Saturday, April 30, 2016

Countering The Muslim Tactics?

I have long wondered what the allied forces could do to counter typical Muslim tactics that are either designed to protect their miserable forces, or create a propaganda firestorm against any enemy reprisal. I have to admit that the tactic of "hiding in plain sight" is very effective, if that is what happened in Afghanistan, recently. We may never know if it's true, or not, but I wonder if the Taliban forces hit their target and then retreated into the hospital building that American Air Force's, C-130 aircraft, strafed with their Gatling Guns for nearly 30 minutes. One has to wonder what is really the truth; did the Air Force personnel really "mistake" the hospital for the Taliban headquarters that they were sent to attack, or were the Taliban intentionally trying to draw them to the hospital, in order to protect their retreat, or create a propaganda firestorm if they couldn't protect their forces? And was "Doctors Without Borders" really unaware that their building was being used as a "safe" escape route, since it was common knowledge that there was a designated "No Shoot" restriction on that building? They would not be the first Liberal foreign organization to cooperate with terrorist fighters, by lying to protect their fighters.

I know what I'm suggesting is diabolically repugnant for civilized people to consider, but who in their right mind ever accused the Taliban, or Al Quaida, or Boka Haram, or I.S.I.S. of being civilized! They all commonly station their fighters within typical civilian residential areas, in order to either protect them, or create a potential propaganda tool to use against any enemy attack against them. They seem to not really care which occurs. Either their fighters are safe, or the enemy will suffer so much negative propaganda that their own people will demand a cessation of all military operations against them. So, did our Air Force personnel really mistake the hospital for the Taliban headquarters, or were they just plain tired of seeing the Taliban forces escaping through the hospital, and decided to claim ignorance, as somewhat better than admitting to an intentional hit against a hospital-"safe-haven" escape route for the Taliban?

What a clever, though utterly diabolical strategy! Yet, it is usually the tactic employed by any Muslim terrorist group, who foolishly believe that they are getting away with their ruse. Temporarily, perhaps. But I believe in a God that says, "Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord. I will repay!" The Muslim terrorists may hide their tactics today, but there is a God in heaven who is watching, and will repay their behavior in full, and then some...for a long, long time (eternity!).

But, like I said, we may never know (in this life, at least) if there is any truth to my suspicion, or not. But God knows!!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

It Looks Like The Trump/Clinton "Dog And Pony Show"!

I can't pretend to be pleased with the way the 2016 Presidential election is shaping up. Yes, I prefer Ted Cruz myself, but not because he's so great, but more because he's not Trump! The "professional electioneers", who are probably full-time Lobbyists, the greedy, and self-serving Media moguls, and the foolish, and wrong headed (if not "wrong-hearted") liberal "educationists", and "academicians", who honestly believe it's all right to educate our children in Marxist philosophy (disguised as "Liberalism"), as long as they are "well-rounded" (translation: mindless, Socialist automatons) have really stuck it to this country! Their endless, subtle propaganda, referred to as "political correctness" ("correct", only if it agrees with them) has so offended the Republican voters of this country, that they are willing to elect the Anti-President, Donald Trump,in the coming election. (No, I'm not suggesting that he is in any way, shape, or form the prophesied Antichrist, though he may be unknowingly setting us up to receive the real one soon.) The truly sad thing is that I suspect many Evangelical Christians are being swept up in this apparently "runaway" campaign, without realizing it, simply because they see Trump as an "outsider". "Outsider",... really?! And what's he really into?

I suspect that Trump is not as much of an "outsider" as many seem to believe he is. He probably has dealt with Mafia "bigwigs", as well as Wall Street hot-shots, and probably would have trouble distinguishing between the two. You don't run through the Las Vegas Casino building and managing business without stepping on some Mafia toes! The fact that he is still alive, and presumably retains all of his fingers, and toes, tells of an ability to at least placate the Mob Bosses, if not cooperate with them. I wonder if this is another attempt at the Mob trying to gain control of the White House, as the Kennedy election was rumored to have started out to be (and may have gotten Jack killed, when they discovered he would not "play along" with them, I don't know). Never the less, if Trump actually wins the election, I don't think he will remain true to the Conservative values that he is spouting on the campaign trail. It all smacks of a conservative monologue written by his campaign advisers, that he will probably discard, if elected.

