Monday, December 7, 2015

Jesus Loves Muslims, Too!!!

Three days ago I wrote of my concern that we might well be facing an imminent Black/White race war in America, due to the vast movement away from the overwhelming Christian faith of the newly freed slaves of the Confederacy, after the civil war. As bad as slavery was, for the Blacks, one good did come out of it. An overwhelming Christian revival exploded among these slaves, probably from overhearing their White owners talking among themselves, and even overhearing the Gospel preached, while they waited to serve their masters, who were apparently devout believers, whether their faith could justify their slave ownership, or not. After all, Jesus came to save the poor, and the oppressed primarily, and who fit the bill at that time more than the slaves of the South? Yet their descendants have repudiated the faith of their ancestors because the apparent passivity of their parents, during the "Jim Crow" era, which led to the castigation of "Uncle Tom" being attached to those who tolerated the further persecution of that time. While their outrage was surely just, their reaction to the persecution, in being offended towards Christianity was foolish, as it drove many into the cultish search for an alternative religion, to that of their parents' "White Man's religion" (the frequent portrayal on church bulletins of Jesus, as a blue-eyed, and even blond-haired young man surely didn't help matters either). The result is the movement of many American Blacks into cultish Black Muslim "churches",like the one Obama reputedly attended for twenty some-odd years, in Chicago, where the "Reverend" Jeremiah Wright preached what was reputed to be a blend of Christian, Muslim, and Socialist values, or the "Nation of Islam". As a result, we have a hot bed of potentially radical Islamic terrorists, especially the hot-blooded teen-agers, who believe that everything Muslim is good, and everything Christian is evil (regardless of whether they associate Christianity with Whites, today, or not.

I may have spoken rashly, when I said we may be in danger of a race war. A report on today's "700 Club" may have been God's way of correcting me, and reminding me that He is still in control. A story of Muslims having dreams and visions of Jesus calling them to believe in Him, and their willingly obeying His call, in spite of the threat of a death sentence in their countries for anyone who does so, inspired me to wonder if this whole threat of I.S.I.S., and Al Quaida terrorism is not being used by God to offend any so-called "moderate" Muslims who have simply ignored the violent terms of their religion, and now are forced to either embrace them, or look elsewhere for a true faith of peace.

If it can happen in countries where "Sharia Law" demands the death of any Muslims who convert to Christianity, then it can certainly happen here!!! We, as Christians must be prepared to share the Gospel, in love, to any questioning Blacks, no matter how apparently hostile they might be to it, at first. I suspect that Jesus appears in dreams, and visions in countries where Christian Missionaries are not allowed to preach, but in countries like ours, He probably expects us to do the work for Him. With the help of the Holy Spirit, this should be easily done, and we may turn this country back to a revived Christian faith, yet!!!

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