Monday, April 21, 2014

If Putin Conquers Ukraine, He Will Invade Israel Next

The more I consider the prophecies of Ezekiel 38,&39, Joel 2:20, and similar prophecies in Isaiah, and other books of the Bible, and compare these to what we see developing in the Ukraine today, the more I think I'm beginning to see what is really motivating Russia's president Putin, and how God is likely to draw him into an invasion of Israel. God has prophesied that He would, "put hooks in (Putin's) jaw" to turn him around and drive him into a Middle-East Invasion. If you have been reading this Blog regularly, you will notice that I have stopped referring to the Russian leader of the invasion as "Gog", as God has described the leader of the country of "Magog", which Bible scholars have long believed to be the Biblical name for the tribe that migrated to the region surrounding Moscow. I've become so convinced that Putin is the very same person that God calls "Gog" that I don't think there is much point in not saying so. I don't know who is the Antichrist, but Putin is working overtime to convince us all that he is "Gog". The funny thing about it is there must be many Russians who are knowledgeable about Bible prophesies that could inform him of the disaster that God has in store for him, and his army. Does he really not know, or is he so arrogant that he knows and can't believe that it's referring to his armies' future annihilation? Is God "hardening" Putin's heart the same way He did with Pharaoh, when He had Moses tell him to, "Let My people go!"?

I have been writing frequently that I believe that there is a direct connection between today's military blustering along Russia's border with the Ukraine, and the future Russian Invasion of Israel. Now I think I've figured out how God is going to tempt Putin into invading Israel. It's a simple matter of putting the pieces of God' prophetic jig-saw puzzle together to form a more complete picture, or if you prefer the symbolism of a chess game, since the Russians are very fond of the game, and use it to develop military strategy, God will allow Putin to put Him (or His people, Israel) in "Check", one move before God puts Putin (and his Armies) in permanent "Checkmate"!

The missing piece to the puzzle I feel will be supplied by our great "military strategist", and brilliant world leader (pardon the sarcasm), Barak Obama. He, of the profound wisdom of heading off military incursion with the "horrible threat" of economic sanctions. I, like probably everyone else, believed that these sanctions would create stress in Russia, but nothing severe enough to cause Putin to refrain from invading the Ukraine. And that is probably correct. But it occurred to me today that God was using Putin's meglo-maniacal arrogance to cause him to counter Obama's pathetic "Chess move" with his own move in retaliation. It seems almost certain that he will invade the Ukraine, and then Obama will "retaliate" with more painful economic sanctions. One wonders how comforting this will be to the heroic Ukrainian soldiers who will die in a futile effort to resist an overwhelming Russian Invasion. But after easily defeating the Ukrainian forces, Putin must decide how to finance the military occupation, as well as defeat the purposes of the sanctions that Obama will bring against Russia. There is one very obvious way. Invade the Middle-East!

I have long believed that Putin's real motive for invading the Middle-east was not to conquer Israel, but to conquer the Arab oil fields so he could blackmail the rest of the world into complete submission, with the threat of an oil embargo of shutting off access to three-fourths of the world's oil supplies. But any military strategist will tell you that you don't bypass a dangerous enemy in your rear, while you attack your main objective. Israel is the only major threat to defend Saudi Arabia, and the other Persian Gulf states, which they would certainly do if Putin attacked them directly. So, Putin would see that Israel must be neutralized before he could conquer the Gulf states. Plus, if he were to involve an alliance with the various Arab nations that hate Israel (as the Bible states he will with Libya, Ethiopia (at least the muslim people there), and Iran (which is on record as wanting to blow-up Israel off the face of the earth, and are trying to build nuclear missiles to do just that), he could appease them enough to perhaps get them to agree to let him keep control of the Arab states' oil reserves. And with control over three-fourths of the world's oil reserves, he would have effectively negated the economic sanctions that Obama, or anyone else would try to enforce. Just like an over-grown spoiled brat who doesn't want to be punished for throwing a tantrum, this strategy must seem too good to pass up to Putin. So, first expect him to invade and conquer the Ukraine, and then he will immediately set about planning his Invasion of Israel, rather than his original plans to re-take the other former Soviet nations. Of course he would prefer to retake all the former Soviet client states, without any objection, or retaliatory sanctions from the West. But since Obama could not, and will not allow that, Putin will realize that he must change strategies before the financial effects of the American and any European sanctions will be financially harmful enough to make his plans unmanageable. Israel must therefore fall next, before the sanctions become too painful, and after he has conquered the entire Middle-East, and their oil reserves, the former Soviet nations can be expected to come begging to rejoin their former alliance. Can the rest of the world be far behind???

