Sunday, April 28, 2019

Some Dangerous Predators Eat Their Young,,,

...The Democrats eat their old!  The latest trend in the race for the Democratic nomination, is for everyone who's not Joe Biden, to pile it on to the one who is!  They claim it's because he's too old, and the party needs some "new blood", like, I guess..., Bernie Sanders!!!  The real reason they don't like Joe is because he's the front runner!   So, they'll pile it on, and hope that some of the spoils land on them!!!

Which is fine for the Republicans!  Let them cannibalize themselves, and drive their more moderate voters away in disgust, if not to the Republicans, at least to not vote at all!  Disarray within their party can't hurt the Republicans, at all!!!

Wouldn't it be great if whichever old goat loses the primary, later decides to run as a third party candidate, creating the same scenario as when Ross Perot took votes away from Al Gore, so Bush could win!!!  I wouldn't cry about that!  Or, maybe Hillary is waiting to pounce on the winner, as the third-party candidate, of say..."the sore loser's party", or, "the felonious female party"!!! 

To think that they actually would consider Sanders to be, "new blood"!  I think he and Methuselah went to the same school, didn't they???  Aside from Sanders, whom else do they have that's "new" for anything???  They're all trying to outdo each other for Socialist-of-the-year award, and I think Maduro, of Venezuela, takes that one, hands down!!!  I guess they want to turn the U.S. into another Venezuela!!!  Trump runs on, "Make America Great Again", I guess they will run on. "Make America A Basket Case", so we will abolish the Constitution, and cling to the European "One-World" Socialist government system!  Socialism hasn't worked well in any country, yet, so why do the Europeans think it will work for the whole world?  Socialism depends on authoritarian governments to force their will on the people, so I guess they want to force the whole world to do what they say!!!  Sounds like something Adolph Hitler tried before, and then Stalin, and Mao Tse Tung!!!  There seems to be an endless supply of meglo-maniacal maniacs in the world!!!  I wonder which one the Democrats like the best?

Participating in the European "One-World" system has already been prophecied by God to send anyone to Hell, so guess where the Democrats want us all to go??? 

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Debt Forgiveness: Democrat's Versus The Biblical View

That bastion of Biblical values;  Elizabeth Warren, one of the endless list of Democratic candidates for President, has seemingly borrowed a Biblical concept, and added a variation of it to her platform!  The concept of Debt Forgiveness, which was part of God's law for Israel, discussed in Leviticus 25.  But there is one very important difference between her concept and the Bible's!!!  Namely, if the personal debt is forgiven, who ultimately pays for it???  The Bible's plan is for the economy to plan for the debt forgiveness in advance, so no one loses money, and no one pays it off, because the debt automatically disappears!!!  When no one borrows any money, and no one lends any, there is no debt to be paid!   But, Warren's concept is for debt forgiveness to the student who borrowed tuition money, with the U. S. Treasury picking up the tab to pay off the rest of the debt!!!  This concept of the government paying for tuition guarantees that colleges will continue to find excuses to keep raising tuition, because the government can always be expected to pay for it, at least until we all go bankrupt!!!

Also, the Biblical plan would tend to wipe out all inflation, every 50 years, so from there after prices would drop significantly, allowing for the producer to charge enough to make a profit, and if they tried to charge too much, their competitors would steal all their customers, with lower prices!!! Notice, we are talking about PRICE deflation, not currency deflation, like the 1930's depression! Employers would not have to pay their workers as much for their labor, and workers would be able to live as comfortably as before with lower salaries!!!  They would be paid fewer dollars, but each dollar would be more valuable than before!!!  This is God's plan for wiping out years of inflation!

God's plan was to discourage borrowing, and when it was necessary, it would only be considered depending on the borrowers likelihood of being able to pay it off before the "Jubilee Year", which everyone knew was set to occur every 50 years!!!  If the borrower was considered a risk to be able to pay it off, in time, the money would not be lent!  Period!!!  The lenders knew that  failure to pay the debt on time, meant the debt would still be wiped out, and the lenders would never be reimbursed, to say nothing of profiting from any interest!!!  Consequently, they would be very careful about who they lent their money to!!!

