Thursday, July 28, 2016

Is America Actually Waking Up???

Let's hope so!!!

But, I can actually see reasons for optimism in the political swing of the polls today. In the latest Washington Post/A.B.C. News poll Obama's "Legacy" was roundly defeated when the poll asked if the people thought America was going in the "right direction", or not. 68% said "no", while, something like 45% said yes! That's not a Fox News poll that can be suspected of being heavily weighted to Republicans opinions; that's a poll taken for the liberal, "mainstream" media, which is usually weighted for liberal opinions!

Plus, Fox News ran a clip of last night's speech of the Potus, proclaiming that Hillary would be the best option for continuing his "legacy". They ran a simultaneous graph of listeners' reactions, (though I don't understand how this is recorded). Republican listeners were as negative on this point, as could be expected, and liberals were understandably positive on this point. But, unexpectedly, independents (who tend to be more liberal, than conservative on most issues) were fairly negative in their reaction, too! If this is a deeply-felt-enough reaction to the Potus's legacy, we could very well have a Republican victory in November! Again, I'm not overjoyed at the prospect of a Donald Trump presidency, but at least we can get rid of those idiots in the Democratic Administration, for a few years! Plus, Trump has been trying to sound conservative in order to curry favor with the conservative wing of the Republican Party. If he is elected he will be bound to live up to his promises, if he wants to keep the conservatives' support, even if he is insincere about it. Especially if he wants to get re-elected.

So, is the American voter actually waking up to the disaster of the Obama Administration, or am I reading too much into all this??? We have been trending so liberal for so many years that it's hard for me to believe it all, now. Perhaps the threat of international terrorism has caused America to finally "wake up" to the risk we run by allowing such liberal fools as Obama, Clinton, and Kerry to run the whole show, to say nothing of Bernie! If so, then I suspect there are a lot of believing Christians who are desperately crying out to God, to return this nation to some sense of sanity, which only He can do! And, He can do it, even over Trump's ego, but won't over Obama's arrogance! May God spare us any more of that!!!

Also, in a side issue, it seems that the recent turmoil in the Democratic Convention could work in the Republicans' favor. As long as Hillary got nominated, and Sanders is trying to swallow his pride and support her, I suspect that she can count on her support from women voters, and the minority vote (including the non American voters, of the illegal immigrants, however many times they are allowed to vote!) but the youth vote, and all the other disgruntled voters, who liked Bernie, probably will not vote for her! That's good news for Trump, even if he can't get them to vote for him. If they simply stay home on election day, in spite of Bernie's vocal support, we could have a dramatic turn-around in the White House, this year! And God knows we desperately need one!!!

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Whatever Happened To The Mohole Project?

In reviewing my last post, I was reminded of what should logically have provoked my curiosity sufficiently to have led me to a point of faith, years earlier than I was actually led. But, as a typical teenager, I steadfastly ignored any consideration that God might actually exist, and that the Bible's account of Him might actually be true.

I distinctly remember having read one of the more popular magazines, perhaps it was "Time Magazine", or "Newsweek", or some such. But, the story I read was about a scientific project called, "Mohole". It was developed by various well-reputed scientists to bore a hole through the earth's surface, starting from the ocean at a depth of thousands of feet, to the earth's crust, to recover core samples that would reveal information about the earth's age, and makeup of soil at various depths, etc.

It proceeded well, for a time, then it was eventually cancelled, abruptly, amid charges of being too expensive, by Congress. But, I distinctly remember having read that the scientists had bored to a certain depth, when they heard the sound of Human screams through their drilling rig! Naturally, as a mindless, apathetic teenager, I was somewhat interested, and promptly "forgot" about it all. But, now years later, I find that God has not allowed me to completely forget about this.

However, a "GOOGLE" search of listings for the "Mohole Project" returns much written about the project, yet I (surprise, surprise...) can find nothing about the "hearing of screams" that I distinctly remember reading. Did this really happen, or was the article's writer just having "fun" with his readers. I don't know.

But, as a believing Christian, today, I find it believable that empirical "scientists" could actually have drilled deep enough to hear the screams of those trapped in Hell, and been unwilling to admit the overwhelming truth of it, because it proved something they didn't want to deal with. I wonder if that actually happened, or not. But, I can assure you all that I did indeed read that. Whether the writer was telling the truth, or not, I can't say. I merely thank God that I out-grew my teenage apathy, and found Jesus, in spite of myself, anyway!!!

