Saturday, December 31, 2016

Obama Seems Determined To Become "Public Enemy #1"

He's already got my vote, but that doesn't seem to satisfy him.  He's so busy baiting Russian President Putin that one has to wonder if he wants a nuclear conflagration before he leaves office, just to make things difficult for the Trump Administration.  I guess a nuclear wasteland of America, like Hiroshima, from New York to L..A., would soothe his "Lame Duck" ego, and the pain of a Democratic loss of the Presidency.  Talk about "sour grapes"!!!  Get over it, already!!!

At what point do Democrats forget their personal humiliation, and remember that this country has to carry on, even if you don't like the winning candidate.  Republicans had to grit their teeth, and move on. while Obama tried to turn Washington into the "Tehran of the west".   You would hope that the Democrats  would have enough  decency to remember that they are still Americans, first.  But, I guess that's too much to expect from the likes of Obama, Clinton, or Kerry.  I wonder if the Arab Gulf States have set up Swiss "Retirement Accounts" for all of them, to guarantee their continued outrage over Israeli settlements in the West Bank?  Their views couldn't be more outrageous if they were blatantly bought and paid for.

My last Post said we should hold our breath until January 20th, when Obama leaves office. But, I guess it would be more accurate to say midnight of the 20th, because I think Obama's going to do as much of his dirty work as possible right up to the last minute he is in office!

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Holding Our Breath Till January 20th...

How much damage can one man do in a little less than one month?  President Obama seems determined to find out, before he leaves office next month.

His Anti-Israel moves are just the beginning.  He has apparently orchestrated the recent U.N. censorship of Israel, for their allowing developments to be built in West bank territories, which he had America's representative abstain from voting on.  This in itself broke with a tradition that America had long held of vetoing the mostly Muslim nations' efforts to pressure U.N. sanctions on Israel.  I think we can assume that any U.N. angst against Israel is bought, an paid for, by Arab oil money, in the form of bribes ( I wonder if the Arabs. have set up a "retirement account" for Obama in some Swiss bank).    At the same time over 20% of U.N. donations come from American taxpayers, which could be stopped by the new Trump administration.  Perhaps it's time to tell the U.N. to get the H*** out of New York, and take their sometimes evil resolutions to Europe, where they will fit in just fine with all those bastions of Islamic terrorism.  Why are we continuing to fund that evil organisation, anyway?  Their best resolutions are usually symbolic, toothless efforts which harmlessly do nothing to increase peace in the world, and their evil diatribes against anything good would be a better fit in Europe, I think.

Maybe Obama will take a permanent vacation in Abu Dhabi, where he can schmooze with all his Arab buddies about how awful Israel is, and leave us alone.  Quite frankly, I'm sick of the guy, and his pathetic wife, who is apparently heartbroken over Trump's pending ability to reverse a lot of the so-called "Obama Legacy" which was built mostly on reversible Executive Orders.  How could they expect them to stand close examination by any new, incoming administration, except someone like Hillary, who promised to maintain his "legacy",  Thank God  we don't have to deal with either one of those idiots for the next four years!!!

The mere fact that Hillary came close to winning the election should scare the "willies" out of every decent American today!  We need a massive Holy Spirit breathed revival in this country, or the Democrats will find some way to re-ignite their former voter base, and we'll have another "Legacy" as bad as the one Obama wants to leave us with, now!

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The Obama "Legacy"

I think Obama is planning to hit us with some of the most blatant Anti-American Executive Orders in the history of American Presidents.  I admit this is merely a suspicion, but there is growing evidence to support my views.

While Trump has made clear that he is considering formally moving the American Embassy in Israel from Tel  Aviv, to Jerusalem, which has been ordered by Congress for years, but never enacted by an American President, Obama has countered by ordering an American Abstention to the United Nations vote to censure Israel for allowing Jewish developments to be built in West Bank territory. This has been a traditional American veto for years, as a way of American efforts to deflate the virulent antisemitism of the other nations who support the move to censure Israel.  But,by ordering an abstention, Obama has essentially allowed the bill to pass, without having to say he supported it.  While I suspect this move will be little more than symbolic, it lets us know where Obama's heart lies as he prepares to leave office.  I wouldn't be surprised if he were to announce publicly that he was always a Muslim believer, since before he was sworn into office in 2008, and perhaps he will move his family to some Muslim country, to retire to.  I said I wouldn't be surprised, and I would have to say,"good riddance!", if he were to do so.

Also, he has released, or commuted the sentences of a record number of convicts in federal prisons. This seems to be setting a pattern of trying to create as much havoc in America as he can manage to create, as some sort of parting shot, on his way out.  We still have almost another month of his creative evil efforts, all of which are legal, and most of which can be reversed on day one of the Trump Presidency, but how many can not???

This is why  I feel that Obama will be remembered as the worst President in American history!!!  He will be considered as the opposite of George Washington, or Abraham Lincoln!!!

Monday, December 19, 2016

Is America Facing a Constitutional Crisis today???

Lets hope (and Pray) that's not the case, but it may be.  The Democrats not only do not care about Constitutional values, if they can manipulate them to their political advantage, but they absolutely detest them when they are restricted from power by the rules of the game that are contained within them.  Today we have the Democratic "squealers" (as in "stuck pigs") desperately trying to get legal members of the Electoral College to renege on their legal commitment to vote for the candidate for President that their voters sent them to the College to elect, and change their vote for Clinton.  The shamelessness of this act is itself incredible, but after the last several months of propaganda from the Liberal Press, it seems to be par for the course.  To think that this could actually succeed is scandalous!

I think the strategy is something like this:  1) get enough Electors to switch their votes, for Clinton..., then, 2) when the Trump campaign will surely sue them in the Supreme Court, hope that they can win their case in what is no longer a conservative Court (since the death of Antonin Scalia) and hope the American people will stand for this kind of Constitutional "skulduggery", and accept a blatant criminal as their President!!!  Whether Trump was intending to prosecute Clinton for her obvious illegal E-mail security breaches as Secretary of State, or not, hardly matters. Her obvious guilt is so blatant, that no trial should be necessary to convince anyone who cares a whit about our Constitutional  principles, to recognize that she should never be elected to the Presidency.

 And by this effort to scrub the procedure that our Founding Fathers put in place (in order to guarantee that the states with smaller, more agrarian populations should have the same voting power as the more populous states, with large cities [like New York, Chicago, and L.A.] ), the Liberals expose themselves as the International Socialists that I suspected they were all along.  They are likely the forerunners of the Antichrist's One World system of government that God has clearly condemned in the book of Revelation, and they not only don't care for our Constitution, they probably believe it must be repudiated, in order for the Antichrist's system to come to power!

They are probably right about that, but I had hoped that the "Rapture" would come before an effort like this could destroy our Constitutional government!  Let's all hope (and Pray!) that I have not missed my guess on that!!!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Slander Of Evangelicals By The Media

So,tell me what else is new!  Evangelicals slandered by the Liberal Media?  That's become par for the course, for them.  But the fact that they  collectively ganged up on Evangelicals shows that they consider us a viable political threat to their preferred Liberal agenda.  Not to mention their wholly unscrupulous attempt to falsely influence voters, who may be easily swayed by public opinion, no matter whether right, or wrong.

On October 19th, I wrote that I was personally disappointed in the Evangelicals, who were reported to be "split" evenly between the Democratic and Republican candidates.  I frankly should have been more trusting in the Lord that He would not allow His people to be so easily "hoodwinked" by these Liberal Media liars, to have difficulty choosing between a morally bankrupt businessman, who wants to put America back on track to the freedoms that the Obama administration has gone way out of it's way to grossly erode, and  a woman who is so incompetent that she most likely broke National Security laws, while Secretary of State,  as well as promising to "maintain Obama's legacy".

Thankfully, the actual truth is almost 180 degrees opposite of what was reported!!!  Trump won almost 81% of the Evangelical vote, and thankfully, we are spared that horrible woman trying to mess up our government from the White House over the next four years.  I don't much care if Trump follows up his campaign promise to prosecute her, or not.  Just get her out of my sight, please!  And someone, please, tell her and all the other Democratic loudmouths to SHUT UP!!!   They've had their way for eight years, now get out of the way, and lets see how the country responds to some real leadership ( if he can only keep his hands to himself while in office)!!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Democrats Reduced To Screaming "Foul"

So far the Democrats have proven no Russian election hacking interference, or any other form of election malfeasance, of any kind.  But are they ever going to give up, and, more pertinently, will they ever shut up???  It doesn't look good for the latter.

Talk about "sour grapes"!!!  More than a month after the election, they still can't just "get over it", and go get a real job, rather than wait for a Democratic President to appoint them to some "cushy job", at an exorbitant salary, doing nothing but making silly, unnecessary regulations that will hamstring other businesses from their ability to profitably provide services, or products that will really benefit people.

It's like these people were so sure that Hillary would win, that they didn't bother with a back-up plan, in case she didn't.  And now they have no way to cope with reality, other than to run around like "chickens with their heads cut off", screaming "foul", hoping that reality will just go away!  (Should we call these people the "foul" "fowls", or something that resembles their behavior?)  Nancy Pelosi seems determined to use the House of Representatives as her format for 2 years of complaining, now that she is the leader of what amounts to a meaningless minority of representatives.  I don't see how this is going to regain her a Democratic majority in two years, unless Donald Trump starts groping every female from New York to Washington, D.C.

Trump will provide an invaluable service to the American people with his Supreme Court nominations, alone, if he does nothing else admirable for four years.  Not only for his nomination to replace the late Antonin Scalia, but at least three other Justices are getting on in age, even for Supreme Court Justices.  Health issues may give Trump more appointments before this term ends.  Could we actually see some sanity returning to the government of the United States???  Heavens to Allah, Mr. Obama, what a nightmare (at least for the Democrats)!!!  Looks like 8 years of running rough shod over the U.S. Constitution accomplished very little, as it all seems about to be reversed!

