Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Obama Proves To Be CrimInals' Best Friend

News reports today reveal that President Obama has commuted the federal prison terms of an additional 111 convicts, bringing to 673 total commutations of prisoner sentences. This is consistent with the practices of previous "lame duck" Presidents, however the total number of his commutations is now MORE THAN that of the PREVIOUS TEN Presidents COMBINED, according to news reports. I'll bet those commutations came with the restoration of those prisoners' voting rights, just in time for them to vote for Hillary Clinton as their next President! In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they were not instructed to vote for her, as part of the agreement to have their sentences reduced! That's typical skullduggery for the Democratic Party, as it has evolved today! And we were outraged at the clandestine behavior of Richard Nixon's so-called "plumbers"!!! Seems like the Democrats are determined to best Nixon's record for political "dirty pool". I wonder if the Washington Post will assign a couple of "hotshot" investigative reporters to their antics, as they did with "Wood-stein", in the 70's.

I keep mentioning that I don't particularly like Trump. But, I can live with his election to the Presidency, for the greater good of NOT having to live with another Democratic president, and especially not Hillary! I have never witnessed such blatant corruption in public office as we have seen with Hillary, and through the "Clinton Foundation", with Bill probably presiding, in the shadows. It appears as though they are over-grown "spoiled brats", who are so used to getting away with semi-legal manipulation of various laws (beginning with the so-called "Whitewater scandal", in Arkansas) that they can't help themselves to keep from trying more, and more outrageous acts of political corruption, in order to keep themselves in office, and available to enrich themselves with undetectable bribery. Unfortunately, for them, it seems that they have finally gone too far with their schemes, and their blindly, adoring public has finally had enough of excusing their obvious illegality! Perhaps not enough to throw them in jail, where they belong, but hopefully enough to keep them out of public office, and influence pedaling, as well. Hillary lamely protests that it is all the Republicans' making something out of nothing, but that is sounding more and more like a spoiled brat throwing a "tantrum", when he is caught with his hand in the proverbial "cookie jar"!

I have wondered how long it would take for the Democrats to overcome their worshipful adoration of the Clintons; let's just hope that it's in time to keep Hillary from winning the election! Remember, Trump is not so much the Republican candidate, as he is the "anti-Clinton" candidate! And God bless him, in that capacity!

Clintons Hit The "Foxholes", While The "Bombs" Of Criticism Fly

And they seem to be flying all around them!!! If I seem unabashedly gleeful, I apologize. I don't take pleasure in their problems, or anyone else's, but I do appreciate this apparent revelation that God is truly in control of this election, in spite of the overwhelming evidence to the contrary that we have suffered through for many months. It's like I wrote previously, when I compared God's victorious blessings to the historical progress of past wars, in which we Americans started out with great fervor, and faith, only to suffer initial defeats, against what had to appear to be almost overwhelming odds. It's almost as if God wanted to see if our faith in His power was genuine, or temporal.

The Revolutionary War began with defeat in the midst of apparent victory, especially in the so-called Battle of Bunker Hill. The American Colonists "beat the snot out of" the British Troops, to an estimated ten thousand casualties, but lost when their ammunition began to run out, forcing their withdrawal. I think most people recognize that He turned our initial defeat into eventual victory, at Yorktown, Va., as he did with the Union forces in the Civil War, after two disasters at the creek of Bull Run, in Manassas Va. From those defeats, God returned the victory, at Appomattox, Va. which held our fragile union together, as it remains today, no matter how tenuous it may appear. By comparison, defeating the dangerously unrighteous candidacy of the meglo-maniacal Clinton would-be "monarchy" would seem to be easy, yet the over-all peril of this election seems without parallel. Like I've said before, I don't particularly like Trump, but if he is pliable enough for God to use in restoring this country to it's former righteousness (even while recognizing the there are many areas which we still must deal with), and will appoint wise advisors, and actually listen to them, he might make a great President, after all.

Again, I claim no special insight into God's future plans for this country, as I've said before, I am not a prophet, but I think I can recognize current-event patterns that seem to be consistent with the way God has moved for those who trust in Him, throughout history. I think "history" includes today, and remember that "history" is nothing more, nor less, than "His Story"!!! Praise God!!!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Dems Feeling The Heat???

A famous quote of Ronald Reagan's presidential campaign (I can't remember if it was directed at the Russians, or the Democratic Party [it doesn't make much difference; they're both deadly enemies of our Constitution]), went like this: "It's not necessary for them to see the light; only for them to feel the heat!" Well, he was "dead-on" right, then, and I wonder if he wouldn't say the same thing today? Fox News reported, this morning, that some Democratic Congressional candidates (mostly in tight races) are not defending Hillary Clinton's E-mail, and "Foundation" scandals. Is this evidence that even some Democrats are beginning to "wake up, and see the Light"? Perhaps among the constituents, I suppose so, but more than likely those "Tight-Race" candidates are realizing that she has been so dirty in her Public Service (one would reasonably guess that the word "Public", to her, extends only to herself, and her family) that supporting her could easily blow up in their faces, and lose the election for them. I'd say they are beginning to "feel the heat", wouldn't you?

