Wednesday, June 25, 2014

I Feel Like The Cat In The Canary Cage

When I was a little boy my favorite Saturday morning T.V. show was always the Warner Bros. cartoons, variously entitled either "Looney Tunes", or "Merry Melodies", obviously trying to compete with the early 20th Century success of Disney's cartoons, originally called his "Silly Symphony". Who am I kidding? It was probably the most popular Saturday morning show on most College campuses when I was in school as well.

Anyway, one of the funniest cartoon skits was always when Sylvester the bumbling cat would stick Tweety into his mouth and pretend that he hadn't and then Tweety's owner would smack him on the head with her umbrella, forcing him to spit Tweety out to safety.

I can't help feeling a little bit like Sylvester, since I believe I know something about the crisis in the Middle-East that the rest of the world either doesn't, or chooses not to believe it. And that is that America will not solve the crisis in Iraq, and Syria, but God will, when the Russian invasion of Israel will become a nightmare for the Muslim nations that will use it as their supposed opportunity to carry out their genocidal intentions against the nation of Israel. They will soon discover that God will carry out His genocidal intentions against their armies, to the extent of 83% of their forces. Since the world discounts this as impossible, I am left to feel a bit smug as one of the few people who believes he knows the ultimate solution to the crisis, and to feel that it is unlikely to be a long time coming. My only concern is for the innocent people who are in harm's way, especially for the many Christians living in the areas of the warfare at present, especially those who are ignorant of Ezekiel 38,& 39, which prophecies about this invasion. That's when the international War against Muslim Terrorism will actually end, and not before. But, remember those who believe, may immediately be "Raptured" into the air to meet the Lord, so we will have no need to fear terrorists, anyway. To them we continue to say, "look up for your redemption draweth nigh!"

For more about God's prophecies of Ezekiel 38, &39, check out my post for April 10th, titled "World War III...", and June 10th 2013.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Pres. Obama Is Still Napping

He just refuses to get it. President Whimpy just does not understand the magnitude of international geo-politics. He continues to believe that military issues are solvable with State Department negotiations, even if we have to compromise with our dreaded enemies in order to reach agreement. Now he ameliorates the crisis in Iraq with inadequate reinforcements, a promise that there will be no further "boots on the ground" troops, unless they are Iranian, which he seems comfortable with, even though Iran recently fought a war with Iraq over the right to the same territory, and a vague reference to possible Air Strikes, if targets can be selected safely.

Mr. Obama, catch a clue! The insurgents are at the gates of Bagdad, they've taken over an oil refinery that was supposed to be safe in Shia territory, and they're attacking the Kurdish territories to the north which protect the second largest oil fields in Iraq. What does it take for you to wake up and smell the coffee, and admit that keeping your foolish campaign promise to withdraw American troops from Iraq is not as important as putting down this al Quida led insurgency is. If you continue to do little, or nothing, as the insurgents are obviously expecting you will, they will soon be in control of all of the country, including the nearly one-trillion dollar infrastructure that we built there, and we will have financed their new base of operations from which they can plot their next "911" attack against us, funded by the fourth, or fifth largest oil reserves in the world.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Obama Caught Napping

As speaker of the house Rep. Boehner so succinctly put it, while chaos is developing in Iraq, Pres. "Obama is taking a nap". More specifically, he and his family were vacationing in California at the home of the "White House decorator" (it seems that Congress grants the White House sufficient budgetary discretion to hire their own, private decorator).

Anyway, while the Pentagon was apparently debating the pros and cons of assisting the Iraqi military in their defense of Bagdad and the American embassy there, reports have emerged that the I.s.i.s. rebels have become equipped with American-made "Stinger Missiles", capable of shooting down our own aircraft. So, the President, in his infinite wisdom declares that airstrikes could be approved to assist the Iraqi forces, and that the American Embassy will receive 275 Marines as his idea of reinforcements. Everyone knows that the Embassy will be the prime target for the insurgents to attack once they reach Bagdad. And Pres. Obama feels that 275 Marines is sufficient reinforcements against an invading army. He seems to be desperate to maintain his campaign pledge of bringing home the troops from Iraq even if people die to make him seem as if he keeps his word. Pres. Obama, we already know you to be a compulsive liar and that you've hired your staff to protect your butt when the truth really comes out, so why not man-up and admit your mistake in recalling all of the troops, and send back enough to really put this insurgency down, for good, before we have another Benghazi fiasco to blame on your administration. Is keeping your campaign promises, really more important than the lives of American soldiers???