But coming back to reality, remember that God is going to allow the Antichrist to take control of the world, at least for seven years.  That probably means America will have to decline some how, one way or another.  So, as positive as the Trump Administration seems to be shaping up, we still have some bad times ahead, before Jesus returns to send all the evil to Hell, where it belongs!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Is The Antichrist's European Confederation Dead???

Not hardly!  God's prophecies must be carried out to the fullest detail, regardless of what we would prefer, or what circumstances seem to indicate.  He has prophecied that the Antichrist will come to power, and that the confederation that he will use to control the world will look like the European Common Market was shaping up to look like.  However, the recent instability of the Common Market would seem to suggest that it is about to collapse under it's own mismanagement.  But, don't hold your breath that it will!

The recent British revolt from the Confederation (referred to as "Brexit", for "British Exit"), and the appearance of other member Nations' desire to follow suit leaves one with the logical assumption that the Common Market is about to implode on itself.  I don't believe that will happen.  I wonder if the "Brexit" movement was meant to separate England from Europe, since God has prophecied that the "young lions of Tarshish" will object to the "Gog/Magog" invasion of Israel (as Europe is not likely to do).  The Biblical reference to "Tarshish" refers to the country that was colonized by the city-state known as "Tyre", which was located just north of Israel, in what is today called "Lebanon".  It was a maritime trading nation, and it colonized a place in northern Africa, which would become known as Carthage,(perhaps the ancient name of "Tarsish" evolved through much mispronunciation to the later name of "Carthage", which sounds phonetically similar), an adversary of Rome, later;which would precipitate the "Punic Wars", with the famous invasion of Rome, by Hannibal, with an army of elephant riders (which almost defeated Rome) and would eventually establish a colony in the ancient Island nation of "Britannia", which was later known as England.  So, the "young lions of Tarshish" probably refers to England, and it's later colonies of America, Canada, Australia, as well as the other members of the "United Kingdom": Scotland, Wales, and Ireland (give or take some of the more rebellious countries, like Ireland).

Remember, Satan is God's devil!  He allows him free reign to work his evil devises on mankind in order to test us all, to see which of us will foolishly follow him, and which of us will choose to turn to God, through faith in Jesus, because God has already told us what will be the end result of following the Devil, and his Antichrist.  The end of the Antichrist's reign of terror will be sudden, and it will not be pretty; but before it ends, he has first got to come to power, and I don't see God allowing his platform to disappear, before he has a chance to claim it.

I suspect that God will allow the Common Market to appear on the brink of collapse, in order for the leaders to realize that they need a stronger leader to manage their system.  Like ...Oh, I dunno..., maybe, the ANTICHRIST!!! (whomever that will be)???  This may be the format he will use to gain control of the Common Market, which Revelation refers to as a Confederation.  Perhaps a world-wide financial collapse (like the one currently touted on television by all the sellers of Gold Bullion)  will set him up to take control of the world's financial markets, with some form of Gold-backed, computer currency (like the "Bitcoin") that all the world will embrace as the only stable currency around. This will probably require the prophecied "Mark of the Beast" which is condemned for Christians, and I suspect that the "Rapture" will have already occurred by the time it becomes totally accepted, world-wide.  The Antichrist could not foister that upon a world full of all those pesky Christians, so they must be removed from interference, to bring it to pass.  I believe God will cooperate to this degree, not because He wants the Antichrist to succeed, but He wants those non-believers who will follow his system to have the opportunity to choose to do so.  Then they will have no excuse when they stand before God's White Throne Judgement!  The Antichrist will have served his purpose, by then, and God will have Judged him accordingly, as well!

This would seem to  be another perfect opportunity for me to extol what is becoming my most common scripture quote, to end my Posts with:  encouraging Christian believers to, "Look up!  For your redemption draweth nigh!!!"

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Cabinet Qualifications

After listening to criticism from that bastion of Congressional Wisdom, former House speaker Nancy Pelosi, claiming that Donald Trump's nominee for the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development is poorly qualified, I want to throw up!!!  Dr. Ben Carson is a brilliant neurosurgeon, who developed trend-setting surgical procedures for separating conjoined twins, and as far as I'm concerned he is eminently qualified for any position in the Federal bureaucracy, and then some!!!  If I wanted to challenge someone's qualifications I would look first at Pelosi, and others of her party in Congress, whom God only knows how anyone could actually vote for them, in good conscience.  But since when have "qualifications" (or, rather, the lack thereof) ever hindered a Democrat from seeking political office, or condemning a Republican, in the Democrats' perverse opinions?  So, the bottom line is anyone that Nancy Pelosi condemns has to be a stellar choice to serve in the Trump Administration, if you ask me.  After all, H.U.D. is in the business of loaning money for housing developments, which is not exactly brain surgery.  And, even if it were, Carson could handle that, too.

It's really pathetic to hear all the Liberals trying desperately to find fault with Trump's appointments, and his announced agendas.  Talk about "sour grapes"!!!  You would think they had better ideas, themselves, to offer as an alternative!  Oh wait, I guess the election proved the American people didn't think so!

Friday, December 2, 2016

A Liberal's View Of Trump...

I was talking, yesterday, to someone who was obviously a Liberal, and probably voted for Clinton, though I didn't bother to ask.  It didn't seem necessary.  She was rattling on about how Trump was seeming to be not so bad, after all.  She liked the fact that he had appointed a woman to the U.N. Ambassadorship ( I didn't bother to mention that the appointment was of a very Conservative, former Governor of South Carolina, and an evangelical Christian.  I didn't want to spoil her enthusiasm, and it seemed that all she cared about was that she was a woman, appointed to a high office in the Trump administration.)

She added that she applauded Trump's consideration  of Mitt Romney for Secretary of State, because he would get the experience in International Relations  to prepare him to be the next President !  I don't think many Conservative Republicans would agree with her on that point, and I suspect Trump will have a change of heart, either voluntarily, or with a whole lot of help, in that regard!!!

But it is interesting to see that at least one Liberal is trying to find something in Trump, and his administration, that they can appreciate.  If she is indicative of others, we may have something like a unified Government, after a few of Trump's plans actually have a positive effect.  If not, then the Democrats will probably find another International Socialist candidate that is even worse than Obama, and Clinton, to move us even closer to the Antichrist's One-World system of Government, that the Bible condemns in the book of Revelation!  I'll bet Bernie Sanders is just biding his time!!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Will Trump Ever Stop Tweeting?

Will Donald ever develop the capacity to hear criticism without trying, lamely, to defend himself on Twitter?  Recently, he was castigated by Irving Kristol, who said, "Just  when you think a Trump administration might be all right..." Trump voluntarily puts his foot in his mouth, to make us wonder if he is capable of being President, after all.  Someone has got to convince him to stop the Twitter  remarks that he seems determined to use to challenge his critics upon.   He must recognize that criticism comes with the job, and if you continue to try to defend yourself, you will only encourage more of the same.   Shut up, Donald, and let others defend you, who can do a much better job, and will defer the rebuttals upon themselves.

I reiterate my previous opinion that Trump must surround himself with excellent (mostly Conservative) advisers, and counselors.  But mostly, he has got to listen to them, and practice Ronald Reagan's habit of "delegating authority" to them.  Especially since he seems to have such a "thin skin" for criticism.  He should certainly expect it from the Losers of the Left, but his silly defenses encourage criticism from Conservatives as well.

It's nice to have a President who agrees with Conservative values, but if he can't keep his feet out of his mouth, how will that help Conservative values to be accepted by the nation as a whole?

Saturday, November 26, 2016

What's Going On At Blogger???

Pleeeeeeeease stop messing with my blog!!!  I suspect Blogger (or it's subsidiary "Blogspot") has just hired some new Geek who thinks he, or she has to establish the worth of their hiring by changing the format of our blogs.  GROW UP IDIOT!!!  Change is not always better.   Please learn the difference between changing what was fine, into something that is less so, and changing something bad into something better!  Apparently you have not figure that out yet!!!

When I have trouble figuring out how to sign-in to my own blog, so I can write my next Post,  I fail to see that as an improvement, which should be the deciding factor in determining the need to "change things". Also, when your blurb touting the wonderful effects of your changes can't seem to be removed from the screen, after we have "got it", and are already sick of it, your blurb makes using your blog that much more difficult.  It is getting to be so bad, that one has to contemplate leaving your service, and finding another service that will be more stable in their procedures!

I wonder if your bosses think your meddling with our abilities to use your advertised service is really an improvement to their system?  I wonder if losing clients is really their intended purpose, too!

"Blogger's" customer interference continues...
When I first opened this Blog, several years ago, I opened it with my original E-mail address, from   This year I also opened a G-mail account, for no particular reason.  Lately I've discovered that someone,  presumably with "Blogger", or their subsidiary at "Blogspot", has decided that my Yahoo address is no longer valid, and that I must sign in with my G-mail address.  ("Coincidentally", G-mail is an account that is owned by Google, as are "Blogger", and "Blogspot".  I wonder if that has anything to do with their decision that only their account would be acceptable in the future???)
This does not create a difficulty for me, but, on principle, it bugs me that someone is making these kinds of decisions for me about my blog, and there is nothing I can do about it!!!  It is not bad enough yet, but if the trend continues, I will be forced to find another Blog Server!!!  I did not give my server permission to edit, or change my Blog as it suits them!  So far, they have not gotten to the point of censoring my Post content, but if it ever does, I will immediately be gone!!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

And Now The Campuses Are Rioting, Too...

What a surprise!!!  The last bastion of overgrown spoiled brats is in turmoil over their favorite candidate losing the election for President.  What a surprise!!!  So, true to form for spoiled brats, they throw the over-grown equivalent of a tantrum, when they don't get their way, like when Hillary Clinton loses the election!  [See update below...]

