Friday, November 29, 2019

How Much More Turmoil Will Iran Endure???

Two days ago, I described Iran as a boiling pot, about to boil over, between the difficulty of dealing with the economic trials brought about by President Trump's sanctions, and the domestic rioting of their people, who are fed up with the ruling Mullahs continuing to fund various terror wars globally, while raising gasoline prices locally (by 50%) in order to pay for the wars!!!  The economic pressure is so great that one should reasonably expect them to cave into it all, and come to the negotiating table, as President Trump intends, to negotiate an end to their funding terrorism, and their efforts to develop a nuclear missile system that they have vowed to use against Israel, first, and America second!!!

But, Iran's Mullahs can not bring themselves to knuckle under to American pressure, even when the domestic  turmoil is great enough to threaten the existence of their regime!   Now, it even extends to their neighbor, Iraq, which had welcomed their essential takeover, after the Desert Storm war, in which American forces took out the Saddam Hussein forces, leaving a power vacuum in a country filled with Shiite Muslims who held to virtually identical Muslim values as Iran held!

I don't know why the Iraqi people are rioting against their pro-Iranian government, perhaps the raising of gas prices extends to Iraq, as well.   But, the bottom line is the increased pressure on Iran forces the Mullahs to realize they must do something to redirect the people's anger away from themselves, and that usually stimulates some external military action!  This time, a drone attack against some western oil tanker, may not be enough to focus domestic attention away from local unrest!

But, as I've written before, Iran foolishly believes they have another option!!!  The Bible clearly prophecied, in Ezekiel: 38, and 39, that Iran would begin the "Gog/Magog" Middle-East invasion at Russia's behest,  attacking their hated foe, Israel, and I think this might be their way of deflecting domestic criticism, while fulfilling their desire to recreate the Persian Empire, which included the conquered state of Israel, thousands of years ago!   I can't imagine them waiting much longer to begin this foolish invasion, that God has prophcied will seem to be a threat to Israel's existence, until God miraculously turns it into a rout of the invasion forces and a total victory for Israel!!!

Hold onto your hats, folks, for this whole thing could develop very quickly, and Iran will be very sorry they ever tried to bloody Israel's nose!!!   They are really going to find out that they are "poking their finger in the 'apple of God's eye' "!!!

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Iran Is A Pot, About To Boil Over!!!

Listening to retired General Jack Kean speculate, on FOX NEWS, where he is the contributing Military expert on foreign affairs, about what Iran's next move might be, in response to Secretary of State Pompeo's assertion that, "we are with you", to the people of Iran, who are facing bloody violence, as they riot in the streets, against the hated ruling class of religious zealots that control their government!!!   He speculated that the ruling religious Mullahs will do one of two things, beside the already bloody, violent crack-down on the rioters, which reportedly has already resulted in hundreds dead, and thousands arrested:

Either the regime will "cave" to the sanctions that President Trump has placed on Iran, and come to the negotiating table, which is what the President is hoping for,  or they will continue their belligerent ways, and choose to point externally the "finger" of blame, to draw the ire of the people away from them, towards someone else that they hate as much, or more than they hate America!!!  I don't see them negotiating with America, which they refer to as, "the great Satan", because they can't bear to admit that we can force them to do anything!!!   But, they can rebel against the pressure of sanctions by attacking their concept of  "the little Satan", which is the term they use to refer to Israel!!!

Any regular reader of this blog knows that I am expecting, at almost any time, that Iran will begin the invasion of the Middle-East, prophecied in Ezekiel: 38, and 39, by invading Israel, whom they hate, and which is the only regional power capable of thwarting their invasion!!!   I believe this public rioting may stimulate the Mullahs' resolve to begin this reckless invasion, at Russia's urging, because they have a great history of using their military to demonstrate their belligerence  to internal pressure by turning public attention outward, in order to deflect criticism away from their regime!!!

