Friday, October 9, 2015

May God Grant Us All Some Of Dr. Ben Carson's "Stupidity"!!!

This is the most insanely bigoted story I've ever heard reported on the "Leftist" media to date, though I expect it could get even worse, as the Left gets more and more desperate, come election day, in November, of 2016. One can only hope (and pray!) that their desperate campaign of political slander is unsuccessful, but I tremble for the Media gullibility of America's average voter.

Fox News reported this morning that "GQ. Magazine" published an article claiming that Dr. Ben Carson was "stupid"! [UPDATE: 10/10/'15-- This slightly inaccurate report was corrected last night on Bill O'Reilly's show. GQ. Magazine's article apparently did not directly call Dr. Carson stupid, merely implying the same by saying that he was seeking support from the, "stupid vote", obviously implying that all the Evangelical Christians, who might share affinity with Dr. Carson are "stupid", rather than saying that he is himself, except by association. Boy, I feel so much better knowing that Dr. Carson is not slandered, it's just me, and all those who believe in Jesus, like me! We're the true "stupid" idiots, because of our faith, I suppose, which could obviously only be remedied by renouncing our faith in Jesus, and immediately subscribing to GQ. Magazine (don't hold your breath, for either likelihood).]

Yeah, right!!! Johns Hopkins University Medical School really has to defend it's record of hiring "stupid" people to be in charge of it's department of Pediatric Brain Surgery! And not only that, but they must answer for their irresponsibility in allowing him to preside over the operation to separate conjoined twins, joined at the head, which may be the most delicate operation possible. After that, they'll have to explain how a man so "stupid" could actually pull it off successfully! Wow! I must admit, I haven't managed too many of those operations lately; I guess I'm just not quite "stupid" enough for that! Like I said in the title, if it takes that kind of "stupidity" to accomplish what he has accomplished, we could all use a generous supply of that "stupidity"!!! But how does "GQ. Magazine" figure that Carson's level of "stupidity" disqualifies him as a fit Presidential candidate? After all, look at the level of "brilliance" he may well be replacing! I think I'd much rather trust the welfare of my country to the likes of Dr. Ben Carson's "stupidity", than to the "brilliance" of Barak Obama!

Excuse me! To impugne the intelligence of Obama must fall into the category of "racism". After all, his law degree, in "Constitutional Law", from Harvard University should easily certify his intelligence. I wonder if his degree was in learning how to uphold the Constitution, or undermine it??? Anyway, why is it that we must be careful not to seem to say anything durogatory about a Liberal black candidate, but it is apparently "open season" for liberals to make outrageously racist slander against a conservative black candidate? Oh, I get it; the source of his "stupidity" must not be his black skin, but his conservative values, which stem from his Christian faith!!!! But, how does that not qualify as "racism" and anti-christian bigotry, unless those are both totally acceptable values within the Leftist Media today???!!!

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