Sunday, August 25, 2013

Russia's "Secret" Invasion of Israel; [ Updated 8/26/'13]

How could Russia begin it's invasion of Israel on a scale consistent with the Biblical prophecies of Ezekiel 38, and 39, without setting off a massive international response? The answer is, "a little bit at a time"! I have used the "frog-cooking recipe" metaphor before, where a frog that is dropped into boiling water will immediately jump out; but a frog dropped into cooler water will swim around while the heat is gradually increased until he is unwittingly boiled to death. This may well be the appropriate metaphor to describe what "Gog" (oops, I mean Putin) is planning for the initial phase of his Middle-east invasion, which will eventually center upon trying to wipe Israel off the face of the map. Or, since God explains in Ezekiel 38:4 that He is in control of bringing Gog into the Middle-east invasion, it may be that Putin doesn't even realize the real reason for what I suspect he is about to do. I suspect that the recent chemical weapons attack that Bashir Assad has launched upon the outer suburbs of Damascus, against the rebel forces attacking there may simply be a way to draw a N.A.T.O. response of some kind that will give Putin an excuse to respond by sending in his troops to bolster his "great ally", Assad. This would be expected to scare N.A.T.O., and us into repenting of further efforts to support the rebels, for fear that we might force greater "escalation of tensions"( like say, oh I dunno, maybe a full-scale invasion of Israel???). ( Shhhh!!!, don't tell the U.N. Inspectors that have come to Damascus to check out the Hospital reports of thousands of cases of patients with "neurotoxic symptoms" that it's obviously true. They're probably busy relaxing in the best hotels while blaming Assad for not letting them into the areas to investigate! Of course they could have been approached from the rebel held territory, by way of Turkey (but that wouldn't have made for such a relaxing vacation.) The idea here is that once Putin can establish a major military presence in Syria, the western nations would not dare provoke him for fear of setting off World War III ( which, of course, he has every intention of setting off himself, when he is ready). And if the mere chemical slaughtering of a few thousand Syrian civilians ( including women and children) can give him an excuse to build up his invasion forces just north of Israel's border, what would he care about some "expendable" casualties??? I hope no one actually believes that Assad launched the chemical weapons attack without first getting permission from his ally in Russia. After all, it was Russia that sold Syria those chemical weapons, so we can assume logically that there would be some stipulations concerning the conditions for their use, since Russia knows that it would ultimately be blamed by the west. Therefor, Russia wouldn't want them to be used unless it facilitated some plan of greater importance to their own interests. And once the Russian forces are massed in Syria, all they need to do is make an "about-face", and begin to attack Israel ( see Ezekiel 38, and 39 for details on how that will turn out; or refer back to my posts about the "Gog/Magog Invasion of Israel", published mostly between the dates of June 5th, and June 26th).

Update (8/26/'13): Those U.N. Investigators sent to Damascus to check out the reports of the army's use of chemical weapons upon civilians in rebel-held territory have finally gotten permission to visit the area hospitals, to conduct their investigation. Gosh, I wonder if they read this blog and decided that they had been exposed on their "vacation"? Gee, golly, gosh...maybe Bashir Assad read this blog and decided he'd better get them the heck out of town, before the media began to criticize him for stalling the investigation. Yeah, that's gotta be it. We all know how sensitive Assad is to international criticism. He's probably trying to figure out some way to spin this chemical weapons attack into some kind of humanitarian gesture on his part. Tell that to the dead women and children! They're listening better than we are.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Will Obama Be Impeached? [ updated: 8/21/'13]