Regular readers will remember that my reading of this prophecy convinces me that God will use this invasion to turn what, at first, appears to be an impending disaster into an overwhelming victory for Israel, perhaps with an earthquake that will send the invaders into a panicked retreat, when "every man's "sword" (or, modern weapon) will be against his "brother"( or, comrade in arms)!!!   I can see perhaps the Russians trying to stop the retreat, and creating a war between elements of the intended invasion force!!!  This is apparently how God intends to defeat the invasion by killing up to 83 and 1/3rd % of the total invasion force!!!  This is how God chooses to get the glory, when He shows the heathen world, "that there is still a God in Israel"!!!

Monday, November 25, 2019

Does American Patriotism Still Cut Across Party Lines???

We will see!!!  If the Democrats in the House of Representatives dare to return from their home districts for Thanksgiving break, having tested the local polls concerning their approval ratings, only to follow through with their plans to establish articles of Impeachment, for President Trump, it will show whether they, and their constituents care more for this nation's peace, safety, and personal, and collective prosperity, or for their hatred of President Trump, and the propagandized values of the leftist media!!!

Frankly, I wonder!!!  In my lifetime there has never been such a blatant propaganda campaign against a sitting President, even against Nixon, whose illegal political  activities were  exposed publicly, before the Impeachment proceedings began!  By burglarizing the Democratic Offices, at the Watergate Hotel complex, and funding it with his "Dirty Tricks" slush fund, Nixon committed Political suicide, for which even his Republican supporters in Congress didn't dare defend him!!!

President Trump, on the other hand, has been proven guilty by Leftist "presumptions", "wishes', "opinions", and outright hatred, but nothing that constitutes legally proven, "Bribery, Treason, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors", as the Constitution specifies as the only grounds for Impeachment of a President!!!  "We don't like him" is not one of those listed grounds for impeachment, nor do all of those emotional assumptions the Democrats have witnessed against him,  constitute impeachable offenses!!!

So, we will see if the traditional view of the "loyal opposition" of the defeated party in the 2016 election remains!!!  Or has the leftist propaganda of the Mainstream Media so captivated their audiences, that they will continue to support the lying, political "Witch Hunt" of the Democrats in the House of Representatives???  If so, they will make no one proud, except the memory of Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Propaganda Minister, for Adolph Hitler!!!  And his efforts were far more blatant, because they were openly referred to as intentional propaganda!!!  The present-day media absurdly claim  their reporting to be "truth", which is so blasphemously false that I sometimes expect the earth to open up under them, and drop them straight into Hell!!!   I don't know why the Lord waits to give them the due judgement for their sins, but I guess He has a good reason, just as He did when He waited to give me time to realize what I was doing, and to repent of my sins!!!   Else I would be roasting in Hell, beside the unrepentant media journalists of the past!!!  Thank God that His mercy is for all, as I barely made it, in spite of myself," by the skin of my teeth", as the expression goes!!!

The only reasons I can guess why the Democrats will not Impeach the President, are because, one, the Democrats who won in districts that went heavily for Trump, in 2016, will have a tough time explaining to their constituents why they voted to Impeach the President, that their constituents helped elect, when he will be far more popular with the voters in the 2020 election!!!   And, two, the Republicans have announced their intentions of subpoenaing the likes of Joe Biden, his son, Hunter, and especially that blatant, compulsive liar, Adam Schiff, to testify before the Republican controlled Senate, after the President is Impeached!!!  Schiff can lie his "you-know-what" off, when he is not under oath, without facing penalty.  But, when he is under oath before the Senate trial, he must tell the truth, or face criminal prosecution for committing perjury!!!  I don't believe he has the guts to face that dilemma, so he may not press the matter, because there will be no trial if they don' t  impeach the President!!!  So, all those blatant lies he made in a desperate effort to implicate the President as guilty of impeachable offenses, might come back to haunt him, and cause him to not support impeachment, in the final analysis!!!   If he goes through with it all, he will end up in jail, which is what the Trump-haters wanted for the President!!!

God loves to turn His enemies' plans back on themselves, until they suffer the same punishment they intended for those who follow His plans!!!

UPDATE:  11/26/2019--

The real test of whether God is behind a move to not Impeach the President will be recognizable when Democrats in "safe districts", that have historically voted for Democrats for years, begin to speak out against Impeaching the President!!!