Is this the first indication that Hillary could personally lose the election, in November, as I speculated, that she might squander her lead in the polls, and throw the victory for Trump, that he seems to be doing his best NOT to win, on his own? (See my post for August 22nd., listed on the "Archives" list, to the right of this column.) I wrote then that if it happened it would be because her record as Secretary Of State was so "dirty", with self-serving influence-peddling between the Clinton "Foundation" and the State Department, that if enough evidence was released before the election, even Democrats would realize that she was a dangerous Presidential candidate. Recently, some 15,000 "lost" E-mails were released by the State Department, who just happened to "find" them, with very little time left (before the election) to investigate them. They must contain potentially damning evidence that the Clintons were collecting "Pay For Play" contributions at their "Foundation", with access to the Secretary of State as the prize for the donations. Otherwise one would wonder at the reason they were "found" so close to the election, that they might be expected to have little effect on the election. Will Hillary be the first President to be elected, one day, and impeached the next???

Anyway, Hillary's own calendar, while Secretary of State showed that over 50% of those visitors to her office were previous donors to the Clinton "Foundation" (more appropriately called their "slush fund"). Since some of those donors were residents of Saudi Arabia, and other Gulf State nations (whose populations gave us the 911 terrorists, probably funded by the very rich people of those nations), one has to wonder if those same terrorist financiers are the same "donors" that bought influence with Hillary??? Is this the kind of person we would feel safe with running our country? I wonder how many Democratic voters are wondering the same thing? Perhaps they will be so disenchanted with Hillary that they might stay home, on election day! Pray God that they will! As I said before, that seems to be the only way Trump can win!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Alice's "Wonderland" Expresses An Appropriate View Of Today's Presidential Campaign

As she said, it's all getting, "Curiouser, and curiouser..."! And I do sense God's "Fingerprints" all over the developments of these days. I don't say that the American Presidential Election, this year, will necessarily have anything to do with a possible fulfillment of the Ezekiel Prophecies, recounted in the 38th & 39th chapters of the Old Testament book of Ezekiel, but I suspect a Trump Administration would certainly react differently to this Middle-East invasion, and God's glorious turn of it all for the defense of His people, Israel. One could reasonably expect Hillary to react differently, if she's not too busy with her impeachment trial!

But, quite frankly, I think it would take a miracle for Trump to win the presidency; but I think I heard somewhere that God is in the miracle "business"! What seems humanly impossible to us today, could easily be a "snap" for God, if it all serves to bring about His greater plan, especially as it concerns His chosen people, Israel, and their security. If Trump will bring about an Administration that will be humble enough to simply "get out of the way" of whatever God is about to do, He may allow him to be elected, rather than have to deal with Hillary's foolish meddling, which might necessitate the harming of otherwise innocent people, in order for Him to bring about His purposes, which WILL happen, one way or another! Either way, it will certainly be a blessing not to have to try and understand the buffoonery of an Obama Administration reaction to something that God is in charge of. One could certainly expect him to do the wrong thing, with as catastrophic results as conceivable, if he were still in power. Let's hope that he will watch the invasion unfold, from the "safety" of his presidential retirement home (probably in his native home of Kenya), where he can no longer do this nation any harm with his idiotic opinions! I wish him well, but, "please get the H*** out of town!!!", and the faster, the better! Sorry, Lord, but I have no respect for official fools in "High places", no matter how brilliant they may seem to be! To be so unable to judge any situation correctly, with his undeniable intelligence, has to categorize him as a "Colossal Fool", at least in my opinion! And I'm stuck with that opinion, whether anyone agrees with me or not!!!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Trump Can't Win; But Hillary Sure Can Lose!

Two things have become blatantly obvious about the 2016 Presidential Election...Donald Trump is absolutely incapable of winning the election. But Hillary Clinton is the most capable of candidates I've ever seen of losing the election, in spite of the fact that she is way ahead, so far, and is building a sound local election committee in most states, while Trump is not. So, how can she "snatch defeat from the jaws of victory"? She may have already done so, between her irresponsible use of an unsecured E-mail server, while serving as Secretary of State, and her and Bill's setting up of a "Foundation" that was supposed to be a charitable corporation, but is looking more, and more like a personal "slush fund" to re-elect a Clinton President, just as Nixon's "Re-election Committee" was obviously for him. And we know how much that "slush fund" helped Nixon, after the Watergate scandal. The only question is, will the E-mail scandal ever get strong enough to offend the belligerent Democratic voters, who voted for the likes of a thoroughly incompetent Senator from Illinois, in 2008, and again in 2012, just because his skin was a little bit black ( even though his "heart" was, and remains as "black as coal")? Boy, that was a real smart move!!! And look where that's got us, now!

The "Foundation" scandal seems to be the most potentially volatile of her record of incompetent National Security concerns. That "Foundation" accepted "donations" from all the rich Gulf Oil Emirates, including Saudi Arabia, which gave us the conspirators for the September 11, 2001 Airplane attack on the Twin Towers, in New York City! Even though the Clintons have assured us that they will not accept any more donations, if she wins, and Bill will step down as the "Foundation's" C.E.O., that gives no assurance that, as President, Hillary's gratitude for those countries' financial help in winning the election would not influence her decisions for their benefit, or that Bill would not talk to his cronies who replace him to run the "Foundation for him, throughout his busy term as "First Gentlemen"! ("So many Interns, and so little time...!"). And, I doubt that his E-mails would be scrutinized by the F.B.I., secured, or not. And, who's going to stop him from talking to Hillary, after he talks to his cronies???