Right here, and now, I want to assure the reader that there is no truth to the rumor that Trump was overheard singing in the shower (by hotel staff), these words (to the old Beatles song, whose title I can't remember):
"One, two, three, seven (1237, the number of delegates he needs to win nomination on the first ballet)..., I am in election heaven..., eight, nine, ten, eleven,...Ooooooh!, I love me!!!" I don't know how these dastardly rumors get started, but let's put an end to them right now! I would certainly not think anything so vainly narcissistic could ever come out of Trump's mouth (tee hee, hyuk hyuk hyuk!)

And then there's Hillary!!! If she gets elected, she may be planning to move the White House out of town. I wonder if she's thinking of San Francisco (I hear that Alcatraz is available)!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

What Is The "Blasphemy Of The Holy Ghost"?

Turning from the ridiculous (Donald Trump), to the serious (God), I am about to write on a subject that I haven't wanted to face for a long time, because it is so controversial. It is one of the few things that Jesus spoke of, that He didn't fully explain, at the time. I have come to believe that His purpose in not explaining it fully was to cause His believers to sincerely search the Word of God (the Bible), to try and reason (scripturally) exactly what He was referring to.

I don't think He was being entirely literal when He said (in Matthew 12: 31), "Wherefore I say unto you, 'All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.'" I don't believe He meant that if one said something like, "Blankity-blank Holy Ghost!" that He would plunge the speaker immediately into Hell! (However, as I am limited in my understanding of Spiritual truth by this pathetic human exterior, that we call "a body", which contains that foolish contraption we call, "a human mind"; I would not recommend that anyone try my beliefs, as an experiment. I can be humiliatingly wrong, and in this case the consequences would be too extreme!)

But He did say, "All manner of sin and blasphemy...". Too me, "All..." means All! With no further exceptions! (End of story!) Later, in Revelation 13, it talks of a "Beast" (whether the Antichrist, or Satan, I don't know. I really don't think it makes much difference.) It goes on to say, in Revelation 14: verses 9, and 10, "And the third Angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, "If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God,...and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone..." etc.!

There is only one way that both of these accounts can be true: and that is if Jesus is referring to the same sin, in both accounts. Therefore, I speculate (remember, I'm only one person, with one fallible human mind, embarrassingly capable of error!) that the "Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost" and worshipping the "Beast", and receiving his Mark, are the same sin! For it is written that God will forgive neither, yet Jesus said, "All..shall be forgiven....except..." one sin! They can't both be true, separately. Therefore, He must be referring to the same sin , both times!

If I'm right, then those of us who look to the "Rapture of the Church", before the seven year "Tribulation" need not worry about the "Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost", as long as we take NO MARK, of any kind on our hand, or forehead! And, of course nothing that smacks of worshipping the "Beast" should be acceptable, though I don't think that will be a problem, until after the Church is "Raptured"! Again, I say all this with fear and trepidation, hoping no one will place their chance of salvation entirely upon what I've said! I merely mention my opinion, and encourage others to prayerfully consider if there is any truth in what I say!

[UDATE-- 4/23/2016:
I said above that I wasn't sure, "if the 'beast' referred to the Antichrist, or to Satan", but that it probably didn't make much difference. Actually, I remembered that there are some scholars who believe that the "beast" is the entire Antichrist system, especially the economic system, based in Europe (not today, perhaps, but the European system will likely evolve into this, at some point), which will probably be computerized, entirely, and require a "Mark" on the hand or forehead to identify the user.

Don't translate this into my cautioning people not to have anything to do with Europe, but the old principle of, "buyer beware!" holds particularly true here! This is especially true as our own currency is likely to fail at any time (like maybe a Wall Street panic, after Iran, Russia, and others invade the Middle-East; not that Wall Street cares "squat" about Israel, but they are deathly afraid of any instability that would threaten Saudi Arabia!!!) So keep watching for Europe to turn more united, especially behind a computerized European currency, probably like the American "Bitcoin"; and have nothing to do with it!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Oh Lord!...PLEASE! Grant Us A Second Ballot!!!