Such a district is in the eastern part of Detroit, where the Congresswoman who won in 2016, (I believe her name is Brenda Lawrence)  has just come out publicly opposing Impeachment!   While she also called for the President to be formally censured (I guess for the indiscretion of winning in 2016), she says that Impeachment is not a good idea!!!

 If this becomes a trend in other "safe districts", where the Democratic representative does not face a difficult reelection bid, than we will know that God is behind the move!!!  I doubt if many Democrats will do likewise, simply to protect Adam Schiff from being subpoenaed, in the subsequent Senate-run trial, where he would be forced to admit the truth, under oath, or face jail time for his blatant lies!!!   I doubt if that many people really care what happens to Schiff, so this would seem to be a reliable indication that the Lord is behind the move!!!

UPDATE:  11/27/2019

Yesterday was not over, yet, when Congresswoman Lawrence was seen publicly "flip-flopping" in the House of Representatives, by proclaiming the she, "was always for Impeachment" of the President!!!  I think we can safely assume that somebody, "higher up" in the Democratic cabal, "got to her", and convinced her of the "wisdom" of "flipping" her position on impeachment!!!  I don't think it would have been  Adam Schiff, because he must be cowering under the weight of having to tell the truth, if this all goes to trial; or go to jail, if he upholds his blatant lies (I wonder which he fears the most???).

Nancy Pelosi may have gotten to her, because I'll bet she considers Impeaching the President to be her last official act, before she retires next year (knowing that the Democrats will lose control of the House, in the 2020 election)!!!

I'll keep you all informed of any future "flip-flopping", as the Democrats squirm under the weight of the farce they have created, in the House of Representatives!!!

Sunday, November 24, 2019

What's Going On In Iran???

Since I became convinced, over a decade ago, that the 2500 year-old prophecy written about in Ezekiel:  38, and 39 was possibly about to be fulfilled, I have been watching developments in Iran, as reported by the news networks.  I have been convinced that the present turmoil in that country does not conflict with the prophecy, but seems to confirm my suspicions!  Yet the President's preference for using sanctions to pressure belligerent nations to negotiate improved international behavior seems to be somewhat wasted upon Iran's government!!!

What should be effective, logically, is resisted by the very belligerence of the ruling Mullahs, who consider America to be the second worst nation in the world, behind only Israel, in what they consider to be "evil"!!!  But, I recently heard that some 50% of Iran's population is under age thirty, and large numbers of their youth have been educated in American universities for decades!  As American college students have been addicted to television from early childhood, I'm sure that many of these Iranian students picked up on the same addiction while they studied here!  By watching televised stories of typical American lifestyles, I'm sure that many American values became deeply rooted in these Iranian students' minds.  Therefore, a conflict is ingrained in them between their Muslim upbringing and the American values they may have adopted!  Consequently, they easily choose to violently protest the government's decisions that adversely effect them, as they are presently doing, in response to the government's decision to increase the price of gasoline by 50%!!!

Without a perceived alternative, American  economic sanctions can be most effective in  bringing rogue nations to negotiate terms of better behavior, in order to be granted relief from the sanctions.  The problem comes when these same rogue nations perceive, rightly, or wrongly, that they do indeed have a more preferable alternative to bowing to the pressure of American sanctions!

If, as I believe, Iran is being tempted by Russia's conceived plan to invade the rest of the Middle-East, probably to overthrow the Gulf states, and steal their oil reserves, in order to embargo the free world into caving to the Russian, and Muslim invaders' interests, the result of the pain of American sanctions will rather stimulate the beginning of such an invasion, which the Ezekiel prophecy says will be an invasion of Israel, because Israel is the only Middle-East power capable of blocking their invasion (which the prophecy assures they will do)!!!

So, while our experts suggest that the sanctions are having a positive effect upon Iran's government, it may be that the whole "Gog/Magog" war must be played out, before Iran is brought to the point of giving in to the desired effects of the sanctions!!!  At that point, it will not be the sanctions that brought them to the table, but God's intervention, to help Israel defeat Iran's invasion, that did it!!!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Who Is The Most Evil Person In The World Today???

That's a difficult question to answer, because there are so many candidates eagerly vying for the title!!!