Conversely, instead of creating a time of ZERO indebtedness throughout the economy, Warren's concept would increase the national debt tremendously, as would "reparations" to relatives of former slaves, and "Medicare For All";  all Democratic platform concepts of many of the myriad candidates for President!  They are making promises to their constituents, that seem to be easy to make, without responsible prospect for repayment, therefor the only way to pay for it would be borrowing against later inflation of the dollar, which has already been inflated to the point of our nearly being unable to pay off our national debt!  When we reach that point, we will not be able to borrow at all, and our currency will be considered worthless, and would not be accepted to pay for foreign trade!!!  The Democrats realize this, I'm sure, but they don't care!!!  They obsessively believe in the future "One-World" Socialist government that the European Commonwealth is trying to develop, and which is developing a computer system of a cashless economy. in which all currency will be turned into equivalent amounts of computer bites, that can only be accessed by scanning one's computer chip, which will eventually be implanted under the skin of the participant's hand, and easily scanned, so!

All this sounds great, except for one glaring problem!  God has already prophecied, in Revelation 13, that anyone who receives this computer chip, or variation of it (referred to as the "Mark Of The Beast") will automatically be granted a free trip to Hell, eternally, and this applies to anyone, regardless of their spiritual condition, before!!!  Therefor, any Christian who refuses this Mark, will no longer be able to buy, or sell anything, at all, anywhere, in any part of the world!!!  This means starvation of Christians will be commonplace, since they could not buy food, anywhere!!!  Eventually the Antichrist (who is prophecied to rule this system) will lose patience with these "troublesome" Christians, and Jews, who refuse his Mark, and will start executing them!   That's when Jesus will return to put a stop to it, and establish His Millennial Kingdom of Heaven on Earth!!!

Praise the Lord!  "Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus, and count us all worthy to escape the Wrath that is to come"!!!!!!!

ADDENDUM:  (2 hours later-)

I have to credit a friend of mine for alerting me to the reality of the "Mark Of The Beast" plan, that I wrote about above.   I realize that it all seems too fanciful to easily believe, but she gave me an article of the April Addition of the "AARP Bulletin", titled, "The Extreme Solution", and subtitled, "In Sweden, Much About You Can Be Stored In A Tiny Chip Inside Your Hand".  The tenor of the article was not a warning of future temptation, as I hope I have accomplished with my above Post, but a heralding of a new and wonderful development in technology! It's clear, from the prophecy about this, that God is not condemning the technology, but the system that will employ this, and the Antichrist who will control it!!!

Saturday, April 20, 2019

"There's Something Rotten In ..."

Canada!!!  Pardon my geographic confusion, Mr. Shakespeare, but my server tells me I got 113 pageviews  yesterday from Canada, where I have never gotten more than 2, or 3 pageviews in any one day, before!  I wonder if the Russians are travelling around the world, stopping at various locations, just to disguise the origins of my pageviews???  If so, Canada is not a very good choice to check up on my Conservative column, surreptitiously!  Canada is merely the Left Wing of America!!!  Russians would fit in well in Canada!  They would lap up Russian propaganda with a spoon!!!  In fact our American "Main Stream Media" should move their headquarters to Toronto, where their outrageous haranguing against President Trump would be considered typical!

But, it has become apparent that the real people who have colluded with the Russians is this very  Left Wing propaganda service that we still refer to, erroneously, as the "Main Stream Media"!!!  They used to be "Main Stream", back when they did their job of simply reporting the facts, regardless of their own political views!   But that seems like it's been a generation, or two, in the past!  Certainly it was in another millennium!!!  In more ways than one!