The only solution to this world-domination threat is precisely the one that God has promised in Ezekiel 38, & 39. When Israel is Invaded, God is going to cause the invasion forces to be soundly defeated upon "the Mountains of Israel", driving them into a panicked retreat in which, "every mans' (weapons) will be against his brother". The total effect of this will be the destruction of 83% of the entire invading force. God says that this will be His way of Glorifying Himself, before His people (Israel), and letting them know that he has not abandoned them. So, stay tuned. I don't expect this to be too far in the distant future.

For more details about Russia's future Invasion of Israel, check out the Archive references in the column to the right of this post titled "Blood Moons...", and "World War III...".

Remember: Comments are welcome, but you must click the "No Comments" at the bottom. Go figure!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

He That Believeth...

On this Easter morning, I was reading the Gospel accounts of both Marys visiting the empty tomb, and of Jesus' appearance to His disciples. Two verses from these gospels struck me when considering the excuses one commonly hears from non-believers when defending their reasons for not believing, and receiving Jesus as their Lord and Savior. One was from John 20: 29, which says, with reference to Thomas' saying to the disciples who first saw the risen Jesus, though he was not among them at the time, that he would not believe unless he touched the nail scars, and put his hand in the wound in Jesus' side. When Jesus appeared a second time and let Thomas feel His scars He said to him, "Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed." That, obviously means us, and any who have come to faith since Jesus spoke those words.

When we as believers consider how easy it is to believe, and the glorious consequences for us in doing so, verses the horrible consequences for refusing to believe, for whatever reason one may choose to rationalize, it is mind-boggling to think that anyone should be able to hear the Gospel preached, and turn and walk away as a belligerent skeptic, even as some of us did while we stubbornly wrestled with the witness of the Holy Spirit, and digested the message of the Gospel, before eventually submitting to faith at a later date. People around the world are trying so desperately to do some kind of service for their concept of "God", or trying so hard to be "good enough" to earn their way into Heaven, or whatever concept of the after-life they may hold to. Yet it is so desperately sad to realize that God Himself has already done all the work for us, in sending Jesus to die in our place, that we might be forgiven and be granted eternal life, for the ridiculously simple price of simply believing that it is true! And to think that that in itself is a stumbling block for those who prefer to struggle with some great task, or concept, and are offended at the simplicity of the way God has chosen to avail us of our opportunity to be saved through His undeserved Grace! Truly God must think to Himself in the face of such stubborn blindness, something like, "What more could I have done to make My salvation easier to be accepted by everyone who will come?" Therefore, we are all completely without excuse when we walk away from our opportunity to be saved through faith. Yet we still hear such lame protests from belligerent skeptics as, "How could a "loving God", etc....? The tragic answer to these questions is in the other scripture verse that struck me this morning, in Mark's account of Jesus' proclaiming the "Great Commission", in Mark 16: 15,& 16 when He said, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned." The ultimate of all horrible consequences, an eternity of suffering the pain of endlessly burning in the "Lake of Fire", for the cause of choosing our own foolish pride, and vanity in thinking that we are too brilliant to be swayed by such a simple concept as faith in Jesus' crucifixion, death, and resurrection as the only hope of our eternal salvation. It's so simple to believe, and equally simple to not believe! That's exactly how God planned it, so that no one can hear the Gospel, and afterward complain that his damnation was not fair. Nothing could be simpler, and the consequences more fair, whichever way we choose!

