Monday, December 24, 2018

Is Syria Trump's "Plan B", On Shutdown's Day 3???

When one tries to understand what God is planning for the near future, it is necessary to try and view things from His perspective, rather than the obvious from our perspective.  Such may be the case when trying to understand President Trump's decision to withdraw our troops from Syria, which has created a firestorm of criticism from both the political Left, and conservatives, in Congress.

As far as President Trump is concerned, his main problem now is how to get the funding to build a national security wall between our southern states, and Mexico.  Most of our internal evils are somewhat, if not totally caused by the influx of illegal immigrants trying to get into our country through Mexico.  Illegals include drug cartel criminals, who seem to have orders to create as much havoc here as they can, and they do a good job of just that!  Murder, rape and pillage, on a scale of the Persian conquest of Jerusalem seems to be their goal!  I think they feel they can take back the American Southwest, which they wrongly believe we stole from Mexico, in the 1830's, if they create enough chaos that we will become exasperated, and simply give it to them.  Guess again folks!

The difference between now and the 1830's is that we were protecting Americans who had migrated to territory that was largely uninhabited, and simply wanted to live peacefully, until Mexican President Santana decided to take his army, and drive them out. It became an issue of protecting American lives, and Santana lost!  Now, we have drug lords in Mexico who simply want easier access to the streets of America, to make more billions, selling their illegal drugs!  I don't see the comparison, and frankly, I don't much care what the drug lords want!!!  They should all get the electric chair, repeatedly, and I guess that's what God has in store for such, in Hell, if they don't repent!!!

As far as the troop withdrawal from Syria is concerned, I agree it's a terrible mistake, from man's perspective.  We have Obama's example of what can be expected from the remnants of ISIS, once we pull out!   But, we will still have 5000 troops in neighboring Iraq, for the moment.  President Trump campaigned on not permanently keeping troops in the Middle-East, and its very expensive to do so.  It doesn't look like any reasonable compromise is coming from the Democrats in Congress, on funding the wall, so Trump's "plan B" seems to be using funds already earmarked for Defense to build the wall, and therefor he needs to cut back on some of the necessary expenses for national defense, else ware.  So, I guess you could say that the Democrats are forcing the drawdown of troops in the Middle-East!   I am not worried about this, even though it appears to be a blunder, militarily!  The result will probably be the beginning of Putin's invasion, or the "Gog/Magog" war that I have been expecting for years!  I don't think Putin has a lot of patience left, by now.

Considered from God's perspective, I can see why He would want this all to happen.  He doesn't want the world to think Israel was saved by American troops, which would certainly resist a Russian move towards Israel, or Saudi Arabia (which is probably Russia's main goal), if they were readily available.  But, if they were all withdrawn, the war might be finished before a decision was made to help Israel!  The Ezekiel prophecy makes clear that God is going to miraculously help Israel defeat the invasion forces, and He apparently wants to shock the whole world into recognizing that, "There is still a God in Israel!!!".  So, perhaps the stubbornness of the Democrats is by God's urging!  It's difficult to believe that God could use them for anything, but to turn their own evil intentions to His purpose, is typical of God's using, "the foolishness of man to confound the "wisdom" of the wise!"

So, "Merry Christmas to all!", and "God bless us, everyone!"  And a "Happy" shutdown to the Democrats!!!

Friday, December 21, 2018

Trump Is Wrong...But God Is Right!!!I

I know how absurd this is going to sound, but I approve of President Trump's decision to bring the troops home, from Syria, and also, now, a draw down from Afghanistan, even though it is very wrong, militarily speaking.  Defense Secretary Mattis has just resigned over this blunder, which I also approve of.   President Trump is going against all reasonable military logic, with this decision, and Mattis is correct in protesting it, by resigning, as he is responsible for giving the President the best advice, but he can not force him to accept it.   Militarily, one may reasonably expect this abandonment of the war against ISIS, which President Trump has declared as a victory, in true Obama-esque fashion, to free up the remaining ISIS fighters (of which there are estimated to be around 2000 dug in, in remote areas of Syria) to come out of their holes, along with their comrades who have fled to Afghanistan to join up with the Taliban, but can easily return, when their resistance is gone.   For whatever reason, this decision is absolutely wrong, from man's perspective, yet it lines up perfectly with the Ezekiel prophecy of the Middle-East invasion by Russia and their allies.

