Friday, October 23, 2015

Biden Is Biding The Benghazi Bombast

So, Joe Biden is, "not running for president", at this time...Hmmm... I wonder at what time he will run??? I suspect he is nothing more, nor less, than a "candidate in waiting", just in case the Congressional hearings on the Benghazi Consulate attack turns out to bring an indictment for Hillary Clinton. And I suspect it will. Not because she is culpable for any crimes, while Secretary of State, though I strongly believe she is guilty, along with someone in the White House, of deciding to leave the Benghazi Consulate woefully understaffed with Security personnel. She will be indicted because she is the Democratic front runner for President, in 2016. This Congressional hearing is merely a ruse by the House Republicans to ruin her campaign, which an indictment will certainly do. But they have no intention of convicting her of any crime, just ruining her political campaign with a trial that will last until after the election, and then she'll "mercifully" be found "innocent" (which she certainly is not) but they won't send her to jail, even though she and the White House advisors that "did not" advise her of President Obama's interests in the Benghazi fiasco (an obvious lie, but unprovable) are indirectly responsible for the deaths of Ambassador Stevens, and three Security personnel, that tried bravely to protect him against overwhelming forces. She will be exonerated simply because the election is over, and they would never consider sending a former First Lady to jail, not to mention a former Senator, or a former Secretary of State. No matter how obviously guilty she may be, or how bloody the hands of someone in the White House are over the Benghazi affair, she will not serve any jail time.

Her punishment will be the excruciating humiliation of having her political career brought to a screeching halt, because Congressmen in both houses know that their peers have long memories for political retaliation, and short memories for corruption, and dangerous incompetence. The Democrats can easily forgive the incompetence that led to the deaths of four Foreign Service personnel, simply because protecting the Democrats whose incompetence allowed it to happen is much more important to them than assigning true responsibility to those who truly deserve it. Any legal punishment would certainly bring the most vitriolic response for any perceived incompetence by a future Republican Administration, worthy, or not. So, we recognize that all politicians in Washington have an effective waiver of all legal responsibility (should we call this "Political Immunity"?), for any crimes, simply because their Congressional accusers recognize that they may be guilty of like crimes in the future. Ain't Washington politics grand, folks??? They have an unwritten "get out of jail" pass as soon as they are elected, and most who are appointed by those who are elected, or are married to them. (Remember that he, "...did not have sexual intercourse with that woman"!), yeah, right! And President Nixon was pardoned, rather than face conviction, after his impeachment.

Fortunately, there is no "get out of Hell" pass with God, unless they go through His, Son Jesus! One certainly hopes that they will, but only God knows.

Anyway, I guess this means that Joe Biden will be elected President in 2016 (may God save us all from that horrible prospect!) He will take over Hillary's loyal constituents, who have already demonstrated that they don't care what incompetence she is capable of (what with the obvious guilt of her Benghazi decisions, and her lazy decisions in her E-mail scandal), as long as she is a "Democratic incompetent", they don't care! They apparently want a Liberal figure-head, and they don't much care about what international fiascos they are capable of. Joe Biden made a point about hoping the "Obama legacy" will be upheld by any Democratic candidate. So, I guess he is eminently qualified, and willing to continue the dismantling of America's greatness in the international geopolitical sphere, which I unfortunately expect will be necessary for God to allow the Antichrist to ascend to power over his one-world government. God can't destroy the Antichrist's system, unless He first allows it to come to power. And I don't see how that can happen unless America is driven to a third-world status, and it seems the Democrats are falling all over themselves to help us get there! I guess that's what Biden means by the, "Obama legacy"!!!

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