Monday, March 30, 2020

Stop Listening To Lawyers, And Get On With The Treatment!!!

I suspect that the whole Medical profession is way too paranoid about lawsuits, if they prescribe medicine that fails to cure, or even harms the patient!   In this present pandemic, with hundreds, and even thousands of people dying, one could certainly expect that many of those patients were in severe enough trouble before they died that they would have gladly waived all of their families rights to sue if the drugs issued did not work as intended!!! 

We keep hearing about various drugs that have been developed for other diseases that seem to be effective in treating the Coronavirus in patients, even bringing very sick patients to the point of being released from the hospital!!!   We also hear about massive amounts of these "off label" drugs being shipped to hospitals recently!!!

So, get on with it, already, and start using them on a massive bassis,
and maybe we can see the Coronavirus pandemic eradicated in weeks, instead of months, or even years!!!   I feel no sympathy for the "Big Pharma" companies that have begun to invest time and money on developing a vaccine, which is projected to take 12, to 18 months to develop!!!   These are the same people who charge horrendous fees to cancer patients, and look at their track record for curing them all!!!  The drugs that I'm talking about are already available, at a cheap price, which is why "Big Pharma" doesn't want anything to do with them!!!   The profit margin seems higher if they make us wait, and they don't care how many die in the mean time!!!

So, lets get on with it, and let the lawyers, and "Big Pharma" be damned!!!   They already have their reward, in this life, at least!    Guess what their reward is likely to be, in the next!!!

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Hallelujah!!! God's Revival Is Called "Coronavirus"!!!

I don't believe it is totally inappropriate to connect the Coronavirus Pandemic with the revival that I  have been encouraging my readers to earnestly pray for!!!

I certainly don't mean that God wants to kill thousands of people all over the world, but He historically has preceded some of the most horrendous wars human-kind has managed to afflict themselves with, by some of the most powerful revivals, in various parts of the world!!! 

Unfortunately, mankind has an infinite capacity to be stubborn, in the face of reason, and it takes some  people real tragedy to knock them down, flat on their backs, to get them to finally look up, and realize that God was waiting for them, all the time!!!   Perhaps this horrible pandemic is just such a necessary tragedy!!!   Who knows, perhaps this can even bring Nancy Pelosi to the point of actually praying for Donald Trump, instead of merely pretending to do so, while she rips up his speech publicly!!!   That would be a miracle on the scale of the parting of the Red Sea!!!   

I think a good way of conftrming that this is all part of God's plan will be if He brings it all to at least a temporary halt, during the summer season, giving the hospitals time to recover from the onslaught of the infected patients, and the economy time to bounce back from impending collapse!!!  People have been speculating that the pandemic may continue all the way through the fall, without a typical break during warmer weather!  But if it weakens long enough for us to recover, and give us time to develop a vaccine, we may come out of this stronger than before, as people of different political views may have learned how to compromise, as our Founding Fathers intended!!!

Friday, March 27, 2020

When Greed Becomes More Important Than Life.

This seems appalling to me.

Today, we have reports that the governor of Michigan has threatened the doctors of her state who prescribe the anti-Malarial drug that has shown such promise in treating the Covid-19 disease, with possible prosecution.     I can see only one reason for doing this.   I suspect that the "big Pharma" companies  are exerting pressure, in order to protect their demand for a vaccine, which is expected to take a year to produce.  Certainly, these companies can expect to charge huge fees for any effective vaccine that they produce.  Could they have offered the governor a huge bribe once the vaccine has been produced, and marketed at horrendously high prices???   To pressure someone to not allow effective treatment,  or even possibly effective treatment, for fear that the disease may be eradicated, by the time a vaccine can be produced, is effectively condemning  perhaps  hundreds, and even thousands to death, in the mean time!!!

If my suspicion is correct, this governor, and any companies that pressured her are complicit in premeditation of mass murder, and should be prosecuted accordingly!!!  We certainly expect that the passage of  a law for 2 trillion, plus dollars would attract all kinds of felonious schemes, but this is just too appalling to even imagine!!! 

UPDATE:  12 hours later--

It seems to me that there are three approaches being made to the Hydroxichloroquin treatment aspects of the covid-19 crisis.   One, the causius approach of the medical personnel, vs., two, the front line Doctors who see the influx of patients, and recognize the potential benefits of treating patients, now, who may not live long enough to have whatever vaccine is eventually produced, be available for them, if they are dead months before it is developed!!! 