I wonder how many of these people actually bothered to vote?  I strongly suspect that many of them didn't bother, because the mainstream media (see previous Post) had convinced them that Hillary was going to win, even without their votes.  If so, it's another fine job of propaganda backfiring against their proponents, and again I say, "Does anyone, besides me,  sense God's fingerprints all over  this???"The Bible is replete with accounts of God making those who resist Him, and especially those who attack His people, do something stupid, in order to  cause them to negate their overwhelming advantage, and bring about a shocking defeat.   It's called, "God delights in using the foolishness of man to confound the wisdom of the 'wise'"(quotation marks added).   If I close my eyes, I think I can almost hear God chuckling to Himself!  (Does God  "chuckle"???)

But, I find it hard to believe this will continue long.  Look at the demographics, here.  We have what I strongly believe to be paid professional  protesters rioting in the streets of California, and now we have our overgrown spoiled brats imitating them on college campuses.  The difference is one of measurable self interest here.  One is paid to riot, and the other pays a huge fee to get an education so they can earn an acceptable living upon graduation.   I don't think the Campus rioting will continue long.

Having lived through the rioting on Kent State's Campus 45 years ago, I sense a totally different attitude now.  We were a largely politically apathetic campus, then, and it took off-campus agitators (paid professionals???) to stir up enough  angst to bring about  the killing of four students, and wounding of 9 others.  The issue then was the expansion of the fighting in the Viet Nam war,  which the students knew they were a large part of the feeding grounds for military recruitment.  They carefully protected their "student deferment" status, but they knew that expansion meant they might be drafted after graduation, if the war continued to escalate.

Today, students don't fear being drafted (we have an, "all volunteer military") and they are probably merely "acting out" their foolish fantasies (probably stimulated by my generation of leftist professors), before they calm down, and get back to studying, and attending classes.  So, I expect this will calm down, soon.  But the Secret Service, is really going to have their hands full protecting Trump, over the next four years.  I wonder how many of those professional rioters are capable of following John Hinckley's  example, with, or without Jodie Foster!

[Update:  (Wed., 11/16/2016):  Today I heard on FOX NEWS that, "112  protesters were arrested in Portland, Ore., by the police.  During interviews it was discovered that 70% of them either didn't register to vote in the election, or didn't bother to vote." How about that, for my hunch turning out to be true!!!  (Refer above to the second paragraph.)]

Friday, November 11, 2016

On Mainstream Media Bias...

I can't tell you how much I respect the mainstream media news outlets for their decades of "unbiased news reporting", especially leading up to this past Presidential election.  "I can't tell you", at least not without using an outburst of profane expletives.

It was on October 17th (check the "Archive" list to the right of this column) that I bemoaned a report that I think was seen on an N.B.C. News broadcast, that said the "polls" indicated that "the Evangelical vote was apparently split evenly between Trump and Clinton".  I followed that statement up by saying that I didn't "automatically trust any report heard on one of the 'mainstream media' news outlets", because they were well reputed to use their networks for the dissemination of propaganda, rather than accurrate news reporting, on a scale not seen since Hitler's Nazi Germany!  I admit that the mere possibility that the story was accurate caused me quite a bit of concern, since it would render the influence of the Evangelical vote to zero; those for one candidate effectively cancelling out those for the other.

As it turns out, N.B.C. missed it by just "a little bit"!!!  Results of the election indicate that Evangelicals voted about 81% for Trump, and 19% (or less?) for Hillary!  And, their votes made up around 26% of the total vote!!!  Way to go N.B.C. News!  You've raised new standards for unfair-media-biased reporting, and your candidate lost, anyway!  Does anybody sense God's "fingerprints" on these election results, besides me???  I've noted before that God delights in making fools of those who claim to be "wise",  as many media pundits would have us believe they are.  Perhaps the reporting of how effectively Hillary was supposed to be winning, against Trump, in spite of all the charges of illegal use of her position as Secretary of State, may have caused some Democrats to feel that voting was unnecessary for her to win the election, so they may not have bothered to go to the polls??? (I wonder how many Democrats remember  [was it a New York Paper?] that proudly proclaimed, "Dewey Wins!!!" for their early morning edition.  They apparently didn't ask Harry Truman's campaign about that!) If that's so, it would be a perfect case of  lying propaganda having a completely reverse effect, from it's intent!  I wonder how many of those outraged "Millennials", especially those who are showing their displeasure by rioting in the streets out on the "Left Coast",  put half as much energy into going to the polls???

I  said before that, "God delights in making fools of those who would be considered wise".  Well, the converse is also true.  He delights in using the "foolishness of man to confound the wisdom of the wise"!  If  only Trump will recognize that his election victory was not a "plus" for his ego, but a resounding repudiation of Hillary Clinton, and her lackeys, he could be remembered as a great President.  If he can keep from philandering with other women, he might even get re-elected in four years!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

So, Trump Is President... Now what???

I heard an interesting interview, today, on the "700 Club" T.V. show.  It was an interview of an economist who has been advising Donald Trump on what he should do now, as he begins his term in office.  He advised that the first thing he should do is scrap all the Executive Orders of President Obama, the first day of his term, and the first hour of the first day!!!  I hardily concur!!!

Presidents, who are leaving office soon, traditionally make some of the most dastardly obnoxious pardons, and Executive Orders, of their entire administrations, simply because they can legally, and they don't have to stick around to "weather the storm" of criticism, for having done so.  For that matter, Obama has already made some of the most obnoxious Executive Orders in history (consider the Guantanamo Bay releases).  And, he still has almost three more months left to try and mess up the country as much as he can (and he can!), before he leaves office.  Do I believe all this Democratic rot about how he, and the Clintons, are trying to unite with Trump's incoming administration to work out as "smooth a transition" as possible?  Absolutely not!!!  I wrote yesterday that I suspect they're playing "nicey-nice" to keep Trump from prosecuting Hillary, as he said he would.  I wonder...

I remember Vice President Al Gore's staff leaving the White House with many telephone wires having been cut.  This kind of petty behavior is juvenile,to say the least!  It shows the kind of bitter mentality that is prevalent in the Democratic Party, when they lose elections.  I would expect much worse from Obama's idiots in the White House, and will be flabbergasted if they manage to leave peacefully, let alone facilitate a "smooth transition"!

One point that the "700 Club" interviewee speculated on was that perhaps we are seeing a complete reversal of the party make -ups of the Democratic and Republican Parties.  For decades the Democrats have been known as the party of the blue collar workers, and the Republicans have catered to the Wall Street corporate interests.  Those trends were completely reversed in this election, and he wondered if a new trend has been formed, or was this an anomaly?    I guess only God knows!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

So, Now That Trump Won, Is Everything "Golden"???

No....We all have heard the adage about the "Price of freedom is eternal vigilance", and it is perhaps more pertinent than ever!  A man like Trump may be "light years better" than Hillary, but anyone who says he is perfect wasn't listening during the campaign!  The man is swamped in a massive ego problem, and winning the election can easily go to his swollen head, as it did for J.F.K., and F.D.R., who didn't appear to have Trump's ego problem, yet foolishly believed that infidelity could be kept from the public, and wouldn't effect their presidency at all.  Trump's groping scandals will negate any efforts to sweep any philandering under the table.  As hard as the mainstream media tried to put Clinton in office, they will be watching for any opportunity to force Trump out.  Multiple sex scandals will be played up repeatedly, until a hostile Congress (with bitter Democrats, and self-serving  establishment Republicans) would just love to impeach him!  And, he'd better recognize this!

Trump has elucidated an ambitious platform throughout his campaign, and if he can comply with most of it, re-election will be easy.  But, he must behave himself, after hours, and his reputation doesn't indicate he has the ability to do so.  If he hires wise counselors, and actually listens to them, he may be able to do this.  But, if he foolishly believes that his election was a mandate of personality worship rather than a blatant repudiation of the Clintons' corruption practices, he may go off on one of his old ego-manic delusions, where he imagines that every beautiful woman wants to sleep with him!  If he does, we will see him shipped back to Trump Tower, and we'll be talking about President Pense, from then on!

As a side issue, I wonder if all this Democratic talk of "smooth transition",  and popular unity behind the next administration, is genuine, or is it a negotiating ploy to get Trump to back off of any Clinton prosecution?  And, will the Clinton camp try to claim voter fraud (from Russian hackers interfering with the ballot count)?   I don't believe this thing is really over, yet!!!

For that matter, we don't even know yet if Trump is willing to accept these results as final!  All his spouting about the election being "rigged",  I wonder if he will accept winning any more than he probably wouldn't have accepted losing???

Sunday, November 6, 2016

If Trump Loses, Are We Lost???

Not as "Born-Again" Christians, we're not, though America may be down the tubes.  If Hillary Wins, America will probably be inexorably driven away from it's Constitutional freedoms, beginning with the second Amendment (freedom to keep and bear arms), as was recently imposed upon Australia. An armed society can become dangerous when the Government tries to impose itself upon society, by taking away it's Constitutional freedoms, as Hillary seems bound to try.  I strongly suspect that's the real motivation behind her desperate drive to take away the weapons from a free society. I don't believe she really cares a wit for the crime statistics; she wants to protect her imposing bureaucracy from outraged citizens when they finally realize what her administration is going to try to pull off.

Don't worry Mr. F.B.I agent, I don't  own any guns, and I'm not promoting some kind of armed resistance to Hillary' administration.  But, it doesn't take a lot of imagination to see it all coming when gun owners (who will probably be duped into voting for Hillary) realize what they actually got for their vote, and realize that they have been horribly betrayed.  Like I said , I don't have any guns, and I can take losing the election, even if it means my country  ends up part of the Antichrist's socialist system, for One-World domination.  But, I can see this coming, and as a Christian, I know that God is in control, and we will  be all right, anyway.  Pity the poor fool who is in for a very rude awakening, courtesy of Hillary's unconstitutional plans; and if they have guns,and don't believe in God, that's the very "powder keg" that Hillary fears the most.  And rightly so!!!

