Friday, January 25, 2019

"The People Are The Real Source Of Power..." Jason Chaffetz

Having just finished reading "The Deep State", by former Congressman, Jason Chaffetz, I find myself overwhelmingly cynical about our capacity to regain control of our Constitutional government, and wrest the legal authority from the corrupt malignancy of what has become known as "The Deep State", of greedy leftist bureaucrats, who intend to destroy our freedoms, and probably conspire to force us into the prophecied disaster of the "One-World" Socialist government, that the European Commonwealth is trying desperately to develop.   My cynicism is from the standpoint of our human capacity to right this "sinking ship" (called America!), but is greatly tempered by my faith in God's capacity to overcome our human frailty, and revive this nation, before it is too late!!!

The final thought of Chaffetz's book is his confidence that, "the people are the real source of power, in America."  I agree that our Constitution was designed to guarantee this, but I must remain cynical as I am convinced that what we see going on today is not a fight between political parties, but a blatant attempt to overthrow our Constitutional government, abolish the Constitution, and force us to join the European "One World" government Socialist system!  Why else would so many "Deep Staters" so blatantly support a woman for president, who so cavalierly broke so many laws about protecting government secrets, who must, herself, have thought that those laws were only a temporary threat, in a legal system that she would help to abolish once she was easily elected president!!!  Those same "Deep Staters" also protect her from prosecution for her crimes, for which her guilt is so obvious, and could carry as much as 25 years in prison!!!

This crisis, is nothing less than the overthrow, and forced abdication of our country's king!  In a country that has professed from the days of Georg Washington that we have no king, I submit that our "king" has been the Constitution (in the sense of, "Lex Rex", which is Latin, for, :the Law is King)!!!

The election of President Trump was so narrow that I must question whether the people are not so Satanically brainwashed as to be unable to exert their Constitutional power sufficiently enough to maintain that power!  The only force powerful enough to save us is God!!! And He won't, unless enough of us ask Him, through prayer!!!  Only a Holy Ghost Revival can save America, now!  So, how many of us need to pray for revival?  Only God knows the answer to that question, but  however many are required, it will take God's power to break the foolish hearts of those brainwashed fools, and save their souls, to turn them from our enemies, into some of our most vocal supporters, as He did with a man called Saul, on the road to Damascus!!!

I think we all recognize that this country has become horribly divided over concepts that are so basic that the understanding of the issues should merely require an infantile understanding of the truth, and the resistance to that truth is so absurd as to hint of some deeper evil (Satanic deception) that makes this resistance convenient to those who express it.  I still suspect that the presumed "humanitarian" concerns of those who support the illegal immigration from poor countries to wealthier nations (a movement that has devastated the whole world, lately) has been dictated by the same Socialists (whomever calls the shots, there) who are trying to build this "One-World" government system.  They apparently believe in the Communist concept of, "out of chaos comes order" ( only their own brand of Socialist "order", I'm sure!)  So, they overload all the wealthier countries with hoards of illegal immigrants from poorer countries, so they can claim that the only solution is their concept of Socialism!!!  I don't understand the logic, but the evidence suggests this is the case!

Perhaps the real reason for their desperate promotion of illegal immigration is because it is the easiest way for the world's nearly bankrupt economies to finally go completely bankrupt, trying to feed, clothe, house, and pay for basic medical needs for millions of the world's poorest people.  Most countries, including our own, have been endlessly borrowing against our inflated currencies, a practice that must end disastrously at some point.  When no one will accept our currency because it has been inflated into near worthlessness, which we are quickly approaching (though all other countries are even worse), then we will no longer be able to borrow against the promise of repayment, because that promise will be worthless, too!  I suspect that the "One-Worlders" are hoping for that day to arrive, because they're banking on the computer currency of their system to be the only currency acceptable, at that time!  But, the Bible makes it clear that accepting that currency, which will require a, "Mark of the Beast",  (probably a subdural computer chip, in the hand, or forehead, with identifying information, and a complete history of medical treatment, and financial transactions) will automatically condemn that person to Hell (is this the true nature of the, "unpardonable sin"???)!  This truly diabolical system will one day come under the absolute control of Satan's Antichrist, who will set out to kill all believing Christians, and Jews left in the world!!!  Only the return of Jesus to set up His Kingdom of Heaven On Earth, and to purge the Earth of all those who accepted the, "Mark of the Beast" will end this evil, after a seven year period!!!  Jesus will then reign eternally, and guess where the "Beast", and all his followers will end up???