I've long since given up on the Democratic Party; I don't see a hill of beans difference between Hillary, or Bernie, or Kerry, or Obama, or Harry Reed, or Janet Napolitano, or anyone who claims to be a Democrat!!! They're all a bunch of fools!!! I'm tempted to call them "idiots", but they're not, at all! It totally escapes me how such intelligent people, like Obama, and Hillary, and her husband, can be so clueless as to what's going on in the world today! They all have demonstrably high I.Q.'s, and plenty of academic success that can easily put the lie to any reference to them as being "idiots", so why do they support such idiotic policies? Does a high level of Academic study automatically come at the expense of common sense, at least when taught by predominantly Leftist professors? The only thing I can chalk it up to is "spiritual blindness", which seems too easy to claim for someone who simply disagrees with you. But that is the only thing that explains Obama's concern for the fleeing Syrian refugees, as being so important to help, even at the expense of allowing terrorists to infiltrate our homeland, so they can have easy access to create the same kind of terror here that we see developing throughout Europe. Compassion is one thing, but is the Obama administration completely bereft of common sense? You don't just throw open the doors to every refugee, without some kind of guarantee that they won't blow themselves up, and you along with them!!! All the Democrats can see is a bunch of welfare dependents, who can be counted on to vote Democratic, for the foreseeable future. So much for the sincerity of their compassion! Except, I guess Obama sees Muslim compatriots, whom he'd rather help than keep America safe! And Corporate America is probably salivating at the thought of all those willing laborers, who will work for slave-labor wages, if they don't blow up the corporate headquarters first!

Hillary is either completely clueless, or just doesn't care about National Security, at all! Her claim that we taught the Libyans a lot is ridiculous, beyond belief! Yes, we taught the Libyan branch of Al Quaida that they can murder our diplomatic personnel, along with the heroic former Navy Seals, and Special Forces members charged with trying to protect them until Military relief can come to their assistance. Because if an American Secretary of State rescinds the call for military backup, they can overrun the consulate, eventually. After all, it's obviously more important to her to avoid a diplomatic embarrassment than to save the lives of the personnel that are under her authority!

And, going back further, there really was no closure to that shady real estate deal in Arkansas, that both she, and Bill were reputed to be connected with, was there? I guess she figures she is important enough that she can get away with anything, like sending E-mails on unsecured servers, that will obviously be rated as "sensitive", or even "Top Secret", just because she had them sent on forms that were not marked "Secret". Is she really not smart enough to tell if the content is dangerous for our enemies to read??? Come on, do we really want this kind of lunacy in the White House? Oh...excuse me. I forgot the lunacy that has been sitting there for seven, plus, years! So, I guess the Democrats just don't care about a candidate's substance of perspective,... just their charisma

Bernie is so much of a fool that it isn't even worth talking about. The worst kind of a fool is one who is smart enough to know better, but has dogmatically chosen to believe a foolish lie, no matter how much evidence there is to the contrary!!! Socialism doesn't work, unless you enslave the whole population, and even then you will eventually need western banks to bail you out of your stifling indebtedness, before you run into a massive depression, like the 1930's! The only thing good you can say abut Sanders is that he is at least honest enough to admit that he is a Socialist; not like the other Socialists, of the Democratic party, who pretend that they are for free enterprise (as long as they get huge campaign contributions from Wall Street corporations, who consider bribes as a necessary expense to outmaneuver the bureaucracy.)

Then there is the likelihood of a Trump Presidency! God spare us that possibility, I cringe at the thought!!! The only hope of avoiding that possibility is if Trump doesn't garner enough delegates to win the nomination outright on the first ballot. I recommend that we should all pray that he receives no more that 1,236 delegates, and that someone (almost anyone!; is Mickey Mouse still available???) beats him on subsequent ballots! He is the only candidate that I think is worse than the Democratic candidates! But, if he loses out on the subsequent ballots, I suppose he'll run on a third-party ticket, which traditionally means that he can't win, but he can "steal" enough votes of Republicans to throw the election to the Democrats, and probably both houses of Congress along with it. So, I guess another 4, to 8 years of "Obama-like lunacy" is inevitable, one way or another. The only thing that can save us now is the intervention of a Savior, like Jesus Christ (perhaps that is just what the Antichrist will use to rise to power; "who needs Jesus? When the Antichrist is right here!"; I can almost hear these same foolish voters saying things like this, already. Thank God, He has already worked this all out. But, I guess we have to stop thinking of our President as our only hope. Well, Obama has gone a long way toward accomplishing that, already!!!

