, I frankly can't see a Democratic president ever pushing such laws, no matter how critical the need. So, I guess I'll hold my nose, and grit my teeth, and vote for him, if he is the only choice, other than another "Obama-esque" Democrat! And then I'll pray that it doesn't backfire on us, somehow!

Let's be clear, I DO NOT HATE MUSLIMS, nor am I calling for any sweeping discrimination against them. I merely hate the murderous behavior that consistently follows their immigrations to foreign countries that graciously allow them to immigrate to their lands. We all share compassion for their poor, and want to give every opportunity for them to live peaceably, here, or anywhere. But they must recognize that we are not so stupid as to continue allowing them to take our freedoms away from our families, so they can supplant their own "Sharia" laws (which protect only believing Muslims, and are a deadly threat to all others, the so-called "infidels"), for our laws. Their evil behavior forces us to make an unpleasant choice. It's our freedom, or theirs, since they refuse to live peaceably with us. We don't want to choose, but their behavior, and the concurrent approval of their people (even those who would not do the same, themselves) is intolerable any longer! There must be reasonable restraint applied to those who would consider such behavior acceptable, if not for themselves, then for their relatives. They desperately need a reason for self-restraint, since their religion doesn't contain one!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

What A Choice! Trump, or Hillary!!!

Do I sound like "sour grapes"? Mea Culpa! I admit it. I don't believe either one will make a decent president for America's needs (and, boy, do we have needs!). Bernie was the favorite of the idiot public school Socialists, but they'll have to wait for the Antichrist to come to world-wide Socialist power, which hopefully we won't have to see (..."even so, come Lord Jesus...")! May God have mercy on us all, by then!

I don't see either Hillary, or Trump restoring America's rank in the world geo-political scene; Hillary, because she wants to "preserve Obama's 'legacy'" (as if there was anything good about his wasted eight-year administration), and I don't think Donald has the temperament to do anything better than pontificate for either 4, or 8 years, and he has an incredible capacity to put his foot in his mouth! I can see an international furor over some comment like, "...Look at that face! Could anybody vote for that face?" (I don't think Carly will be a part of any Trump administration!)

But the problem is not with them. It's with us! We are the pathetic idiots who are likely to elect one of those "nincompoops" to office! Like I've said before, God may not give us the president we need, but rather the president we deserve! I have frequently said that I don't see how America can be preeminent in world politics, and allow the Antichrist to rise to his prophecied one-world power. Perhaps we will be a third-rate power, or perhaps (and I believe more likely) God may mercifully "rapture" us all to meet Jesus in the air, leaving mostly cinders, and ashes behind!!! (For more on this, see my post for Easter Sunday, 3/27/'16, on the "Archives" list to the right of this column, on this page.) I'm not trying to say that Jesus will start the Nuclear war for us, He won't have to! There will apparently be enough bitterness from Russia, and maybe from our president ,too, (Trump???) to start it by ourselves.

The first possibility is awful for us to consider; but the last possibility will be wonderful for those of us who know Jesus, and unmentionably horrible for the rest of us! But, I guess we'll have to sublimate our natural Patriotic fervor for America's past greatness, if we're going to serve the Lord in his "Kingdom of Heaven on Earth"!