[As always, your comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the Server for this Blog has determined that the way to allow comments is to use the heading, "No Comments" at the bottom of each post! I don't understand the logic behind this, but am powerless to change it. So, if you would like to make a genuine, responsible comment then click the "No Comments" at the bottom of this post, and I will publish it if I feel other readers will be interested in what you have to say, and I may even reply. If you wish to make frivolous, or even vulgar comments, don't bother. They will be "Trashed", not published, so don't waste either your time or mine.]

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Blood Moons... Our New Lunacy!

Are the many discussions about Tuesday morning's "Blood Moon" eclipse a signal of Christians' collective Lunacy when it comes to astronomical signs that seem to coincide with expected fulfillments of Biblical Prophecy? Perhaps so, we can never say for sure until the prophesies are either fulfilled, or not. But to suggest that Christian belief that it all is coming together rather "coincidentally" is actually harmful to anyone is blatantly absurd! And to criticize it as such is so patently condescending by those who think they can establish themselves as intellectually superior to those who "foolishly" believe, as they also won't know the truth until it either comes to pass, or not. Statements like the one I read in the Washington Post today that this could cause some people to become needlessly "afraid", are absurd. The only ones who should be afraid are those who are too proud to pray for Jesus' forgiveness of their sins, which takes less than a minute, and if our predictions are to come true, there will be many more indications of this truth that will point to the last days' scenario, before it becomes too late. After that, once it actually is too late, the only ones that need to fear are those atheistic buffoons who will watch Jesus coming in for a landing on the Mount of Olives, while still denying that Jesus is coming again. And they will need to be afraid, big time!

No one is telling the world that they need to make preparations for whatever develops from this period of Blood Moons, beyond that they need Jesus as their Lord and Savior, which we are saying all the time any way, and the Blood Moons do not change that at all. As I said in a previous post, "Don't pack your bags on my account, and don't go sit on a mountain top, and (certainly) don't drink the Kool Aid if someone is passing it around!" All you need to do, if you are born again, through faith in Jesus as your Lord and Savior, is to, "look up for your redemption draweth nigh". And if nothing happens, as we may expect that it will, but might not since we are merely human beings with an infinite capacity for error, so what! Then I will simply say, "keep looking up, for your redemption still draweth nigh." It's only a matter of time, and then Eternity!

Monday, April 14, 2014

God's Second Passover?

DUH!!! Pardon my lame-brained stupidity, but an obvious connection to Passover only just occurred to me now. While reading a story about tonight's appearance of the so-called "Blood Moon" eclipse (set to begin around midnight, and continuing through 4:00 a.m.) I read that Passover week begins tonight also. DUH!!!, again! Let's see, what exactly does Passover celebrate?

Passover was the culmination of the ten Plagues that God caused the Egyptian people to suffer because Pharaoh was stubbornly refusing to let God's people (Israel) go. The Angel of God was to pass over all of Egypt and bring some sort of deadly plague upon all the first born sons of all the people, and all the domestic animals except for those Israelites who celebrated the Passover meal in accordance with God's strict instructions, including the painting of the front door of each participating household with the blood of the Passover lamb, upon the frame of the doors. Even those Israelites who refused to obey God's commandments for the Passover supper would not be spared the plague, due to their faithless disobedience.

Now, I've written that I felt that there was some kind of connection between the appearance of these blood moons (four over the next two years), which will coincide with the Jewish dates for Passover and Yom Kippur, and that I thought that it might in some way be a warning of the soon-coming "Gog/Magog" Russian invasion of Israel. With these assumptions in mind I thought that an invasion might occur after the eclipses were done in the Fall of 2015. But when you think more specifically about the symbolism here, it might be a fore-warning of something sooner than that.

