Monday, September 28, 2015

I Think I Missed The "Blood Moon"

If you missed seeing the final "Blood Moon" of this current Tetrad, because you read my post which said it would be visible on September 28th, then I did not intentionally deceive you. I was simply misinformed, and am still not certain of the truth of the matter. I read that it was due tonight, the 28th., and read nothing about the so-called "Super Moon Eclipse", but heard it reported last night, in time to view it. It wasn't much to the naked eye, as it is difficult for non-astronomers to discern the difference between the Moon's orbiting distances from the earth, varying from 250,000 miles away, to 220,000 miles (which was the distance of the Full Moon last night, hence the exaggerated title of "Super Moon Eclipse", simply because it was when the Moon was at it's closest point to the earth). I saw no "Blood Moon" effect, and did not wait long for it since I believed that wouldn't happen until tonight. I'm still not certain that it won't.

In any case, please remember that I never said that the Ezekiel 38, & 39 prophecy of "Gog's" (or probably Putin's) Russian invasion of the Middle-East would definitely happen between the dates of this year's Jewish celebration of "Yom Kippur" (dusk of Sept. 22, through dusk of Sept. 23), and finish on the date of the "Blood Moon", which I understood to be tonight. I merely stated that I, "wouldn't be surprised if..." it all came to pass between these dates. More than that, I am surprised that nothing has happened, other than Putin's unusually large buildup of military force, especially aircraft, at a Syrian airport in northern Syria. I am certainly guilty of allowing my imagination to exceed my information in presuming that these "Blood Moons" indicated that God's judgment would be completed by this date. But, frankly, I never said definitively that it would. I'm not quite that stupid! I will not place dates on God's prophecies that He hasn't given me. When, and if, He does, I'll let you all know about it. But, don't hold your breath, because that's not the way He tends to operate. He tells us He is going to do something, and then expects us to wait for it to happen, confident that He will do it, even though we don't know when.

I suppose I am guilty of getting caught up in all this "Blood Moon" hype, when I should have simply waited quietly for God to reveal His will, in His good time. If the "Blood Moons", and eclipses were in any way indicative of what He is about to do, we will all understand the perfect logic of His timing of it all (afterwards), even if I have proven to be clueless in this regard. Again, I apologize for any feelings of misleading that my presumptuousness may have caused.

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