And, then there seems to be a greedy, self- serving bunch of "Big Pharma" company executives, who care nothing about the people who may be dying, now, who might be saved by the treatment of these existing drugs, which have already been proven to be safe, when administered for other conditions, which migt be effective in treating the coronavirus!   They seem to be concerned about protecting the inherent demand for the vaccine, even at the expense of lives who may be saved by the treatment of  these drugs, that were developed for other diseases, but seem to be beneficial for this one! 

If my suspicions are true, lets pray that our President, and his advisors have both,  the wisdom to see through the silly causions, and the greedy callousness of the detractors, and begin to promote the causious use of these "off label" drugs, even with an experimental perspective!   The data from these efforts can assist in deciding who can be given the drugs safely, and if there are some who should not!   In  any case, if some are saved by these drugs, who appear to be otherwise hopelessly ill, I don't see the harm in trying them!!! 

Friday, March 20, 2020

I Got Sick, Yesterday!!!

Yes, I got sick yesterday, and it had nothing to do with the Coronavirus Pandemic!!!   It was more of a heart sickness, on behalf of a friend I was casually talking with!   We started to discuss our political views, which can always be dangerous, but this time I was struck by how perfectly she was articulating the leftist dogma, as if she had been totally brainwashed by the leftist mainstream media!!!   In fact, I accused her of watching too much news on CNN, or MSNBC, which she immediately denied!   As if to convince me of that fact,  she said she got her news from (and then she named one of the major commercial news networks)!!!   I explained that those networks had all been spouting the same blatant lies, since well before President Trump was inaugurated!!!   It didn't take long to realize that she had been thoroughly indoctrinated in all of the Hate-Trump dogma, and she was desperately waiting for the Socialist vindication of the 2020 election, which she was convinced would defeat Trump, and probably turn the Senate over to the Democrats, as well!!!

I eventually realized that I was getting nowhere trying to reason with her, but it struck me how perfectly opposite her arguments were to mine!   Almost every charge I made against the mainstream media mob, she claimed the same thing against FOX NEWS, which I have found to be the last bastion of truth in the media, today!!!   It so perfectly matched some of the most absurd charges that we hear regularly from the Left, which  I've noticed were simply reverse-logic charges that the Left made to blame the Trump administration, and Conservatives in general, about anything that we charged them with first, no matter how logically absurd the charges were, when they were returned  against us!!! 

 I was offended to realize that some of my friends were becoming so brainwashed as to believe some of the absurd dogma that comes out of those mainstream media outlets!!!   The very network news stations that we grew up trusting in their veracity, had been turned into propaganda distribution outlets for the Left, and I could hardly believe my ears!!!   As always, my conspiracy- theory mind tried to blame someone for this, and it didn't take long to recognize that this kind of brainwashing had to be supernatural, it was so absurdly illogical!!! 

 I knew there was only one source for the kind of blindness that embraces this kind of dogma, and it's the same source for the movement to develop the European "One World" Socialist government!!!  It takes supernatural power to blind people into believing such drivel, and Satan is using all of  his God-given power to deceive the whole world to accept his plan to turn over control of the world to his chosen Antichrist, who will probably be revealed soon!!!  Satan is "God's devil", and God is allowing him to deceive all those whom he can, in the last days, before He sends Jesus back to judge the whole world, and establish His Kingdom of Heaven on Earth!!!

Praise the Lord, and "even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus, and count us all worthy to escape the wrath that is to come"!!! 

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Analyzing God's Blessings (???) During This Crisis!!!

On February 26th, I tightened my emotional belt, and made some claims of "possible conclusions" about whether this pandemic was God's way of answering our prayers, or not!   It takes some spiritual gaul to try and claim that God's blessings can come out of what appears to be a momentous tragedy!!!

Yet, throughout history (which is, after all, "His story"), great blessings have arisen out of the ashes of terrible tragedies!!!    America arose out of seemingly suicidal foolishness in challenging the greatest military in the world, by a bunch of farmers carrying clubs and pitchforks, to become an independent nation, after the Revolutionary War!   And, we rose to the pinnacle of international power, after two World Wars, defeating some of the most evil forces the world has ever seen!!! 

While it seemed that no external  force could defeat us, our biggest threat may have been the internal divisiveness that recently took hold of our political spectrum!!!   Jesus' statement that, "A house divided can not stand.", which applies  even more so to a nation that is divided, seemed to be facing our nation ominously! 

Yet we have seen some uncharacteristic compromising in our divisive branches of government, lately, giving some small hope that we can, indeed, learn to cooperate to reach a mutual goal, in overcoming this crisis!!!   Congress recently passed an emergency relief bill for those businesses hardest hit by the economic slowdown, caused by the necessary avoidance of crowded attendance!  If the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives can actually agree on anything that the Republican-controlled Senate can pass, then there is a small measure of hope for the future functioning of the Congress, as a whole!!!  It took an international emergency of epic proportions to bring it about, but perhaps it will make compromise on less drastic measures easier to accomplish, in the future!!!