Bare with me here while I borrow from Cecile B. DeMille's "The Ten Commandments", and his portrayal of the "Angel" of Death passing over the Israelites, in Goshen. He used a large, grey and purple ground-fog to represent this deadly Plague. That strikes me as being very similar to the image that Ezekiel's prophecy in chapters 38,&39 projects in describing how Gog and his army will begin their invasion of Israel when God says He will bring them to come up "as a cloud" upon the Mountains of Israel. It strikes me that this may refer to an attack of poisonous gas such as the Sarin gas that is still being used by Russia's ally, Syria, in their on-going Civil War, and which Russia promised to dispose of, but retains 96% of it still. So the DeMille image of the gas floating across the ground and around the Israelites' houses seems very appropriate to me. And the harmlessness of the cloud to the obedient Israelites is also similar to the apparent ineffectiveness of the "Sarin gas", if that's what Russia will use upon most of Israel, since the Israeli government has been giving out free gas masks to its' citizens for decades for just such an emergency. The only ones who would be harmed would be those who didn't obey the warnings, and didn't use the gas masks, or flee to higher ground (as Jesus warned in Matthew 24), because of the heavier-than-air nature of Sarin gas which causes it to immediately sink to the lowest points available.

All this causes me to re-think my original view that the 18-month cycle of Blood Moon eclipses would probably finish before any invasion would occur. It now seems plausible that the first Blood moons would usher in the invasion and the final eclipses would follow the end of the war, which will occur around the timing of Yom Kippur, 2015. Since Yom Kippur celebrates God's annual forgiveness for the sins of His people, this seems an appropriate symbolism for the end of a war in which the certain annihilation of all of Israel was prevented, and the enemies of God's Chosen People were completely routed, and ended up fighting amongst themselves until 83% of the invasion force is killed.

Ezekiel talks about this as being God's way of "Glorifying Himself" when He reveals Himself to his people, many of whom may have lost faith in His existence. This occurs simultaneously with imagery that strikes me as indicating the "Rapture" of the "Elect" of Christ may happen after this war, and immediately before a major Nuclear exchange between Russia and the United States!!! So, tonight, look up and see the first Blood Moon eclipse; and here after keep looking up, "for your redemption (may) draweth nigh!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

"World War III" Is Not Mere Paranoia

How do you convince the belligerent skeptics? You pray that God will open their eyes, then you speak the truth whether they want to hear it or not, then you pray for them some more. After that you move on, and let God sort it all out. It's not our job to force skeptics to believe, but merely to give them the opportunity to at least hear the truth.

Yet it sticks in my craw (whatever that is) when I hear things about absolute Lunacy masquerading as Biblical truth, which is thereby equated with everything else that true Bible believers hold sacred. It just gives the belligerent skeptics more fuel to throw on the fire surrounding the stakes they wish to roast our views upon, rather than having to consider them as possibly valid.

The account of Paul being harmlessly bitten by a poisonous Viper, after he had been told by the Holy Spirit that he would preach the Gospel to Caesar, in Rome, was indeed miraculous! But he believed the power of the Holy Spirit was true, and the fear of a snake was temporal. But just because some second, or third century monk decided to add something to the Gospel he was copying, about taking up serpents harmlessly, you're not going to see me dancing around some pulpit with a rattlesnake in my mouth, and another in each hand! Thank you very much, but no thanks!

Today I came across a story about some "Catholic" Loonie who is promoting the pre-Gallileo belief that the Solar System actually does revolve around a stationary Earth! This guy supposedly believes that the Jewish Holecaust was a lie, a doctrine that is popular with Neo-Nazi's, and Muslim anti-semites. But to think that this guy's foolishness is labeled as "Creationism" because he uses scripture to support his views, is humiliating to those who believe that there are many flaws in Darwin's Theory of evolution, that the Bible debunks. But now our beliefs will be lumped together with this idiot's ravings, and guess which one will get the most exposure from the Leftist Media?