The answer to the above question is probably not. The answer to the question, "If Obama were to be impeached, would he be convicted?" is almost certainly not! This due to our absurdly foolish practice of endlessly electing, and re-electing liberal democrats, and "moderate republicans" ( which is worse) to Congress. As long as America can't see through the lunacy of "liberalism", and "international Humanism" which will certainly be the unifying platform of the Antichrist; nor the deceit of "moderate republicans" who know they must pretend to be conservative to get elected, after which they vote their true liberal values, then we will never have a Congress with enough backbone to "vote the rascals out", of either Congress or the presidency ( example: Bill Clinton; who is planning to be re-elected again, through his proxy wife). But if you ask me if I think Obama is guilty of committing acts of treason which are worthy of impeachment, at least, I'd have to say there is no definitive evidence, but there is very strong cause for suspicion! I think his cozying up to the former Egyptian government of Muhammed Morsi, and it's patrons in the Muslim Brotherhood, even after it's removal from power has the appearance of a rather treasonous relationship with the founding organization of Al Quaida, which brought us "911", and is the murderous enemy of the United States. (It strengthens my suspicion that Obama is being soft on the Muslim Brotherhood because he believes in the Koran's "prophecy" of a Caliphate one day becoming the supreme ruler of the entire world, in a one-world Islamic state. I think he feels he needs good relations with the Brotherhood in order to campaign for the job of Caliph, after his terms as U.S. President.) This would be kind of like if Franklin Delano Roosevelt had declared victory in the war with Japan, in 1943, and had begun a lend-lease program to supply Japan with armaments ( like we did for Britain), while the people who brought us Pearl Harbor were still in power, and belligerently unrepentant while still terrorizing much of the rest of the world. The Obama administration is falling all over themselves to try and pressure the Egyptian "non-Coup" government to reverse their position on Morsi, and reinstate him as President. Heads up, Mr. Obama!!! There is no significant difference between Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood, and Al Quaida's various terrorist factions around the world! Catch a clue! By supporting Morsi's claim to power, you might as well try and get Bin Laden to be president of Afganistan. Oops, I forgot that you sent Seal Team Six into Pakistan to eliminate that possible mistake. ( Which you hardly ever miss an opportunity to mention in any of your speeches since. Why is that? Is it because you realize that killing him was the only thing your administration has done that had a completely unifying effect on both Liberals and Conservatives?) Mr. President, if Bin Laden was such an enemy of America that we needed to sneak in, and take him out, regardless of the outrage of our "great, and loyal ally", Pakistan, then his terrorist network ( Al Quaida) is just as much our enemy. And the organization that founded them, the Muslim Brotherhood, is every bit the same. And don't give me that bit about the sanctity of Morsi's "democratically elected" government. The Egyptian people made an obvious mistake in being duped into electing him, and after one year they took the extreme measure of "un-electing" him! You are supposed to be a student of the Constitution, though your behavior seems to belie your vow of loyalty to "protect and defend" it. There is another document that preceded it, and may even arguably supersede it, called the Declaration of Independence, which states that when a nations' government becomes so tyrannical that the people find it oppressive ( any people, not just America), they not only have the right, but the responsibility to abolish it, as Egypt did. Take care, Mr. Obama; your cozying up to America's blood enemies might one day even offend enough Democrats to get you impeached, and convicted! That would be a good thing for America, except the thought of a Biden presidency makes the blood run cold!!!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Egypts Civil War; Next Phase

Today may bring the next murderous phase of the Egyptian civil war, as the Muslim Jihadist leaders, who are generally their highest religious officials have reportedly called for a "March of Anger" through the streets of Cairo, which is conservatively expected to draw tens of thousands of pro-Morsi supporters to obediently march at noon ( their time), demanding that deposed president Morsi be reinstated immediately.  They know that the "non-coup Coup" will never oblige with their demands, and they're probably planning to use the bodies of the unarmed people who are foolish enough to march as human shields for their murderous Jihadi gunmen to hide behind while they take pot-shots at the soldiers who will certainly be sent to stop them.  This is their decades-old modis operendi when they go against an overwhelmingly stronger force.  They make sure to thoroughly publicize the event in order to be sure that the international media will be present in force when they goad the Egyptian army into opening fire on the crowd of mostly unarmed people, by killing as many soldiers as they can before slinking away through the crowd, like the murderous cowards they are.  This is what apparently happened yesterday when they reportedly killed some 40 plus soldiers ( while they were captured shooting on film) causing the most likely panicked soldiers to open fire on the crowd they hid behind, in a desperate attempt at self-defence.  I'm sure that most of the Jihadists escaped, while those they cowardly hid behind lost over 600 of their demonstrators, when the army returned fire.  In their minds this constitutes an overwhelming victory, as they probably lost few of their own "fighters" while their enemy ( the army) lost 40 soldiers.  They apparently could not care less for the 600 dead demonstrators, whom they write off as necessary collateral casualties, other than for the shock value that causes the rest of the world to ignorantly blame the Egyptian army because they killed many more people.  This is obviously a very effective strategy which may well be carried out in possibly even greater scale at the "March of Anger" today.  I think a more appropriate name might be given to it by calling it the "March of Cowardly Murderers".

