Wednesday, July 25, 2018

With Apologies For Not Posting ...

..,.For the last 18 days!  I've had an illness in the "family" that seems it may be terminal!   Not me, or any other human...but my computer is sick, and it looks like it may not survive!  It has a diseased system that the "pop-ups" keep calling, "outdated drivers".  I'm on my third or fourth computer, and I have some  very paranoid suspicions about what I think may be the most diabolical "malware" source in the world, that calls itself, "Windows Updates"!!!

After every unsolicited, and totally involuntary, forced "updates" session, I have noticed that my computer always runs more sluggishly, not more efficiently, at least for a brief time, before it settles into normalcy.  Recently, I started getting notices that my drivers were outdated, though my computer is only two, or three years old.  Investigating how to "Update" my drivers, I was directed to a company which will gladly do the job, for 25% of my original price of my computer!  If I recall correctly, I think my other computers started going bad after about 2, or 3 years, also.
I am reminded of stories in the 1960's of the systematic "planned obsolescence" of the cars that came out of Detroit, with the obvious intent of forcing drivers to think about buying a new car every couple of years.  Why do I suspect that this is a newer version of the same thing?  All Windows has to do is to junk up the memories of all the computers they have sold, with programs designed to slow the computer, and make it not respond correctly to the user's commands, and they create the sense in the owner that it is time to think about buying a new computer.

I'm enough of a cheapskate that I try to buy computers that don't cost much.  I wonder if this is Window's way of forcing their customers to spend more money, while they think they are being frugal.  Do they junk up the expensive computers the way they do mine?  I wonder!!!

Of course I can't prove anything;  I'm just venting my spleen over the greedy injustice of it all, if my suspicions are true!   I may have to depend upon public-use computers to keep this Blog going, which is not very convenient.

Is it appropriate to ask for prayer for my computer???  Oh well, we'll get by some how!

Saturday, July 7, 2018

" What's It Gonna Take???"

The title was a quote from a FOX NEWS guest contributor, lamenting the violence that has recently turned Chicago from a major metropolis, with a typical crime rate, into a chaotic caldron of violent crime, that has all but taken control of the city.  The panel discussion was being broadcast next to video of a popular "Protest Against Violence" being carried out along Chicago's roadways, with police directing traffic around them.  One has to wonder how long until the Anti-gun protesters try to take control of their protest?

But these people seemed to be sincere that they were fed up with statistics of local violence, and they didn't care if it was fomented by local gangs, or imported by MS13 illegal immigrants!  Rahm Emmanuel, the city's mayor (and former Obama advisor) has been criticized for, "doing nothing" to improve the situation.  I guess these people figured that if enough people would join their demonstration, the violent gangs would realize their sinful behavior was ruining their city, and they would instantly decide to behave themselves.  Yeah, right!!!

The situation needs something far more powerful than that!  Just like our national chaos of political disunity has all but brought our Congressional lawmakers to an inability to pass effective laws, at all!  Republicans have control of the Presidency, and the Congress, but not by a wide enough margin to vote laws into effect, without Democratic help.  And the Democrats refuse to help, at all!!!

Perhaps an offended populace may vote enough Democrats out of office, come November, to give the Republicans actual control of the Congress, but the Democrats are hoping for the reverse to return the Congress to their control.  Then we would see a real "do-nothing Congress" with a conservative President proposing laws for a hostile Congress, which refuses to "dispose" anything, except in the trash can.   The Democrats actually believe we are so dumb that they can blame two years of this kind of belligerence on Trump, and force a new Democratic President upon us, and expect that the Republicans would not retaliate in kind, for the next four years!!!  This would effectively destroy our democracy, which the Democrats would love, saying that the Constitution is obsolete, and must be voluntarily abolished, in favor of the European Socialist, one-world system of government.  I've already explained that this system is Biblically propecied to be taken over by the devil's own Antichrist, who will try to rule the world for seven years, before Jesus returns to set up His Kingdom of Heaven, on earth!

The only solution to all this, both locally in Chicago, and nationally for us all, is not through protest marches, which correctly show our outrage, to local, and national, politicians who could not care less, as long as they keep getting reelected.  Nor is it through voting out belligerent politicians!  There are far too many of them (in both parties), and we don't have time to get rid of all of them.

But, we can pray to the one (Jesus) who is capable of changing the hearts of even the most belligerent politicians, and saving their souls, along with the most evil, and violent criminals!  It's called Holy Ghost Revival, and not just a designated week of prayer meetings, but a spontaneous outpouring of God's grace, which can only be brought about, by enough of  us crying out to God to deliver us from our own evil ways, and those of the unbelievers who are bent upon destroying our nation!  There have been several of these revivals in our history, and they always seem to precede our bloodiest wars in history.  I'm not suggesting that we are on the brink of another bloody war, but neither am I willing to say that we are not!!!