As Christians, I don't believe we will have to live long in an Antichrist system, if at all,  but we may have to endure the inexorable slide down the proverbial "slippery slope' into it.  I don't believe America can be duped into willingly participating in this system.   Not with so many Christians around.  But if something caused all the Christians to disappear (like, maybe a "Rapture"???), then all the non-Christians could be easily duped into accepting it!   Perhaps that's what lies ahead in the very near future!  If so, again I say, "Look up!  For your redemption draweth nigh!"  Praise the Lord!

Monday, October 31, 2016

Whose Side Are You On, Comey??

I admit I am suspicious of any F.B.I. action with regards to Hilary Clinton's E-mails.  I don't know whether F.B.I. Director Comey is really interested  in getting to the bottom of Hillary's E-mail scandal, before the election, or is he merely blocking any further revelations before the election, so it won't effect her ability to win.  Or, conversely, is he really trying to cast doubt upon her candidacy to keep her from being elected, so he won't have to be the first Director of the F.B.I. to have to indict a sitting President of the United States.  Or has the prospect of America being led by a "President Keane" revolted him as much as it should?

When he announced, Friday, that he was re-opening the investigation into her non-secured E-mail server, it reputedly rankled some nerves in both the F.B.I., and the Justice department.  Reports are that he notified the Congressional leaders of his intention to do so, against the will of Attorney General Lynch, his immediate superior in the Obama Administration.  Democrats have gone "ballistic" over this, which would indicate that they feel this could adversely effect Hillary's chances of winning the election.  But, since the F.B.I. can not divulge any information of an on-going investigation, until completion, and the investigation is expected to continue until after the election, it would seem that their concern would center only around voters' assumptions that there is something shockingly illegal to cause the investigation to be re-opened at this late date.  Whether this is true, or not, we can only speculate about.  And, whether this will adversely effect Hillary's chances of winning,or not, only God knows.

Praise God, let's hope so!  I have made no secret of my opinion that I don't want her to win, even though  I have very little respect for Donald Trump, as a person.  But, if he remains true to the platform he has presented, he will be a massive improvement over Obama, and Hillary would only intensify Obama's 8-year disaster as President!!!   And, if Trump does not fufill campaign promises, you can bet there will be plenty of outraged Republicans to "hold his feet to the fire", which would guarantee that he would not be re-elcted, to say the least!  America will certainly become a "basket case" society, if  Hillary is allowed to fufill her campaign promises!

So, what is Comey up to???  Is he trying to protect Hillary from some horrible revelation, or has his oath of service come to the fore, and he recognizes that Hillary must be kept from winning, at all costs, for this country's National Security interests, alone?!!  Only God can say!!!

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Has The F.B.I. Really Reopened Hillary's E-mail Investigation???

I don't think so!  This stinks of another Obama administration cover up, and I think Obama's fingerprints are all over this!  I suspect the F.B.I. will just sit on this "investigation" until after the election, and then any "bombshell" revelations will be less relevant.  And, any attempt at impeachment, even if successful,  would leave us in the incompetent hands of a "President Keane", for crying out loud!!!

If  the F.B.I. knew there were some damning revelations in these E-mails, that might throw the election away from a Clinton victory, which (for some reason, Duh!, I can't guess why) the F.B.I. didn't want us to know about, all they have to do is announce it was re-opening the investigation, with too short a time-frame left to complete it, before the election is over, and, by law they would be unable to reveal those findings until the investigation is completed (conveniently, after the election.  And there wouldn't be anything we could do about it, because all they would have to do is say they were just "obeying the law".  Manipulating the law is more like it!  That seems to be all Obama has used his education in Constitutional Law from Harvard Law School for; to figure out ways to get around uncomfortable legal restrictions!  His is the most diabolically corrupt administration I have ever seen, and that includes Nixon's "Watergate Scandal" administration!  But, hold onto your hats, folks, 'cause Clinton seems ready to make the "Obamnation government" look like kindergarten!

("But Rick, isn't the F.B.I. supposed to be impartial?", you say.)  Don't we have enough evidence already that  this is not the case with Obama's F.B.I., which is under the authority of Obama's Justice Department, which is run by Obama's Attorney General???  His Attorney General Lynch was reported to cause her plane to wait on the tarmac recently, until after she could hold some kind of meeting with Bill Clinton, which was reported to be just a friendly greeting.  Yeah, sure!!!  Soon afterwards she said she would abide by whatever  decision the F.B.I. recommended, concerning whether Hillary should be prosecuted, or not.  Funny thing!  The F.B.I.'s director Comey announced later that there was nothing worthy of prosecution in the investigation.  What a convenient decision!  Right up there with his announcement that they were re-opening the investigation, with too little time left before the election, to legally reveal  any findings!!!   Perfect timing, for someone who was trying to protect someone from revelations of shocking illegality, I'd say!!!  Like I said in the beginning, this smacks of an Obama Administration cover up, to me!!!

This whole election stinks to high Heaven, as the expression goes!  Trump's victory should already have been assured, based on what we already know about Hillary's incompetence, if not downright illegal behavior, while serving as Secretary of State.  The fact that it has not been assured is because of revelations about his inability to stop publicly groping women.  Is there anybody out there who is capable of running this country, without breaking the law???

God have mercy on all of us if we can't find someone, one way, or another!

Friday, October 28, 2016

"For The first Time In My Life...", I Can Agree With Michele Obama!

She, of the original Inauguration quote, "For the first time in (her) life I am  proud of my country".  This because our country had elected her husband as President.  I have always felt this to be a very telling insight into the Obama mentality, and indeed, the liberal Democratic mindset, in general.  Apparently, they are unable to be proud of anything that America has stood for, up until they get their own way, politically.  Then, the only thing that matters is that they are in charge, not what is inherently right, or wrong for the nation,...just what they want.

Yesterday, while campaigning with Hillary Clinton, she said that Donald "Trump divides (the American voters), while Hillary unites".   She finally said something that I can agree with!  But, the real issue, Michele, is what they are dividing TO, or uniting to.  If one "unites" unto an evil platform, where is the value in "unity", there?  And, if the "division" is from the evil values of their predecessor, that has to be an inherent good, I think.  But, I don't think Michele, or Barak, and especially not Hillary, will ever understand my feelings about that!

I would have us to unite around statements like Barak swore, twice, " preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States...", and he swore that in the name of God, too!  And, as a Law student, majoring in Constitutional Law, I would expect him to fully understand what he was swearing to!  Not to simply use his knowledge to figure out ways to get around this oath, to significantly harm this nation's Constitutional freedoms!  Sorry, Michele, but if that's what you can "finally be proud of", that's where we strongly disagree!  Her husband has done more than any other President in the so-called "modern era" to destroy this nation's safety, and security,  and I fail to understand how that equates to "preserve(ing), and protect(ing)" anything!  And, Hillary wants to increase his irresponsible policies!!!  She can't even protect her own E-mail security, for crying out loud!

Hillary, and the Obamas don't really want to "preserve and protect" anything that this country stands for, because by doing so, we stand in the way of a One-World Socialist government system, that will eventually be dominated by the Antichrist's tyrannical rule!  They want to slowly condition us into eventually accepting a complete renunciation of the Constitution, which they foolishly believe to be a tired, old document, that is no longer relevant for modern times.  I, and those who agree with me, believe that the truths that are written in the Constitution, agree with the most basic principles of the Bible, and they are as relevant today as they were 2000 years ago!!!   The Bible has much to say about the Antichrist's system, in the book of Revelation, and what will happen to those who support it.  But, fat chance that the Clintons,  or the Obamas would ever read that, let alone believe it as truth!  Fine, for them, but I don't want them to take me down that evil path with them!!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

After The Election...???

Donald Trump may lose the election, though reports are indicating a rebound in certain key "battle ground" states, but,win or lose, the fight against liberal values, and the conditioning of Americans to accept the future Antichrist One-World Socialist government system may be far from over.  As I wrote yesterday, he may be preparing a Supreme Court case against Hillary Clinton (if he loses, an impeachment proceeding in the House of Representatives; and if he wins, a criminal investigation into her callous disregard of National Security procedures, and perhaps treasonous influence peddling to representatives of foreign governments.   One way or the other, I suspect it will all be decided in the Supreme Court, and if Hillary is able to appoint a replacement for Justice Scalia, that bodes poorly for Hillary's opponents.  If Hillary wins,  she will probably be the first...(you thought I was going to say "woman president", didn't you?)... guilty criminal to be elected to the Presidency,  in the history of the United States.  If she were a man, she wouldn't have made it past the Democratic primary, but the liberals are so desperate to cater to the biased interests of their various minority interests, that they gave us first, a black (or half-black) President, in Obama, and they're trying desperately to follow that up with a woman President.  I say "desperate" because there has been a monstrous effort on the part of Democrats, and their primary propaganda disseminaters, the mainstream news media, to cover up, first, and cast as irrelevant, second, her irresponsible behavior, while serving as Secretary of State.  I say again, if she were a man, she would never have made it past the Democratic primary.

The very fact that the election race is so close, running against a billionaire "Sleaze-ball", who himself only won the primary because Republicans are fed up with the endless cycle of "warmed-over liberals", who differ very little from the Democratic candidates, that they nominated him, in spite of their personal offense. That's considerably different from the Democrats who nominated Hillary, in spite of her obvious criminal (and perhaps treasonous) record.

The question marks in my title indicate that I don't have a clue what will follow the election, either way.  But, I suspect that something dramatic is in store, and I think God is going to work it out for our good, regardless of the absurd corruption, on both sides, of this absolutely lunatic campaign!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

What's Going On In Trump's Devious Mind...?

I just wonder... I suspect Donald has something up his sleeve.  I can't exactly guess what, but I have some wild imaginations spinning around in my mind.

I know a candidate should always act as though he expects to win, up until the moment he declares the opponent the victor, but Donald acts more like someone who knows the election may not be the end of it all.