UPDATE:  (8/17/'13)
The body count from yesterday's "March of Anger", or as the Media is now referring to it as the, "March of Rage", is uncertain as the government has reportedly told the Health Ministry not to release any more statistics to the press, and the Muslim Brotherhoods count of 200 dead on their side is always unreliable since they lie to the tune of several times larger than the truth, as a common practice.

The interesting new development was the spontaneous counter-demonstration movement to set up civilian roadblocks around Cairo on the usual routes to the areas of the pro-Morsi demonstrations of the past.  These civilians were sometimes armed with pistols, but were mostly unarmed, or carrying sticks or machetes.  They were considerably out-gunned, as in one case a pro-Morsi Jihadist was filmed firing off his Khalishnikov automatic assault rifle.  This is interesting because the Media insisted upon referring to these pro-Morsi gunmen as "protesters", as if an assault rifle is a legitimate tool for emphasizing a dissenting political opinion; while the counter-demonstrators, armed much less militarily, were repeatedly referred to as "vigilantes" carrying an intentionally negative, and even lawless connotation with every reference.  I guess we know which side the international Media is determined to support ( including the American press, mostly).  They're backing Morsi's supporters, who are overwhelmingly the Muslim Brotherhood, who founded Al Quaida, under the direction of their protégé, Osama Bin Laden.  He's that kindly "protester" who gave us "911", and many other explosive "protests", before he met up with Seal Team Six.  I suppose the Media would have us call them "vigilantes", too!!! 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Civil War in Egypt and It's Aftermath

And now it begins in earnest!  The civil war in Egypt that I've been expecting for five years, based upon my reading of Isaiah 19 in the Bible has finally erupted, and is not likely to be squelched any time soon.  And the world is shocked and amazed; the socialist governments of the world (including our own, regrettably) are "outraged", with the U.N. calling for an end to bloodshed, and a return to democracy.  Yeah!!!  Like that'll happen; don't hold your breath, folks!  The establishment Media are falling all over themselves to cover what must seem to them to be a reporting bonanza, even while their own members are already dying in the process.  Meanwhile, my best-guess analysis is to tell those who would know that they should settle down for the long hall, for this is liable to be one bloody mess, for quite a long time, with no resolution until after the prophcied Gog/Magog war when God ( through the military power of His people Israel) will ultimately destroy 83% of the Russian and Muslim nations' armies that will try to invade the middle-east ( see previous posts for details).  I'll leave it to the Media to report on the death tolls, and the day to day occurrences as the war progresses.  But between the prophecies of the Bible and the patterns of developing world events, I feel there are some realistic conclusions that can be expected to develop from all this. 

The first conclusion is that this war will initially go badly for those so-called moderate Muslims, and the 10% of the Egyptian population that are known as "Coptic Christians".  These are those who form the basis of the Egyptian army's support in overthrowing the pro-Morsi factions of the Muslim Brotherhood, and their control of the Egyptian government for the past year.  Verse 4 of  Isaiah 19 says, "And the Egyptians will I give over into the hand of a cruel lord; and a fierce king shall rule over them, saith the Lord, the Lord of Hosts."  I don't believe that God intends to leave these evil leaders in power for long, but initially it seems to serve His purpose.  I expect that the civil war will eventually go so badly ( especially for the traditionally persecuted Coptics), that there will be a mass migration towards the southern border of Israel, for safety's sake, similar to what we see happening now in Syria, with their mass refugee movement into Turkey to escape the slaughter by their own President Assad.  I believe this will be a natural development, because their enemy is also the blood enemy of Israel, and their overwhelming presence will force the Muslim Brotherhood's forces that are attacking Israel from there now, with their endless rocket fire, to withdraw to central Egypt while they prepare for the coordinated Muslim and Russian invasion, that will not be long in coming.  I expect that they may populate the whole region from Israel's southern border through the northeastern section of Egypt that the Bible referred to as the land of Goshen in the days of Moses, including Sinai.  This will work for Israel, as it will give their southern border an effective buffer zone of people who are willing to fight against a common enemy.  At the time of the Gog/Magog invasion this will be important because, while most of the destruction of the enemies of Israel is described as happening on "the mountains of Israel", which presumably is to the north of Israel, it is coordinated with an invasion by both Lybian and Ethiopian armed forces which would presumably attack Israel through Egypt. And if the ultimate result of their combined invasion is the near destruction ( 83%)  of the enemy forces attacking Israel, that would seem to include the Lybian, Ethiopian, and Muslim Brotherhood-Egyptian forces as well.  [ More on all this later...]             