But, the Democrats don't need to be offended enough to vote for Trump; that seems a bit too much to expect! It will be enough if they are discouraged enough by Clinton's security liabilities (which are already obvious, but must be even more so to offend the idiot Democrats, enough so they'll stay home on election day, perhaps in "droves"). Trump is playing into that strategy already, by trying to woo the "Black Voters" away from voting Democratic, which seems all but impossible. But, in doing so, he is tempering the "Racist" image, as the Democrats have worked so hard to portray him. That could be enough to keep them from voting, as they have a history of staying home, on election day, especially when they don't like either of the white choices for President. Right now they will dislike Trump enough, no matter how much he tries to woo them. But, will the E-mail scandal, and the foreign "investment" scandal of Clinton's "Foundation" become obvious enough to offend their National Security concerns, in time for the election? Only God knows... but then there are times when He is the only one who has to know! I wonder if Trump is His choice, for whatever reason, and if so, He can bring about his victory, no matter how incompetent he appears to be. He alone knows the future, and it seems to delight God to bring about impossible victories, when the need is greatest!

Consider the way the American Revolution began; and the absolute incompetence of the Union Army at the start of the Civil War! The war of 1812 began with a British invasion of Washington , D.C., and their burning of the White House to the ground!!! If that doesn't convince the reader of God's ability to turn defeat into victory, I don't know what will! Perhaps He will help Hillary to "snatch defeat from the jaws of victory"! Let's all hope so, and pray for a relief from Democratic incompetence in the White House!!!

If Trump displays enough of a pliable heart to the urging of God, it really matters little about his competence, or lack there of. If he will surround himself with enough advisors who are sensitive to God's urging, and will actually listen to them, we may have a President that can restore America's greatness, as Trump says he wants to do. Remember, George Washington's greatest attribute was his humility in recognizing when his advisor's strategic advise was better than his own plans. If Trump can learn that, too, he may go down as the next great President! May God grant him a wise and understanding heart!!!

UPDATE: 8/23/2016--
I wrote this Post yesterday, with no more than a suspicion that God is "up to something"...but I didn't know what. It seems to be shaking out to be similar to other aspects of His method of glorifying Himself, and confounding those who choose to resist Him. They are usually without excuse because, He tends to prophecy what He intends to do well before the fact, at least in general terms, and those who are sensitive to His prophecies can sort of "read between the (Biblical) lines" to fill in the blanks, for the details that are left unspoken, but seem to be consistent with what He has said. So, I claim no special wisdom, and certainly no "psychic power", or any other "mumbo jumbo" of the like! Yet I seem to have "coincidentally" guessed right about Hillary (and Bill) Clinton's culpability growing as more, and more, of her irresponsible State Department behavior comes to light. After Posting the above views of the possible developments in the Presidential election campaign, the story was made public, yesterday, that the State Department has ("miraculously") "uncovered" some 15,000 of Hillary's E-mails that were previously thought lost! I suspect that the Obama Administration quietly ordered them "lost", and not to be "found" until there was not enough time to investigate them, before the election, to see if they revealed any wrongdoing on Hillary's part, or on the part of her advisers. (But, a Federal Judge, in Texas, has ordered the State Department to complete an "expedited" investigation of the E-mails' contents, before September 22nd! We will see if the Obama Administration is willing to "expedite" anything that may harm the election of their chosen lackey, or will they continue to "foot drag" (why am I tempted to use the term "stone-wall" here???), even with the threat of "Contempt of Court" hanging over their heads! Wow! Maybe we could get Hillary, Bill, and Obama to throw a real "Democratic party", in San Quentin, or some other federal prison!!!

All this would seem to suggest that THEY felt the damage could possibly be severe enough to cause her to lose the election. Suspicion runs rampant that some of her advisors have been giving special access to her "Foundation's" donors (many of them are from Arab Gulf State countries, like Saudi Arabia. [UPDATE: 8/24/2016: Reports, today, suggest that, "Over fifty percent of Hillary's official visitors, while she served as Secretary of State were donors to the "Clinton Foundation", clearly suggesting that access to her office was available, "for the right price"! This information was gathered from her official calendar of visitors, while in office.] They may not be official government people (as Saudi Arabia's government is our ally), but simply rich donors from those countries. Remember, Saudi Arabia was also our ally when the whole conspiracy of the "911 Twin Towers/airplane crash" was exposed as originating, and presumably funded by rich Saudi Arabian financiers (and I haven't heard anything about them being brought to justice for their criminal conspiracy, in creating the worst attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor, in 1941)!

I am not suggesting the Clintons are "in bed with" those financiers (God knows that Bill is probably too busy philandering with other women to be in bed with anyone else, including perhaps even Hillary), but, a mere close relationship with them, which seems to have been indisciminantly available for the right price, through their "Foundation", could be a serious breach of National Security! The fact that the Clintons seem to be unconcerned about this, should definitely disqualify either from future public office, and should shed light on Bill's term, as well. I don't particularly care if they wind up in prison, or not, just so they can't hurt America any more with their shady practices! May God have mercy on their souls, and on us for allowing them to get away with what I strongly suspect they've been up to!