I wonder if he has plans to challenge the results, if he should lose (as the mainstream media seems determined to convince us of the inevitability of it all, I suppose to get any "bandwagon" swing support to fulfill their "prophecy").  He might hope to make a case before the House to sue for impeachment.  A quick perusal of the Constitution refreshed my understanding of the "articles of  Impeachment",  in Article II, section 4 :  which said Congress could remove a president for acts of, "treason, high crimes, and misdemeanors".

Hillary has certainly tip-toed along the line of treason, with her irresponsible E-mail server, and apparent influence peddling to foreign national governments while serving as Secretary of State.  But I wonder if Trump can convince Congress that she did so at the harm of National Security.  I don't think a Congress that has been so hostile to Trump throughout the campaign will be easily convinced of this.

However, the F.B.I. already has announced that it will release the remaining E-mails in it's investigation, AFTER the election is over.  Interesting timing, since the investigation has already concluded, exonerating Hillary of any wrong doing.  If she were innocent, why wouldn't the remaining E-mails be released earlier, unless the F.B.I. thought they might further influence the vote.  Perhaps there is some more damning evidence contained  in them, and perhaps Trump is counting on that to be severe enough to sway even a hostile Congress to feel her offenses are worthy of impeachment.

I guess we'll find out soon enough!  As Betty Davis once said in one of her movies, "Hold on to your hats, folks.  It looks like we're in for a bumpy ride!!!"

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Is There Hope Left For America?

I'll admit it's looking pretty grim.  Donald Trump seems to have managed to scuttle his own campaign, almost singlehandedly, and now seems unable to correct his perverse image, even with one more debate left.  The Establishment Republicans are apparently more comfortable with a Democratic Administration, as long as they can keep their "precious jobs", and the voting populace is totally "bonkers" in my opinion.  Yes Trump is a slimy creep, but he is a "slimy creep" who wants to undo the horrible effects of the Obama disaster of the past eight years.  Is he the last hope for America?  Certainly not.  But he may be our last chance to regain our collective sanity, in time to avoid being drawn into the Antichrist's one-world Socialist system, that the Bible talks about in the book of Revelation.

Yes, we can still opt out, as Britain did recently, opting out of the European Common Market, which is probably the forerunner of the Antichrist's system.  But I'm not at all persuaded that we have enough wise voters left in America to recognize the path we're on, in time to bail out of his evil delusion, with it's horrible consequences.  (I refer the Biblically ignorant to the last book of the Bible,  which will seem confusing to those who don't believe that we are entering this final phase of God's patience with mankind, but will make frightening sense if one reads it from the standpoint of  a factual account of the era we are entering now, with very little time left to choose to stand on the right side, before God destroys those who have belligerently chosen to resist Him!)

I am perhaps most disappointed in the Evangelical  Christians, who are reputed to be "split" evenly between the two Presidential candidates!  How can one be so offended by the perversion of one candidate that they will vote for the destruction of our Constitutional freedoms, by electing another criminal, who has demonstrated that she doesn't care about our national security, so long as she, and her husband can profit by selling influence to our enemies, at least spiritually, if not literally?  I'm sure their (the Evangelicals') motivation  is sincere, based on moral values, but the major issues are so obvious that they are inescapable.  Trump is morally flawed, true, but he has demonstrated enough willingness to respond to the offense of the voters that God can surely mold him into a reliable President, while in office.  Hillary not only doesn't believe in the Constitutional values that have kept our country strong for almost 250 years, but she has given every indication that she wants to set us up for voluntary surrender of our sovereignty to presumably join in a one-world government.  And guess who is set to take control of that government?  If the Antichrist will ultimately take control of that system, and he is the Devil's agent, according to the book of Revelation, guess where that puts those who are unknowingly helping to bring it all about!  So, logically, and indirectly, we can say that the Clintons are working for the Devil!!!  And, I don't understand how sincere Evangelical Christians can rationalize that they are voting their consciences, by electing the Devil's agent, rather than someone who stands against that, even though he is of admittedly weak moral character!  Again I have to lament that we don't have a more clear choice, in this election; but I don't doubt that God is watching us to see if we will embrace a horrible evil, because we are offended by a somewhat lesser evil!!!

May God have mercy upon all of us, if we make the wrong choices in this election!

Monday, October 17, 2016

Shame On Us Christians

Double-minded Christians have always been problematic to the movement of God in the affairs of man, and it applies today.  I think it was on an NBC newscast that I heard that Evangelical Christians are reputedly split, almost equally between Trump, and Clinton before the election.  If that's true, and I don't automatically trust the word of one of the mainstream news media outlets (who are more concerned about using their format for leftist propaganda dissemination, than for reporting the truth accurately, and honestly), then the Christian voters will merely cancel each other out, in the election.  My point is:  which is more important, electing someone who will defend America's traditional values, even if he can't control his libido in public  (and remember there was another man who was considered the "wisest" man of all time, namely King Solomon who collected wives, and concubines habitually [300 of the former, and 600 of the latter; many from pagan nations, which God had strictly forbidden His people from doing]), or getting rid of the foolish international socialists that have driven this country to the brink of accepting the Antichrist's one world, socialist government that God has prophecied will try to take over, and enslave the world, until He personally destroys all of it's participants.  To me this is a clear, and obvious choice, and may even effect the salvation of those Christians who willingly participate in the Antichrist's system.  I do not say that participating is definitely the "blasphemy of the Holy Spirit", which is Biblically referred to as the "Unforgivable Sin",  but I wonder if the Antichrist will try and proclaim divine authority by claiming to be the incarnation of the Holy Spirit, on earth.  Christians should immediately recognize this as a lie, but will some of them have already accepted the "Mark of the Beast", on their right hand, or forehead, which is also condemned by the Lord, Himself?  We should all consider very carefully the full consequences of our vote in this election!

Besides, electing Trump may be the only way to get rid of him, without settling for another "Obamanation" government, with Clinton's election (God forbid!!!) .  If we consider the likely consequences of Trump's election, he will either behave himself while in office, which seems unlikely, or he will be quickly impeached, as Bill Clinton nearly was, except that he was rescued by his partisan, Democratic-controlled Senate, who refused to convict him, though he was blatantly guilty.  Does anyone think that the establishment Republicans in Congress would do the same for Trump???  Not likely, to say the least!  They would much prefer a Pense Presidency in his place.  So a vote for Trump may actually be a vote for a President Pense, indirectly.  This may be God's ultimate plan, anyway.

So, any Christians who can't get past Trump's groping charges, to recognize that a pervert, temporarily elected, who has promised to institute desperately needed reforms to the mess that Obama leaves us with, may be making a terrible mistake, with consequences that may effect them personally, as well as the country as a whole!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Proof That I Am No Prophet

If I were a real prophet then the "Gog/Magog" invasion of the Middle-East would have probably started yesterday, right? Not necessarily (though I still am not claiming to be a prophet). But keeping in mind that smart military commanders will try to keep as much of their plans as secret as possible, for as long as possible, the decision to invade the Middle-East may have been made yesterday, for all we know, and Putin is not exactly going to, "shout it from the housetops", I don't think. (How's that for some lame rationalization!)

But truthfully, if God is preparing Putin (Gog?) to commit multiple-national-suicide, by bringing his invasion forces against His Chosen People (Israel), when He Prophecied over 2500 years ago that He would use this as His opportunity to judge Russia, and their Muslim allies and destroy up to 83 1/3rd% of their invasion force, then it would require significant secret preparations to prepare for a full scale invasion to successfully pull it off. Apparently, this will not be a problem, especially with Obama still in office until January. and even if his administration believed his plans, they would probably only react with a "strong diplomatic protest", like the one in Ezekiel 38, "have you come to take a great spoil?". Duh!!!

But, keep watching the NEWS, people with this possibility in mind. I'll bet there will be some dramatic arms, and troop buildups, in the Syrian campaign, with some rather lame excuses offered for it all. And Iran will find some excuse for moving more and more troops closer to the Syrian border with Israel, as well.

So, if you don't claim to be a prophet, Rick, why are you working so hard to expect this all to happen. I'm not really, I just suspect that's what is about to unfold, and I think that all believing Christians should realize that one of the most dramatic prophecies of the Bible may be about to happen. And, if so, it really means that we should all "look up, for (our) redemption draweth nigh"!!!

UPDATE [10/14/2016:]
As far as Russian military buildups go, it seems significant that Russia delivered some anti-missile missiles to Syria, yesterday, and I forgot to note that. I guess Russia is concerned about the reports of I.S.I.S. making home-made bombs out of toy drones.  This is interesting since it would seem to make Israel's ability to defend itself that much harder, but somehow I suspect that God will give Israel a way to get around these systems.  Again, He's promised to destroy 83 1/3rd. % of the Russian invasion force, with no mention of Israeli casualties, if any.  This will apparently be a completely one-sided war, with Israel (and God) being victorious!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

"Yom Kippur" 2016!!!

So today is 2016's "Yom Kippur" on the Jewish calendar. So what??? Perhaps nothing in particular...but, then again perhaps something very significant, not to Jews only, but to all of us...believing Christians, and atheists, and everyone in between!!!

If World Wars I, and II were significant to all of us ( and they were) then #III should be at least as important to all of us! It will not be one directly involving America, and western Europe, as the last 2 were, but it will probably be of more significant importance to the whole world than they were!

I have said many times that I do not promote myself as some kind of latter day prophet. Let Joseph Smith, and those of his foolish nature answer for their ego-maniacal claim when they stand before the Lord. I make no attempts to justify my beliefs by saying that God gave me some kind of divine inspiration, one way, or another. But I will say that I rather unusually awoke this morning with this Post laying heavily on my heart, not that it was given to me supernaturally while I slept. But it was rather unusual; that's all I'll say about that.

What I will say is that I can read my Bible! (Whoopee, for me!!!) And I can believe what I have read, recognizing what is Biblical truth, especially when it is conclusively proven by recorded history, and sometimes eye-witnesses. Then I can recognize similar current events that have similar results as those recorded in the Bible.