So, God does seem to bring good out of terrible tragedy, which the Communists of this world misinterpret as, "good always coming out of evil", which they use to excuse their allowing evil to flourish, as in the obvious danger of their movement to promote international migration anywhere, with no restrictions at all!!!    The spread of this pandemic should help even the most dogmatic of Socialists recognize the foolishness of this view!!! 

Saturday, March 14, 2020

I Find The Media Disinformation Game To Be Disgustingly Evil!!!

Watching FOX NEWS' Hannity show,  I was revolted at the dichotomy between the tapes of the Obama administration's slow response to the recent influenza pandemic, and the soft response of the mainstream media coverage, even as thousands died of the disease, contrasted with the coverage of the Trump administration's response to the present Corona virus pandemic, and their rush to condemn every effort that is made to stem the spread of this virus, and to protect China from the obvious blame for starting this horrible disease, which may have been the result of a careless handling of disease spores, at a biological warfare lab, in the Wuhan province of China!!!   I suspect that the irrational, and false propaganda that our mainstream media continues to flood the airwaves with, is more than an obedient response to the Chinese government's pressure, against threats of retaliation to their corporate interests in China!   This seems to be too enthusiastic on their parts, suggesting to me that they view scuttling the Trump administrations efforts to do anything right to be of paramount importance, for whatever reason!!!

I have gone on record as believing that they may be in bed with the European effort to create a "One -World" Socialist government system, having seen how profitable it is to have their factories producing products in China, where they pay their workers slave-labor wages, while they reap the profits!  I wonder if they are hoping to enslave the whole world, and pay similar wages, and so they consider that all free market economic systems must be condemned, in order to enslave us all!!!   If that is so, that would certainly explain all the unnatural hostility towards the Trump administration, and any policies the they try to implement!!!  As a Christian, I believe that this is all according to the plan of Satan, and his yet-to-be revealed Antichrist  who will eventually rule this system, to the harm of the whole world, for a seven-year period, before the return of Jesus!!!

Who was it that once said something to the effect of, "What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul [Mark 8: 36]???"  I think that might apply here!!!

To the mainstream media distorters of the truth, I refer to the scripture which says, "Woe to those who call good evil, and evil good...", your reward is soon coming and it will be much greater than proportional to the evil of your ways!!!

Monday, March 9, 2020

Putin Is Upset With Saudi Arabia, So Get Set For War!!!

About a couple years ago, I wrote something like the "Gog/Magog War" is about to soon begin!!!   Obviously, I was wrong then, which is similar to, but not as egregious as someone who keeps announcing the date of Jesus' return, concerning which the Lord said, "No man knows the day, nor the hour".  I suppose that one might try to calculate the return of the Lord, from the beginning of the "Gog/Magog" War, but there are so many variables confusing, and conflicting such reasoning that it should seem to frustrate the effort!!!

Never the less, news reports of Vladimir Putins' anger with Saudi Arabia, for not agreeing to raise oil prices, in the wake of the rapid fall of world oil prices (which would be foolish for them to even consider) makes me wonder if Russia's desperation for oil sales profits is about to start their move into the Middle-East, with the eventual goal of a military conquest of the Gulf State oil reserves.

Russia's economy is very dependent upon their international oil sales, which has been severely harmed by Trump's sanctions, after the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, and their annexing of the eastern half of the Ukraine, with the Crimean Peninsula!!!  So  much so that this drop in the world's oil prices, amounts to driving Russia into a full-blown depression!!!  As great a military force as Russia has, I find it hard to believe that they are going to just sit back and wait for the market to bounce back!!!   Remember, the Ezekiel Prophecy, concerning the "Gog/Magog" War, says that God will personally draw the armies into their invasion, and it seems that Iran will start it, and Trump's sanctions against Iran were showing signs of economic turmoil in Iran, also, even before the collapse of oil prices!!!

Lower oil prices means less income for these countries, which are already hurting economically, and they both seem to feel that their military strength is the way of protecting their countries, from whatever threat they face!!!  I have suspected that they may be planning an invasion of the Middle-East, to take over the Gulf States' oil reserves, so they can boycott all the countries that supported Trump's sanctions!!!  But, they must nullify Israel's capacity to resist them first, since they are the only force in the region that can offer serious resistance, which they surely will!!!   Throw in some "natural disasters", ( like an untimely earthquake[???], which God seems to be prophecying), and you have the makings of a totally unexpected rout of the invasion forces!!!