Trump campaigned against fighting in the Middle-East, so it's understandable why he would be anxious to pull the troops out, especially if it placates the idiots in the Democratic party, and brings them into a compromise to fund the border wall, which I suspect may have been agreed upon behind closed doors.  Yet, the absurd logic of man is exactly what God delights in using to glorify Himself when He brings it to pass, when it logically should not!!!  He prophecied 2500 years ago that He would help Israel defeat this planned invasion, in such a way that it would show the world that, …"there is still a God in Israel!"  If He is about to fulfill that promise, it makes sense that He would not want skeptics to be able to say, "It wasn't God, but America's military that saved Israel." Also, only God can cause a massive earthquake to occur, as the one He has prophecied will occur in the midst of this war, and perhaps that is the reason for the invaders' panicked retreat, which pits comrades in arms against one another, which is the prophecied main reason for the defeat of 83, and 1/3rd % of the invasion force!!!  For this, no one could receive the glory, but God only!!!

So, while technically Trump's decision is a blunder, perhaps God wants this to happen, so He can work His miracle to protect Israel!  Also, Russia has been suspected of making conciliatory efforts towards the ISIS fighters, in the best tradition of, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend".   Perhaps this is God's way of making sure they are part of the invasion force that He destroys, when they invade Israel, their hated enemy!!!

Remember, God delights in using, "the foolishness of man to confound the "wisdom" of the wise"!!!  Just as the Normandy invasion caught the Nazis by surprise, because it didn't seem logical, so this absurd decision may be just what God wants to set up His miracle for Israel!!!

UPDATE:  (12 hours later)--

I was quite amused while watching the FOX NEWS show of Tucker Carlson, when he showed main stream media clips of Liberal pundits feigning moral outrage at President Trump, for announcing that he is pulling American troops out of Syria.  For that matter they express the same outrage if the President sneezes, which they consider to be an impeachable offense, along with everything else the President does.  One pundit said President Trump just gave Putin a Christmas present!   I wonder what she will say when God helps the Israelis destroy nearly the whole invasion force?   I wonder if they will try and impeach God???  I wouldn't be surprised!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Trump Is About To Blunder...You Can Bet Putin Will Pounce!

I have frequently written that I make no false claims of being some kind of prophet.  Any predictions I make of the future are no better than my personal best-guess opinions.  No one should set any more credibility to what I say than that.  There is a difference between explaining my interpretation of a Biblical prophecy, given by God to a real prophet, and trying to guess how, and when God will bring an unfulfilled prophecy to pass.  The prophecy is cut in stone;  the manner of fulfillment may not be, unless God has already explained that, too.  But, sometimes even that is unclear, because God has explained it all using terms that the people of the prophet's day would understand, yet if it is to happen 2500 years later, the terms might indicate some form of technology that did not exist in the time of the prophecy's revelation.

Such is frequently the case when I try to understand the Ezekiel 38, and 39 prophecy of the "Gog.Magog" Middle-East Invasion.  One point has always confused me:  specifically, why is there no mention of any military aid given to Israel from any country that can be even remotely considered to be the United States???  It seems inconceivable  to me that we would turn our backs on our best ally in the region, even though God prophecies that Israel will overcome the invasion threat by themselves.   I have speculated that perhaps the only thing that is keeping Putin from giving the "green light" to begin the invasion is that Trump has not ordered the removal of all American forces from the region.  Engaging our troops would seriously threaten the invasion's success, to say the least, and Putin probably thinks that Israel would be a pushover! Since the Bible makes no mention of a country allied with Israel coming to their aid, I conclude that our troops must not be in the area, and the war is probably over before any assistance is decided upon.