Friday, July 22, 2016

Why The Police Find It Difficult To Equate Terrorists With Islamic Pasts

I was channel surfing yesterday, and I came across a T.V. show of Hal Lindsey, the author of, "The Late Great Planet Earth", a best seller of the seventies. I have a special fondness for Hal, since it was a movie he produced (of the same title as his book) that started me on the road to faith in Jesus, and my eventual salvation.

I was a young man, travelling out of town, when my car needed some repair work done, that would take about three, or four hours of work. As I was unfamiliar with the area, I had time to kill, and nowhere to go. But, I noticed a movie theatre near the garage, which was playing what appeared to me to be a double-feature, "space-sci-fi" feature (it was on a Saturday afternoon). The main feature was a film I had intended to see one day, called "Star Wars" (ever heard of it?), and the posters of the other feature looked similar to that one, (it was called, "The Late Great Planet Earth", produced by some guy I'd never heard of; Hal Lindsey). But, I thought I was lucky to find two such "sci-fi" movies, that would waste enough time for my car to be fixed. Good thing I didn't know he was going to talk about Jesus, or I'm sure I would not have gone in.

Anyway, I did, and Hal's movie scared the you-know-what out of me! I was not religious, at all, but I had enough respect for the Bible, that if someone could show me something about it to believe in, it would impress me greatly. Well, he did, and I was impressed enough to read his book, later, and then years after that I found a T.V. show (the "700 Club", with some guy named Pat Robertson) talking about the same stuff from the Bible. Well, I was impressed enough to pray to receive Jesus as my Savior, and Lord, with Pat, and here I am, today (such as I am!).

So, yesterday Hal was talking about the recent wave of international terrorism, and why the police were having such difficulty in determining if these incidents should be categorized as terrorist activity, or unrelated crimes. They were even having difficulty in determining if the perpetrators were Muslim believers, even though their names seemed to suggest Muslim ancestry.

Hal's study of Islamic beliefs revealed that I.S.I.S., and other Jihadi terrorist organizations actually recruit young men who do not behave in a way that suggests faith in Islam, at all. Apparently, Islamic doctrine contains room for those who have not lived according to their stated doctrine, and "promises" a fast-track to their form of heaven (presumably with the well-reported 72 virgins awaiting), for anyone who dies committing "Jihad" for the "glory of Allah". Can you imagine their shock when they end up in Hell, with no virgins, and for that matter no one at all, for eternity!!! Nothing to do but feel the flames of Hell burning their "flesh", on the outside, and feeling the "worms, that do not die" eating their "flesh" from the inside!!! And since they no longer have any flesh to be consumed, they merely have the sensation of being consumed, endlessly, forever!!! And no virgins to comfort them! What a colossal "rip-off", and for eternity!!!

God has His ways of punishing unbelievers, and Islam seems to be helping Him out! But, don't think that these terrorists, who die by there own hand, or commit "suicide-by-cop" are escaping justice, at all. God is perfectly capable of providing His own form of justice, even after death! And His way is rather permanent! It's called eternity!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Trump's Campaign Rhetoric Sounds Dangerously Like Hitler's

That is not necessarily a bad thing. I certainly don't think Hitler was a good guy. But, he rose to power by promising to reverse all the bad things of his predecessors. Hitler's plan was to take everything from his neighboring countries, in order to make Germany great again. Trump's stated plan is to stop giving everything away to other countries, who in turn give little or nothing back, in order to bring back America's greatness. His plan sounds good, but when his plan moves to Hitler's plan, can we rein him in? Or will we be forced to choose between his dictatorship, or the European Antichrist's dictatorship? I wonder...

Overall, I am stuck with the impression that the American people (or, at least the Republican voters; and we will see how many others will join them) are not so much voting for Trump, as against Obama, and Hillary, who has stated her intention of, "continuing Obama's legacy" (God forbid!). Her statements to this effect should reasonably be the equivalent of the political "kiss of death", for her campaign. But, we will see if enough of the American people have been duped by the Democrats into believing that they have anything good to offer us. Frankly, I would never have thought a lame-brain candidate like Obama could have been elected, let alone re-elected. I chalked that up to the experiment with a black presidency. But, that has been such a miserable failure, can we afford to make an even worse mistake by electing Hillary, just because she would be our first female President? Has the American voter become so shallow that we can not see the evil corruption within the Obama Administration, and do we really want more of the same with Hillary, or even worse??? May God have mercy on us all, if that's the case. Perhaps He is the only one who can save us from ourselves!!!