But, I fear the "Deep State" has become so entrenched in our government, along with their conspiracy to protect themselves from getting fired for incompetence, or outright belligerence in refusing to perform their jobs adequately, that we can not realistically reform them, or force their removal!  The only other option, is to completely change their hearts and minds, and only God can do that on a large enough scale to right this "ship", before it sinks!!!  It's called "Holy Ghost Revival" and it has happened several times in our history, usually just before a critical period, like a bloody war!  One preceded the Revolutionary War, another preceded the Civil War, and others the two World Wars!  What we face today may be an even more critical threat to our Constitutional freedoms, than any of those wars ever were!!!

But, these revivals always stem from the heartfelt conviction of believers that only God can save this nation!  It does not matter if the Christians are in the minority in their society.  It only matters that enough of whatever total of believers exist at the time (and only God knows what that total is),"humble themselves, and pray, and seek [God's] face, and turn from [their own] wicked ways, then will [God] hear from Heaven, and forgive their [collective] sin[s], and heal their land!!!  And that's exactly what we need in America, today, as I see it!   So, will you help???

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Christianity Is Under Attack In The Heathen Nation Of...


We already knew that I.S.I.S. was on a murderous rampage against Christianity, and Judaism, (and, for that matter, every other religion that was not Islamic, and even some of the Islamic branches that they disagreed with), but, we knew it could never happen here, because of our First Amendment protections, in the Constitution!  But, what if people considered the Constitution to be obsolete, and therefor irrelevant???

What if a growing number of influential people (like our Congressmen, and women!)  began to profess that the Constitution was a tired, old document that had outlived it's usefulness, and needed to be replaced (like I noted in my last post that former Texas Representative, Beto O'Roarke had just been quoted as saying)?  Would it be time to grab your assault rifles, and bury yourselves, and your family in one of those "Prepper" Bomb Shelters, that we have seen on T.V.?  I think not!

For one thing, there seems to be more that hate us, than don't!  Even President Trump's victory was not guaranteed in the general election.  It took the Electoral College to swing that!!!  But, fear not!!!  In a world where, "God, plus one is a majority"! , we can win against seemingly overwhelming odds!!!   If we all pray!!!

Now, we have Democrats in Congress calling for repudiation of the Catholic social club, the Knights Of Columbus, because of the seeming confrontation of some Kentucky Catholic High School students seen on a video with an elderly American Indian, beating a ceremonial drum in the face of a smiling young man.  What the short film, that went viral, didn't show was the Indian walking up to the student, which appeared somewhat confrontational, nor the profane expletives, shouted at the students by a group of Black cultists, obviously spouting anti-Christian hatred, which had preceded the supposed confrontation.  All this was later revealed by a longer version of the same video.

What seems to me to be developing in America is a growing anti-Christian hatred, and the repudiation of the Constitution that protects our Freedom of Religion, without which it is "Open Season" on all Christians, and Jews in America!!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The Politics Of Racism, And Hatred

The Democratic party has ridden the "Racism" bandwagon for so many decades that it has become a knee-jerk slogan for anybody who disagrees with them about almost anything!!!  Today, we have news reports of Bernie Sanders, and others, using M.L.K. Day, yesterday, to pronounce (in their "infinite wisdom") that President Trump is a "Racist"!!!  Not in a true sense, certainly, but according to the practical definition that I have stated above.   In reality, President Trump has done more for Blacks than all the Civil Rights Activists, and attorneys, put together, since M.L.K. himself!!!  His recent tax cuts, and abolishing of all those senseless regulations, which should not carry the weight of law, but did, has created the economic environment where more blacks are employed than ever before!  Yet the Democrats insist on "playing the 'Race Card'", simply because they know that many Blacks will respond with the same old knee-jerk reaction to the charge as when the lynchings where common in the Deep South.  I don't think creating record Black employment rates the same condemnation as a lynching does!!!

I'm sure that the Democrats would categorize me in the same boat as Trump, according to their definition of "Racist"!  But, as a Christian, I am not only commanded not to hate them, but to love them (as in, "love thine enemy")!  I don't think the Lord means for us to make silly mooning expressions, and bat our eyelids at them, which would probably get a fist in the mouth for the trouble (and rightfully so)!!!  "Love", is both a noun, and an active verb, and I believe that Jesus was concerned with our actions, which we all know should, "speak louder than words"!  Unless you are a Democrat!!!  Apparently, President Trump's actions don't count at all to the Democrats, simply because their blind hatred overwhelms their ability to perceive the truth!!!