Today, on the news, President Trump announced that he was recalling our troops soon!  Can Putin's order to commence be far behind???  I expect that he will give the go-ahead as soon as our last troops land on American soil.

I am sure that the President will realize this is a mistake, as soon as the tanks roll.  But, God is going to bring victory to Israel, in a manner that will convince the world that only He could bring it to pass!  And God doesn't share His glory with others, sometimes.  It appears to be important to Him that the world recognizes that Israel could not have defeated this invasion force, on their own, and that, "There is still a God in Israel!!!"

"Praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition!!!"

Sunday, December 16, 2018

America Is Under Attack, From Within!!!

Pardon my paranoia, but I think, "the world really IS out to get me, ...or should I say, to get us!!!

There comes a point when you have to admit that the vitriol of the opposition is so blatant, and so unreasonably vicious that it goes way beyond a mere difference of opinion, or even political differences, and you realize the opposition really does want to destroy you, or in this case, all of us!

Traditionally, when one political party lost an election, they became the "loyal opposition" and planned for the next election, in order to not lose again.   But, the Democrats, and Socialists don't seem to be interested in the general welfare of the country; there seems to be nothing "loyal" about the Democratic party, today, nor the young Socialists (Bernie, not withstanding!) who are so vehemently against the Trump administration, and they express such an urgency to the need to regain political power, that I suspect they want more than to control America's government.  I suspect they want to destroy America's government, from the inside, and they want to do it as soon as they can, so we will voluntarily join the European Common Market's movement to create a "One World" system of government!  They probably want to create such chaos that we will voluntarily abolish the Constitution, as an obsolete document, and join the European "One World" government movement!  The desperate Open Borders plan is the first step in creating such chaos!

There is too much similarity between what the American Left stands for, and what the Europeans are dealing with, for me to think they just want to copy what they believe is a good model.  The citizens of the European countries are revolting from the issues being foistered upon them by the, "powers that be", whether they are the heads of state in their countries, or more likely the social experimenters, who are driving this movement (you may call them the, "Bilderbergers", or whomever; it matters little).

Heavy taxation is rampant throughout Europe, and "Open Borders", mass migration policies have forced rebellion throughout ( with the "Brexit" movement in England, and the governments in jeopardy in France, and Germany, and Italy desperately turning away boatloads of illegal immigrants).  It seems clear that these policies are being pushed by people who have an agenda that they think is more important than the silly "will of the people", and they intend to stuff it down the peoples" throats, like it, or not!!!  I wonder if the actual intent is not to assimilate poor people into richer societies, but merely to create friction that will lead to chaos, leading to a repressive socialist, or communist regime takeover, that will establish "order" by force, and be accepted by the people because it's better than the previous chaos!

This is tyranny, folks!  Plain, and simple.  We had a revolution over this, some years ago, and now it's not just us, it's the whole world that's in peril!!!  This kind of evil has only one diabolical source, and must be resisted, now, before it's too late!  The Bible clearly prophecies what will become of those who support this movement, and we can not allow a bunch of non-believers to drag us down to Hell with them!!!

UPDATE:  12/17/18--

Just a thought...
,The seven-year-old little girl who died in a Border Patrol facility, purportedly after wandering with her "father" through the desert of New Mexico, with a group of illegal immigrants is supposedly being autopsied to find out, "the cause of her death", as if we can't guess!   According to reports, her "father" said that she had not eaten, or had anything to drink for several days. I'll bet he had eaten, and had water to drink, though!!!

I hope, as a part of the autopsy investigation, the body has a DNA test,, along with that of her "father", to determine if he is truly related to the little girl!   It seems to me to be rather unlikely that "a loving father" would allow the Border Patrol to arrest all of them, in the desert, and not be screaming his head off, begging the Officers to please give "his daughter" some water, and perhaps some food, both of which were supposedly available upon arrest!  Something smells about this report, and it's not the inhumanity of the arresting officers, as the outrage of Chuck Schumer would have us believe!