What a choice we have: Hillary, Bernie, or Trump!!! I guess we really can't find the President we need..., the Media scrutiny of potential candidates has scared away any really qualified people. Not that they have anything to hide, but that the Media would present such a biased perspective on things that it would seem that there might be wrong-doing, with the truth taking several months to come out (long enough for the election to be thrown for a lesser candidate). So, I guess God is allowing us to have the President we deserve!!! May God have mercy on us all!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

"Love Your Enemies...", That Can't Mean I.S.I.S., And Al Quaida, Can It???

Absolutely!!! I have long felt I was remiss in not making this point clear. I am not trying to promote a hate-mongering operation against the lawless terrorists of the world, or the supposedly "law-abiding" governments that support them, like Russia, and Iran. My main purpose is to expose the drift towards a slowly developing fulfillment of God's promise to Israel, that He will protect them from their enemies, in His prophetic message, given to the prophet Ezekiel, recounted in chapters 38, and 39.

This world is so evil, and corrupt, and Satan's power to blind us is so ever-present that I'm afraid the invasion attempt by Russia, Iran, and various other predominantly Muslim countries' armies, or unorganized militias, might possibly come to a conclusion before many of us are aware of what God is about to do. As I am increasingly convinced of the likelihood of this conflict ending with a Nuclear-holocaust-war between the retreating elements of Russia's invasion force, and possibly our own Nuclear forces; during which the Lord may well send His Angels to "Rapture" the believers to "meet Him in the air", it's important that everyone who even slightly believes that Jesus is Lord, even if they have not prayed to receive Him, recognizes that the time may be growing short! (If I am reading this prophecy correctly...)

I don't understand why He(God) says that He, '...will send fire upon Magog" (Biblical scholars have long felt that "Magog" was the ancient name for the people whose tribe eventually settled in the area of present-day Moscow, Russia). Is it relevant that He said he would send the fire (Nuclear???) upon "Magog", first, and then another on a people, "that dwell carelessly in the isles" (frequently translated "coastlands"; which scholars have long felt could be America)??? I can only guess, but, if Donald wins this year, I could see him pushing "the button", first, when most of Russia's military have already been defeated by Israel (or more specifically, by God!). But, if we have Hillary, or Bernie for President, I might be able to see either of them retaliating against a Russian first strike (maybe!), but I don't see them striking Russia first! So, am I calling for Trump to win the election? Maybe! I am as clueless on that one as everyone else!

The bottom line, trying to see this whole situation through God's eyes, is (#1) that He will save Israel, and soundly defeat their enemies' invading armies, (destroying up to 83 1/3% of the enemies' forces), and (#2) He may be preparing to "Rapture" those who have already prayed to receive Jesus as their Lord, and Savior, before He allows the rest of the world to face the consequences of living in a dying world. The final seven years will then be, before He returns, finally, to save Israel, and judge the rest of the world (we call that "Armageddon", and there's nothing in the Bible about zombies, vampires, or "walking dead, or the like! Just those who believe in the Lord, and those who don't!) .(This, just before He creates a "new Heaven, and a new earth", for His thousand-year Kingdom of Heaven, on earth!!!)

So, my original point that we should "Love our enemies" does not at all conflict with my prophetic expectations. The scripture in Matthew 5: 11, and 12 says, "Blessed are ye (the plural form of "you"), when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you, falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceedingly glad: for great is your reward in Heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you." Jesus did not give any time line on our "Enemy/Love". But using a little common-sense logic, it would seem, to me at least, to indicate that we should pray for the terrorists to repent, and receive Jesus, before it's too late. Remember, the I.S.I.S. propagandists are desperately flooding the internet with their perverse recruiting promotions! Those very terrorists could be our children, especially rebellious teenagers, who may be intent on breaking their parents' rules, just for the thrill of it,
and foolishly thinking that they can get away with it. I've heard reports of Muslims around the world, leaving their previous Muslim faith (an act that carries an automatic death-sentence, with family members being taught that they should kill their family members who do so) because of their revulsion to the acts of terrorism (like beheadings of non-Muslims, who refuse to convert), committed in the name of Islam.