I gather that any Russian meddling in the 2016 election was not to try and force the election of one candidate, or another, as the Democrats desperately proclaim.  Rather, it was merely to stir up controversy between the campaigns, and throw the whole election process into confusion.  Well, the Leftist Media sure did their best to cooperate in that endeavor!   Almost as if the Russians had hired them to do so!  Gee, ...I wonder!!!  Could they actually be colluding, while charging Trump of the same, to try and throw the rest of us off the scent???   Naaaahhh!!!  They couldn't be that evil.......or could they???????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 19, 2019

The Left Is Calling, "...Good Evil, And Evil Good"!!!

These are not my words, but God's:  In the book of Isaiah, God is speaking to His prophet about the state of His people, Israel, and specifically the tribe of Judah, whose government resided in Jerusalem.  This treatise is very relevant for today, because it concerns the leaders of the day, who bore a very distinct resemblance to our own leaders, today!!!  Anyone who dismisses this warning as being irrelevant, does so at their own peril, and at the peril of those who naively follow their lead!!!

The verse in particular is Isaiah 5: 20, which says, "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil..."  Verse 21:  They, "... that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!"  The Lord makes it clear that He is watching, and listening, and controlling His anger for the moment, but that there is a definite limit to how long He will contain His wrath against such people!  It did not matter that these people were ignorant of His awareness, because they should have known, and simply chose to ignore His warnings, which are replete, throughout the Bible!!!  As I was just so ignorant, well into my adult life, I feel obligated to pass on this dire warning of God's eventual judgement, which may not come until after they are dead, but it may come in an untimely death, at any time!!!  If it does come, it will affect not only the evil leaders, but their foolish followers, as well, and God only knows how many so-called innocents, who merely didn't take a position, one way, or the other!!!  God holds us accountable, not only for what we do, and say, but also what we don't!!!

Democrats, and Socialists, call Trump's efforts to stop the flood of illegal immigrants, with the accompanying drug cartel carriers (or "mules"), sex traffickers and other criminals, as well as terrorists from all over the world,  to be inherently "evil", and that to allow this migration to flow unchecked is "good".  I don't see how this can be anything other than a blatant violation of God's warnings in the early part of Isaiah!!!  If they continue, I wonder how long God will wait until He judges the situation, Himself, though it will probably be in a way that His direct action is still deniable, to those who belligerently refuse to believe!!!

Let's pray for the Revival to come and change their evil hearts, or for the Rapture to come and take the rest of us home, before His wrath is unleashed, which surely will come!!!

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Democrats Desperate Redaction Reaction

I have long believed that the Mueller Commission's whole purpose was not to gather, "evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign, and Russian attempts to interfere with the 2016 election results", as originally stated in their charter, but rather to irritate the President to the point of forcing him to exercise his power to fire the entire commission, so the Democrats could claim he was trying to "obstruct justice", which could then be used as "legal" grounds to charge him with a "crime", constituting guilt of, "high crimes and misdemeanors", and thereby an impeachable offense!!!

The commission apparently failed to accomplish either goal, as it was admitted, according to Attorney General Barr's report, briefing the news of the redacted report, which is to be released to the public, some time today!

The desperate Democrats are trying to imply the Attorney General is acting as a foil for the president, by covering up truly revealing evidence of such guilt in the redacted report, even before the report is released!!!  These people have no shame with their unfounded charges, and a later released form of the report with some of the redactions removed will likely prove, but never to the satisfaction of the Democrats!!!  I'm sure that whomever reads this less redacted version will be unable to resist the temptation to leak the unredacted sections to the Leftist media reporters  (regardless of the laws restricting this) complete with their own version of twisted facts, desperately trying to "prove" their ridiculous charges, in the hope that the more gullible voters will be convinced that the Trump campaign is guilty of what they are not, but Hilary Clinton's campaign apparently truly was!!!  They simply can not believe that an honest campaign could actually defeat their thoroughly dishonest one!  And the obvious truth is killing them!!!

Let's pray that the Justice Department can hold these illegal conspirators accountable for their actions, and throw the guilty parties in jail (even if they were married to a former President),  and that the Inspector General's report will show enough evidence to help convict those who have clearly conspired to execute a nonviolent coup against a sitting president!!!  I recognize that the public is tired of endless investigations, and would rather move on from all this, but, if accountability is not brought to bare, here, it will happen again, and the next time may not be nonviolent!!!  The Leftists consider the tactics used against "banana  republic" regimes to be a viable option, in order to get their way, when legal procedures fail them!!!

