Saturday, October 31, 2015

"Mission Creep?", Hardly!!!

This was the way "Fox News" described President Obama's "new" policy of sending a "force" of not more than 50 military "Advisors" to fight I.S.I.S., in Syria, and Iraq. I doubt seriously that this was intended to be viewed as a slur against the President, as the assumed originator of this pathetic military strategy, though one can certainly make a strong case for it being more appropriately used to describe him, than his policy change. I do not wish to denigrate Mr. Obama, but it is amazing to me how a man of such obviously high intellect can so dogmatically embrace such lunatic strategy, and try to justify it to the public, with a straight face. It almost seems as though he is trying to earn the title of "Twerp in Chief", but the implication that those who implement his policies are lesser "Twerps" should not extend any further than the White House advisors who help him develop these silly policies, and expect honest soldiers to place their lives in "harm's way", in order to desperately carry out this foolishness!

To honestly believe that the addition of "less than 50" additional advisors, to join with the already 3,500 advisors he previously sent there, will have a significant effect on the plan to "destroy I.S.I.S.", is absurd! What will have an effect upon the President's policy there is the decision to allow these advisors to move closer to the front lines of the fight against I.S.I.S.. Especially since these troops must be walking "barefoot", since Obama has previously promised that he would not send any more "boots on the ground", and we know that he would never consider changing that policy (I certainly hope these "barefoot" soldiers don't trip over Mr. Obama's "red line", in Syria; they might stub their toes!), or his promise that these troops would not be involved in combat missions, though I wonder how the widow, and orphans of that Army sergeant who was recently killed over there can explain how their husband, and father was somehow killed in a non-combat roll! I am so sick of diplomatic lies taking the place of sound judgement in our foreign policy, especially when American lives are at risk!!!

This administration revels in fantasy rhetoric, which they absurdly seem to believe themselves, and even more absurdly expect the American public to believe it, too! It's the Communist doctrine of propaganda dissemination full-blown; i.e., if you keep repeating a lie, no matter how absurd, over and over, sooner or later you will convince the weak-minded listeners of it's truth. This seems to be the favorite tactic of the Democratic party, which the Obama Administration uses "in spades"!!! Unfortunately, this concept has become so common-place in the public schools, and Academia, over the last 4, or 5 decades that today's adults march "lock-step", (whatever that means; perhaps "goose-step" would be more appropriate) to buy into it. This is part of the reason that I am so pessimistic about the chances of any qualified Republican candidate winning the Presidential election, next year. I firmly believe that the majority of American voters would rather believe the foolish lies that are spouted by the Democratic candidates, than deal with any truths that Republicans might try and convince them concerning our perilous future (economically, and geo-politically)!!!

I shudder to think what will be the end result of a further Democratic Presidential victory, in 2016, let alone another in 2020. But, as I've speculated before, God's plan to allow the Antichrist to come to power over his one-world government probably could not happen without a continuance of Obama's dismantling of America's military authority, along with our financial predominance over the world's economy. As I said before, this must be what Vice President Joe Biden meant when he said the Democratic candidates should be consistent with the, "Obama Legacy", if elected, and I expect they will be. God must allow the Devil to have his way, briefly, before he judges those who blindly cooperate with him, as distinguished from those who won't. But, I tremble for those who will!!!

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