After God has defeated the invading armies (supernaturally, or with Neutron-Nuclear devices???) it will obviously be too late to pray for those terrorists who refused to repent, and come to the Lord. And if we are all "Raptured" to meet the Lord, we won't care much, anyway!!! So I guess we should all pray for them now!

[For more on the chronology of what I'm guessing will very soon be happening (again, if I'm reading it all correctly) please check out the "Archive" list, to the immediate right of this column: the dates are for June 5th, 6th, and 10th, of 2013. It took me three posts to write it all, and I'm not about to do it again.]

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Europe Is "Politically Correct", Even When It's Not!

On March 25,I wrote about the European obsession with "Political Correctness", and their "Open Borders" policy that has created the freedom for Islamic terrorists to move from potential bombing targets with impunity, and to easily escape the crime scenes, provided they don't choose to blow themselves up. Nowhere is this more prevalent than in Belgium, where desperate defenses of these policies resounded after the recent bombings, in Brussels. I understand that the Europeans are concerned with the concept of allowing free trade to continue across these open borders, as opposed to the closed borders of past decades, when bureaucratic nightmares made it virtually impractical, if not impossible, to export products across borders that could easily be walked across, except for the tariffs that opposing governments imposed. But to protect the free export of international terrorism across these borders is another matter. I guess the profits accrued by the open borders make the greedy corporations, and the politicians that support them, callously blind to the heartache of the surviving family members of those who are innocently murdered in these acts of terrorism.

And here we have our nitwit President trying desperately to get us to adopt these same European policies, so we can have the same level of mindless terrorism here. Let me remind you, Mr. President, that the European "Open Border" policy was a copy of our interstate trade laws, which are not in danger of being repealed. The only thing that might change is our ability to move freely, from state to state, if the terrorism situation becomes as critical here, as the Europeans have allowed it to become over there.

The principles of Marxist Socialism cites that, "out of chaos comes order". True, but what it ignores is that the form of order usually is totalitarian, as it was when the chaos of the hyperinflationary years of 1920's Germany brought about the "Order" of Hitler's Nazi Germany, in the 1930's, and '40's. We don't need a "Hitler" to restore his idea of "Order" here, even if he is rich enough to try and buy his own election to the Presidency!!! All we need is for Obama to leave office without doing any more violence to the Constitutional form of government that we have left. But, fat chance that will happen!

Three days after I wrote about this, I was moved to write about the meaning of the "Great Whore" symbolism of Revelation 17,and 18. I suggested that the recent bombings in Brussels was not enough to cause the European Parliament politicians to panic, and move to a "safer" location (like Rome, perhaps???). But, further acts of terrorism in close proximity to the European Commonwealth Headquarters, especially if they occur soon, could create a feeling of insecurity that might force them to consider moving.

Remember, I'm not making any prophetic predictions; but if it works out something like I described, it has to be more than "coincidence". Only, I'm not the prophet, here. The Apostle John did a much better job, in the book of Revelation, nearly 2000 years ago than I could ever hope to!

[UPDATE: 4/11/2016--
So far, the Belgian police seem to be doing an excellent job of cracking down on the terror cells in Belgium. This is, of course, "after the fact" of the terrorist bombings in Brussels. My concern for the safety of the peaceful citizens of Belgium, and indeed all of Europe, and those traveling through it, is for the bombings, and not for the punishment of the terrorists, as few of them that remain alive. It's great that their police are very capable of detecting the guilty parties, if they survive, but until you can convince would-be terrorists of the future, that they will likely be detected before they can carry out their plans, this will continue. These idiots honestly believe they have "beaten the rap", by committing suicide before the police can arrest them. What a shock it must be for them to find out that God's name is not "Allah", and that His punishment for their crimes while alive will be infinitely worse than imprisonment on earth, and there is no such thing as a "life sentence" with Him! It's eternity, for good, or ill!!!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Is Israel Helping The Saudis In Yemen?