So, which is more evil?  The radical Muslim terrorist, who wants to kill all Christians and Jews, and for that matter, anyone who dares to disagree with them about anything!!!  Or the proponents of the "One-World Socialist" government who are generically referred to as "Globalists", who feel that their subtle efforts to destroy free, and democratic governments, from within, is really the best for all the people, because it makes their own Utopian form of government seem less unrealistic, by removing the competition!!!

The problem is that the Bible has clearly prophecied that anyone who participates in this system, and it's computerized economic system (which will eventually require a "Mark of the Beast", or probably a computer chip inserted subcutaneously under the skin of their right hand, to identify them) will automatically get a free ticket to Hell, for eternity!!!  No one else can buy, or sell anywhere in the world, for the seven year duration of their rule, until Jesus returns to establish His Kingdom of Heaven on Earth!!!  So, participation in this system might be the "Unpardonable Sin" that Jesus spoke about, without explaining much to His disciples, who could not have been expected to understand what a computerized system of economics would be!!!

Obedient Christians, and Jews will be struggling mightily during that seven year period, just to fight off starvation until the Lord returns!!!  Some might be tempted to steal food, for themselves and their starving families, which will probably give them a prison sentence, after they are probably forced to receive the "Mark of the Beast", in their hand, against their will!  Perhaps this is the basis for the Lord's statement that, "if your right hand offends thee, cut it off, for it is better to enter into the resurrection with one hand," than into Hell with two!!!

So, perhaps the dedicated "Globalists" are more evil than the terrorists, even though the "Globalists'" intentions are to make the world better for all, because they are helping to establish a system that forces millions to spend eternity in Hell, which is much more efficient than a terrorist who kills a Christian, which sends him to heaven!!!

The most powerful, and effective "Globalist" today would seem to be George Soros!  The billionaire who has cleverly set up so many so-called non-profit corporations, which seem to promote peaceful movements, but which all tend to weaken the security of their respective governments, and place heavy financial burdens on their respective economies, with the intention of bankrupting their treasuries, or overburdening their bureaucracies with dependent poverty-stricken immigrants who will overwhelm their governments!  He reputedly finances his efforts by investing "short" in each country's stock market, and then striving heavily to create the kind of chaotic situation that will cause the economy to collapse, creating huge profits for himself, for betting against them!!!  I wonder if he invested short in Venezuela's stock market, before their government destroyed their economy???

So, who is the most evil man in the world?   Perhaps Soros is a strong candidate!  So, am I claiming that he will become the future Antichrist???  I don't know, and I don't much care; because it doesn't much matter!   He is doing Satan's bidding now, whether he knows it, and intends it, or not!!!  I fail to see how another candidate for the Antichrist could be much more evil!!!  So, if Soros reads this post, don't be surprised if he claims that it is anti-Semitic, just because he was apparently born a Jew!!!   So was a guy named Saul, who was perhaps the most evil man of his day, until Jesus converted him "on the road to Damascus", and he became perhaps the greatest Christian evangelist ever!!!

Perhaps Jesus will give Soros a "Damascus road experience", as well!!!  He could certainly use one!!!  Then, he might become a modern-day Paul the Apostle!   But I'm sure that Satan would find another candidate for his Antichrist; there seems to be millions that are falling all over themselves to become the "most evil person in the world"!!!   Just look at the Democrats in the House of Representatives!!!  Adam Schiff might like to apply for the job!!!

Friday, November 22, 2019

Whew, The Adam Schiff Impeachment Farce Is Finally Over!!!

Thank God that embarrassing quasi-legal procedure is finished!!!

But, wait!   I guess it's not really over, yet!  I guess I've been watching too much of FOX NEWS' reports about the "Inquiry", where Republican Congressman go to proclaim the "Inquiry's" death, before it is actually buried, as it soon will be!  I guess what they really mean is that this phoney investigation has run it's course, without producing any concrete evidence of wrong-doing by the President, even though the structure of the "investigation" was unfairly skewed against the President,  without his being able to defend himself, with his own attorneys being present to cross-examine the witnesses, or even to face his accusers, which is a long-held legal requirement of an honest trial procedure!!!  The illegal procedure of granting their "whistleblower" anonymity meant that he, or she, did not have to face cross-examination to determine the validity of the charges made!!!  This means that the "whistleblower" status of this person was not legitimate, either!!!  ( I will personally be very surprised if the "whistleblower's" initials do not start with "J.B.", with apologies to the "King of Soul Music" !!!)