I don't hate Blacks, but I deplore the dominant political values of those who presume to represent them, today.  The term,"reverse racism" has been ridiculed as meaningless, primarily by those who express it most, but the undeniable truth exists that many so-called activists have greatly profited by their endless slander of those who simply disagree with their politics, which is mostly Socialist in nature!  Likewise, many Democratic politicians have entrenched themselves in the political warfare, by trying to equate resistance to Socialism, with racism itself!!!  They also have found it very profitable to try and keep the racial tension viable, even while supposedly striving for racial equality!

It's interesting that the people who are most vocal about hatred in America, are the ones whose careers are most tied to the very existence of hatred, and have a vested interest in promoting it, and sustaining it, as much as possible!   I hope the readers will keep all this in mind, the next time a Democrat claims that the President is a racist!!!  The one who claims it is probably more guilty of the charge, than he!!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

The Soft Coup Against President Trump

The leadership of the F.B.I., the Democratic party, and the Main Stream Media, along with certain multinational corporations are so dominated by leftist ideologues that hatred of President Trump is fundamental to their being, and they would do anything that they could get away with to oust him from  the presidency.  If this were a Central American "Banana Republic", an immediate arrest of the President by disloyal army troops would seem to be imminent, and a bloody civil war would follow, mostly between loyal and disloyal factions of the military.   The only reason this has not happened is because there are too many members of our armed forces who hold sacred their commitment to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States ( which the Democrats profess, along with their many other lies, and insincere statements) which gives President Trump the authority to do the things he has done, and continues to try to do (Democrats not withstanding).

I truly believe these leftists would love to see a full coup carried out, because they care nothing for the Constitution, and would readily abolish it if they could.   But, the real power of our government does not lie in the hands of the President, but in the Constitution, and as long as President Trump acts within his Constitutionally mandated authority, these leftists have no legal grounds to overthrow him, and that realization is driving them crazy!!!  I recently heard a news clip on T.V., of former congressman Beto O'Rourke actually professing that he felt the Constitution was obsolete and should be reformed (which probably means "abolished")!!   These people would gladly overthrow the President and abolish the Constitution, but they know there is too big a coalition in the military of those who would support the President, and those who would support any president, simply because the Constitution mandates it!!!

I have said so many times before, and I say again that what drives this opposition to the President is not loyalty to our government, even from a Socialist view.  It is a blind obsession with the "One- World" Socialist government that the Europeans are trying desperately to develop, and that America must join (in their eyes), in order to "legitimize" it!   While they believe this is a purely secular view of what will save the world from our natural proclivity for greed, in fact they don't realize (or do realize, and completely discount the Bible's prophecies concerning the "last days"), that this government will one day be developed, only to be taken over by Satan's Antichrist, and used to attempt the destruction of all the Christians and Jews left in the world!!!  So, their very atheistic views will serve the very religious (Satan's religion!) prophecy that will nearly destroy the world!  Only the intervention of the return of Jesus will save the remnant of His believers from total destruction, and instead destroy all those who supported this system!!!

Thursday, January 10, 2019

The "Manufctured Crisis" Is Evidence Of Central Control Of Fake News Outlets

They really believe we are idiots!!!

Whomever is directing the Liberal "Fake News" outlets of the Main Stream Media is promoting their propaganda in such an infantile manner that they demonstrate an insulting disregard for the overall intelligence of their viewers!!!

First, the very fact that several Fake News outlets display an obedience to promote a supposed outrage of President Trump's concerns, using the same descriptive term to describe their supposed independent outrage, is logically ridiculous, and it reveals a centralize control of that "independence"!  It shows a basic distrust of these various media outlets to use their own choice of words to express that supposed outrage.   But, news outlets make their living by reporting their stories with a succinct choice of words, to express their views as clearly as possible to help the viewer understand their message.   To have several news outlets broadcasting their stories with the exact same  non-technical terms is so coincidental as to prove it's lack of genuine candor!!!  Last night's FOX NEWS broadcast of the "Hannity" show revealed a montage of several Liberal "Fake News" outlets, all announcing a supposed independent opinion of President Trump's concern for the southern border security.  But, they all used the same non-technical expression to describe the issue as Trump's "Manufactured Crisis"!!!   Their point obviously being that there was no evidence of a real crisis, and that the President's request for border security was therefor unfounded.

