Saturday, October 3, 2015

Not Ready For Prime Time, "Mea Culpa", Yet...

I'll admit to being a bit worried. The concept of becoming an internet laughingstock certainly does not appeal to me. But things are developing in the Middle-East sufficiently so that I'm not quite ready to call myself the total buffoon that I'm sure many skeptics are quite ready to anoint me.

So far, all you can say for certain about Putin's move into Syria is that he does not intend to do what he said he would. And, that being the case, why would he feel it is necessary to try and mislead Obama about his intentions, unless he is bargaining for crucial time to establish his military presence in the region, sufficiently that it will appear too costly an effort to try and force his withdrawal? And it certainly will not take much to discourage Obama from any form of direct conflict with Russian forces.

Where is the collective courage of the democratic party? People like F.D.R., Truman, and Kennedy had the nerve to stand up to despotic tyrants, like Hitler, Mao, and Khrushchev, and either call their bluffs, or punish them when they weren't bluffing. Putin is probably doing both, right now. He is probably trying to appear so despotic that he'll scare Obama into a paralysis of inactivity, though he is desperate enough to act if Obama stands up to him. No fear of that possibility! Ezekiel 38: 13, makes it clear that the only resistance "Gog" (who is probably Putin) will get, from a country that Biblical scholars have long speculated to be America, will be the "profound" diplomatic outrage of, "Have you take a great spoil?", which sounds like someone of Obama's minuscule courage. He has never found a political, or military crisis that he didn't feel was better served with whimpy diplomacy, and otherwise cowardly inaction, and I see no reason to expect better from him now! (Remember Obama's courageous bluster about a "red line" in Syria??? Followed by his classic inaction when that line was belligerently crossed!)

But I am not ready to say I've misinterpreted the Ezekiel prophecies until we can say for sure that Putin is not going to support some move into both Israel (probably by his Muslim allies, who would just love to set a new holocaust standard for murderous brutality throughout Israel), and probably his own Russian forces into the Arab Gulf States' oil fields. It's too early to say for sure what he is planning to do, except based on prophecy, if I'm reading it all correctly. And remember, I've said all along that God has not given me any special prophetic information about what He intends to do to stop Putin, (assuming he is the one God calls "Gog"). All I'm doing is trying to logically, "read between the (Biblical) lines", and imagine what an ancient Prophet of Ezekiel's day would mean when he describes, in words that people of his day would understand, (probably) visions of modern warfare, that God revealed to him. In order to speculate about what is probably about to happen, I've had to, "stick my neck out" pretty far, as far as geopolitical credibility goes. Only time, and Putin's tyrannical brashness will prove me to be an utter fool, or a genius, with God deserving all the real credit, and glory!

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