With this perspective in mind, I have drawn certain conclusions, about today, and I offer them up to the reader to humbly consider them as "gospel truth", or foolish rambling, as they choose.

First, I have said many times the Russian invasion of the Middle-East (which was prophecied by the Prophet Ezekiel some 2500 years ago, or so, (in Ezekiel 38, & 39) seems to be the next non-fulfilled prophecy to be fulfilled, and it may be imminent, today. (For more on this prophecy, check out the "Archives" list to the right of this column, pertaining to the "Gog/Magog Invasion of Israel".)

But one may well be expected to argue, "Rick, prophecies are old testament stuff...not for today." Oh really???? Who says so??? Certainly not God (And He should know!). He is, "the same yesterday, today, and forever"; and, "a day unto the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as a day." If God is real (and I believe He is), He can fulfill His Prophecies as easily today as He did thousands of years ago.

So why today? First, logically, why not? Second, God gave Israel the Holy Day of "Yom Kippur" as their "Day of Atonement", or the day each year that they could be forgiven of all their sins of the previous year. (This was before He sent Jesus to die for all of the sins of all mankind, forever, if we would be humble enough to receive it.)

God has kept Himself from open revelation of Himself to the Jewish people for 2 thousand years. Yet His prophecies have still come true. Namely, the promise that Israel would one day be restored (fulfilled in 1948), and that Jerusalem would also again be their capital (which happened in 1967, though America's President, and Congress are still too foolish to admit the obvious).

The Ezekiel prophecies speak not only of His miraculous deliverance of His chosen people (Israel), but also that He would use this as His way of revealing to Israel that He still loves them, and that (perhaps His anger with them of thousands of years ago, for straying after other gods, is past, and he has forgiven them). What more appropriate day for this to begin to be revealed than on "Yom Kippur", their traditional day of forgiveness. And if it's not today, I'll be looking for it next year, and every year thereafter, until it comes true. But, I suspect that will be sooner rather than later!!! Praise the Lord!

Monday, October 10, 2016

Presidential??? Are You Kidding Me???

This has to be an historic low for American politics! And that includes the Nixon "Watergate" scandal, and Aaron Burr's attempt to steal part of the country (because the whole country wouldn't elect him)! What a mess we have in our two-party system of government, when we can no longer choose which candidate is the best choice for President; but rather which candidate will do the least amount of harm to our country, if elected. And the other registered candidates are such dogmatic fools that most people can see through them right away. Perhaps we should forget about electing anyone, in spite of our Constitutional mandate to do so. In other words: simply vote for, "none of the above"!!! Then let Congress try to get something done, by themselves, as if the Supreme Court would let their laws stand, if we did. Laws can't be legal unless signed off by Congress and the President, but what if there is no one around that's "qualified" to be President???

I am disgusted by Donald Trump's massive ego, and his apparent inability to think beyond his genitals, and Hillary Clinton's mindless unconcern for following necessary procedures to guarantee our national security, and her greedy willingness to sell influence to the highest bidders, even if those bidders have close ties to the perpetrators of the 911 attacks! And let's not forget her cowardly decision to let the Benghazi officials die, rather than offend the diplomatic interests of a terrorist nation! What a choice we have for our next President! An ego-maniacal sex pervert, or an influence-peddling incompetent, who thinks peoples' lives are expendable in order to protect diplomatic appearances! And there is Bill's equally, if not greater, tendency to think with his genitals, who will presumably be Hillary's closest advisor, when not too busy taking bribes from foreign governments. It almost makes me want to leave the country, but where on earth is a country that is safer, or better than our own?

"Even so, Lord Jesus, come quickly, and count us worthy to escape the wrath that is to come"!

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Which Pervert Will Do The Least Harm In The White House???

This Presidential campaign is without doubt the most perverse and otherwise ugly campaign in recent memory, and perhaps all of American history. As my title of this post suggests, instead of electing the best candidate, we may have to settle for which candidate will do the least harm to the office we elect him, or her to.

Recent releases of Donald Trump's perverse conversation describing his feelings, purported to have been clandestinely recorded some eleven years ago, about his attraction to a beautiful young girl, and exulting in the ease he expected to have in propositioning her (because of his wealth, and fame) have to rank him in the same category of sex-pervert as the perpetrator of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, of about the same era. So, instead of electing the best candidate for the office of President, we seem to be forced to choose which pervert we think will disgrace the presidency least, from the White House. Will Trump take his hand off the button for the "football", simply to assist him in his philanderings, or will Bill Clinton's closet liaisons become so open that Hillary's administration will become the laughing-stock of international relations. And, will this bring about a new context for the term "international relations"? Who but God knows! So, who is to blame for our disgusting predicament? I blame the liberal media for making the presidency such a public forum for examining every candidate's personal closet-skeletons, that we are left with two such weak choices to choose from. Nobody wants to be examined so closely that their past indiscretions, sometimes even youthful mistakes (even long ago repented of) will be dragged up to haunt them for the rest of their lives, so you are left with shallow-moral-value candidates whose own indiscretions simply are yet to be made public. The only difference may be the fact that a President Trump will be more in the public view than a First "Gentleman" (pardon my choking over that word), Bill Clinton would. Bill would have free range of every closet in the White House, and nobody would be watching, as long as it didn't interfere with Hillary's duties. There might be a lot of scandalous gossip among the White House staff, but the liberal media would probably ignore it, like they did for Presidents Roosevelt, and Kennedy. At least until they were out of office, or rather dead.

So, people, I guess we will have to hold our noses, grit our teeth, and vote for the least harmful candidate to be our next president. Thank God we will not have to look to our President to save us from our international quagmires much longer! King Jesus will soon do a much better job than either of these perverted Presidential candidates could ever hope to!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The Only One That Can Beat Trump, Is Trump!

Recently, I Posted that "Trump Can't Win, But Hillary Sure Can Lose..."! My point was that she was such a National Security liability, between her foolish, and wholly irresponsible E-mail scandal, and her selling of State Department influence to the highest bidder, in conjunction with the "Clinton Foundation", that all Trump needed to do in the debates was to confront her with her undeniably reckless, and even illegal behavior, as Secretary of State, and even the Democratic voters would be unlikely to vote for her. This is clearly proven true by her slide in recent polls, rather than a particular surge for Trump. But apparently, Trump's ego has gotten in the way of his ability to recognize the obvious!

I suspect that he has figured that the polls have merely legitimized the country's "inevitable infatuation" with him, once they got to know him. Wake up, Trump!!! We don't want you for President nearly as much as we want the Obama Administration gone!!! And Hillary's administration would be little different from Obama's, even using many of the same idiots who got us into this present mess! So get your ego out of the way, and listen to your counselors, and advisors, who must surely have begged you to "prep" for the debate, which you chose not to do. What an obvious, and horrible mistake! And now Hillary is being credited with winning the last 70 minutes of the debate, while Donald's "eyes glazed-over" after a strong 20 minute beginning.

Does anyone really believe that quality debate coaches, which Trump's advisors surely are, would allow him to neglect to address Hillary's weakest points (the E-mail, and influence-peddling scandals, and the Benghazi debacle)??? Of course not! Only one person is to blame for not "rubbing her face" in the muck of her own incompetent record! Trump himself, most likely because he allowed himself to believe that his own personality was good enough to defeat Hillary. Perhaps so, without preparation. But, when Hillary "prepped", she stopped being herself, only, and took on the experience and wisdom of her advisors, which was adequate to outshine Trump, as long as she didn't have to defend her pathetic record. Then Trump did the rest for her, by not forcing the issue! What a pathetic missed opportunity!!! Thank God there are still two more debates for him to recognize the error of his ways, swallow his bloated pride, and "nail her to the wall", before it's too late! If he doesn't, he will surely lose. It's that plain, and simple; so "Wake up Trump!", or we'll have 4 more years of the same 'Obama-nation' government that we've had for the past 8 years, and you will be to blame for that!!!

I wonder if his ego can swallow that!!!

Friday, September 23, 2016

"All They Need Is More Jobs..."

This not-so-famous "quote", or reasonable facsimile thereof, I think was made by Obama's latest excuse for U.N. Ambassador, whose name I don't recall, at her confirmation hearings. This was in response to a Congressional question concerning her idea of what was needed to stop the international terrorism that the Obama administration can not bring themselves to call "international terrorism", or "Radical Islamic Terrorism", though both terms project accurate descriptions of the movement. This kind of "head in the sand" analysis continues to hamstring all military efforts to defeat I.S.I.S., and other terrorist organizations because you can not defeat something when you keep denying the extent of the problem.

That confirmation hearing should have been immediately stopped, and Obama's appointment should have been immediately rejected, simply because we have enough "clueless" Democrats within the Obama Administration, and they need to try a little harder to find someone who actually is competent to perform her duties, as a representative of this country, and not just another idiot, representing our "idiot" President. (I have said before that I use this term for Obama, not to denigrate his intelligence, which is more than commendable, but to illustrate my disgust for someone of his high intelligence who dogmatically chooses to believe in a lie, or worse, a false ideology. [I consider this to be the worst form of human idiocy; voluntary, almost lunatic idiocy, in spite of obvious evidence to the contrary, these people choose to continue believing what is obviously NOT TRUE! And Hillary is another one.] Because he does so, he surrounds himself with similar dogmatic "idiots", and guess where that leaves our government, as a whole!)

Recently, FOX NEWS had a Democratic spokesperson trying to explain why they don't want to use terms like "Radical Islamic Terrorists". She said it was because using terms like that simply "empower" their movement. I thought the be-headings, and the suicide car-bombings were their real source of "empowerment", if that's what they are looking for, and I doubt that any choice of terms will actually add to their despicable reputations significantly. What the denial of their threat to our peace WILL do is to trivialize our response to their dangerous threat, and make our resolve to resist it a low priority. Unfortunately, I believe that Obama, and his "idiotic Administration" has done precisely that! Our military commanders fear to give an accurate account of the effort to combat terrorism, because they recognize that the military effort is under the heavy-handed control of a bunch of "lunatic" diplomats, who have no concept of reality, let alone the willingness to face the truth. Guess where Hillary falls into these categories???