Bearing this in mind I've been feeling the need lately to restate my views on the perhaps soon-coming "Gog/Magog" Invasion of Israel, which I speculated that the world may well refer to as World War III, at least after the fact. I again caution the readers that I am not trying to set myself up as some kind of modern-day Prophet. I merely see the events of the world lining up
in very recognizable ways, which agree with various Biblical accounts of this war, and draw the logical conclusion that it may all come to pass very soon... or not! That's as Prophetic as I can manage to be. I believe it's soon to be, but how many Zealots have prophesied the "End of the World" only to be humiliatingly wrong! So, don't pack your bags on my account, and don't go sit on a Mountain top, or pass the Kool Aid around. But do keep your spiritual eyes open to what's going on in the world today, and if you think I'm right, then, "Look up! For your redemption draweth nigh!"

A quick perusal of Ezekiel Chapters 38, & 39 tell us of a time when God says He will draw a malevolent leader of a northern Nation, which Biblical scholars have long believed to be Russia, to enter the Middle-East with an army bent on destroying Israel. This leader (whom God refers to as "Gog") leads his own army, combined with the forces of the present-day nations of Iran, Lybia, and Ethiopia (and possibly Turkey, as well), and I speculated that his main goal would likely be to continue on to conquer the Gulf States' oil reserves, so he can blackmail the rest of the world into submission. I reasoned that he doesn't much care about Israel, but he needs the approval of most of the surrounding Muslim nations, so I'm betting he will make a deal with these nations that he'll help them wipe out Israel, whom they hate with a passion, if they'll let him keep the oil reserves without objection. So, while he doesn't really care if Israel is wiped off the face of the Earth, except that they are the only military force in the Middle-East capable of serious resistance to his invasion forces, he's in for a big surprise when he finds out that God does care, and He'll see to it that "Gog's" army, along with those of Israel's self-appointed blood enemies (the Muslim allies of Russia) are wiped out instead, to the tune of some 83%. The Biblical description of how God will do this sounds to me as though He causes the Israelis to strike their invaders with an artillery barrage, or aerial bombardment of Neutron Nuclear devises, which kill large numbers of enemy personnel, but render material objects unharmed, and I suspect there is little radiation fallout, as this will occur near their own population centers. This will be done with no regard for international outrage for using Weapons of Mass Destruction, because I believe the Ezekiel 39 account describes a First-Strike attack upon Israel with poison gas (most likely the Sarin gas used in Syria recently, that Russia agreed to destroy, but has footdragged by only destroying about 4%, so far). Since this gas attack initiates the conflict, Israel should be considered blameless for retaliating with Neutron Bombs, but I'm sure that will not be the case.

Since the Israeli government has been distributing free gas masks to its citizens for decades, I suspect that the gas attack will be largely unsuccessful, but the Nuclear retaliation seems to set Gog's forces into a panicked retreat. It seems that some try to turn the forces back, and the resulting conflict finishes off what the Israelis started. God described this as, "every man's sword (or any weapon) shall be against his brother (or ally)". He later adds that this is His way of Glorifying Himself, when He brings about the destruction of the people who intended to destroy His people (Israel).

There is much more to this story, which I have written about extensively, some with strong Biblical evidence to support my beliefs, and some with admittedly weak evidence, but I believe some very reasonable deductions, based upon the character of God as He has revealed Himself in His Prophesies. I direct the reader to my Post for June 10th, of last year, titled, "Revelation's Sixth & Seventh Seals" for what I believe will follow God's awesome victory on the part of His people, Israel. Caution: My beliefs here carry some frightening details, if correct. But for those of us who have received Jesus as our Lord and Savior, it's not frightening, but ultimately Joyous!!!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Some Other Guy Called "Noah"