I have long suspected that the Israelis had Neutron Nuclear capability, developed in America, and "discarded" (tee hee, hyuk hyuk hyuk! Oh sure!) by our military, as "too dangerous"! Israeli "intelligence" has an uncommon ability to "acquire" American military capabilities through "miraculous means" (which is to be clarified as distinct from "outright shared technology"). This was the story line back in the days of the "Cold War", and it's policy of "Mutual Assured Destruction". Since then, I have not heard of any confirmation from the I.D.F., or from our own Military that this was the case.

A little "googling" on the W.E.B. today brought this interesting story to my attention: From a magazine that calls itself, the "Veterans Today" (subtitled: a "Journal for the Clandestine Community"). It sounded extremely Liberal in it's viewpoint, so I am immediately suspicious of it's motives (Perhaps a carry-over from the anti-war days, of the '60's, and '70's; or maybe some Neo-Nazi, and White supremacist organization, I don't know; but the magazine has been accused of anti-Semitism, so that gives us some sense of caution, and the article was crying for international condemnation for the attack, as a "war crime"! ). But the article seemed to be rather meticulous in establishing the proof of it's charge that Israeli-owned F-16 aircraft, with Saudi Arabian paint jobs (since the Saudi's do not own any F-16's) have dropped at least two neutron nuclear bombs on the Iranian-backed forces fighting in Yemen. These charges were accompanied by statistical info describing the effect of the explosion in a manner that could "only be a neutron bomb", and could "only be delivered by an F-16", (their words, not mine), which only the Israelis own in that theater. Again, I can not verify the accuracy of the story, I merely pass it along. If it is true, it is very interesting, on two points!

This would confirm two interesting suspicions: One, that the Israeli's do, in fact have Neutron nuclear capability; and, two, that the Saudi's have accepted the practical perspective of, "the enemy of my enemies is my friend", in allying themselves with Israel, to thwart a mutual enemy, Iran, in it's attempt at expansionist hegemony, into the Arabian peninsula.

I have long suspected (as I said) that Israel got American neutron technology, because of the description of their defense against the Russian/Muslim (mostly from Iran) invasion force, recounted (2500 years in advance) by God in His prophetic revelation to the Prophet Ezekiel. It describes an almost total annihilation of the invasion force (83 1/3rd % destruction), without the expected destruction of their armaments. Neutron Nuclear weapons kill people, but do not destroy buildings, or equipment (such as weapons, or vehicles [which are apparently constructed of highly compressed wood fiber, which is stronger, and more flexible than steel; since they are prophecied to be burning their weapons for seven years thereafter]). 2500 years ago it would have been easy to picture the burning of weapons, but in modern warfare, it's hard to envision the burning of tanks, trucks, helicopters, etc., but, as they say, "God said it, and I believe it, and that settles it for me". This, against an Army that is led by the second most technologically advanced military on earth (Russia), which can only be defeated by the technology of the first! Since America doesn't have the guts to attack Russia, outright, it would have to do so by allowing a proxy (Israel?) to use it's technology against a mutual enemy (Russia, through it's proxy; Iran). Remember, Israel used to be an ally of America, before Obama's (Muslim) Administration. God only knows what we are now!

This is the first confirmation of an Israeli/Saudi alliance, though. It had been publicly speculated that this might be inevitable, since Iran hates Israel the most, but wants the Saudi oil fields that are separated from their own by only the Persian Gulf. Also, Iran, and Saudi Arabia are blood enemies because of what would seem to us, as outsiders, to be minor differences in perspective of Islamic doctrine, but to them it constitutes "heresy" vs. absolute "truth" (as if anyone in the Muslim world can deal with the truth!) It makes sense that Iran should go after Saudi Arabia, and the other oil Emirates, first, because their defenses are weaker than Israel's. Russia, meanwhile pretends to be neutral, pretending to "draw down" it's military forces supporting their ally, Syria, (for fear of forcing America to defend Saudi Arabia). Recent evidence concludes that this is a hoax, however, and one supposes that Vladimir Putin must be salivating over the potential acquisition of the Saudi oil fields, or their destruction (it probably doesn't matter which, to him, since he would certainly shut off the recent Saudi glut of oil being pumped into the market, driving down the prices of his own country's oil, which is absolutely crucial to it's economy)! Saudi Arabia has been pumping high levels of oil, in an effort to bankrupt the American oil companies' newly "fracked" production. Any guesses who intends to buy those companies after they declare Bankruptcy? Probably through American proxies, but it will still wreak of Saudi oil money!

