Thursday, October 8, 2015

God Is Waking Up The World To Putin's Game

I'm beginning to feel a little safer about being the Internet world's laughing stock, for actually believing that the Ezekiel prophecy was about to be fulfilled, when it had been unfulfilled for some 2500 years. It struck me as pretty arrogant for me to feel that I was the only person I knew of that felt this way. Either God had caused me to draw this conclusion during normal Bible study, in which case He was not only capable, but His character indicated that He would probably cause others to draw the same conclusion as I did, or I was surely the most pathetic fool since "Chicken Little" ran around crying, "The sky is falling, the sky is falling!" Either I am an idiot, or God has revealed this to me for a purpose; and only He knows why.

Today, watching the "700 Club" T.V. show I was pleased to hear Pat Robertson speaking on much of the same points that I have been writing about since January of 2009, concerning what Putin is up to in Syria today, based on the Ezekiel prophecy, in chapters 38, & 39. This was especially gratifying since I was led to find the Lord by praying with Pat, some 37 years ago, and I have the utmost respect for his Biblical understanding, with the exception that I disagree with his "post-millennialist" view concerning the "Rapture", or rather the lack thereof. I sincerely believe in the "Pre-millennialist" view, and I hope I'm right; but either way, the Lord is coming back soon, and I can hardly wait!

Anyway, Pat has become suspicious of Putin's true motives in bringing his armed forces into Syria, in the light of the Ezekiel prophecy, especially with Syria being next door to Israel, and close to the Arab Gulf States' oil fields. Pat went into great lengths to explain how Putin can effect a significant increase in the world-wide price of oil, by simply creating more warfare in the region. The price of oil is crucial to the Russian economy, which has been hit hard by American, and Western European economic sanctions, due to his invasion and annexation of the Ukrainian territory of the Crimea, along with the collapsing price of oil, and Saudi Arabia's refusal to bare the brunt of the price drop, by not pumping oil, until the price "stabilizes" (or, rises dramatically). The area of possible disagreement may be in whether Putin will go all out for a military take-over of Saudi Arabia, and the other Gulf States, or whether he will simply settle for an implied threat to do so. Pat didn't take a position on that issue, while I firmly believe Putin's greedy nature will drive him to commit to total invasion before long. There has to be a reason for an invasion of Israel, probably by their blood-thirsty Muslim neighbors, in order to keep Israel from defending the Saudis, since Obama can not be counted upon. That's when God has promised to take over, and cause the invading armies to turn against each other, destroying up to 83 1/3rd% of their forces, in order to protect His "chosen people", and to reveal himself to them. He has always been protecting them, though admittedly it seemed a bit bleak during the Holocaust of World War II. I suspect He was testing us, the rest of the world; to see if we would come to the aid of the European Jews, which test we failed miserably!

So, it seems that God has indeed caused others to reach roughly the same conclusion as I; that Putin is rushing headlong to bring about God's prophetic revelations proclaimed by the Prophet Ezekiel more than 2500 years ago. It's just that no one but myself wanted to take the position publicly, for fear of looking like an idiot, if it didn't happen soon. Well, it seems that Putin is trying to make me look brilliant, when all I've done is read the Bible, and believe it's true. Putin aught to try that sometime!

I'm not trying to build myself up as some kind of courageous Biblical Scholar. On the contrary, my reputation doesn't matter if I've guessed wrong here, whereas Pat and others may have felt they had much to lose if they guessed wrong. Anyway, it will be gratifying if others "climb on board" in future days, but God deserves all the glory, because He gave the Prophet Ezekiel the vision, or word of prophecy, some 2500 years ago. All we have to do is believe it!!!

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