This is also the basis for the Obama obsession with open immigration, and I'll bet his administration will do everything they can to insure that the recent immigrants are able to vote, legally, or otherwise, in the coming election. And I don't think they can be expected to vote for Trump!!! That may mean that Hillary could become the first elected president of the "United States of Syria, and Iraq"!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

I Just Had A Horrible Thought...

The Democratic Party may have come to the obvious conclusion that Hillary's incompetence is too overwhelming for her to be elected. Like I wrote before, "would she be the first president elected one day, and impeached the next?" Her health issues do come at a bad time for her, but are not insurmountable for a truly beloved candidate. But, her E-mail scandal, and unscrupulous dealings with her "Foundation" (as an illegal lobbying group) may have made her expendable in their eyes. Therefore they may try to replace her with someone who is considered "squeaky clean", even if he is an idiot, like Vice President Joe Biden!

I don't particularly like Donald Trump, as I've written before, but he can beat Hillary, if he "keeps his nose clean", and his "foot out of his mouth"! I don't think he can necessarily beat Biden, or any other Democrat, not because they are so good, but because the idiots who vote for Democrats, don't have a clue what they are doing, and therefore their candidate must be totally incompetent for them to recognize it, as Hillary clearly is. She may be the only candidate that Trump can beat!

The fact that she was way ahead just a little while ago, suggests to me that God may be behind a Trump victory, simply because of it's total implausibility, so recently. He does work this way, "His wonders to behold..."! I suspect that God knows that Trump has enough humility (I almost choked when I wrote that) for Him to bring about His plan for America, whatever it may be. If that's the case then the Democrats' efforts to replace Hillary will probably not work, and everyone will be left scratching their heads, wondering how Trump did it! It won't be his victory at all, but God's, and I wonder what this could all mean!

Your guess is as good as mine, if this all comes to pass. But, I suspect it will have something to do with his prophecied plans for Israel, though I don't see exactly how. But, that will most likely become clear at a later date. Stay tuned!!!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Is America Facing It's Last Chance To Avoid God's Judgement???

I wonder if the 2016 election may not be America's last chance to get it right!!! Is God watching us to see if we will continue the moral slide into corrupt politics of the previous elections, or will we finally "get it right", in God's eyes, rather than Michele Obama's! She, of the famous quote,"I can finally say that I'm proud of my country", or something of that nature. She was referring to the election of her husband as President, and implying that nothing in our past, previous to this was enough to make her proud.

I not only disagree with her, but I am of a diametrically opposite view! His election, and worse his re-election, were perhaps the worst moments of America's political history! I grieve for the things that Michele Obama is proud of, therefore, the things I am proudest of must be the things that she has apparently been ashamed of. Her opinion, and those that agree with her, including (and especially) that of her husband, are therefore irrelevant to me. This has nothing to do with Racism, at least not in the traditional sense. I do not disrespect anyone simply because their skin is dark, but we have developed a new racial disparity in the past 50 years or so, that is perhaps more evil than the first, which stemmed from the evil of slavery.

The worst thing that Blacks, and other minorities, did as a consequence of the ending of slavery was to reject every value that was held by the majority of Whites, simply because they were perceived as White values. The "Jim Crow" era, and the White Supremacist racism, and especially the tolerance of the lynching of Blacks, led to the coalescing of Black views that everything that Whites valued was wrong, and must be replaced by something better. This led to the "Black Power" movement, and the pathetic adoption of "Black Muslim" faith, as a replacement for the Christian faith of many of their ancestors, who relied on their Christian faith to support them through the horrible oppression of slavery, and the somewhat more subtle oppression of the "Jim Crow" era, that followed.

America must progress beyond both of these eras if it is to ever overcome the last vestiges of racism, as a remnant of slavery. If it does not, America will remain in the bondage of bitterness that has divided it for centuries, and God may be watching us to see if we're ever going to figure this out, and if not, He may decide that we are not worth the trouble of saving us from our enemies, as he has clearly done in the past. He allowed our greater industrial capacity to defeat the Nazi's, and the Japanese, in World War II, (I wonder if Michele Obama is ashamed of that!). But I suspect today's technology is not enough to protect us from the possible Nuclear Holocaust, that is perhaps prophecied in Ezekiel 39:6; and though I believe Christ will rapture His believers immediately before this, how many of us will he consider, "worthy to escape the wrath that is to come?"

Donald Trump is making a bid to the Black voters that is apparently having a small effect upon them. But those that hold to the values of, "Black Lives Matter" (which I suspect really is intended to mean that ONLY Black lives matter, as if that is not as racially divisive as the lynchings were) must renounce the indiscriminate murder of policemen, in one city, because of the racist brutality committed by police in other cities. (I personally suspect that this is also related to the Black Muslims' response to the calls of I.S.I.S. for chaos in America's streets, without wanting to openly admit it.) Black Americans must reject Islam, in all it's forms, or they will be rejected by God, after He has dealt with the invaders of the Middle-East, prophecied in Ezekiel 38, and 39. (They should consider that most of the original slave traders were Muslim believers, so why are they any better than the slave owners who paid them?) They must recognize that the Whites who created the slavery in America's past were wrong ONLY in the slavery issue. That did not make them wrong in their Christian faith, and the inconsistency there is for God to judge, Himself, and Blacks are only harming themselves for falsely judging Christianity as the basis for it.

The bottom line here is, will there ever be a genuine coming together of the races, in time for God to repent of the Judgement that seems to be imminent for America? And this coming election may well have a lot to do with the answer to that question, one way or the other!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Reasoning Between The Spoken "Lines"...

I am deeply troubled by something that Hillary Clinton just said. So, "Why is that news to us?", one might well say! Much of what she has to say, I find deeply troubling. That's nothing new! But in this case, she said something absolutely expected from her, that could carry much more dire consequences for us all!

She promised that, if she wins election to the presidency, she will never send ground forces to Iraq, or Syria! So what? She has already promised to uphold Obama's legacy, if elected. What's different about that?

Having confirmed what we should have reasonably expected from her, it forced me to draw some possibly logical conclusions, by what is NOT said in the Bible, specifically in the Ezekiel 38, & 39 Prophecies, about the "future" invasion of the Middle-East, by Russia, and their allies. I can't see how things can get much more set up for this invasion, without it actually being exposed as the very invasion that God prophecied to the prophet Ezekiel, some 2500 years ago. The fact that there is no mention of any allies for the defense of Israel, besides God, Himself, causes me to wonder if that means that Hillary will win in the November election, which I would consider to be a catestrophic portent for America! Donald Trump wisely refused to say if he would commit ground forces, because he didn't wish to tell the enemy what his plans are, if he wins election. These positions caused me to try and reason what God has in mind for us here, in America, while this world-changing prophecy unfolds in the Middle-East.

First, does the fact that God doesn't metion anything about Israel's allies mean there will be no American ground forces in the Middle-East at the time of the invasion? Not necessarily... But, people like myself couldn't sit still and watch Israel be potentially destroyed, without demanding available American troops be deployed to help the Israelis. I'm sure God realizes this, and He has prophecied that He would glorify Himself in defeating Israel's enemies. If American troops help Israel, then they would potentially receive some of the glory for the victory. God probably doesn't wish to share His glory with anyone else, no matter how well intended it may be. The point is to show Israel that they are still His chosen people, and that He still loves them, and will still protect them from seemingly overwhelming peril. Trump could be expected to bow to Evangellical pressure to send available aid to Israel, while Clinton would sit on her hands, and do nothing! Thank God that He doesn't need our help to save His people!

Second, does the apparent lack of American troops mean that Clinton will win the Presidency, in November? Again, NOT NECESSARILY! Trump could still win, but the invasion could begin before Obama leaves office in January. But, what about the some four thousand American troops that Obama has already sent there? Does anyone really believe Obama would allow them to assist Isael, against an invasion force made up partially of Muslim nations' forces? He could rather be expected to try to get them to help invade Israel! (Not really, he wouldn't have the guts to reveal his pro-Muslim bias to that blatant extent!) But, he could be expected to order our forces to "Stand down!", as Hillary would also (and is reputed to have done in the Benghazi fiasco). The only thing God has said about America's response is that whimpy diplomatic query, "...Have you take a great spoil?" Again I say, "DUH!"

So, I may have to swallow hard to say that Hillary may still win in November, if it serves God's overall purposes, in keeping well-intended belivers, like me, from interfereing with His plans to glorify Himself in rescuing His chosen people. But, if that's the case, I'll bet she doesn't serve for very long! (For more on my Biblical reasoning, with cautions that I am merely speculating, and certainly not trying to say that I have any divine authority on the matters, please check out the "Archives" list to the right of this column, for Easter Sunday, march 27th,of this year.)

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Is Defense Secretary Ash Carter A "Born Again" Christian???

If he is, he sounds like a "Liberal" Socialist who may have just awakened to the awful truth that International Diplomacy is not enough to stop God's prophecies from coming to pass. When God warns us that an evil nation like "Magog" (long thought to be Russia) is going to bring about a terrible invasion into the Middle-East, with the intention of destroying Israel, and possibly trying to conquer the Arab Gulf States' oil fields, He is simply telling us that it will happen, even with all the International diplomats' best efforts to reason with a megalomaniacal despot like Putin ("Gog", in the prophet Ezekiel's account which God revealed to him some 2500 years ago?) In Ezekiel 38, & 39, God talks about "putting hooks in someone's jaws" (Ezekiel 38:4), to turn them toward Israel. That sounds like a horses "bit" turning a horse (even brutally), when the horse doesn't wish to go somewhere. Believe me, if God tells you to go somewhere, even if you don't want to do it, you're going!!! And no amount of Diplomatic reasoning is going to change the situation!