Instead, Obama has announced a willingness to negotiate with the Iranian government for their troops to do our work for us. I'm sorry, I thought negotiating a separate truce with the enemy would be an impeachable offense, but I guess Obama plays by his own rules, internationally, as well as domestically.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

What A Kowinkydink!!!

Surprise!!! The "Pro-Russian Militants", whom the liberal-dominated media assures us is not the same thing as crack Russian "storm-troopers" disguised as civilians who just happen to all have
the same camouflage uniforms without any insignia, and just happen to all have unlimited access to Russian weapons and ammunition, have now become more open in their deceptive zeal, in that they have now used Russian-made Tanks, and missile launchers in an attack upon a Ukrainian air transport plane, killing all 49 members aboard. But we must continue to assume that these are "pro-Russian militants", and not actually Russian troops who have already invaded the eastern sector of the Ukraine several weeks ago, because the Liberal Press says so. If you prefer to believe that rot, fine, I do not!

Isn't it "coincidental", as the non-Christian term suggests that all these "pro-Russian militants" are so well-armed, with Russian-made weapons, when the loyal Ukrainian civilians can't even get their hands on small arms, and Obama has made sure that they won't any time soon. Part of the Communist doctrine has always been to keep the civilian populace from being armed, which is why the Liberal Media is so outraged at the defense of the 2nd amendment to the Constitution. Just in case the military needs to be brought in to protect the "rights" of the totalitarian rulers it's always been imperative that the civilian population be totally unable to resist the military, with their own small arms. We can't have civil unrest getting in the way of military force, now can we? Folks, we now have a
perfect illustration of what life can deteriorate into if we ever adopt the liberal doctrine of voluntary civilian disarmament as all the Socialists of the world want us to, and then we elect some potential tyrant, who treads upon the Constitution as readily as Barak Obama does. Can we now understand what our founding fathers understood when they added the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution?

It looks like things are pretty hopeless for the Ukraine, anyway. "All they can do now is pray", as the saying of hopeless desperation goes. But what should be considered to be man's most potent weapon in the face of unbridled tyranny? Is it guns, or the faithful prayers of His believers? God's power is infinitely greater than any guns that man has the capacity to devise, and having foolishly given up their right to defend their national sovereignty they may still rely upon Jesus' miraculous intervention to cause the Russians to make some enormous blunder, through which He may cause them to be saved, since there is apparently no help on the way from either American, or European sources. Failing that, there is always eternal Salvation, individually, through faith in Jesus dying upon the cross in our places, that we might have eternal Salvation, though undeservedly, through His grace. It now seems that both the Ukrainians, and the refugees from the war in Iraq had better start praying real hard, because there seems to be no help from the west coming
for the Ukraine, and nothing very effective in store for the Iraqis, thanks to their cowardly armed forces that we trained, at the cost of billions, only to watch them desert when offered resistance. Anyway, we should certainly pray for God's deliverance for these peoples, since many of them don't even know Him, or why this is all happening to their countries. May God have Mercy upon them all!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Why Pat Robrtson doesn't Seem To Get It

I'm sorry, Pat, you may be my mentor, and I may have found the Lord praying with you, but I strongly disagree with you on this one. If you've been reading my blog regularly you'll recognize that I enjoy watching the "700 Club" daily, and I place a lot of credibility in the comments of Pat Robertson, especially his views on politics, and economics. But not this time.
On today's "700 Club", he took issue with the voting results of the seventh congressional district of the state of Virginia, in the Republican primary, in which the electorate voted out the sitting House Majority Leader, Eric Holder, and replaced him with the reputed "tea-party" candidate, he was running against.

Pat was practically livid over the long-term consequences of this voting behavior since he apparently agrees with the Establishment Republican credo, that even if the "tea-party" candidates win their primaries, they don't have a chance of winning their elections against liberal Democrats. Pat, I'm afraid you are guilty of pathetic unbelief, in that you don't believe that the same God who allowed them to win their primaries is also capable of causing them to win their elections. And even if they don't, the Democrats will have been served notice that they had better get their "House in order"(pardon the pun)or it won't be so easy in 2016. And when they almost certainly will not, the consequences of an almost inevitable world-wide collapse of the entire dollar-based economy will be blamed on them, which will turn the republic back to conservative values as the only alternative.

So, Pat, it's not the Romney-Chris Christie-Jeb Bush Establishment Republicans who can save America, but God Himself. And pleases forgive the impertinence if I encourage you to have a little faith in what I believe God may be bringing to pass in the next two elections. Just sit
back, and be blessed.