Friday, August 19, 2016

Putin's Latest Chess Move

It is clear that Russian President Putin has no respect for America's Military presence in Iraq. Nor does he fear what Obama will do if he steps out of line, as he has done today.

His latest strategic moves in the Iraq/Syria war against I.S.I.S., and the American supported Syrian rebels (who are mostly Kurds) is to send missiles against the I.S.I.S. positions. I certainly don't mourn for the I.S.I.S. fighters, but since they are living in civilian areas, and using them as human shields in the event that they are bombed (so they can portray the bombers as heartless barbarians, who will bomb civilian populations), indiscriminant missile bombardment amounts to a significant escalation in their war effort. That Putin would do so now tells us two things: 1) He does not expect any serious objection to this escalation from the Obama Administration, and 2) he seems to be intent on escalating the war effort, now, before the election in America, in case Trump wins the election. Perhaps Putin wants to get the war with I.S.I.S. (and the other Syrian rebels) over with, quickly, so he can move on to more important things...like, perhaps the "Gog/Magog" Middle-East invasion, prophecied in Ezekiel, chapters 38, & 39!?? Perhaps he would prefer to get that "solidly" established before a possible Trump Administration could intervene.

Also, it is reported that the Assad regime simultaneously has bombed the American supported Kurd positions. This was probably the result of negotiations between Turkey's Erdogan, and Putin, when Erdogan travelled recently to Russia to meet with Putin. I don't believe that Assad would do anything without Putin's permission, and the Kurds have been terrorizing Turkey, at the same time as they fight the Syrians. So, isn't it coincidental that Assad should do so, shortly after Erdogan's visit? Perhaps this was intended to take the American attention away from Russia's Missile escalation.

But, the very fact that this escalation happened now, instead of after the election, shows that Putin thinks Obama will do nothing in retaliation for either escalation. And why should he expect any significant response from the Obama Administration, who are more concerned with restricting our own generals, than with worrying about things like Syrian use of "Cluster Bombs", and poison gas against their enemies, both of which are considered War Crime violations by the U.N.?

Remember, Russian strategy follows the pattern of a Chess game. One makes a move, and then waits to see what the opponent does to possibly counter his move before he decides on his next move. So far, Obama's most dangerous "weapon of choice" has been a strong diplomatic protest for any Russian escalation. If that's all he does now, you can expect further escalations in the future. I think Putin doesn't think a President Trump would allow these things, without unleashing his Generals, and Admirals to respond in some way that would make Putin think twice, before further escalations.

So, if I'm right, I think Putin wants to get the escalations established before the election, because he doesn't want to test Trump the way he feels he can get away with bad behavior now, with no retaliation from the Obama Administration. It seems that Putin doesn't think Hillary has much of a chance. And he may be right!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Is The Ezekiel Prophecy Right Around The Corner???

Possibly... The current events of the day seem to be pointing that way. Today we have reports that Russia launched their heavy bombers from Iran, to bomb the rebel forces in Syria. Iran is also prophecied to be a member of the Ezekiel-prophecied allied invasion force with Russia, that will be defeated upon the, "mountains of Israel". I have written before that I don't think Israel will be the main objective of Russia (more likely the Arab Gulf oil fields are what they are after), but they dare not leave a viable Israeli Air Force, and Army behind as they march on the Arab states. Nor would they feel comfortable with a loyal N.A.T.O. ally behind their northeastern Syrian air base, as Turkey was until their recent put-down of the supposed coup attempt (whether real, or a sham), which has resulted in a more fundamentalist Muslim Government. Erdogan's recent trip to meet with Putin in Russia served to let us know where they will stand, even if that were not clearly prophecied in Ezekiel (which it is). Plus they need a unified Muslim confederation to back them up, without fearing further invasion into there own oil fields, in order to "legitimize" their invasion of Saudi Arabia, and the other Gulf States. The one unifying condition for these Muslim States is their collective hatred of Israel, which they hate even more than they hate each other.

So, we have one more pawn in the Russian Chess Game set in place, pointing to the Prophecied "Gog/Magog" Middle-East invasion, in Ezekiel 38, &39. Now that Russia's heavy bombers are now stationed in Iran, they need only make a slight turn to the left, to approach "the mountains of Israel", instead of Syria. But, since the Ezekiel prophecy mentions nothing of Israeli casualties, which other prophecies do, it would seem that God has some very one-sided defense measures in store for Russia's invasion forces.

I am dumbfounded that Russia presumes to think they can pull this off! They can't be totally ignorant of the Ezekiel prophecies. First, no matter how atheistic the Russian government remains, after the presumptive rejection of the official atheism of their former Soviet Government, it is undeniable that many of the Russian people are still devout Christians (of the Russian Orthodox church), and I am sure the Ezekiel prophecies read almost identical in their Bibles, to what I read in my Bible.

Second, I have noted every time I write something about Russia in my Blog, my "Pageview" statistics take a triple digit spike upwards (listed by my Blog Server as originating from Russia), as distinct from other Posts that say nothing about Russia. Perhaps the Russian people are more interested when I write something about their country, or government. But, I suspect that there is some official interest in how I came to know about their plans for a Middle-East invasion. Duh!!! It's right there in print for them, too! The difference is that I believe it, and (like I said) I'm dumbfounded that they apparently do not!