Only fervent prayer can defeat their purposes to do so!!!

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Is America Dead Yet???

I believe the 2020 election will determine whether the answer to the above question is yes, or no!!!  This will perhaps be the most important election in our history!

I have never seen a political party so blatantly against everything that the Administration tries to do as the Democrats have been for the past two years!!!  They try to brush it off as though they hate the President, but I think what they really mean is that they hate America, and they can't stand that Trump wants to reverse the wimpy-apologist attitude of the Obama administration, and, "make America great again"!  The fact that they are so vehement about it, and openly belligerent to whatever the president proposes, makes me feel their desperation is a clue to their intention to abolish our Constitution, and force us to join the European "One-World" Socialist government system, that they are trying desperately to develop!  Their vitriolic denunciation of everything that Trump tries to do, shows that they are desperate to regain power as soon as possible, because the openness of their aggression does not smack of a party that plans to still be around, if they lose this coming election!  It's an "all, or nothing" type of desperation that doesn't depend on a "plan B" alternative, in the event of losing the election.

I'll admit I am concerned that they might be able to convince enough former public school brainwashed babies to vote for the Socialist candidates, and their might not be enough moderate Democrats, and independents to counter their votes.  Perhaps that's why the Democrats are so vehement in their resistance to the president.  They may want the moderates and independents to feel that Trump is so bad, that they can't vote for him, even if they don't like the Socialists in the Democratic party!  There seems to be an appalling level of political ignorance within the Democratic voting block.  I fear they might vote for these Socialists, just to avoid ridicule for voting for Trump.  By the time they realize the Democrats intend to abolish the Constitution, it may be too late!!!

This is why I say that we may be entering a period when it is too dangerous for us to count on the good intentions of those who simply disagree with how we run our government!  It may be a choice between Trumps way, or the Antichrist's way!!!  (He is prophecied to eventually take over the European system, and use it to destroy all the Christians and Jews, until Jesus returns to set up His Kingdom of Heaven on Earth!!!)  But, the Bible says, "the fervent prayer of a righteous man availith much."  Only God can reverse this country's decadence, and He won't unless enough of us ask Him to!!!

Faith, Verses Idols,Icons, Cathedrals, Et. Al!!!

Let's keep it all in perspective!  My faith is in Jesus Christ, as my Lord and Savior!  I don't fall down before Idols, even if they are intended to be a representation of Christ, and certainly if they are not!!!  Iconic representations of the Apostles, or Biblical scenes in paintings, are nice, but irrelevant, as far as my faith goes.  And I'm sure every Christian has heard that the true Christian church consists of the people within the building, and not the building, itself!  That goes for Cathedrals, as well, regardless of how beautiful, expensive, or how old they are, and how many hunchbacks rang the bells, or any other historical reputation they might carry.  (Was Joan of Arc burned in the courtyard in front of it?  If so, I wonder how much the bricks cost from the courtyard, and how many thousands of replacement bricks were sold as genuine from the act???)

Forgive my seeming to be irreverent after the terrible tragedy of the fire that destroyed much of the Cathedral of Notre Dame, in Paris, but we should be glad that no one was hurt seriously, or killed in the blaze.  The destruction can be repaired, and I'm pleased that money for that is already pouring in from all over the world, as we consider the depth of the tragedy!  But no one should feel that this is a tragedy that harms the faith of Christian believers, even slightly.  And the fuss over the successful saving of the "Crown of Thorns", believed to be worn by Christ as He was crucified, is unimportant, as far as I am concerned!