Perhaps the "hottest" movie to be released recently is called "Noah". Having just seen Hollywood's most recent effort at drawing believers into the theaters with the false hope of viewing a reasonably accurate representation of a great Bible story, I can't help but feel guilty about spending money that will help to enrich the people in Hollywood who belligerently continue to plagiarize stories from the Bible and twist them around until they barely resemble the real biblical account at all. Yes, that's my take on their product; people, save your money! And "P.G. 13"? I'd call it a "P.G. 18", at best! There is a brain-numbing amount of violence, with lots of stabbing , cutting, and bashing, but since no blood is shown (like the westerns of the fifties and sixties) this movie gets a "P.G. 13" rating. That, along with the typical trickery of having the actors talking quietly, frequently whispering just before a crashing explosive noise that is a decibel level just below eardrum-bursting, followed by loud, tension producing music that is intended to grate on the nerves, and does, I wonder if the producer was trying to create an atmosphere that was conducive to causing little children to become Demon possessed! The producers of this movie have butchered a Biblical account, again (and again, ad nauseam). They are so desperate for profits that they must produce a trashy story that does not make the non-believers uncomfortable enough to boycott their movie. And they know that we, the believers, are so desperate for real quality entertainment to come out of Hollywood that we will endure the false doctrine that inevitably comes with it, if all they do is use a name (like "Noah") that peeks our Biblical curiosity. What a condemnation, not only of Hollywood as an industry, but of ourselves as a nation that the same movie production companies, or their successors, that gave us such blockbusters as the "Ten Commandments", and "Ben Hur", and "The Robe", can't manage to turn a buck today without taking a Biblical story, and twisting it into something that is hardly recognizable. All because they are deathly afraid to do anything that will remotely seem to give God any of the glory that He deserves. And in this movie, it's a wonder that "Noah" actually believes in God since He doesn't ever talk to him, as He does in the Bible, but He sends "Noah" crazy nightmares about a flood, and instantly this "Noah" understands everything about building an Ark, even though his God never gave him any instructions.

Fortunately though, God can turn things like this around to use for His Glory, in spite of the producer's belligerence. In this case He will probably provoke many of the non-believers who do see it to be curious enough about the story to want to read the Biblical account, just to see where the differences lie. Who knows if this may cause some to keep reading the Bible. But watch out folks, this may cause some of you to become "infected" with that dreaded disease called "faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior". But rather than catching a disease that can kill your body forever, this "disease" will actually cause your spirit to live forever. I'm sure the Hollywood producers would be horrified at that thought.

Where do "the differences lie"? All through the movie, and boy are there plenty of lies! It begins with a typical narration, explaining the "Biblical" setting in which the story resides. We know that Adam and Eve sinned in eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and that their first two sons fought, with Cain murdering his brother, Abel. For his punishment God banished Cain, who was then protected by the Fallen Angels whom God banished from Heaven for their rebellion, which were then called the "Watchers", and...Whoa!!! Wait a minute...Hold on there just a second! Run that by me again, and this time quote me Bible verses to back that up!

Um... well, I guess the Producers just kind of slipped that one in there, hoping we were so bloated with popcorn, and candy that we wouldn't notice. Yeah, right!

But that's what they had the authoritative sounding narrator say, and he went on to say that these Fallen Angels fell to earth and landed in a slimy clay pit, and promptly became covered with clay which hardened over there entire "bodies" (I thought Angels were spirits, and didn't have bodies???), including their wings, making them unable to fly. So, now these "Watchers" are about 30, to 40 feet tall, and they're covered in rock-hard clay, making them look surprisingly like the mechanical "Transformers" that have starred in previously successful childrens' movies. And these "Rock-like Transformers" decide later that they will help "Noah" build his Ark. After they build it, there is a war with the wicked people of the world who want to seize the Ark, and the good-old-boy Transformers (I mean Demons, er... I mean "Watchers") fight to keep them away, until the flood comes. At this point the "Watchers" explode out of their Rock shells and ascend to Heaven in a beam of light where they are forgiven for their previous rebellion!

Interesting! I was under the impression that God's forgiveness did not extend to Satan, or his demons, and that they spent their time on earth trying to disrupt the things of God, and confound His people (by doing things like influencing Hollywood Producers), knowing that their eventual fate was to spend eternity burning in the "Lake of Fire" along with the Antichrist. I'm sure glad that Hollywood came along to set me straight on the matter!