There are many reports of criminals kidnapping children from their parents, to use them as instant American citizens, once they step on U.S. soil, so they can later use their so-called relation to them to get "legal" entrance to America!  If this can be established, in this case, and the cruel heartlessness can be directed at a man posing, falsely, as the child's father, while watching silently as she dies, without ever mentioning that she hadn't eaten, or had any water to drink for, "several days", then this man is guilty of cruel neglect, tantamount to murder!!!  I would hope someone guilty of such a crime would rot in prison for decades, after death, before any thought of deportation was considered!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Abolish The Department Of Educ... Indoctrination, !!!

I woke up this morning thinking about the propaganda attributes of the way the typical American education system has developed, over the last few decades.  This was rather unusual for me, as I rarely dream about anything that I am able to remember the next morning.  I don't know that this means anything significant at all, but I do believe that God does sometimes inspire a believer's dreams to receive His messages!  So, on the outside chance that He inspired the following, I submit this for the reader to consider, one way or the other!

Also, I spent the first few hours of the morning, while I desperately waited for the reaction to my morning coffee, watching one of my favorite movies, which I haven't seen for decades.  It was "Dr, Zhivago", starring Omar Shariff, Julie Christy, et al!  Beyond the personal theme, concerning the marital, and extra marital relations of the lead characters, I was struck by how the system of heavy-handed Communist indoctrination seemed so similar to the reputed Nazi system of propaganda indoctrination, for their children in their school system,  and the more subtle (but just as effective over a long period of time) indoctrination that has become standard fare for public schools across America today.  The common denominator for all of this is the exclusive propaganda of various forms of Socialism, into the minds of children.  The Russians varied it somewhat, through forced obedience.  The Germans accepted it as a popular "philosophy".   In America, it has gradually been accepted by the complacency of parents, who were not indoctrinated as children, while succeeding generations were more and more blatantly indoctrinated, with progressively less subtlety, and taught that their parents simply couldn't understand, because the "older generation" was out of touch with reality.  We even have highly respected reverence for such honors as the "Rhodes Scholarship", awarded to the best and brightest students, who are then shipped off to England to study in the land that brought us "Fabian Socialism", which is a more subtle, and patient form of the same,  and brought us such brilliant minds as the Clintons, while Harvard tried to duplicate this for their students, such as Barack Obama!  The entire  Education Department has become overrun by Socialist principles, which probably means it itself is overrun by believing Socialists throughout the whole federal bureaucracy, thereby rendering it as no longer worthy of the public trust,  and should immediately be abolished, yesterday, if not sooner!!!

  The authority to regulate what our children are taught in schools should be returned to the states, and local governments, and the former federal bureaucrats should not be hired in any connection with the various school systems.   The convenience of having the federal government run our childrens' education  has been corrupted by the Left into a form of Socialist propaganda indoctrination, where American history is apparently forbidden to be taught, as well a our Constitutional form of government, and been replaced by reinforcing a positive concept of the European form of "One-World government", and I suspect that any reference to America's constitution is made in a negative slander, as an obsolete document that has out-lived its effectiveness.

 If this does not outrage the reader, consider that the Bible prophecies that all who support this "One-World" system, with its compulsory "Mark of the Beast" will get a free ride to Hell, when Jesus returns to abolish it, and set up His Kingdom of Heaven on Earth!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

So, What's The Real Definition Of "Patriotism", After All ???

French Premier Emanuel Macron recently had the gall to lecture President Trump publicly about the "real" difference between the definitions of the words, "Nationalism", and "Patriotism".    Now, we have a demonstration of his real confusion of those very terms, in his own country.