But, the very scripted aspect of their reports revealed the insincerity of those reports!  If those reporters could not be trusted to describe the situation in their own words, then there must not be any credibility to their stories!!!  Somebody, or "some bodies", made the "executive decision" that the term "Manufactured Crisis" was so explicit that it had to be used in all the Fake News stories concerning it.  This illustrates the buffoonery of the collectivist mind, which believes that all great wisdom must come from the "fearless leader", with the underlings marching obediently, in lockstep (or should I say, "goose step") to their superior wisdom.  This shows the very lack of wisdom they express, even if their reports were true, which ,of course, they were not!!!

I recalled immediately that this was not the first occasion that I had witnessed this "top down" approach to several reporters choosing the same expression, "coincidentally", over the same issue.  I did not make a mental note of it before last night, but it was so obvious that it woke me out of semi-drowsiness to catch it!  I wonder if their "fearless leader" realizes that his/her/their "great wisdom" was a dead give away of their actual lunacy???

The Politics Of Lies, Distortions, And Absurd Denial Of The Truth

In my last post, I explained that there is hope in Jesus' Salvation for even the worst Democrats, as unlikely as that seems!  But, that presumes a level of repentance on their part, for what seems to be their main tools of influencing their supporters.  That's where the above title comes in.

It starts with their favorite defense mechanism, which Psychologists call "projectionism"! This is the tactic of trying to throw off suspicion by charging their accusers of the very thing they themselves know they are guilty of.   The hope here is to sufficiently confuse the issue so that it takes away the outrage of their accusers, rather than having to defend themselves.  The Mueller commission is based upon this tactic, and will probably continue until Trump is impeached, or defeated in the next election!  And, if President Trump dares to fire Mueller, and close down the commission (which he has legitimate authority to do), the Democrats will scream, "\obstruction of justice", at the top of their lungs!!!

Blatant lies are their next most common tool.   I suppose this stems from the old Communist doctrine that a lie, told often enough to the exclusion of contradicting opinions,  becomes believable to the unquestioning mind.  This is most effective in a closed society, or in a public school system (like our own has regrettably morphed into) where propaganda is discreetly (and sometimes blatantly) intermingled with legitimate course material.  That is probably why the Democrats have such a large following among the young voters, who have not lived in the real world long enough to question some of their education's lies.  Also, the illegal immigrants are so desirable to Democrats because most of them come from Socialist, and even Communist leaning countries, where propaganda is a very present aspect of their daily lives.  And their poverty level makes them easy targets to bribe into illegally voting for Democratic candidates.  This is why they are so adamantly opposed to a wall on our southern border.  But, rather than admit this as the truth, they prefer to say it is ineffective, and too expensive, when other walls in other countries have proven this to be false.

So, the wise and honest voter is left with the simple choice between following the dictates of liars, who wish to manipulate voters into supporting laws that will harm them, and raise their taxes exorbitantly, so the politicians can skim off the top, enriching themselves, while impoverishing the rest of us!!!  Or, they can vote Republican, which doesn't automatically protect them from lies, but gives them somewhat of a protection from the Democrats' seemingly endless stream of lies and distortions of the truth!

Like I said, salvation through faith in Jesus is available, even for Democrats, but it must be preceded by a sincere repentance of their evil ways!!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Is There Hope For Democrats?

Only God knows!!!

The young voters most likely, which make up the greatest part of their legal voters, which may be less than the irrelevant illegals, whose votes are paid for, and sometimes repeatedly. (I say, "irrelevant", because there is little hope for them, unless they repent!)

But the young voters, need time in the real world, especially the real workforce, to gradually recognize the fallacy of their public school leftist propaganda, as I did, and the elderly may not live long enough to overcome their foolishness!

But the politicians, who by law must be of a certain age to run for election, are old enough that they should know better, and worse, perhaps do, and choose to lye about the truth,  spout such ridiculous garbage that they are either unbelievable fools, or the worst form of deceivers known to mankind!!!  If they are telling lies to further their careers, then God will repay them for their evil, if they don't repent!  This is true for both parties, but the Democrats are the most absurd violators of the obvious truth, intending to manipulate the young voters who are brainwashed by their public school, and Socialist-dominated college educations,  It's clear that these politicians care nothing about the rest of us, and even their own constituents, except how they can manipulate them into voting for their absurd issues, and reelecting them endlessly to keep doing so!