There will probably be a rise in Trump's polls after the convention. And an equally expected rise in Hillary's poll numbers after the Democratic Convention, next week. Then the real race begins, in two or three weeks...Hold on to your hats, folks...we may be in for, "a bumpy ride!" (to quote Bette Davis, or was it Mae West, or some other Hollywood prognosticator???)

The real danger is how much evil will Obama do before he leaves office??? And how much of it can be rebuilt, and how much can not???

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Trump's Best Quality: He's NOT Clinton, Or Obama, Or Sanders...

...or any other Democrat, "greeny" Tree-hugging, Whale worshipper, or Luciferian rebel-rouser, who can not distinguish between the evil of black lives being illegally wasted in one part of the country, and the equally illegal wasting of innocent Police Officers' lives in other parts of the country, simply for doing their jobs. And let's not ignore the Democratic inability to distinguish between compassion for the "innocent" Muslims who supposedly only wish to escape the murderous rampage in their own countries, and live "peacefully" in other countries, and the families who bring their breeding-ground of hatred, and murder of anyone who dares to disagree with them (by attending Mosques where that is the predominant rhetoric that is overwhelmingly preached, brainwashing their children to follow suit).

We desperately need leaders, in the Presidency, and the Congress, and Supreme Court, with the guts to say there are limits to our willingness to receive "non-combatants" as immigrants to our country. Those who are willing to abide by our laws are welcome; those who wish to destabilize our country, and supplant our legal system with their own oppressive laws (Sharia Law?), are not welcome!!! They, themselves, are forcing us to make these common sense distinctions. It boils down to how badly do they want to live under the protection of our freedoms? If they live here, they have a responsibility to help protect those freedoms for all of us. And that starts with the resolve not to kill us, because we disagree with them, or allow there children to be radicalized in their supposed-"houses of worship". How basic a standard is this! And they are often not willing to accept this!

I say that this is grounds for revocation of citizenship, deportation, and refusal to allow immigration, if they are unwilling to agree to this basic concept. Their "right" to live freely, and safely, in America does not supplant our own! And the idiots in the Democratic Party who can not recognize this, do not have any business trying to run our country!!!

The complex problem is in trying to distinguish between those who are willing to live peaceably with us, and those who will simply lie about their willingness, to gain entry. But, if they know that their breaking of these peaceful standards will cause the immediate deportation of their whole family, perhaps this will be an impediment for those who feel led to create mayhem, before committing suicide (" cop", or by their own hand). There must be a tangible penalty for those who foment this kind of terror, or at least allow it to be indoctrinated into the minds of their children.

Perhaps a Trump administration will recognize the need for such regrettable laws, in order to protect us from such madness. It's certain we can not expect such common sense from Clinton, or any other Democrat!!!

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Disruption Of The Republican Convention Is The Plan

Apparently, the Republican Convention, which is set to begin next week in Cleveland, is the setting for real political unrest, such that we haven't seen in decades. Disgruntled delegates, who felt betrayed at the party's planning sessions, by pro-Trump supporters who orchestrated the proceedings so that opponents were not really heard, are making plans to peacefully disrupt the proceedings in any way they can.

(I inserted the word "peacefully", because in my recent post, speculating on the potential for tumultuous conventions, due to disgruntled delegates of both parties, I unfortunately chose a word for my title that might imply a concern for terroristic violence, which I certainly did NOT intend. While there is always a threat in any large gathering of people, I did not intend any special concern for the conventions. One hopes that the security plans for both conventions are adequate to protect those in attendance. But, the title of my post did apparently provoke many times the usual readership, which I found troubling enough to at least pass on to the F.B.I., especially since the largest part of the increase came from a country that has recently been the target of terrorist activity. I wondered if I had accidentally stumbled on some terrorist plotting for future disruptions of their own, and caused them to wonder how I "found out" about it, at least enough to investigate it. Boy, you really have to choose your words carefully in today's troubled environment!!!)