If I planned something that was written 2500 years ago that would end in a miserable failure, even if I was prone to not believe it, I don't think I would have the temerity to try it, anyway. I am too cowardly to try something like that! My arms "are too short to box with God", thank you very much. But apparently Putin thinks his arms are longer than mine. But they're not long enough for this! Go ahead Putin, and see what happens! You'll be sorry, for a very, VERY long time!!!  It's called "Eternity"!!!

Saturday, August 13, 2016

"Much Ado About Nothing..."

I might also title this Post with another Shakespearean quote, "Methinks thou dost protest too much...", which along with the above title adequately describes my reaction to the protests of the "Establishment" wing of the Republican Party and their anti-Trump complaints, this time to the Republican National Committee. I think I am beginning to understand what's going on here, and I am ashamed of my country, as it is.

It seems that Donald Trump is not just campaigning against Hillary Clinton, as the chosen candidate of the liberal Democratic Party. He is also campaigning against two other unofficial liberal parties: the leftist (majority) media, and the moderately leftist Establishment Republicans within his own party. Believe it, or not, I think I see the Lord's finger prints on Trump's campaign!

For decades we have had the two primary Parties that differed only slightly in their views of how government should be managed. The minority Republican party learned to survive by being only somewhat to the right of the leftist Democrats. Sure, their rhetoric was considerably more conservative than the Democrats, but when it came to action they didn't rock the "liberal boat" too much, lest they awaken the outrage of a sleeping liberal populace. That voting populace was stimulated by a very liberal media, which would only back off the Republicans so much, as long as they didn't try to push their more conservative values too hard. When they did, the press would gang up on them, to make them "toe the line", which the Republicans would do, if they wanted to keep getting elected.

Meanwhile, the Conservative wing of the Republicans would try to support a candidate, who would be scurrilously condemned by the media, as being the second coming of Adolph Hitler (even though Hitler was a Socialist), and the Establishment Republicans would pay lip-service to the Conservatives, to get their votes, and promptly ignore them once elected.

It's hard for me to say this, but Trump might actually be an "answer" to the prayers of many conservative Christians who couldn't stand to vote for the Democratic candidate, in past elections, so they would hold their noses and vote for the wishy-washy Republican candidate, or they would stay home, on election day. Perhaps God has given us someone to vote for, crude as he is, who will curry the conservative voters, because the Establishment Republicans won't help him.

Lately, the Establishment Republicans have tried to hurt the Trump campaign by asking the National Committee to withhold funds for Trump's campaign. Boy, that'll work!!! Yes sir!!! Withhold funds from Trump's campaign, and he'll simply buy the election himself. He is plenty rich enough to do so. Perhaps God realized He would need someone rich enough to do so, to force the Establishment Republicans to realize that their power over elections is limited, whereas God's is not! In other words He might be saying, "get on board, or get out of town". Perhaps they'll be happier in the Democratic Party, where they belong.

God's most powerful weapon has always been His two-edged sword, which he wields from his mouth, as His word. It may just be cutting the Republican Party in two, "between the quick, and the dead"!!! Stay tuned, this election is getting interesting!

I "Smell A [Conspiratorial] Rat"...

...And the "odor" is strongest near the White House!!!

Of course, I have no way of knowing for certain, but that never stopped me from being suspicious of the Obama Administration before, so why stop now? Especially as past "Lame-Duck" Administrations are well-known for doing some of the most dastardly acts of political "skullduggery" ever, just as they are about to leave office (such as when Vice President Gore's office was suspected of being responsible for cutting all the telephone lines in their office, before leaving). It is a most dangerous time for America as a whole, and Democratic Administrations are especially famous for trying to leave the country in as much chaos as they can, when a Republican Administration is about to take over. (Obama is already trying to shut down the prison at Guantanamo Bay, in Cuba. How many Felons will he release in America, as he leaves office???)

Is the Obama Administration preparing already for a Trump victory? Or are they merely using this "tradition" as an excuse to "stick it to..." all of us, and they don't much care who gets hurt by it!

The recent admission that the American Cent/Com., in the war against I.S.I.S., and Al Quaida, was "cooking the books" by releasing intentionally inaccurate statistical figures, intended to imply that the American effort was being significantly more successful against the enemy than the true facts would indicate, may have been directed from the White House, for purely political reasons. Could this be the lying basis for an Obama excuse to withdraw ALL the remaining troops in Iraq and Afghanistan? (After all, "If we've driven the enemy out of the country, there's no need to leave our troops there, is there?" I can imagine them arguing...) I certainly have no way of proving my suspicion, but the use of lying propaganda from the Obama Administration, for political purposes, is typical behavior, to say the least!

I am reminded of another Democratic President's over-ruling a field General's decision, when Truman stopped McArthur from using Nuclear bombs on the bridge over the river the Chinese troops were using to cross into North Korea, to offer military support to their ally, against American, and South Korean advancing forces. At the time, Truman was quoted as saying that, "War is too important to be left to the Generals." One can hardly argue that he was wrong, then, as this would have amounted to a serious escalation of the Korean war, even perhaps bringing Russian Nuclear weapons into the equation, as a counter effort. Truman realized this was not just a civil war between factions of the Korean people. It was also a "proxy war", between the western capitalist nations, versus the communist countries, led by China, and Russia, with North Korea as the puppet ally. It was as much a political war, as it was a military operation. It could very easily have exploded into a nuclear conflagration, and Truman was not about to let America be the direct cause of that.