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Muslims Celebrate End Of Holiday By Killing Each Other

Christians around the world, regardless of their respective level of devotion tend to agree that the Christmas holidays are a rather joyful, and peaceful time of the year ( in spite of the encroaching materialism, and the hectic shopping rituals that are acted out each year).  After all, we worship the birth of God' own Son, Jesus, who is the incarnation of His Father's Spirit come to reside in the living body of a man, who was destined to save all mankind.  Muslims, who reject Jesus' divinity and refer to Him as simply one of many Jewish prophets, from a nation that they say descended from "apes, and pigs", seem to prefer to mark the end of one of their "Holiest" months of the year (Ramadan), by trying to kill each other off; their way of doing "Allah" ( their concept of God) a favor. 

Ramadan ended two days ago and the killing has begun again in earnest.  Al Quaida's apparent successor to Osama Bin Ladin was overheard by our intelligence ( N.S.A.) telling his apparent Bin Ladin "wannabe" lieutenant to, "do something big, and do it now".  This resulted in the worldwide closing of 19 American Embassies this week, as a security precaution; a string of simultaneous bombings across Iraq; an increase in the Pro-Morsi demonstrations in Cairo, Egypt which are apparently intended to instigate the Egyptian army to open fire on them so they can become Jihadist "Martyrs" and arouse more opposition to the new interim government by their deaths; and the kidnapping in Lebanon of two Turkish Airline pilots who are being held as ransom for the release of some Hezbollah fighters supporting the Syrian government.  All this comes shortly after the "escaping" of hundreds of captured Al Quaida, and Taliban fighters from various prisons in Iraq, Afganistan, and Pakistan, which are controlled by Muslim soldiers who are famous for becoming temporarily blind, for the right price.  And the prophecied Egyptian civil war we can read about in Isaiah 19 hasn't really begun yet.  What we've seen so far can't be called anything more than agitation which is preliminary to the real fighting which I expect is soon to come.

I cannot conceive of any more clear cut distinction between the values taught by these two religions than that just expressed.  I am told that the teachings of Islam do not offer any assurance of an after-life in their concept of "Paradise", no matter how hard one tries to be obedient to it's teachings, except by becoming a Jihadist martyr, no matter if one kills many innocent people in the process of martyring oneself.  This is apparently why there are so many pro-Morsi demonstrators in Cairo who are quite willing to die in order to instigate violence from the army. 

Christians believe, in contrast, that you can not earn your way into heaven by any good works( and certainly not by murdering innocent people just because they disagree with you), but that by the simplicity of believing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and by prayerfully asking Him to come into your heart, and forgive you of your sins ( no matter how terrible they may seem to be), you will be saved!  The guarantee of an eternity in Heaven is a by-product of such an incredibly easy action on our part; it merely requires the humility of asking for it.  The choice seems abundantly clear to me!  I've made mine.  What do you say???


If  you found my June 12th posts called, "European Financial Markets' Last Gasp" to be interesting, you might like to re-read them now, as I have just completed some updating of them both, and the original message is just as viable today as it was then.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Apocalypse; Hollywood's Obsession!!!

What I'm about to write should not shock, or surprise anyone, at least none who know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.  But I feel it must be said at least once, in the form of a righteous complaint about the sinful lies, and distortions of the truth of the Word of God that emanate from the perverse minds of the writers, directors, and producers of the unholy cr#p ( pardon the expression) that passes for entertainment out of Hollywood, California!!!