Anyway, here's hoping the conventions run smoothly, and safely, with the best candidates being nominated (whomever they will be) and the best one being elected. God knows we surely need a wise President, after the loser we have had the past 8 years! Lets hope we don't have to endure a repeat of those years, in the future; though if we do, it would seem that God is reminding us that our salvation is in His hands alone, and that our president is not powerful enough to save us from the mess we have allowed the world to become. He (or more pertinently, SHE) is capable of making the situation in the world much worse, with just a few bad decisions. Let's hope we don't have to experience that, any more!

Let's all hope and pray that my paranoid imagination is nothing more than that! God knows we have enough problems in this country already, without more international terrorism running rampant through the streets. Especially with our present President being, at the very least, soft on the source of most of the terror! Between dismantling Guantanamo, and sending arrested terrorists "home", with assurances that they will all be "good boys" from now on, and importing more potential terrorists from Syria, how does he expect us to keep all this under control??? May God spare us from another President like him!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Kerry Needs To Be Cautious With Russia

I don't have a lot of faith in John Kerry's wisdom, as Secretary of State, any more than I did when he was a Senator. But, now he is trying to make a deal with Vladimir Putin to replace Russian bombing of the Al Nusra faction of Al Quiada in Syria, with American Jet sorties. His concern appears to be laudable, taking the responsibility for bombing raids out of the hands of Russian, and Syrian pilots who consider targets, irrelevant of possible civilian casualties. Since the primary tactic of terrorist organizations is to mingle their fighters with civilians, in order to place a heavy humanitarian guilt trip on those who contemplate attacks on their fighters, I don't see how this will help to drive Al Nusra out of Syria. But it will give them relief from the more cold-blooded bombing raids of the Russians and Syrians.

In the short run, this will be a significant benefit for the Syrian civilians, who will probably be used as human shields else ware. But, in the long run Kerry risks drawing the U.S. into the prophecied Gog/Magog, Russian invasion of the Middle-East, which I expect will begin shortly after I.S.I.S. is driven out of Syria, and Iraq. If that happens, we will have moved from fighting the international forces of evil, to being drawn into fighting against God, Himself! I don't want my country's military formally taking up positions against God! As futile as that would be!

But, I don't expect Kerry to be sensitive enough to the interests of God, in protecting His Chosen People, Israel, who the Russians are prophicied to move against, in Ezekiel 38, & 39. Obama, on the other hand, has been downright hostile to the interests of Israel, so I consider this to be a very dangerous precedent for Kerry to be trying to negotiate an agreement with Russia. Plus, the Russians are famous for breaking their word (remember that quote from Lenin, "Promises are like pie crusts; they are made to be broken!"), so what's the point in trying to cooperate with them?

Sunday, July 10, 2016

What In The World Is Going On???

It seems as though the World is getting more and more dangerous (yes, and downright EVIL each day)!

Yesterday, I read a story about a famous Country Music singer who wrote a song about this corrupt world, and it sounded like (I haven't heard the song) she was pleading for some sanity to return to the world, as a whole. I certainly sympathize with her sentiment, but it will most likely take a whole lot more than a peace-loving song to reach this evil world, no matter how popular it may become, in this country, and even around the world.

I suspect that the evil we are seeing worldwide is a material consequence of the "two-edged-sword"-nature of the "Word Of God" (which is the Bible), as we begin to enter into the "Last Days" period, written extensively about by the Old Testament Prophets, and the New Testament Apostles. As the evil increases around the world, God's "two-edged sword", that "cuts between the quick (saved), and the dead (unsaved)", is not only culling out those that He has ordained from the beginning of time to receive the salvation of the Lord. (When they are shocked by the blatant increase in the violence around the world, and here at home. They will probably quote the title of this Post!) He is also leaving fully exposed those who have likewise chosen to follow the Devil's path to Hell (Peter talks about this in II Peter 3, and Paul talks about it in 2nd Thessalonians 2: 3, &4). They (those who chose evil) will have a "delightful" time wreaking their havoc on a horrified world, but only for a short time! Soon God is going to put a temporary stop to it, probably for the seven-year period of the Antichrist's reign over the world, and then He will put an end to it all, permanently!!! As Christians we may be horrified to see it happening, but we should not be surprised by it. I suspect it will become even more shockingly evil, before God says, "Enough!", and ends it all.