Now we have a situation where the opposite is true: In this case, we might easily say that, "War is too important to be left to the politicians!" Whether Obama is soft on the enemy here, because he may actually be a "closet Muslim" (as I have stated that I suspect is true), or whether he is merely setting us up for a campaign-promised withdrawal of American forces from Iraq, and Afghanistan, before he leaves office, it hardly matters. The effect would be catastrophic, regardless of the motivation! This would be the single most cowardly act by the U.S. government, since Congress voted to de-fund the American troops fighting in Viet Nam, setting the stage for the shameful retreat of American forces, and their abandonment of South Viet Nam to the Communist North Viet Namese forces. And why do I suspect that Obama is thoroughly capable of such an act???

True, or not, I don't know. But as the title of this Post suggests I may, "smell a Rat", and if so, he's living in the White House! The effect of American abandonment of both Iraq, and Afghanistan would be to leave the territory open to either a Sunni Muslim "Caliphate", set up by I.S.I.S., or a Shiite Muslim "Caliphate" (since Iran borders both countries, this might be too tempting an opportunity for them to pass up). Either way, a retiring Obama may not much care which happens!

Obama supposedly will move to his new home in Northwest Washington, after the new President is sworn in, but I wouldn't be surprised if he eventually moves to his native land, Kenya!

Friday, August 12, 2016

Comparing The Attributes/Dificiences Of Trump Vs. Obama &Hillary

Just what constitutes "fitness" to be President of the United States? Trump says Hillary is not "fit". Obama and Hillary counter with...(Surprise!!!) Trump is not "fit". So, whose opinion is closest to what we need? As might be expected, I just happen to have a few opinion points on the subject, and I will be glad to share them with you, whether you want them, or not!

Most people feel that a brilliant mind is an attribute. It certainly can help, unless the "heart" (according to the Biblical meaning of the word [i.e., the inner-most being, or central condition of what makes a person "tick", or their "moral fiber"]) is so pathetically corrupt that it interferes with their intellectual judgement. Obama is a perfect case in point. His obviously immense intelligence is almost useless in his decision making, since his moral judgement is so corrupt that almost every decision he makes is tainted by it. That's probably why so many of his administration's policies have been condemned by outsiders as false, or based upon false premises. (The latest scandal is that his Central Command staff in Iraq has been "cooking the books" to make it seem like the war effort is going much better than it is.) Obama rode to electoral victory, and re-election as well, by using his intellect to sway the voters with his brilliant articulation, which is commendable. But when it comes to backing up his rhetoric with wise judgement, he was a complete failure. Then, he and his subordinates simply resorted to lies to cover up their short-comings in judgement, assuming that everyone else is stupid enough to believe them. And many are; we call them Democrats!!!

Bill Clinton was also a brilliant President. Unfortunately, he too often thought mostly with his genitals, which clearly limit one's ability to make wise decisions!

Hillary is not nearly as brilliant as either her husband, or Obama. And she likewise feels she can cover up her errors in judgement with blatant lies. Benghazi is an example of her irresponsibility, and her consequential attempts at lying her way out of any blame for her errors. Unfortunately, for her, and potentially for us, her lack of brilliance is greatly exceeded by her corrupt "heart". Her decisions seem to be based first, and foremost, upon what seems to be the most convenient way of doing things (hence the ludicrous E-mail scandal, that a first grader should have foreseen the legal consequences for). And she belligerently continues a campaign of apparent lies, to keep the scandal from scuttling her candidacy. Those lies are so glaringly obtuse that only a Democrat could possibly believe them!

And then we have Trump! No one is claiming that his brain is "brilliant"; his words plentifully belie that. But, in his defense, it must be difficult to speak with one foot, or the other constantly in his mouth! He seems to constantly be using one foot to try and extricate the other from his orifice, with the result being as bad as the original condition. His main problem seems to be his ego! He doesn't seem capable of being insulted, without retaliating, often in the most childish manner.

But, his "heart" is "head and shoulders" above any Democratic candidate, past, or present, or their advisors! And, frankly, I place more importance upon that then I do upon a brilliant mind. Most issues a president faces are common sense issues, anyway, and Trump has plenty of the common sense that past presidents have lacked, and that goes for most of their wives, as well!

If Trump will hire brilliant advisors (and there are many of them available, since most are out of work during a Democratic Administration) and will actually listen to them, he has enough common sense to recognize their brilliance. This was what carried George Washington through the Revolutionary war. He was not a brilliant strategist, but he could swallow his pride, and listen to his advisors when they came up with better plans. He did all right as a President, too.

Let's hope we get more common sense in the White House, come next January, because we've been sorely lacking in that for quite a while!!!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

"Look Up! For Your Redemption Draweth Nigh!"

Regular readers of this Blog will note that I frequently mention something I've seen while watching the "700 CLUB" television show. Not only was I saved, by praying with Pat Robertson, the show's producer and main program host, but I tend to agree with most of what I hear on the show. Consequently, I try to watch the show daily, when I can.