There is a cavernous vacuum  of wisdom in the Democratic party, and Socialists worldwide!!!  This is not to say these people are idiots, though the stuff that comes out of their mouths seems to indicate otherwise!  They may be intellectually brilliant, but have swallowed unquestioningly Leftist doctrine, which they have found to be profitable to promote, and therefore find no reason to doubt it.  In practice, their doctrine doesn't work for the benefit of anyone, except themselves when they skim off the top of the largess they create by their exorbitant taxation of others.  (As in Alexandra Ocasio Cortez's 70% tax proposal of the rich, to pay for her concept of "Green Energy Plan"!)

But to answer the question in the title above, "Yes, there is hope, even for Democrats!!!" I know how absurd this sounds, but God delights in, "confounding the "wisdom" of the "wise".  And He seems to enjoy the irony of saving the worst of us,  and turning us into the best of us!  The Apostle Paul recognized this, concerning his own salvation!   His life up to that point, he described as making him, "the chiefest of sinners", which would have made him right at home with todays Democratic party!!!

There is perhaps a worst case of wisdom-less fool, today, again with some of the most brilliant minds in the world,  that would have to be the Ceo's of some of the biggest corporations, especially the "techies", like Apple, Amazon, Windows, and Google.  Perhaps the largess from the products they sell has blinded them from the obvious dangers of promoting cooperation with the "One-World" socialist system that Europe is bent on creating!  But it will destroy all those who don't repent of that  evil system, and we must resist all their efforts to drag us along with them!!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Same Old Same Old For The New Year!!!

My server's account of pageviews for this blog, on New Year's Eve day, showed that Russia was interested in what I wrote, to the extent of almost 300 "readers", or one reader who had to re-read it 299 times (or somewhere in between those stats).  [ UPDATE:  JAN.  2nd.--The two day total for yesterday and today is now over 350 pageviews.  Somebody in Russia is really interested in what I write!!!   Why am I not flattered  to know this???]   Also, the United Arab Emirates took a large, unexpected interest in my blog, to the tune of over 100 pageviews.  Again, I don't understand the relevance of all this, but I'm sure it is significant that I write most of my posts with American readers in mind, and am surprised when unexpected jumps in pageviews indicate interest from unlikely countries.   Someday, God will help me understand why this is continuing to happen.  In the mean time, I will just praise the Lord, and keep on "keeping on".

My main purpose for this post is to define the difference in political views of the American two party system, as it has recently evolved.  Traditionally, these two parties would argue over differing ways to accomplish the same goals, with the assumption that they were both trying to better the life standards of the people.  If they themselves benefitted in the process, as long as they broke no laws in the process, people didn't much care.

But, now we have Leftists permeating the Democratic party, with an unbelievable hatred of President Trump, and somewhat in the "moderate" wing of the Republican  party, that goes way beyond concern for their constituents, or society as a whole, and demonstrates an absurd obsession with maintaining the status quo of the Obama administration, which Hillary Clinton was expected to do, until she lost!!!

I have written that I believe the obsession revolves around Democrat elitists' intentions to create such havoc within our borders that we can be deluded into demanding the abolishing of our Constitution, so we can be tricked into joining the One-World Socialist government movement in Europe.  While I still believe this is the goal of the elitist politicians, I have come to recognize that their loyal subjects, called the "Deep State", for the entrenched bureaucrats within each federal agency, are doing their best to cooperate, against the Trump Administration, by stalling, or even ignoring the orders of their bosses, because they know that the President campaigned on the promise to root out such incompetence, and "drain the swamp" of all of it.  They are obviously hoping they can stall this process until one of their own can win the Presidency in 2020.

The Democrat voters are largely unaware of all this, but continue to vote for their leaders, because they promise monetary benefits (without mentioning that the money to pay for it all will come out of higher taxes).

So that the Democrats don't wake up to this, and vote against it, the elitist politicians have convinced their voters that "Open Borders" are necessary, when what they really want is poor immigrants who can be easily lured into voting (illegally, and sometimes repeatedly) for these same elitist politicians!!!  This is their way of perpetuating their jobs, at the expense of the American people, whom President Trump is trying to help by stopping it all!!!

UPDATE:  1/5/2019--

Pageview count for yesterday-- Russia-299, America-11 (tied with Brazil, for crying out loud!)  Go figure!!!