I have been writing for years that I believe the Gog/Magog invasion of the Middle-East (written about by the Prophet Ezekiel, in chapters 38, & 39) is soon to come about. This will be orchestrated primarily by a large Russian Invasion force (interestingly, Russia has recently opened a large air base in northeastern Syria, purportedly to aid Syria, but situated perfectly to stage an invasion of Israel), along with several Muslim-nation militias, especially Iran (which the Bible refers to as Persia), as well as others. I wonder if there will not be some sort of truce settled upon by the Shiite Muslims of Iran, and Lebanon, and the primarily-Sunni Muslims who are today fighting them in the forces called I.S.I.S., and Al Quiada, etc.? The Bible talks about "Persia"(Shiite dominated Iran) uniting with other Sunni Dominated countries, like Libya, to join forces with Russia. I suspect that Russia's real goal is the Persian Gulf, Arab States' oil fields, but perhaps they'll agree to help their Muslim allies invade Israel, (since the Muslims all hate Israel more than they hate each other),if the Muslim countries will allow them to invade and conquer the Gulf States, without interference. But, Israel is strong enough that it must be dealt with first; Russia could never leave a viable Israel in it's rear, as it attacked the Gulf States.

Boy, will they be in for a shock when they find that Israel (with, or without American support) is more than enough to defeat them, no matter how many allies they bring against them. It's a case of "God, plus one, equals a majority!", to quote the old Christian adage. In this case, the "one" is Israel (as in, "'One' nation's army"), and the Bible states that they will be more than enough to destroy the enemy's invasion force, to the tune of 83 1/3rd%!!!

I suspect that a lot of the evil we see around the world today will simply stop, when the largely Muslim-inspired perpetrators are mostly destroyed in the invasion. The survivors will be shocked to realize that the Koran's "Prophecy" about a coming Muslim Caliphate is in error, or at least "not yet" (for the really hard-to-get-the-message). Perhaps it will take their relatives the seven-year tribulation period to grow another Army, capable of trying again, this time in the final Battle of Armageddon!!! These people seem to never learn; they are not just fighting against Israel, they're fighting against God!!!

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Is There A Real Conspiracy To Take Over The World???

I'm sure most of us have heard all the stories of International Conspiracies to take over the world, and all the claims that this person, or that person is the real Antichrist, prophecied to come, who will reign over the whole world, for seven years, before the Lord Jesus Christ comes back to put an end to it all, and establish His Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth. All those claims are preposterous and those people either die, or are replaced by other leaders, putting the lie to the claims of them being the Antichrist. So, we naturally decide that the whole conspiracy theory is as "whacko" as the conspirators keep saying it is, so they can continue conspiring within our blessed ignorance.

But, there is certainly a conspiracy, if one believes the Bible, and looks at developments around the world. As preposterous as it sounds, there is an elitist cadre of hyper-rich, hyper-educated people ( who may even make a show of religious faith, of one kind or another) around the world who are conspiring to take over the world, to be managed by them, with the rest of us being conditioned to work for them, not as slaves, exactly, but as willing workers, who will do as they're told, in order to eat, and stay alive. How that differs from slavery is just a matter of degrees, I guess.

It doesn't matter if you and I believe in the monstrous megalomania that must consume these people, it only matters that they believe in it all, themselves, though their endless denials is their defense mechanism.

The one unifying point that is inescapable for born-again Christians is that Jesus prophecied the Antichrist's rise to world domination power, but He did so with the caveat that he would only succeed for a short time (seven years). I am not about to join the endless ranks of those who speculate that one person, or another will be the soon revealed Antichrist. I strongly suspect that we as believers will be "Raptured" to meet the Lord in the air, leaving those who "kindof..." believed, but did not confess Jesus as their Lord, and Savior, before the "Rapture" to try and survive those seven years, which will indeed be a living Hell on earth! I am convinced that this "Rapture" will occur before the Antichrist comes to power, therefore it is irrelevant to me as to the Antichrist's identity. All I have to do is make sure that I don't receive any mark on my hand, (or wrist, which was considered part of the hand by the ancient Prophets who warned us, thousands of years ago) or on the forehead, apparently for those whose hands have been amputated. I suspect that this so-called "mark" will probably be a subcutaneous computer chip, injected under a person's skin, similar to what we have today for our pets, in case they are lost, and the owner's identification must be recovered. (Don't worry, pet owners; Jesus only said that we PEOPLE should not have this mark. Anyway, Disney has assured us that, "All Dogs Go To Heaven", and that probably means other pets too. I guess they all didn't need the forgiveness that we desperately need in this sinful world.)

