Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Feigned Moral Outrage

Two professional blowhards blasted the airwaves with their hot air today. One was American, and really should know better. The other has spent a lifetime doing nothing else, and has professed so many lies so glibly that he probably believes his own lies, no matter how outrageous they are. The former would be laughably pathetic, if the issue at hand were not so traumatic; the latter is far too dangerous to ignore.

First, we have Planned Parenthood's excuse for a CEO., Cecilia Richards crying foul against the investigative journalists who made the clandestine films showing Planned Parenthood executives discussing the "harvesting" of fetal tissue samples from abortions, in order to sell the samples to stem cell research laboratories, as if the moral outrage should be against the manner in which the evidence was gathered (hello "Miranda Law", which requires a silly Lawyerese recitation, lest all evidence against the accused perpetrator be forcefully disregarded, no matter how pertinent, or how heinous the crime), and not the doctors who are professionally sworn to "do no one any harm". Where is the moral perspective in this? Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that today's Public Relations courses, in agreement with most Law Schools in the land, teach their students that lying, in the face of obvious guilt, no matter how blatant, is an effective way of trying to throw their accusers off balance long enough to minimize the appearance of guilt. I really don't see much hope of it being effective here, as far as eliminating the appearance of guilt. But, as far as stopping the horrible abuse to unborn babies, for which they are absolutely guilty, I'm afraid there are too many dogmatic Feminists in the land, and too many cowardly, and immoral Democratic politicians in Congress who are either afraid, or unwilling to stand up to them, even with a painful government shutdown. We'll have to leave the punishment for this sinful practice up to the Lord, and believe me He will settle accounts in this regard, eventually!

Secondly, we have Russia's President Putin formally getting "permission" to deploy Russian Army troops in Syria, which is supposedly required by Russian Law (as if Putin were not the absolute dictator that we all know he is). Then, he has the gall to demand that American jets (and presumably N.A.T.O. jets) stop flying over Syrian territory, which essentially means "butt out of the war, altogether". If we were to do that, Russia would quickly obliterate both I.S.I.S., and any legitimate Syrian rebels immediately. Since that is out of the question, he is saying we risk an American/Russian conflict which could quickly escalate into a nuclear confrontation. As we all recognize that President Obama has the backbone of a paramecium, when it comes to military confrontation, and Putin knows this, too (and is counting on this, no doubt), I expect that Obama, and his cowardly Democrats in Congress will cave in and back out of any possible Syrian confrontation. He will probably declare victory (which is typical) before he withdraws, with his "tail between his legs". Then, Putin will have free reign to execute his Middle-East invasion, which is his true purpose, without the risk of any American jets around to hinder his plans (which Obama wouldn't have the guts to do, anyway). Thank God that He is not afraid to clean up the mess that Obama has allowed to develop, and He will protect Israel in the process. Then we'll see how fast Putin can "turn tail, and run"!

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