Like I said, we shouldn't be speculating on when the "Last Days'" events will occur, but we certainly can recognize the "signs of the times", which seem to be developing all around us!!!

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Elizabeth Warren Failed to Win The Presidency Because She's An Idiot!!!

She suffers from the same disease as Hillary Clinton;  it's called terminal lunacy!!!   This disease is not exclusive of men, or women!   Bernie is just as lunatic, and perhaps more so, because he's lived longer, and had more time to perfect it!!!  He even studied at the Moscow Institute for Buffoonery, while on his honeymoon, I strongly suspect!!!

So, Hillary's myriad excuses for why she lost the election, in 2016, and why it's everybody else's fault, but hers, is pathetically similar to Warren's dropping out of the campaign because of all the "sexist" resistance she received from everybody else.  I don't know exactly who "everybody else" is, but I guess he ought to be shot, pretty quick!!!

Why do all the blithering idiots congregate in the Democratic party (except for Mitt Romney)???   Why don't they all run for president of American Samoa, against Mike Bloomberg???  Their political expertise might be more appreciated there, where they might assist with the annual coconut harvest, and the sales of coconuts to Hawaii, and Guam!!!

My point is when these idiots finally recognize their defeat, why can't they recognize that they lost simply because the American public liked someone better than them, and it's not a matter of "sexism" or any other lame excuse; they just weren't good enough!  So get over it already!!!   It's like a third grade competition in which everybody has to get an award, or their feelings might be hurt!!!   Wahh, wahh!   Go home, shut up, and get over it!!!

 You don't have a Constitutional right to be elected President, and it's not because you are a woman!!!   The day a woman is obviously found to be a better candidate than all the men who oppose her, we will have a woman President, and not before!!!  Israel found one in Golda Meier, and Britain found one in Marguerite Thatcher, and perhaps we'll have one if  Nikki Haley, the former Governor of South Carolina, and recent U.S. Representative at the United Nations decides to run, in 2024!!!  But, don't expect it to be given to you, just because your genitalia are of the proper variety, when your mind is demented!!!

Monday, March 2, 2020

At Last, Someone Agrees With My Outlandish Suspicions!!!

One of my most outlandish suspicions, that I've written about, is that today's students are being taught Socialism exclusively on college campuses rather than comparing it to free market capitalism which amounts to essentially brainwashing propaganda!!!  Taken with the ending of traditional instruction in American History, and Government, or Civics, on the secondary school level, this amounts to an intentional effort to brainwash our children into accepting Socialism as a normal form of government, simply by not exposing them to any other forms of government, and especially keeping them ignorant of their own!!!

Today, on FOX NEWS I  saw an interview of Charlie Kirk, from "Students For Trump" (which I had never heard of), in which he expounded upon essentially the same point, which was the first time I'd seen someone actually confirming what I had long-since believed!!!

When I was in college, I don't remember anyone actually teaching, or offhandedly commenting about Socialism in a positive manor, probably because I'm old enough to have lived reasonably soon after the anti-communist years of the 1950's, and 1960's!!!   But I ran out of tuition money after three years, so I dropped out to earn enough to graduate, later.  I eventually went back, 8 years later, and found the student population to be very different, from what I'd remembered!  I had become a born-again Christian, in the mean time, and I'm not sure if the shock was because I was different, or they were!   But, I remember commenting a rather conservative answer to my professor's question, one day,  only to have several nearby students turn around and give me ugly stares, with exasperated grunts, which was a totally new experience for me!!!   I realized that my conservative views were not at all welcome, and I didn't comment thereafter!!!  This was certainly not conclusive evidence, but it was enough to convince me of the remarkable change in the perspective of the student values of the day!!!  It has apparently worsened since, to the point that groups like "Antifa" now feel that open violence against Conservatives on campus is acceptable, and universities are not prone to punish such behavior!!!

My point is that the promotion of Socialism on college campuses, and the open hostility to conservatism, has led to the large voting block for people like Bernie Sanders, and all the other Leftist Democrats, who are supported by students and recent graduates, who have not lived in the real world long enough to understand how destructive Socialist values can be on a free society!!!

 It will probably take a Holy Ghost Revival to reverse the trend, and an abolishing of the Department of Education on the Federal level, with a return of curriculum control of the schools to the state and local levels, to put an end to the brainwashing of our children, by the "Deep State" socialist bureaucracy!!!

To insure that racial discrimination is not reintroduced in various local school systems, Congress could pass laws to have "litmus tests" for such issues, with the threat of Federal takeover of the offending school system, but not all systems, as determined by the courts!  Those systems that operated legally should be left alone to teach as they so choose!!!