As far as material evidence that this evil conspiracy is genuine, I consider the present day absurd immigration policies, and their blind acceptance, worldwide, as part of this lunacy. Under the guise of "Humanitarianism", nations are marching lockstep to fling open their doors to the Syrian immigrants, most of whom are fleeing the fighting in the Middle-East, but who are camouflaging the terrorists who are bent on terrorizing the very countries that welcome them. At this point, logic should overwhelm any humanitarian concerns, and the immigration policies should be rescinded. Unless of course some one is dictating the orders to let these immigrants in, regardless! This of course doesn't make sense, unless the people issuing the orders have stated a policy of allowing a worldwide extermination of a billion people to ease the overpopulation of the world. Such are the reputed desires of the so-called "Bilderbergers", and the "Illuminati", and any other of these conspirators. They will all be unified under the monstrous banner of the Antichrist, someday.

Also, we have the worldwide economic crisis of debt as further evidence, in my mind, which is already so large that it cannot be repaid, with actual currency. Therefore I believe that the Antichrist will come to power by cancelling his country's currency-spending power, establishing a new currency (probably a variation of our "Bit coins", which need not be printed, but which can be accepted anywhere that has a computer). He will then print worthless currency to legally "repay" his countries monstrous debt (since their contracts presumably do not specify anything about the value of the currency to repay the debt). And then the countries that now hold all the worthless currency, along with their own monstrous debt, soon follow suit and repay their debtors, in worthless currency. I'm sure a world without believing Christians in it would just love to have someone who relieved them of their worldwide indebtedness, as their new Fearless Leader (thanks, "Rocky and Bullwinkle"). Then you will have the revealing of the Antichrist, but until all this happens all we need to do is worship Jesus, and don't let anyone give you a mark on the hand, wrist, or forehead!!!

Thursday, July 7, 2016

"What Difference Does It Make???"

You're right about one thing, Hillary. Some things don't really matter, so it makes no difference, at all. But not everything! I forget the context of her comment, which apparently struck me as the whole point of that investigation of the Benghazi fiasco, otherwise the incredible lack of understanding on her part would not have stuck so imperatively in my mind. It was clearly a case of her wanting the whole situation to be forgotten, and "let's just move on from here". She was essentially saying, "so what!" to the needless deaths of three security force guards at Benghazi, and the American ambassador of Libya as well, and was sounding flippant about her responsibility (and perhaps Obama's also) in not sending enough of a rescue team to fight off the terror assault.

Well, Hillary, some things do matter to the American people, especially concerning your fitness to be President (and Obama's for that matter), or even whether you were fit to retain the job of Secretary of State. Between Benghazi, and your E-mail scandal, you are clearly unfit for either role! And yesterday, F.B.I. Director Comey tried the same tactic on the House committee investigating whether you should be indicted for your gross negligence for running secure E-mails on an unsecured server, after finding that you clearly did so. His rational was that you didn't intend for it to be wrong! How irrelevant is that!!! When someone is murdered, the intention of the murderer only determines the degree of punishment, not their guilt, or innocence!

The same standard should apply here. How many "second chances" does Hillary get, for her blatant incompetence??? She is not running for "Presidential Trainee", we need someone who is already capable of running the highest office in the land, not someone who plans to learn from her mistakes on the job! If she accidentally gets us into a Nuclear Conflagration, is it to be brushed aside with an, "Oops, sorry 'bout that"!??? Wake up America!!! She is not capable of making Presidential decisions, and Bill is too busy philandering to help in every crisis.

I'm not saying that Trump is either. But, perhaps his saving grace is his ability to recognize a crisis, and to listen to wiser counsel from better advisors. Nether Obama, nor Clinton have demonstrated the ability to do that!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Whose Conspiracy Theory Is Best, The Left's Or The Right's?

We all apparently must choose which side we're on; the left, or the right. There are gradations on both sides, but it all boils down to one, or the other.

And it all boils down to a form of Tyranny, of one side or the other. The ultimate choice, then, is not so much which kind of tyranny, but whose is it. Or, who ultimately is in charge. Our "Founding Fathers" discovered, the hard way, that the worst form of government is absolute Monarchy, when it is controlled by an evil-obsessed tyrant, like George III. He apparently considered colonial America to be nothing more than his opportunity to tax his country's way out of fiscal near-bankruptcy. And if that meant transferring their fiscal problems to us, that was fine with him. It was not fine with us!!!