 No matter!  Because after the House completes it's sham "Impeachment" of the President, it will move to the Senate for the trial, where legal procedures will be re-established by the controlling Republicans, and the "whistleblower" will be subpoenaed, which will force the person's identity to be made public, and he, or she, will be legally cross-examined,  where the previous charges made will either be established, or more likely NOT!!!

Also, witnesses, such as Hunter Biden, and his father, Joe, will probably be subpoenaed to testify under oath about the "propriety" of Hunter's appointment to the corrupt Ukrainian  Gas company, Burisma,  without any apparent expertise in the field (except that he was the son of the sitting Vice President). It will be interesting to hear the explanation as to why this does not constitute illegal bribery, or why that should be considered acceptable for Democratic candidates, after President Trump was vociferously, falsely accused of the same crime, in the Democrats desperate attempt to find an impeachable offense to "convict" him of!!!

I have frequently written about historical events, usually concerning wars, that began as apparent disasters, only to conclude as overwhelming victories for the side that was defending the most properly moral position, agreeing with the Biblical perspective on the matter.   I believe the first four American wars can easily be explained in this manner, and I see a parallel to this principle in the Congressional "war" against the President, not only by the Democrats in the House, but by their overwhelmingly obvious "Deep State witnesses", whose loyalty seems more towards the European concept of "One-World Socialist" government, than to our Constitutional rule of law!!!

This disloyalty to the Constitution seemed to allow the use of lies, and exaggerations, and legally inadmissible hearsay testimony, to attempt to accuse the President of crimes he was obviously innocent of, until they were finally forced to admit, under oath, that they were not provable charges.  Such lies, and distortions of the truth, and hearsay testimony, are the usual tools of the Left, and it takes the threat of legal prosecution to force them to admit the truth!  That is why you can bet the Republicans will be sending out many subpoenas to these people, when the trial begins!

God tends to allow the truth to will out eventually, and those who initially try to deceive, to the hurt of others, usually pay the price that they intended for their victims, in the first place!!!  Woe to the re-election prospects of the Democratic liars, in the 2020 election campaigns!!!

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Iranians Protest Removal Of Gas Subsidies, As Economy Struggles Under Sanctions!!!

Recent protest violence against the Mullah's regime is being touted as evidence of Trump's sanctions' effectiveness against the Iranian regime's evil support of terrorism around the world, and their continued efforts to enrich their plutonium, in order to develop atomic missiles that they have vowed to send against Israel!!!  In normal circumstances this would certainly bring about the desired effect, and Iran would either cave in to the west's desire to bring them to the negotiating table, or there would be the desired regime change that would free up the people from the tyrannical rule of the obsessive Mullahs, that believe in the Koran's false prophecies, which speak of eventual world domination of Islam, and Islamic genocidal destruction of Israel!!!

But, Iran's regime obviously perceives that they have an alternative choice, which is preferable to them; which is the plan to invade the rest of the Middle-East, at Russia's urging, and especially Israel, which they hate, and which is the only regional threat to their (I suspect) desired conquest of the Gulf States' oil fields!!!  This plan would create the opportunity to embargo the largest amount of oil to the rest of the world, giving Russia, and Iran financial relief from the sanctions that America has brought upon them, while forcing those countries that have supported the sanctions to relent, and perform to the bidding of the Russian, and Muslim nations' desires!!!