As I was reading through the final several chapters of the book of Revelation today, it occurred to me that the Biblical account of the Apocalypse didn't resemble anything at all like the stories that are flooding out of Hollywood these days.  Why, there was no mention of all the Vampire minions roaming throughout the Earth; so there was no way for us to distinguish between the "good" Vampires and the "bad" Vampires: and there was not a single Zombie anywhere for the "good" Vampires to attack and destroy.  However shall the Earth be saved if not by the all-powerful "good" Vampires, whom Hollywood shall surely send forth to destroy all the wicked Zombies who shall arise miraculously from their graves to wander the Earth in the last days, looking for those who will foolishly allow them to eat their brains??? 

I am so confused!  Just who is going to save this planet from the evil of the Last Days?  Will it be Jesus coming back to stand upon the Mount of Olives, which will immediately split in two with a great earthquake, creating a valley that will serve as an escape route for those who still survive in the city of David ( the ancient section of Jerusalem)?  And will Jesus be the great Judge of all those armies which have come to destroy, and enslave His people, with the "flaming sword of His mouth", causing all His enemies to have their "eyes consume out of their" sockets, and their "tongues to consume out of their mouths" before their bodies have time to fall down dead to the ground???

 Or, is Hollywood right and it is all the perverse teen-aged Vampires of the world that will save us from the horrible attack of Zombies, which probably were brought to the Earth by all those Flying Saucers that Hollywood obsessed about in the 1950's?  Strange that throughout all the Hollywood accounts of the Apocalypse there is not one mention of God, or the return of Jesus, His Son to judge the Earth for it's thousands of years of sinful rebellion.  Also strange is that the only survivors of Hollywoods's Apocalyptic accounts are those valiant teen-aged Vampires who have just saved the Earth, and all the brilliant "Preppers" who built themselves an underground bomb shelter, and stocked it with a thousand years worth of freeze-dried food, and enough guns and ammunition to fight off an army of those pesky, brain-eating Zombies.  ( Can you imagine what the consumption of a thousand years worth of freeze-dried food will do to one's system?  Talk about a whole population of constipated Apocalypse survivors!!!  Then picture these people with guns in their hands, and cranky snarls on their faces, and I guess it's the Zombies who'll have to watch out for their brains, which might start to look pretty tasty to those who've survived decades living in cramped bomb shelters, eating nothing but cardboard-flavored, freeze-dried food.)

Yet the very fact that God has caused  all of these Hollywood wackos to become so overwhelmingly obsessed with putting out so much quasi-Apocalyptic garbage at this time suggests to me that even the blatant, unrepentant sinners in Hollywood have instinctively come to recognize that the real "End Times" are upon us and the real Apocalypse can't be far behind.  It's sad that this "instinct" doesn't seem to be strong enough to make them recognize that the time grows short for them to finally choose to repent of there evil ways and receive Jesus' forgiveness, before it is too late! 

  Okay, enough of my sarcasm.  Pardon me for getting carried away, but I'm so sick and tired of Hollywood's blatant distortion of the word of God, for their own greedy profits' sake.  I'm afraid we now have a whole lost generation that is so ignorant of what the Bible says will actually happen, and what will distinguish the difference between those whom God will destroy, and send to an eternity of endless pain and torment, from those whom Jesus has promised to save for an eternity of peace, love , joy, and comfort, etcetera.  The crying shame of it all is that the difference is so stark, and the solution is so pathetically simple ( all one needs to do is to believe, and ask Jesus to forgive them), and yet Hollywood persists in working over-time to try and deceive as many as they possibly can, before the Apocalypse actually happens.  When it does, I wonder how much of their vast billions in profits they think it will take to bribe Jesus into sparing them from the eternal judgment that they so richly deserve?  And I wonder how much of their leftover billions Jesus will allow them to take with them to Hell?  I know they won't carry any weight with Satan, cause he'll be pretty busy burning in the lake of fire, himself!!!  For a long, long, long time!!!