When Secretary Carter spoke to the listeners at Oxford University, in England, yesterday, he sounded like a new believer in Ezekiel's prophecy, convinced that the Russian buildup in Syria too closely resembled a potential invasion force preparing to strike! Has a member of America's most liberal government in history actually realized what I, and other conservative Christians, have been warning us that it was about to happen, for years? It sure sounded like a desperate plea for sanity, before it's too late! Relax, Carter; sanity went out the window long ago!!!

Well, rest assured Secretary Carter, you've done your best to try and avoid the second worst World War ("Armageddon" probably comes later), and the potential Nuclear Holocaust that it may precipitate! Now all you can do is watch it happen, like the rest of us. Perhaps you could send American forces to help the Israelis defend themselves, but God apparently doesn't need that, to deliver His chosen people from the tyrannical intentions of "Gog", whether he is Putin, or not. Plus, whomever is President at that time will probably not allow that to happen: Ezekiel 38:13 speaks of an incredibly pathetic diplomatic inquiry in response to "Gog's" obvious invasion, by countries with ancient tribal names that Biblical scholars have long believed were the present-day Gulf States, and possibly America, saying, "Have you come to...take a great spoil?" The "diplomatic answer" to this question should be, "Duh!!!"

The conclusion of this war will be God's victorious defense of Israel, through their miraculous defeat of an invasion force many times greater than theirs (perhaps with the aid of American-supplied Neutron Nuclear technology), and the near destruction of "Gog's" invasion force (around 83 1/3rd%, according to the Biblical account). But a bitter remnant will be left to retreat, who may blame America for their defeat (since their defeat will be at the hands of Israel's Neutron nuclear devises, which were derived from shared technology, of American origin). Thus we may find Russia's vengeance taken out upon us, as they retreat to their bomb shelters. So, Ash Carter, don't worry about your presiding over the partial destruction of the world! God has His own plans about that, and Presidential Diplomacy is not going to change it!!!

To the rest of us, we must say, "Look up! For your redemption draweth nigh!"...

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Pray For America, Now!!!

I have previously written that I regularly watch the Cristian Broadcasting Company's "The 700 Club" television show, and while I don't agree with everything I see on that show, I do agree with most of it. I was saved praying with Pat Robertson, the show's host, and follow a lot of their story lines as inspiration for this Blog.

Lately, they are promoting a 40 Day prayer time for America, with a very crucial election coming up, and some of the worst presidential candidates that I can imagine vying for the position, when America is at it's most vulnerable condition since the days before the Pearl Harbor attack. Back then we had a wise President, and a very patriotic populace, but I doubt if anyone would say we are even close to either one of those conditions, now.

As the candidates for our two major parties, we have an incompetent liar, who only seems to care about enriching herself through taxpayers' money, with her family, her cronies, and perhaps "throwing a bone, or two" to the special interests whom she hopes will elect her. Short of a mind-boggling, last minute conversion that would be almost as shocking as that of the Apostle Paul, along Damascus road, I can't see God using her for anything good for America, especially since she has pledged to continue Obama's legacy, and there wasn't anything good about that! She could be expected to continue the down-grading of America's position in the world, economically, and militarily, and that would set us up nicely to become part of the future Antichrist's system of one-world socialist government, prophecied by many Old Testament prophets, and even Jesus Himself. If anyone thinks that will be good for America, they are insane!

Her "worthy" opponent is a self-loving egotist, who has too much money for OUR own good, and believes that gives him the right to buy the election. Perhaps he's right, we will see! But, he does seem to recognize the foolishness of the Obama Administration's pathetic 8-year reign, and he seems to be genuinely interested in doing the things that are necessary to restore America's greatness, even while he has the temperament to blast Russia to nuclear "smytherines", with the expected consequences in return!!! What a wonderful contrast we have to choose from. Either we let Hillary set us up for Satan's Antichrist, or we let Donald restore our greatness before he blows us all up! Is there anyone who can't see a genuine need for all of us to pray, now???

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Clinton Suffers From Convenient "Selective Memory Lapse" Syndrome

"I don't recall..." the useful tome used by President Ronald Reagan when he was being grilled by a hostile Democratic subcommittee (I think it was in the "Irangate" investigation, whether arms were traded for the release of the hostages [when President Reagan took office], or not). But Clinton has taken the traditional Presidential "Fifth Amendment Plea" to the extreme!

First, most people were so glad to be rid of the incompetent Carter Administration (they of the helicopters-in-the-sandstorm-fiasco) that they didn't really care how Reagan got the hostages out, just that he did! Second, his election was already past, and they could recognize a "sour grapes" Congressional hearing when they saw one. So, Reagan was obviously withholding information from Congress that the American public really didn't care about, and they new that the Democrats were on a "fishing expedition" to find some impeachable offense to get rid of the President that the majority of America had just elected.

Hillary's situation is quite different. She hasn't even been elected yet, and it's not a matter of protecting herself from legal prosecution, it's a matter of protecting her "electability" image, as an honest, and wise, (and, yes, "legal") Presidential candidate! If she can't convince the voters that she held those characteristics as Secretary of State, how will she convince them that she will "miraculously" find them as President??? She can "stone-wall" the F.B.I., but she can't force the voting public to believe her, when they don't need "legal proof" to form their opinion of her, before voting. As I said before, it doesn't matter to me whether the Clintons spend the next four years in jail, or whether they take all their "slush-fund" bribery money to Switzerland, and live like royalty, God will settle accounts with their behavior, eventually. And He "recalls" everything,whether they do, or not!

The important thing is that the voting public recognizes her as the incompetent liar she is, and wakes up in time to keep them (both) out of the White House in the future!!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Obama Proves To Be CrimInals' Best Friend

News reports today reveal that President Obama has commuted the federal prison terms of an additional 111 convicts, bringing to 673 total commutations of prisoner sentences. This is consistent with the practices of previous "lame duck" Presidents, however the total number of his commutations is now MORE THAN that of the PREVIOUS TEN Presidents COMBINED, according to news reports. I'll bet those commutations came with the restoration of those prisoners' voting rights, just in time for them to vote for Hillary Clinton as their next President! In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they were not instructed to vote for her, as part of the agreement to have their sentences reduced! That's typical skullduggery for the Democratic Party, as it has evolved today! And we were outraged at the clandestine behavior of Richard Nixon's so-called "plumbers"!!! Seems like the Democrats are determined to best Nixon's record for political "dirty pool". I wonder if the Washington Post will assign a couple of "hotshot" investigative reporters to their antics, as they did with "Wood-stein", in the 70's.

I keep mentioning that I don't particularly like Trump. But, I can live with his election to the Presidency, for the greater good of NOT having to live with another Democratic president, and especially not Hillary! I have never witnessed such blatant corruption in public office as we have seen with Hillary, and through the "Clinton Foundation", with Bill probably presiding, in the shadows. It appears as though they are over-grown "spoiled brats", who are so used to getting away with semi-legal manipulation of various laws (beginning with the so-called "Whitewater scandal", in Arkansas) that they can't help themselves to keep from trying more, and more outrageous acts of political corruption, in order to keep themselves in office, and available to enrich themselves with undetectable bribery. Unfortunately, for them, it seems that they have finally gone too far with their schemes, and their blindly, adoring public has finally had enough of excusing their obvious illegality! Perhaps not enough to throw them in jail, where they belong, but hopefully enough to keep them out of public office, and influence pedaling, as well. Hillary lamely protests that it is all the Republicans' making something out of nothing, but that is sounding more and more like a spoiled brat throwing a "tantrum", when he is caught with his hand in the proverbial "cookie jar"!

I have wondered how long it would take for the Democrats to overcome their worshipful adoration of the Clintons; let's just hope that it's in time to keep Hillary from winning the election! Remember, Trump is not so much the Republican candidate, as he is the "anti-Clinton" candidate! And God bless him, in that capacity!

Clintons Hit The "Foxholes", While The "Bombs" Of Criticism Fly

And they seem to be flying all around them!!! If I seem unabashedly gleeful, I apologize. I don't take pleasure in their problems, or anyone else's, but I do appreciate this apparent revelation that God is truly in control of this election, in spite of the overwhelming evidence to the contrary that we have suffered through for many months. It's like I wrote previously, when I compared God's victorious blessings to the historical progress of past wars, in which we Americans started out with great fervor, and faith, only to suffer initial defeats, against what had to appear to be almost overwhelming odds. It's almost as if God wanted to see if our faith in His power was genuine, or temporal.

The Revolutionary War began with defeat in the midst of apparent victory, especially in the so-called Battle of Bunker Hill. The American Colonists "beat the snot out of" the British Troops, to an estimated ten thousand casualties, but lost when their ammunition began to run out, forcing their withdrawal. I think most people recognize that He turned our initial defeat into eventual victory, at Yorktown, Va., as he did with the Union forces in the Civil War, after two disasters at the creek of Bull Run, in Manassas Va. From those defeats, God returned the victory, at Appomattox, Va. which held our fragile union together, as it remains today, no matter how tenuous it may appear. By comparison, defeating the dangerously unrighteous candidacy of the meglo-maniacal Clinton would-be "monarchy" would seem to be easy, yet the over-all peril of this election seems without parallel. Like I've said before, I don't particularly like Trump, but if he is pliable enough for God to use in restoring this country to it's former righteousness (even while recognizing the there are many areas which we still must deal with), and will appoint wise advisors, and actually listen to them, he might make a great President, after all.

Again, I claim no special insight into God's future plans for this country, as I've said before, I am not a prophet, but I think I can recognize current-event patterns that seem to be consistent with the way God has moved for those who trust in Him, throughout history. I think "history" includes today, and remember that "history" is nothing more, nor less, than "His Story"!!! Praise God!!!