I understand that Emperor Constantine's mother had a passion for touring the Holy Land, proclaiming various sites as the locations where various Biblical stories took place.  Most of them have been discredited, as unlikely, but similar to the actual locations. And various Icons, like pieces of the "actual" cross of Jesus' crucifixion, and the Crown of Thorns, etc., are so unlikely to be genuine, as to seem almost laughable.  Not because they would not be important, but because they would not have been considered so, by the people of the day, or specifically preserved as such!  I suspect that the Romans of the day would have reused the cross many times after crucifying Jesus, and after it was too worn to be used that way, it would most likely have been used as fire wood.  I speak no blasphemy, in suggesting this, because God wants us to consider that Jesus longer has a use for it, since His resurrection makes it's power of no affect, and again it is not the cross that is Holy,  but the Man who came off it, and rose again that is Holy!!!  It is not a sin to hold these things in high honor, so long as we do not connect our faith with them.  It is not the cross that the young girl wears on her necklace that makes her a Christian, but the faith that resides in her heart beneath it, that does so!!!  It is not a sin for her to wear it, but it is not an emblem of holiness, either.  We give Medals of Honor to soldiers who perform valiantly, on the battlefield, but Christ has His own rewards when we go home to Him!

So labor to receive His reward at the proper time!!!

Monday, April 15, 2019

Lenin: " Out Of Chaos Comes Order"!!!

Truer words were never spoken!  These "prophetic words" were not spoken by the lead guitarist of the "Beatles"; he was far too busy smoking dope, and dropping acid!  They were the words of that "great hero" of Communism, Vladimir Illich Lenin, whom the Democrats, and the Socialists of today must revere immensely, since they don't believe in a God, who is truly worthy of their reverence!!!

There have been various American presidents who have campaigned on the platform of, "Law and Order", but Lenin apparently was only concerned with using social chaos, as a motive for establishing order, as in the absence of chaos. Today, the Leftists could quickly restore order, since the chaos is entirely of their own making!  Lenin, and those like him, were not concerned with established Laws, like our American Constitution, because they not only empower, but also restrict the  overreach of law enforcement, which can be very difficult for a totalitarian despot to utilize in the manipulation of a society!!!  Only in a society that has become so used to oppression from their government, as the people of tsarist Russia were, could a platitude as this be seen as legitimate!

Another type of society can be convinced of the truth of this platitude; one that has been convinced from youth through a succession of lies that their government is evil, and only the acceptance of their system of Socialism can bring about real "order"!  But what comes with this brand of order is true totalitarian dominance of the people who promote this kind of "order"!!!  Such is the case with the chaos that has been fomented upon us by the Democrats, mostly upon a generation of brainwashed Public School children, who now are old enough to vote obediently for their Socialist candidates, who wish to abolish our constitution, and force us to join the European "One-World" Socialist government, that is prophecied to eventually be taken over by Satan's Antichrist!  No wonder that the Public Schools have stopped teaching American History, Civics (or government) classes, as well as the Bible, so that our children will not know enough of our historical truth to counter the Socialist lies that are obviously being taught!

We have now reached the point where only a Holy Ghost revival can change the hearts of the belligerent Leftist voters, who are lapping up this absurd drivel "with a spoon" , as if real enlightenment has come to America!!!   Anyone who accepts this kind of foolish belief in obvious lies, such as the immigration situation is a "manufactured crisis" of President Trump's making, has to be so bound up in Satanic deception that no amount of true reasoning will convince them of the obvious truth!   The French Revolution idolized "reason", almost creating a God to worship for it, and yet the result was the despotism of Napoleon!  Such could be the case with us, unless enough of us pray earnestly for God to send His revival upon us, before it is too late!!!  "Reason" will not save a country, but a change of  society's collective heart will!!!   It's all up to us, and God!!!

I sometimes seem to become bewildered when Evangelical preachers, on television do not talk about the conspiracy I wrote about above!  But, I realize they have their ministries' finances to be concerned with, which I do not!  Their is not enough material evidence available to support my charges, so they can't speak out on these issues, in case they are not true!  But I can speak to the obvious conclusions of the Leftist conspiracists, with the help of what is prophecied truth, because if they don't happen as soon as I expect, I have no reputation to lose, and I have no real ministry to be financially hurt if I seem to be a paranoid conspiracy theorist!  But when it becomes all too obvious to us all, it may be too late to affect real change!!!

 Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus, and count us all worthy to escape the wrath that is to come!!!

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The Politics Of Righteousness, Vs. Lies And Greed

This is not merely an attempt to promote the party I prefer.  I believe there is a discernable difference between the behavior of one party, vs. the behavior of the other!!!

President Trump has kept most of his promises made during his campaign.  The one glaring failure; to keep his promise to build the wall on our southern border, has been unconscionably held up by a belligerent Democrat-controlled House of Representatives!  His presidency can truthfully be credited with keeping the promises he made, except where Democratic cooperation was required!  Also, the Federal Reserve has tried to scuttle the effects of his economic policies, by raising the interest rates too high, and too soon, so that businesses can't take full advantage of the recent prosperity.  This is a blatant attempt to scuttle the economic recovery from the Obama recession, in order to weaken Trump's re-election bid!  I say this having watched them do the same for George H. W. Bush, and throw his re-election bid to Bill Clinton.  Bush was riding his predecessor's  economic recovery (Reagan's) but it was scuttled by the Fed raising the rates, a year before the election.  Perhaps the Fed's directors may not be Democrats, but they blatantly vote to move the Fed in a Socialist manner, to curry favor with the international banking community, which is overwhelmingly Socialist leaning!  I suspect this is because the banks find it easier to deal with Socialist governments, which will except bribes to grant the banks' interests, rather than deal with an honest government, that is more concerned with the overall growth of the economy, than "padding their own pockets"!

Or, perhaps the directors of the Fed. have already decided that their organization, which is not part of the federal government, has already become part of the "One-World" Socialist system, and that the American government should follow suit shortly,  just as soon as the Democrats re-take control, and abolish the Constitution!!!

I wish we had a more astute voting public, so that they could easily see through the lies that the Democrats are hurling at them!  Unfortunately, our children have grown up in public schools that have been feeding them subtle lies about how great Socialism is,  and ignoring the truth about Reagan's economic growth, and now Trump's!  I've heard that our public schools no longer teach
 American history, or government ("Civics"), but they do teach how wonderful it is to be an, "internationalist", rather than an American, because "Nationalism" is equated with evil!!!  This subtle brainwashing can last for years after graduation, making them "good little socialists", for years ( and some may never face the real world, like "A.O.C.")!!!

 Also, the Democrats refuse to fund President Trump's efforts to finish the wall, and they refuse to change our ridiculous immigration laws, that encourage illegal immigration from all over the world, and which allows refugees to come here who can be easily bribed to vote illegally for Democrats.  In other words, they'd rather cheat in the elections, than try to offer a better platform then the Republicans!!!  To them, "the end justifies the means", and the point is winning power for their own greedy purposes, and the rest of us "be damned", as far as they are concerned!  Their behavior parallels that of other countries, especially the European nations, implying that the Democrats are likely following the instructions of the "One-World" Socialists, whomever is directing this worldwide trans-migration!  If they can ever retake power, they will really be saying to the rest of us, "be damned", literally!!!

May the Lord grant wisdom to our voting population, that they may see the real difference between the candidates, and not be fooled by the Democrats' rediculous lies!

The Democrats are promising, "free everything", including reparation payments to black descendants of slaves, of over 150 years ago, because they want to speed the bankruptcy of the cash-based economies of the world (of which the U.S. is the only one left that is solvent, and ours is just barely!). They want to push us all into a dependency upon the European cashless system, which will require the receiving of the "Mark of the Beast" that God has prophetically cursed with eternal damnation, for all who receive it!!!  Yessir!  The Democrats are really concerned about our welfare, indeed!  And they will laugh about us all the way to Hell!!!

