Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Right Way To Shut Down The Bureaucracy

It is way past time to pay the Federal bureaucracy it's comeuppance, and I'm afraid it may necessitate the firing of the whole bunch of them, the good, as well as the bad, to clean the whole house of the cr**! The source of the problem it appears to me, is not within Congress, that can be addressed by the filibustering of future debt ceiling legislation. That may have been well-intended as a painful demonstration, in the past, but what did it accomplish, except a lot of political animosity between those Republicans who pretend to be Conservative, and those who truly are, but feel their hands are tied by the rest of Congress; and the Democrats, who simply like the Federal chaos that has been largely created by themselves, and their predecessors.

I suspect the real source of the problem is not the Congress, as a whole, but in the Government Employee's Contracts that have been negotiated, in bad faith, by the Government Employees Union, which over time has made it virtually impossible to, "throw the rascals out", by firing those bureaucrats who are demonstrably guilty of malfeasance, and corruption, such as has been reported at various branches of the Government, the most shocking examples being in the I.R.S., and the Veterans Administration, in which political vendettas and illegal corruption is rampant, and those who are obviously guilty are not fired, let alone prosecuted, when warranted. Political appointees are sometimes fingered for the excesses of their underlings, guilty, or not, but the bureaucrats are not punished in any significant manner. Why is this??? It seems obvious to me that there are contractual restrictions that prevent the firing of these bureaucratic incompetents, and even criminals, or make it so difficult to accomplish that the decision is made that it is just not worth the effort. I understand the importance of protecting career bureaucrats from the potential of being fired simply because they were hired by a political opponent, in a previous administration. But, if their contract has gone so far beyond that that it is virtually impossible to fire anybody, for any reason, no matter how deserving their behavior is, then we have the "tyranny of the Bureaucracy" that we have today. The only solution,
as I see it, is to repudiate all employee contracts of the past, and rehire only those bureaucrats who will sign a new contract that allows their firing for certain acts of incompetence, and downright criminal behavior, and criminal negligence (as we've seen is rampant in the V.A., lately). This will certainly bring many lawsuits by the Employees' Union, and will require endless appeals to higher courts, all the way up through the Supreme Court, which can not be counted upon to rule conservatively, as we've seen recently. But, most of the good bureaucrats (including those who will belligerently support their union's contracts) will probably sign the new contract rather than be unemployed, while awaiting a final judgement. I suspect that enough of them will sign that the Government will be able to function well, with the remaining jobs filled by others, who will be on notice that their job security depends upon their good, and legal performance. And perhaps a congressional threat to either "pack the court" with more conservative justices, or to form a Constitutional Convention to discuss a possible amendment allowing for the removal of the lifetime terms of the Justices (perhaps a bluff in this regard will be sufficient to swing a responsible decision) perhaps will result in an end to this absurd contractual overreach by the corrupt trade union of the employees, serving notice to all that "We the people..." mean to take back control of our government, both through political, and legal means!!!

It's time for us to take back the ability to "throw the rascals out", instead of our lazy congressmen simply signing a contract to keep the status quo, and avoid the hassle of Union trouble. And I strongly suspect there is some level of organized crime involved here!

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