Well, I think you folks are kind of getting the picture (pardon the pun). I could go on about the discrepancies, like Shem taking Emma Watson to wife (she of recent Harry Potter fame; another crass effort to lure the childrens' attention by identifying with previously successful childrens' movies). I was also surprised to learn that Ham and Japheth did not take wives on board the Ark; Ham being a young man, and Japheth being an adolescent, even though the Bible says they were born about 100 years before the flood! Not to worry though, Emma Watson has two twin daughters while on board, so I guess that Ham and Japheth merely had to wait a couple hundred years for them to grow up, so they could marry their nieces, and re-populate the world!

Thank God for Producer/Writer/Director Darren Aronofsky who corrected all of my misconceptions which I got from the Bible. I've heard he used the Jewish "Kabala", which is considered an occultic counterfeit of the Bible, as his source for correcting all of our misconceptions. But I still think that they should not have called this movie "Noah". Perhaps a more accurate name would have been, "Some Other Guy Called Noah"!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Cults Begone!!!

Apologies to any Christians who have read my Blog, and been offended by any ads they may have seen that promote a sight that is obviously run by a Cult that is overwhelmingly considered non-Biblical, and even anti-Christian. As I have absolutely no control over which ads are selected to be run on my Blog, in advance, I have to see them before I can contact Google AdSense to ban them from my Blog. I have just done so today, after noticing an ad for some kind of "Free Course" brought to you by your friendly, neighborhood Scientology Cult. I suppose it was a Cult Instruction Course on how to become hopelessly bound up in their demonic teachings, and perhaps even graduate to the highest level of absolute Demon possession! Whoopee! Yours at absolutely no cost or obligation, until they're certain that you're hooked, and then they'll probably drain your finances to fund their Cult's survival.

I could care less what these fools do anywhere else but on my Blog. Just because I proclaim the Name of Jesus as my Lord and Savior, and encourage others to do so as well, they are drawn to my Blog perhaps in the hope of luring those that I am unable to convince with the truth, into accepting their more convenient lies. And there will always be some who would be easily trapped that way. For those who haven't yet experienced the freedom of Jesus forgiveness, nor the ultimate hope of His eternal Salvation, they may look at the ridicule they have heard others speak against us and think that it's not worth it. Then some Cultists come along and fill them with a bunch of lies about how wonderful their Cult is and they fall for it. Sad, but they have a Constitutional right to choose to do so. But that right does not extend to my Blog! It is my personal property, according to the established copyright laws of the United States, and I ultimately choose what is written thereon, and who is allowed to advertise on it. Unfortunately they may get away with it briefly, until I happen to see their ads, for which I apologize. But once I do see it, they're gone!

So far this is only the second time that I've had to do this. Previously, I had to ban the ad promoting "" that claimed "Mormons believe in Jesus, too". I'm sure they do. But it's a different "Jesus" than the one the Bible talks about, and therefore is condemned in Revelation 22, which essentially condemns anyone who will add to, or detract from the Gospel. I forget whether it's Scientology, or Mormonism that says that Jesus and Lucifer (the Devil) are "brothers, implying that their power and authority are equal. If that were so then they would be equally worthy of our worship! It's amazing the great lengths Satan will go to in trying to trick us into worshipping him, rather than God! Also, Jesus did not come to America to preach to the Mormons that the American Indian tribes were the 10 lost tribes of Israel. Sorry but I don't buy it, and I won't have it promoted on my Blog, no matter how genuinely these people believe it, and even though I've found them to be very personable, and friendly people. They apparently accept a lot of Biblical values, but their ultimate source of "truth" is the "Book Of Mormon" which is full of a lot of Biblical contradictions, and other "hogwash". End of story!!!

UPDATE: 4/17/'14:
Just banned #3. Took one look at the title, "The real Jesus... Christians don't know.", and it was "Bye, bye!" What is it with these idiots!?? Why are they trying to seduce my readers into buying their blasphemous anti-Christian "cr@p"? If what they're selling is so much better than what Jesus gave us, then why won't it stand on it's own weight? As I said, "Cults begone! In the Name of Jesus!!!