Amen!  And even so, come quickly Lord Jesus, and count us worthy to escape the wrath that is to come!!!    

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Between The Lines: The Snowden Affair; Putin, and Obama

I really hate to write anything that is in nearly total disagreement with those for whom I have the utmost respect, but there are times when that is necessary, if one is to try and remain as honest as possible in sharing their perspective.  I'm about to do that now, as I express my opinion on the so-called Edward Snowden affair.  I must take exception with the expressed opinion of perhaps my most influential mentor, Pat Robertson of the Christian Broadcasting Network, when he states that he finds the espionage leaks that Snowden has made to be less than a serious matter of breaching the National Security interests of our nation, but rather that he may have done our country a service by making public a scandalous over-reach of our  intelligence gathering services.  I personally am very concerned about not so much that which has been already revealed, but by that which might be available to be released in the future.  Or rather, I'm more concerned about that which probably will not be released, because I'm sure it's all been in the hands of  Russian intelligence analysts ever since Snowden arrived in Russia.

The very fact that Vladimir Putin has conditioned Snowden's temporary asylum upon the agreement to stop releasing further U.S. intelligence secrets should be cause for alarm on our part.  Does anyone really believe that Putin is greatly concerned about protecting American security interests?  Here is a man who began his rise to power by serving in the old Soviet K.G.B., where the only concerns for our security systems was to try and figure out ways in which they could be broken into, and even dismantled.  If he wants to stop the releasing of secrets concerning our intelligence gathering capacity, we can be sure it's for one reason only.  He doesn't want our intelligence services to know  just how much their intelligence services already know about our capacity to gather intelligence.  Therefor, whatever secrets Snowden has are already available to Russian intelligence, and if Snowden releases them to the public, we will know what areas need to be strengthened against Russian efforts to hack into our systems.   They might perhaps develop ways of breaking down our intelligence gathering, or even our satellite-dependent communications systems which are necessary for providing a military response to any hegemonistic move on their part, such as a Middle-East invasion in the near future.  Remember that Bible scholars have long considered the pathetically wishy-washy diplomatic response in Ezekiel 38: 13 to probably be our own government's, when it says:  "Art thou come to take... a great spoil?" (God could have followed this sentence with an emphatic "DUH!", but He's better at self-restraint than I am.)  Could it be that that's all our government can do to resist Russia's invasion of Israel, and the other Middle-East countries ( including the oil-rich Arab gulf states)?  Could our electronic communications (including satellite surveillance capacity) have been hacked into by Russian intelligence and temporarily disrupted, making a modern military response to any invasion absolutely ineffective?  This is all quite possible through today's technology and if Russia has been given a way to do so by Snowden's possibly treasonous revelations, you can bet that Putin would want to keep us from knowing about it, to stop us from counter-acting it.

Again, I'm treading on very speculative ground here, but if  I'm right we'll never have any way of verifying it until it's too late.  And the very fact that this has brought about an increase in diplomatic tensions between Putin and the Obama administration suggests that Putin is planning a scenario in which  American approval of Russian policies will be unnecessary. It sounds as if Gog (oops!... I mean Putin) might be up to something diabolical!  Gee, I wonder what that could be!!!

ADDENDUM:  Today's precautionary shut-down of several American embassies due to increased Al Quaida telephone and internet activity, which tends to precede any major terroristic plans on their part, might be expected to center especially on Egypt, in general, and our embassy in particular.  Both opposing Muslim factions in Egypt have ( in their minds, at least) major reasons for resenting American influence there, and the nearness of Ramadan's ending is a logical time for any terroristic plans of vengeance to be put into action.  Al Quaida simply hates our guts for consistently siding with Israel on important security issues, and for selling them arms sufficient to defeat any Arab invasion forces over the past several decades. 

The anti-Morsi moderate Muslims resent us for blatantly seeming to support Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood-leaning government this past year.  ( We can thank our Caliphate-in-waiting candidate, President Obama, and his lame administration for that!)  Anyway, one has to hope that this lame administration has at least learned something about how to protect our embassy personnel, as a result of the Benghazi fiasco, even if they can't bring themselves to admit the truth about their incompetence in the way they responded to it.  One might surely hope so, but then again.........!