Recently Pat has been warning viewers that the recent so-called "coup attempt" within the Turkish government, that was put down by forces loyal to the President, may have been a fraudulent attempt by President Erdogan to simply solidify a dictatorial stranglehold upon his nation. After arresting thousands of people within the military, and in civilian roles (including school teachers), who were supposedly suspected of being part of the attempt, he has certainly accomplished that. But, to what purpose, beyond his personal power grab?

When he was first elected, it was noted that he instituted policies that were considered more congenial toward I.S.I.S., and other radical Muslim factions, after decades of being considered a more secular government, even though the population was heavily Muslim-believing. This was considered a dangerous trend, as Turkey had been a secular, western-leaning government for something like almost 100 years. It was considered a political "buffer-zone" between the western nations and the Muslim world. In fact the Western Nations' allied themselves with Turkey, in what came to be known as the "N.A.T.O. alliance". This meant that various high-tech weapons systems, including advanced aircraft, and missile technology would be available for Turkey to purchase, that would not be available to non-allied nations.

This was hard for most of us to equate with the Prophecy of Ezekiel 38, &39, which spoke of a coming invasion of the Middle-East, and especially Israel, by a confederation of Russian, and Muslim-dominated nations' armies, of which "Gomer" was listed as one. "Gomer" has long been thought by biblical scholars to be the name of the ancient tribe that settled into the area we now refer to as Turkey. We all had trouble believing that a country that had been so dependable for western nations' interests, for so many years (since the end of World War I), could suddenly become a part of this invasion force. But, that seems to be what is happening, now.

Erdogan has recently flown to Russia to meet with Vladimir Putin, and I guess we can figure out what they are discussing! This on top of Russia's recent establishing of a forward air base, in northern Syria, just south of the border with Turkey. Russia could never leave an air base vulnerable to attack from a N.A,T.O. ally while it launched an attack on Israel, which is itself an ally (traditionally, at least) of ours. It appears that the recent talks with the "Rebel forces" fighting Russia's ally, Syria, may (illogically) bring about a temporary truce, between Russia, and the mostly Sunni Muslim factions they are fighting. I say "illogically", because the Russian forces are also allied with Iran's Shiite Muslim forces! Sunni Muslims hate Shiite Muslims passionately, and vice versa! An alliance between all these factions seems almost impossible to project!

But, we Christians know all about God working the impossible to bring about His purposes! This kind of alliance would rank right up there, almost, with crossing the Red Sea, and later the swollen Jordan River, on dry ground, with the water piled up as walls beside the Israelite tribes! But, the Ezekiel prophecy does begin with God saying that he would seem to put, "hooks in (the Russian leader's) jaws", to turn him toward the Middle-East invasion, as if he were a horse being turned about by a rider's bridle, and its bits (which are shaped like "hooks"), so He could destroy the Invasion force, upon the, "mountains of Israel" (or at least 83 1/3rd% of it), while saving Israel! If this much appears to be settling into place for this all to come to pass, how can we be surprised to see an alliance of nations that traditionally hate each other, being formed to invade a country (Israel) that they all traditionally hate much more than they hate each other! The very fragile nature of such an alliance could be the reason they eventually will turn against each other, which is the way God has prophecied that He will cause them to be destroyed!

All this means one thing for us in America. We, as Christian believers, should, "Look up...For your redemption draweth nigh!" It also means that friends, and loved ones, who may have seemed to be wavering in their faith need one final opportunity to be reached with the apparently unbelievable, yet soon to be absolutely true, prophecy that will glorify God, and point to His son, Jesus Christ as being the Messiah of Israel, and the Lord, and Savior of the world!!! Time may be growing very short (and it may not matter much who wins the Presidential election, after all)! "Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus, and count (us all) worthy to escape the wrath that is to come!"

(For further reasoning on my views about the Prophecies of this invasion, and what may follow [though, admittedly, it's just one person's opinion about something that God has only revealed somewhat about], please scroll down to my Post for December 28th of last year, and the further references that it contains.)

Crying "Fire" In A Theater!

Come on, people! What does it take for our Federal Judges to figure out basic common sense issues??? How many of our first grade students can figure out that if the so-called "Social Media" is continuing to allow people like I.S.I.S., and Al Quaida to recruit terrorists internationally, through their servers, they should be forced to stop allowing it. This constitutes "collusion" with the most dangerous element in any society, and we allow them to continue because our judges can't distinguish between legitimate protection of "freedom of speech" issues, and the protection of those elements who wish to destroy our freedoms, and our very lives. One wonders if these idiots would allow their toddlers to play with pet Rattlesnakes, instead of baby rattles???

I am reminded of the well-known Supreme Court ruling, concerning pornography (I think it was attributed to former Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes), when he wrote that he couldn't define "pornography", but he "knew it when he saw it"; and it may also have been Holmes who said the First Amendment protection of free speech didn't give someone the right to frivolously yell "fire!" in a theater. If concern for the risk of a stampede out of a theatre was enough for an exception to the First Amendment protection of free speech, then why can't our federal judges conclude that terrorist recruitment is even more dangerous???