Monday, April 8, 2019

Democrats Only Use Constitution For Legal Manipulation

They are willing to recognize that the Constitution decides who leads the people, and it's killing them!  They recognize that their power is with the under-educated, who can be easily convinced that the Democrats will really give them the "free everything" that their promises are implying, and "no one has to pay for it"!  That's why they want uninhibited immigration from these Latin American countries, where there are lots of poorly educated people, who are used to Socialism's "free nothing", and are desperate for something real!  But the desperation that is demonstrated by the blatant lies, of the Democrats, about how wonderful they will be if they win the next election, and how awful President Trump is, tells me that they feel a sense of urgency that is unlike anything in previous elections.  I can only guess that they feel an urgency to take back power, now, because the "Brexit" threat in the U.K. is going to harm their desperate hope for their "last best hope for 'peace and prosperity' for the world; the European movement toward a "One-World" Socialist government!!!  I suspect that they want to get America to abolish our Constitution, and join the European system, so that our greater wealth can be manipulated into paying for their largess,  for the reasons I just stated above.  (Put simply, the "peace and prosperity" they're hoping for only extends as far as themselves, as the British are apparently beginning to realize!!!)

Today, on the "700 Club", Pat Robertson was talking about how the Democrats want "Open Borders", for the reasons I stated above, but he didn't add, nor have I yet heard anyone else speculate that the strident denunciation about the Trump presidency, and the blatantly absurd claims that they can give "free everything", once elected, is because they want desperately to force the abolishing of our Constitution, and the joining of America to the European system!  Yet this kind of blatant haranguing has never been applied before, by any political party that intended to remain, even if they lost the election.   It's like an "all, or nothing" desperation by the Democrats, as if they consider this to be their last chance to pull it off!  Perhaps they plan to "bale out" on America, and head for Europe, if they don't win, in 2020!!!  That would be just fine by me!!!   Praise the Lord!!!

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

What Is There To "Celebrate" About Most Celebraties???

Historically, in past centuries, in Europe especially, actors and actresses where looked down upon, as rather immoral people, I suppose because so many had reputedly become "consorts" of the royal class.   This title implied sexual relations, simply by association, and that generally meant adultery, as many royals were married to other royals as a means of protecting what was arrogantly considered necessary to "protect" a royal bloodline, and had nothing to do with affection between the parties involved.  Today we have a perversion of this same attitude, in that we tend to place unmerited wisdom, and honor, upon those we admire for theatrical talent!  This is unbridled foolishness, in my opinion.  Respect for their abilities is well warranted, and above that, most are extremely well paid, and even overpaid, in some cases!

But, to automatically attach a degree of wisdom to them, simply because they are adept at portraying a certain character, is absolutely ridiculous, again, in my opinion!  Or, to assume that an excellent comedian possesses an unusual degree of wisdom, is absurd, if you ask me!!!

Case in point... Alec Baldwin is given a lot of undue respect, in Hollywood!  His acting ability is undeniably top quality.  But, if various news reports about his life away from the cameras is accurate, he is an absolutely pathetic person, in real life, and his level of wisdom is laughable!   Rosie O'Donnell is the perfect counterpart for him, as I have yet to hear an opinion expressed by her that I can remotely agree with!!!  She has portrayed the feminine "side-kick" roll effectively, in movies, so I guess women tend to extrapolate that with real-life female wisdom, that seems to be wholly undeserved!!!

Today we have news reports that the Georgia state legislature has passed a bill making abortions illegal in their state, once a baby's heartbeat can be detected, through ultrasound.  Immediately, our "wise" celebrities called for a boycott of all things Georgian!   It would be truly sad, indeed, if a significant number of people actually respond to their call!  Anyone responding would be worthy of the same judgement of God that these so-called "celebrities" are risking, by their portraying of righteousness, with their support of evil practices!!!