Macron was not elected president of the world, but he doesn't seem to know it, or at least he doesn't seem to consider the difference!  Apparently, he is such a confirmed international Socialist that he can not abide with anyone else's love of their own country, nor preferring their country's interests ahead of all other's!   I guess he feels Trump's plan to, " make America great again", is a disaster, at least for his own country's interest, or for his own, utopian, "One-World" government's interest!   Therein lies the source of his confusion of the definitions of "Nationalism", and "Patriotism"!!!  He cannot accept someone else's belief that  their own country's welfare is more important than the rest of the world's, to the extent that he attempted to shame President Trump for daring to believe so!   Well, perhaps God has chosen the recent riots in Paris, and other French cities, to show Macron ( if he will learn), that placing supposed international interests ahead of the people's interest of your own country, and at the expense of the poor, and middle classes, in particular, is tantamount to "UN-Patriotic" behavior, on his own part!!!  Perhaps Macron needs to consider the poor people, who can not afford to buy an electric car, and watch those who don't suffer the obscene tax increases, to fund his social experimentation in "One-World" government!!!

But, I expect that He will not learn!  So the rioting will probably continue, even though Macron has delayed (for six months) the implementing of the massive gasoline tax, that he tried to force on his people.   The French people now know that he will raise their taxes brutally, to pay for his concept of international morality, at the expense of those who can not afford to fund his social experimentation!  The only way to stop the rioting, will be for Macron to resign, or be voted out of office soon, as I suspect he will be!   That will show the world the difference between President Trump's view of "Nationalism", and "Patriotism", and Macron's!!!   And it will also show God's opinion of the value of the European concept of "One-World" government, as developed through man's arrogance;  as if there could exist a human being capable of controlling the power over the entire world, without manipulating it to his own self interests!   That would require God-like benevolence, and there is only one man capable of that, and His name is Jesus!  He will set up His benevolent government of the whole world, but not until the foolish people of the world try to find another man that they think will do the job, only to discover that Satan will give that power to his Antichrist, who will, wield it disastrously for seven years,  until Jesus returns, to destroy that government, and all those who support it!!!

"Even so, come Lord Jesus!!!"

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

The Dems Just Don't Get It!!!

The Bible makes it clear that the real mark of a leader is not his, or her, intelligence, but the wisdom they have gained through the application of that intelligence, coupled with the discernment between right, and wrong.  That wisdom seems to be acquired  through years of trial and error, which brings about the understanding  necessary to avoid errors in future like situations.

On the news today, I find a notable Democrat spouting that they, (the Democratic Party) "must show their constituents how intelligent they are"!  They just don't get it!!!  We know how intelligent some of them are (not very!!!), but those that are very intelligent are laboring under a deficit of wisdom, whether they should know better, or not!  Their young candidates probably have not experienced the testing of their "values" (using the term loosely!), long enough to understand the fallacy of Socialism, and the evil of imposing it upon the people.   Take the rioting people of France, for instance, who are just beginning to feel the stress, that could easily morph into the state of Venezuela, if allowed to continue!

Their older, more experienced  candidates should know better!  If they continue to support Socialism,  with the countless examples of it's failure to deliver the prosperity that it claims to produce (except for the short term prosperity for the poor, and middle classes, and the long term wealth that the Socialist politicians reap, from the taxes paid by their constituents) they either are too  foolish to recognize the lie they are spouting, or they are too greedy to care, as long as they can still get "theirs"!!!  The bottom line is that they pretend to be the second coming of Robin Hood (stealing from the rich, to give to the poor), when they are in fact the opposite (robbing the poor, and middle classes, through taxes,  to enrich themselves)!  Either way, foolish, or greedy, they have no business getting elected!  They recognize that they can't convince the average voter who has learned through their own experience what does, and does not work, so they rely on the most foolish of voters to get elected;  the young who haven't yet experienced the "real world",  and the illegal immigrants from other countries, who foolishly believe the lying promises of the Democrats, and are frequently paid to vote illegally, here!!!

I guess that's why the Democrats are so adamantly against the Wall!  I wonder if God has prepared a special place in Hell for the lying Socialists, and the fools who support them???