Thursday, October 1, 2015

Did Putin Just "Flip Off" Obama???

He may as well have!!! Two days after meeting each other at the United Nations building, in New York City, and assuring President Obama that the Russian buildup of military forces at an air base in northwestern Syria was to keep I.S.I.S., and Al Quaida affiliates in Syria in check, we find that Russia has directly, and intentionally violated those assurances, by sending air strikes, not against I.S.I.S., or Al Quaida forces, but, against the more moderate forces that the U.S., and N.A.T.O. allies have been supporting in their rebellion against the Assad regime in Syria. How much more blatantly can Putin express his utter disdain, not for America's military capacity, but for the spineless Commander-In-Chief who commands them. It's clear that Putin intends to militarily defend the Assad regime to the fullest, which also means that ALL the rebel forces are in peril, immediately. And that Putin is counting heavily on our lily-livered President to be consistent in commanding his military forces to collectively sit on their "arsses", and wait for the diplomats to asses the situation (as Secretary of State, John Kerry so eloquently expressed it: These developments would cause us to have, "...grave concerns". Right, Mr. Secretary!!! The Syrian rebels "graves", and your diplomatic "concerns"!!!

After Putin "thumbs his nose" at Obama, and after Obama responds with an almost certain "do-nothing" response, except for his "absolutely terrifying" expression of diplomatic outrage, we can expect that Obama will seek to get Congress, and our European allies to intensify the financial sanctions against Russia. This will likely have the effect of spurring Putin on to what I believe is his ultimate intention, which is to invade, and hopefully conquer the Arab Gulf States' oil reserves (which just happen to be a mere "stone's throw" south of Syria, and Iraq), so he can counter our sanctions with a world-wide oil embargo that will make 1973 look like "Romper Room", by comparison! Remember, the Russians are great Chess players, and they devise their political, and military strategy accordingly. This, I believe, is how Putin plans to put our sanctions, and those of our allies "in Check" until we remove our sanctions, and acquiesce to any other demands he wishes to place upon us. Meanwhile, Obama will be happily driving around his parking lot in his "energy-efficient" electric car, exulting in his self-delusion that he really put the "fear of God" into Putin and his invasion forces with all of his diplomatic demands, and punitive sanctions. In reality, though, it will be God, Himself, who will deal with Putin, and his forces, when he tries to allow his Muslim allies to massacre all of Israel. I don't know how He's going to do it, but Ezekiel 38, & 39 assures us that He will do it!!! (For more speculation on how it might all come to pass, check the Archive list to the right of this column. I've written extensively about the "Gog/Magog", Russian Middle-East invasion, and I'll not bore any regular readers with any further "ad nauseum" rehash of those posts.)

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