Their plan is well thought out, and would certainly succeed, except for one thing, or rather one Person, and that is God!!!  I maintain that all this seems consistent with the Ezekiel prophecy in Ezekiel: 38, and 39, which God spoke to His prophet, some 2500 years ago, saying it would come to pass in, "the latter days".  I operate under the assumption that we are in those "latter days" now, based upon the current events that seem to agree with the circumstances that are described in the prophecy, which are unique in history, since the time of the revealed prophecy!  Anyone who believes that God can not make a prophecy that remains dormant for 2500years, (even if they believe that God exists), is selling the God of the universe short, and themselves up for a very rude awakening when it all comes to pass, as it may well be about to happen!!!  For those who belligerently hold to their atheistic beliefs, as whomever "Gog" is, apparently does (whether Putin, or someone else) their "rude awakening" will likely pronounce a death sentence, as well!!!  Remember, God, "will not be mocked", whatever He says will come to pass, will!!!  Even if we have to wait 2500 years for it to happen!!!  I think this is probably God's way of testing us to see how strong our faith is in His Word!

So, don't expect these riots to be effective in changing the intentions, or behavior, of the ruling Mullahs in Iran!  It more likely will spur their intentions to invade Israel, to begin the whole invasion, which will set about God's plan for regime change in Iran, which may involve nuclear retaliation for the probable use of poison gas that they seem to be prophecied to use against Israel, in the initial phase of the invasion!!!

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Attorney General Barr "Declares War On President Trump"!!!

So, what are you saying, Rick???  Are you claiming that the A.G. is willing to fight against the President??Not at all!!!  What he did was to put a correct title to the shameless sham the Democrats in the House of Representatives are conducting in their so-called "Impeachment Hearings", against the President!!!  Instead of declaring war, himself, he was correctly characterizing this process for the evil attempt to overthrow the President, not for any "high crimes and misdemeanors" that they can charge him with, but for the terrible indiscretion of, they just don't like him!!!  Where in the Constitution does it give power to the House to impeach a president, simply because they don't like him???

Attorney General Barr reminded us that for over 200 years the opposition party was referred to,  and rightly considered themselves to be, "the loyal opposition!!!  Any disloyal opponents would be in danger of committing Treason, for which the penalty was Death!!!  Alexander Hamilton tried to carry out such an execution upon Vice President Aaron Burr, unsuccessfully, after which (I think) Burr fled to the foreign country of Louisiana, which was then owned by France!   His crime had been attempting to overthrow the government, in a greedy power grab, such as we now see people like Adam Schiff doing today!!!  Perhaps a similar penalty should soon be applied, in this case!!!

The difference in this case, as I suppose, is not the intent of overthrowing the government, but the afterwards intention of sending the power of the people to the evil "One-World Government" system that the European Commonwealth is trying to establish!!!  This may not be evil in their original intentions, but the Bible prophecies that it will eventually be taken over by Satan's Antichrist, and that God will condemn all those who willingly participate in this system to an eternity in Hell!!!  After seven years they will all be so judged, when Jesus Christ returns to establish His Kingdom of Heaven On Earth!!!

 As difficult as this seems to be believed (and the "Globalists" apparently do not) never the less,  it will happen just this way, and those who don't believe it will have an eternity to regret their foolish choice!!!

Thursday, November 14, 2019

President Trump Is Becoming The Modern-Day Equivalent Of Neville Chamberlain!!!

In the days leading up to the beginning of World War II, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain negotiated a settlement with Germany's Adolph Hitler, allowing for Germany's takeover of the Sudetenland territory to go unchallenged by the western nations, because Hitler promised to behave himself, thereafter!!!  Chamberlain proudly proclaimed that this settlement would bring about, "peace in our time!"

We all know how that turned out!   Chamberlain's agreement allowed Hitler to set his sites on the next piece of European land that his lust for conquest desired, and soon the world was embroiled in the most violent "peace in our time" that the world has ever seen!!!   Perhaps President Trump is using Chamberlain's example for his brand of diplomacy, over the Turkish invasion of the Kurdish-held territory, in Northern Syria!!!

After Trump ordered the pull-out of American forces in the territory, with Turkey's assurances by their President Erdogan that they would not engage in the ethnic cleansing of Kurds, Christians, and Yazidi's, that we see them carrying out today, I'm sure the Kurds, and their protectorates are grateful for his relenting, and deciding to send troops to protect the Kurdish held oil fields!  I can just hear them saying to each other, as the gunfire closes in on them, "Boy, I'm sure glad our oil fields are protected!!!"   Trump's compassion for the civilian population of the area ranks up with Chamberlain's proclamation of, "peace in our time"!!!