UPDATE:  (2 hours later)--

I just heard some breaking news reports, about how the Republican leaders of the Senate have put the "Quash" on President Trump's idea of having a Republican plan for Health Care Reform ready to vote on, in case the Supreme Court grants his proposal to declare all of the "Obamacare" plan to be unconstitutional! He intended to rob the Democrats of their primary criticism of him, by having a "better plan ready to fix the too costly 'Obamacare' plan". But the Republicans nixed the idea, presumably because they feared a backfire among voters, with Democrats touting "Medicare for all"!  It's true that the Democrats' plan is no different from the attempt at establishing Socialized Medicine, led by Hillary Clinton, that was voted down during Bill Clinton's presidency.    But, what really upsets me is that I think I heard that "Obamacare" had a clause in it that exempted  Congress members from having to pay anything for their coverage!  I think this was intentionally added to make it difficult for a Republican Congress to overturn it!!!  If this is true, then I suspect this is the real reason for the Republican leaders reluctance to get rid of it!

So, what it boils down to is, "what's the difference between Democratic Congressmen's greed, and Republican Congressmen's greed???   Greed is greed, either way!!!   May the Lord deliver us from those who place their own greedy ways above the needs of the American people, whatever party they are from!!!

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Dems.: Calling"Evil good, and good evil"!!!

I hope I have the story right...I only caught the tail end of a news story, and waited for a repeat, before finally giving up, to write this.   It was a news report of a crowd of  people (I don't know who, what, or  where this occurred), but, they were reported as chanting a cop-killers last words!!!

This is a story I write about with heartfelt sadness, about the sorry state of our own country!  I have frequently written about the buffoonery that comes out of the mouths of Democratic politicians, and worse, out of the Socialists!  But the fact of the matter is, their insipid ideas would have no relevance if they were not well received by their pathetically ill-informed constituents!!!  And there are sadly enough of them that they have too good of a chance to win the election in 2020!!!  And, we have no one to blame but ourselves for this mess!

Years of sending our children to public schools, not because of the good education they should have gotten, but because our parents, and grandparents did so, before us, and we assumed it was the right thing to do!  Besides, it was "free" (after we paid our taxes), and convenient!  It was a "safe" way of warehousing our children ( until recent mass shootings became commonplace).  Sending our kids to private schools would be paying for extra tuition, in addition to taxes, too!  Also, many private schools have been competing with the curriculum of public schools, which has grown inexorably more and more leftist in it's general dogma, through the years.  So, now we have a younger generation of voters who have been brainwashed, subtly, into believing that Socialism is good, and that free enterprise, and our Constitutional guarantees that allow it, are evil!!!

This explains the difference between Socialists, such as "A.O.C." (who is young enough to still be laboring with the effects of youthful brainwashing, which causes her to spout such mindless drivel as her "Green New Deal"), and Bernie Sanders, who is old enough to have long since learned that those values don't work, except to enrich the bureaucrats who "skim off the top" of the horrendous taxes they raise off the public, when we are collectively stupid enough to vote them into office!!!  Guess which one I have the least respect for???

As I said before, the sad thing is that we have allowed our public school system to degenerate into  Socialist Propaganda institutions, like the "re-education" centers in communist countries!  Now, we must live with the prospect of having to live, for possibly 4, to 8 years with a Socialist President, and a full Socialist Congress, and possibly even a Socialist Supreme Court, after the new President packs the Court with 5, or 6 new Justices!!!  How long do you think they would wait before they would abolish the Constitution, and try to force us to join the "One-World" Socialist government that Europe is desperately trying to develop, and England is just as desperately trying to leave, with their "Brexit" movement???  The Bible prophecies that this system will lead it's followers straight to Hell, literally!!!

UPDATE:  (about 4 hours later)--

As you may have guessed, I was feeling rather overcome with the depressing state of America's depravity, when I wrote the above post.  But, while watching today's "700 Club" T.V. show, I remembered (perhaps more appropriately put, the Holy Spirit reminded me) the scripture that said, "where sin abounds, there does grace much more abound!"

In reflecting on that verse, it occurred to me that the magnitude of God's revival probably relates in direct proportion to the level of sin from which a people are being revived!!!  If that's so, then I guess we can expect the most glorious revival in the history of America, if not the world, to come soon!!!  God knows, there is a tremendous amount of sin trying to take hold of America today!   So,  the revival that we are all praying for must be truly glorious when it comes!!!

"Even so, come Lord Jesus!!!"