If concern for a dangerous precedent of one nation's government ruling a restriction over the "free speech" of social media users, internationally, I'd say that concern has already been violated, by China, and probably other totalitarian countries. We hear stories in the news, periodically, of various countries (especially China) blocking the transmission of Internet communications that they feel is harmful propaganda against their regimes. If totalitarian interests are allowed to block such transmissions, why won't the social media companies allow the blocking of obviously terroristic transmissions (or perhaps self-editing would be more appropriate), within Democratic states? And if they continue to refuse this, why can't our judges find them in "Contempt", attaching heavier, and heavier fines upon them, until their dangerous obstinance (obviously fueled by terrorist bribes) becomes unprofitable to them.

What we have here ("...is a failure to communicate!", to quote the Paul Newman character in "Cool Hand Luke"), with federal judges who refuse to make common sense decisions (one has to wonder if bribes are fueling their decisions!). They need to be investigated (as if the Obama Administration's Department of Justice can actually investigate, righteously), and if there is sufficient evidence of bribery, those corrupt Judges need to be impeached, and thrown out of office. I recognize that Obama would then try to appoint another Judge, as corrupt as the first, or worse. But Congress could withhold their confirmation until after Obama leaves office. Let's hope that Hillary is not elected in his place!!!

As far as a perverse application of "censorship" goes, I have to wonder if I am not the victim of "reverse discrimination", or something along that line. Google, which owns my Blog server, somehow obtained the title of my original Blog, from another server with which I was dissatisfied. I tried to delete all of my previous Posts from that Blog, but somehow was not able to delete the Heading, which was called, "The End-Times News Review". Since I no longer could enter that Blog site, I could not correct my error. Somehow, (I don't know if there were legal threats exchanged, or not) that heading was obtained by Google, and the title was changed to this Blog's title. All this was done without my involvement in any way!

About a week ago, I wrote a Post that I thought was on this Blog. But since both titles are listed in the files of this server, I apparently clicked the wrong title, and my Post appeared on the old Blog, instead of this one. So, I started to copy the text, verbatim, onto this Blog, and then I went back to the old Blog and deleted the Post. I intended to retain the copy on this Blog, but found that it had been deleted, as well. The question I am left with, is this: Did the computer system delete both Posts, because the first few sentences were identical, even though I had begun to add new text to my "copy" (once I got on a roll), or am I the victim of some human editing of my Blog's text, which the social media is collectively unwilling to do for Muslim terrorist publications??? I guess we'll never know, because if it is the latter, the perpetrators would never admit it!

Monday, August 8, 2016

Will Trump's Fragile Ego Give Us Another Clinton Presidency???

I started my last Post by reiterating that I do not like Donald Trump. But I like him "light-years" better than Obama, or anyone who pledges to continue Obama's "legacy" (as Hillary Clinton has already promised to do), which would be an outright disaster for America. I might also say the same for the feelings of trust I have for Trump, with the same caveat for anyone who supports Obama's "legacy". So, in my opinion, Trump, would only make an acceptable president if he hires brilliant advisers, and can swallow his ego-maniacal pride long enough to actually listen to their advice, and do what they say. I agree with Speaker Ryan that Hillary's record, by itself, is thoroughly beatable. Throw in her promise to continue Obama's legacy, along with her apparent promises to Sanders to support some very liberal (even Socialistic) legislation in Congress, and you could reasonably expect a Republican victory for Trump, in November.

The only person who seems able to beat Trump, is himself, with his insufferable pride! He seems to have an almost "Hitlerian" need to be worshipped by an adoring crowd. But, I am one person who would rather face the piano-wire-hanging-on-the-hook, than have to say, "sieg heil" to the "fuerer", Trump! If he can't remember that he is running against Hillary, and not everyone who dares to criticize him, than I guess we'd better prepare for four, to eight, years of Democratic incompetence in the White House, and probably in Congress as well!!! Moreover, since the next President will appoint the successor to the Supreme Court vacancy, we'll have a liberal Court, that will support every unconstitutional law passed by a liberal Congress, and signed by our liberal, untrustworthy, pro-Muslim, lying President Hillary!

Yuk...!!! What a horrible prospect! If I didn't know that God is ultimately in control, and He does not need a Republican victory in November, to bring about His plan to save America, I would almost despair for our future. What He doesn't need, but has chosen to wait for, is America on it's collective knees, the only thing that will save us from our worst enemies. No, I don't mean I.S.I.S., and Al Quaida; I mean a "sweeping" Democratic victory in November, which will amount to a defacto victory for the international terrorist factions as well. Not that the Democrats would unite with the terrorists, but that they would continue Obama's disarmament policies, and confront the terrorists with a hand-wringing, "oh-me, oh-my" pathetically ineffective policy, in response. And they would increase the immigration of people fleeing the terrorism, who mostly support it, ideologically, and hide the future terrorists who intend to bring us the next phase of 911 plots, in America. We could expect the same kind of terrorism that is plaguing Germany, and France, now! Their governments are run by the same kind of misplaced-compassionate regimes in their countries that we can expect a Democratic victory to install here! May God deliver us from such a horrible prospect!!! He can, and He will, if enough of us pray for it! Yes, it's important that we all vote (not FOR Trump, but AGAINST Hillary!), but it's much more important that we all pray! For only God knows if Trump will listen to his advisors, and a "Hitlerian" Trump would be worse than an incompetent, lying Hillary!

What a choice we have for our next President! May God lead us to make the right choice!!!