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Regime Change In Iran???

I don't think so.  At least not yet, anyway.

I just saw news reports of Rudy Giuliani speaking to a very large gathering of Iranian immigrants, where he documented signs of widespread unrest, and protest marches even in Tehran, Iran's capital city.  The Iranian protests were in response to Iran's continued financial support of various Islamic wars, and terrorist movements throughout the Middle-East, which have largely destroyed their currency, through inflation, and created food shortages, and (most recently) unclean drinking water throughout their cities.  Giuliani correctly called these signs, indications of a regime that was on it's last legs before being overthrown by a popular revolution.  All things considered, this would seem to be an accurate assumption.  But, I think one thing is apparently not being considered here!

The prophecied  "Gog/Magog" invasion of the Middle-East would seem likely to come before any such regime change, because I suspect that their goal (Russia, Iran, and their other Muslim allies) is ultimately to conquer the Arab oil fields, of the gulf states, and embargo the oil sales to the western countries that are sanctioning them now.  This, if successful, would drive the western nations into a depression, and would create a financial boon to the conquering nations.  So, the unrest in Iran, along with some displeasure in Russia, at the effects of the western sanctions upon them, would seem to speed their desire to implement their plans to invade, before the unrest becomes too difficult to contain.  Destroying Israel, which would have to come first (as Israel is the only regional threat capable of foiling their plans) would also please their Muslim followers, as it is "prophecied" in their Koran.  The only problem for them is that God will not allow them to destroy Israel, and will indeed help Israel to destroy their invasion force!  In the process, He may even allow a destruction of Iran, in whole, or in part, which seems unclear;  but any regime change would appear to follow this, if there is an "Iran" left to change!

I understand that Giuliani was speaking to a secular group, as a secular advisor to the President.  But I hope that there are Christian advisors, in the White House,  who can inform the President of the likelihood of what I've just written, so he doesn't make any logical decisions, that don't take Biblical prophecy into account, and accidentally place any of our troops in harm's way.  The ultimate conclusion of this conflict will glorify God, and bless His chosen people, as they have not been so blessed since the parting of the Red Sea!!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

The Left Is Against Everthing That Exists...

…and they want everything they don't have, and they want everyone else to pay for it!  Sounds kinda  like overgrown spoiled brats, huh?!!

The recent shocking Democratic Primary victory of the so-called "Democratic Socialist" over the long-serving Democratic Congressman, whom many believed was in line to replace Nancy Pelosi as the leader of the Democrats, is a perfect case in point.  Upon being surprised by her own unexpected victory, she proceeded to spout her "platform", which amounted to free everything for everybody, and let the government pay for it all!  (Sounds kinda like a 28-year-old, overgrown spoiled brat, huh?!!) Of course we all know that the government has an infinite supply of money, and nobody really has to pay for all this,'s all free!!!  Whoopee!!!  Free money for everyone!  And nobody knew about this until this brilliant Socialist came along to tell us!!!

I'm reminded of the old adage, "If it seems too good to be true,... it is!"  Wake up Socialists of the world!   There is no free ride, you can steal from the rich with taxes, for awhile.  But eventually those taxes will be paid for by you, and if you can't pay, your greedy politicians will simply inflate you into another deep depression, like in the 1930's, or worse!  Then who will you tell about what you want, and can't have???


I was thinking about the illegal immigration problem, and reflecting on what Vice President Pence told the Latin American nations he visited lately, where most of these immigrants come from.  He told them that they had to stop allowing the mass exodus from their countries to the U.S., and I imagined that I could almost hear the collective yawn from his listeners!  They seem to feel they have no incentive to do so!

Nicaragua receives nearly $28 million dollars in foreign aid, annually from us;  Honduras receives nearly $88 million dollars from us; and Guatemala receives almost $100 million dollars annually!!!  Purportedly, these State Department funds are intended to buy influence into the relations we have with those countries.  But the State Department handles these funds as if they are automatic payments that these countries deserve, simply because they exist, regardless of their behavior to their own people, and to us, as well.  It's time we let them know there is a responsibility that comes with the money!  If they want to persecute their own people, either with their own police, or military, or if they are taking bribes from drug dealers to allow brutal criminality to run rampant, causing the immigrants to desperately turn to our country for relief,  then why are we paying them money to do it???  Stop the foreign aid,  until they correct whatever problem is causing these people to want out of their homelands!

Then we will be left with only El Salvador to deal with.  I don't believe we are giving them any aid, but we can try Theodore Roosevelt's idea of the big stick approach.  Offer them aid if they will stop whatever they are doing to drive their citizens to flee, and let them know that if they don't, we will stop them ourselves, militarily!!!  We have a vested interest in the peace and stability of our neighbors, and if they belligerently refuse to cooperate, lets take them out!!!