So, what's all this talk about Saudi Arabia, and not Yemen? Does anyone really believe that the battle is for Yemen? Yemen has nothing of value except sand dunes, and poverty-stricken people! Iran obviously wants Yemen territory, with which it will launch an invasion against the Saudi's, and their Emirate neighbors (and the Saudis can use the easily swayed, poverty-stricken people, who are mostly their Sunni Muslim-believing brethren); after which Iran would probably leave the oil fields to the Russians, whose technology they'll need when they later attack Israel (Russia would gladly step in then, since it would count on American weak-kneed caution [Obama?] to figure it was too late to stop them). But God has defeated that plan, already, by warning the Israeli's some 2500 years ago, through the prophet Ezekiel! ( Did you think I was the only one who believed the Ezekiel prophecy? ) The Israelis have known about this, and believed it, ever since it was given to Ezekiel. They just weren't willing to talk about it much, as I am. The only ones who refuse to believe it are the Russians, and the Iranians, with whomever their other allies are (these Neutron bombing raids may be Israel's way of "warning" the Russians, and Iranians of what they can look forward to, if they decide to attack Israel). The truly sad thing is I don't believe they are ignorant of this prophecy! The Russians have Bibles, too. They just don't allow anyone to believe it, inside the Kremlin! Well, they will, real soon! And for a very long time thereafter (eternity!). Praise the Lord!!!

Friday, April 1, 2016

Can A Third Party Candidate Actually Win?

I wonder! I know the traditional view is, "No!". These candidates are usually the "sour grapes losers" of the nominating process, intending not to seriously contend for a victory, but merely to throw the election in the favor of their opposition party candidate, to show their party's nominee that they can't win the election without their constituents. There have been rumblings of discontent from most of the candidates; and then there's Hillary! She may not make it to the Democratic convention, before she is indicted! I wouldn't be surprised to see Vice President Joe Biden roaming around the Convention floor trying to pick up some forlorn Clinton delegates, if she is fighting a federal indictment, in court. Obama may decide that he must fight Sanders, rather than have the Democratic party actually admit that they are supporting an admitted Socialist, instead of all the previous Socialists, who wouldn't admit it!

If Trump loses the general nomination battle, he will certainly blame it on the leaders of the Republican party, and likely run a bitter third-party race, just to "stick it to whoever beats him" (over-grown spoiled brats can always be counted on to "take their football, and go home!") Sanders might want to create a Socialists party, but I don't think he would get enough financial backing to pull it off. Same for Kasich, and any "Ohio-Against-The-World" party dreams.

But I wonder if Cruz could not only put together a third party of predominantly Evangelical Christian voters, but also raise enough financing to actually win the election??? Christians are tired of being thought of as the side-issue conservatives that must be thrown an occasional "bone", like lip-service acknowledgment, and then virtually ignored thereafter, because we have "no where else to go"! What if Cruz actually gave us somewhere else to go, when we couldn't stomach either regular party candidate? I don't know if he could buck the trend of third-party-losers, but it is certainly intriguing to contemplate. Perhaps the "Grand Old Party" has gotten a bit too old to be so "grand", any more!

Then again, I'm already on record as suspecting that God is likely to allow some nitwit Democrat to win the election, to continue Obama's dismantling of every aspect of America's greatness, except the Church, of course. I've said this because I don't see how the Antichrist can come to power over his prophecied One-World government, if America regains it's former greatness. And I think Cruz would instinctively endeavor to restore that as soon as possible. If he did, that would push the time-line of Biblical prophecy back considerably. Ultimately, that would not be desirable, but a brief respite from "America the Obmanation" would be nice!!! No matter how short-lived!