I am deeply disturbed over this issue, as I was reluctantly, and tentatively, supportive of Donald Trump's election, in 2016, mostly because I was nauseated by the prospect of a Hillary Clinton victory,  yet I vowed to support him, as long as I approved of his policies.  I have been pleasantly surprised, up until now,  as it seemed that his decisions were in line with the Biblical perspective on the various issues.

But I fail to see how this situation can be pleasing to God, except that it opens the door for Israel to take over where our forces have left off!   That, coupled with the recent massive rocket bombardment of Israel, from the Hamas forces in the Gaza region, in southwestern Israel, makes me wonder if this actually is God's way of announcing the beginning of His prophecied  Muslim, and Russian invasion of the Middle-East, which will seem to be disastrous for Israel, before God miraculously turns it into a victorious rout by the Israelis!!!

As for Donald Trump's re-election bid, in 2020,  I guess I will still vote for him, in spite of my disapproval of his decision to withdraw troops from the Kurdish held territories, but only because the Democratic alternative is too nauseating to consider!!!

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Spiritual Blindness: Those Who Call Good Evil, And Evil Good!!!

Jesus said, "By their fruits you shall know them."  The term "fruits" was used, contextually, to mean a combination of their spoken words, mixed with their consistent behavior, including all "unintended consequences" that result from their efforts.   Did their words and deeds measure up to good, or evil consequences???

Today, we have politicians falling all over themselves to declare their localities to be sanctuary cities, states, etc.!!!  But who are they trying to protect with their sanctuary declarations?  The lawful are already thoroughly protected by the very laws that they do not violate!  It is only the illegal acts of those who blatantly violate our federal and local laws, that need these absurd "sanctuary" protections from our state and federal prosecution.  Essentially, these sanctuary cities, and states, etc., are established to protect criminals from prosecution, or punishment for their crimes, at everyone else's expense!!!  The leftists believe that a crime infested society will drive the people to demand socialism, without considering that the socialists created the chaos that is the root cause of their society's problems.  And, the decades of brainwashing our children in public schools has left many to readily accept socialism as truth!!! So that's fine by the socialist politicians, as long as they can rip off the taxpayers to afford to insulate themselves from the personal effects of crime!!!  Like the wall around Nancy Pelosi's house, in San Francisco!!!

I have written before , that it is a well known doctrine of the left, that, as the communist slogan says, "out of chaos comes order".  But, the left confuse "order" with peace!!!  To them, it means that you and I stop doing what they don't like, PERIOD!!!!!!!!!  It does not mean that everyone obeys the law!!!  If the criminals keep running amok, like they're doing in California, that's fine by them!   But the conservatives had better stop complaining about it, because they don't like that!!!

Consequently, we have drug cartel members, and criminal gang members, mostly from Mexico, along with members of  foreign terrorist cells illegally entering our borders, and disappearing into our society, until they create their acts of criminal, or terrorist activity!!! Then the sanctuary laws attempt to allow them to escape prosecution, or suffer the all-expense paid "punishment" of being deported back to their home countries, from which they repeat the illegal trek back to create more havoc in our country.   Supposedly, the "sanctuary" supporters are merely concerned with their "compassion" for those who wish to immigrate to America, to escape the oppression of their home countries!  But they have legal ways of applying for that kind of asylum status, without illegally "crashing" our borders!  The criminal, and terroristic behavior that accompanies their sanctuary efforts is apparently not considered to be their responsibility, as they try to  divorce the one aspect of their efforts from the other!   Truly, they can not do so!!!

But my greatest concern is not for the politicians who institute these "sanctuary" laws across the country, but for the poor fools who support them, and continue to reelect them to their positions!!!  It matters not much whether they are simply unable to grasp the evil consequences of what they are supporting, or if they simply don't strongly consider the evil they are fomenting upon us all!!!  God will surely hold them accountable for the evil they support, intentionally, or not!!!

Let's pray that there are still enough righteous people in our country to vote down their evil  efforts, and save our nation from the blatant evil that these arrogant leftist politicians are fomenting upon us now!!!