Today we wrestle with another form of tyranny, created by our "Founding Fathers" to counter the tyranny of the King. We have a supposedly Democratic Republic ("if [we] can keep it", as Benjamin Franklin was quoted as saying), which was created to keep us free of the tyranny of an absolute Monarch. Yet, when a whole society is ruled by an elite cadre of evil-obsessed people, the result is the same as what we had in 1776, with King George III. We have now become thoroughly oppressed by a "tyranny of the people". Certainly not all the people, but a large enough majority that we cannot seem to rid ourselves of the tyrants. After eight years of Obama's insanity, we are faced with the worse prospect of 4, to 8 years of Hillary Clinton, with Bill tucked away in the closet, to come out only when he is not too busy with Monica. But, when a majority of a society is so morally blind that they don't care about the immorality of their leaders, then the responsibility for that immorality falls more on the people, rather than on their rulers, the original perpetrators.

Bill's dalliances with Monica, was not the real crime in the White House. It was our refusal to hold him accountable for it; that was the real crime!!! We let him protest that he, "did not have sexual intercourse with that woman", (just a whole lot of fallacio!). And now we have the F.B.I. saying that Hillary's E-mail scandal was not criminal, just "extremely careless"! What's the difference (didn't Hillary herself exclaim something like that in the Benghazi hearings)??? As Congressman Chaffetz wants to ask F.B.I. director Comey tomorrow, when he and Attorney General Lynch testify before Congress. I'll bet we'll get some really complex rationalizing out of them, which will all boil down to they work for a corrupt Democratic President, and if they want to keep their jobs, they'd better not hurt the election chances of the next corrupt potential Democratic President. I guess that's what you get when a corrupt administration investigates itself!!!

Like I wrote previously, an absolute Monarch is the most dangerous form of government there is, unless that Monarch is perfectly benevolent, and never makes a mistake. But, only Jesus Christ could be that kind of benevolent Monarch. And nobody should mistake Obama, or the Clintons for Jesus Christ!!!

"Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus, and count us worthy to escape the wrath that is to come!"

Friday, July 1, 2016

Clintons Cover Up Incompetance With Skullduggery

It seems that Democratic administrations allow for their officials to use behind-the-scenes skullduggery to cover up their official incompetence, believing (regrettably with some validity) that their voters don't care. Yesterday, Fox News was running one of their single-issue, all day coverages of the somewhat clandestine meeting between Bill Clinton, and Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Both Clinton, and Lynch assured the press that their "accidental meeting" involved no discussion of the D.O.J.'s investigation of Democratic Presidential Candidate, Hillary Clinton's handling of classified State Department documents through an unsecured private E-mail server. But, the same day (another Obama administration "koinkydink", I'm sure) the D.O.J. announced that it wanted to hold up releasing pertinent documents in the investigation for a mere 27 months!!! Just enough time for a presumed Clinton Presidential election, and the public to get sick of hearing about this scandal. Presumably any following Dept. Of Justice (staffed by presumably Clinton appointees) would be unlikely to indict a sitting President, and certainly not a Democratic one! That kind of legal scandal is only fit for Republican Presidents (like Nixon, I guess). ["I do not come to praise (Nixon), but to bury him!" Thanks, Billy Shakespeare!]

When will we put an end to this Democratic presumption that once they get a candidate elected to the Presidency they can get away with whatever they want, on any level of government, without repudiation, or legal consequences? Calls for Lynch to recuse herself from the Clinton investigation will have little effect on the case if pertinent documents are not even examined for 27 months. That's even if she does recuse herself, it's probably too late! Another horribly unconstitutional move by this corrupt Obama Administration, as it attempts to perpetuate itself by illegally rigging the election returns, in the Democrats' favor!

Apparently, Obama and the Clintons are in virtual agreement to try to preserve Obama's efforts to create an American Muslim presidency, or at least one that is very soft on international Muslim terrorism. Obama, because of his apparently Muslim sympathies, and the Clintons, because they find the multiple-million-dollar donations to their foundation from Arab Gulf State countries to be very lucrative! Guess where this is intended to leave Israel, as far as our tradition of allied support? Do I feel a chill blowing across the Middle-East desert sands tonight???