Friday, March 30, 2018

Sessions Is Every Bit As Conservative...As The People Around Him!

That is what I consider to be a very condemning charge, for a man with a "strong conservative" reputation from his years as a Senator.  But, he is not living up to the image of his previous years, as he now has become the tool of the corrupt F.B.I., and Justice Department officials, who have come to represent the worst of the "Deep State" bureaucracy, made up largely of Obama Administration holdovers.

Is Sessions so determined to "get along with those around him" that he will sacrifice any concern for the proper functioning of the Government, and even the rule of law?  I wonder if his "conservative" reputation was really well deserved, or was he merely an astute politician, able to read the will of his constituents, and to vote accordingly in the Senate, as a matter of preserving his job, rather than obeying any strong conviction on his part.   If he is merely an "eclectic conservative", then he is not well suited for presiding over the corruption we  are coming to realize is rampant at the tops of the F.B.I., and the D.O.J.  He would merely emulate the corrupt views of his top officials, who seem to be stalling any credible investigations, probably hoping they can deflect the uncovering of enough evidence of their wrong-doing until after the mid-term elections, when they hope the Democrats will win back control of the Congress, and reward their stalling with a blanket approval of their ways.  This is probably why the F.B.I. has only released 3000 of the 1.2 million documents the House Intelligence Committee recently subpoenaed, in it's investigation.   It seems there may be some "Contempt Of Congress" charges coming from this, with perhaps some impeachments of the officials who are seeming to drag their feet, in compliance.

Now we find that Sessions has decided not to name a second Special Council, but will, rather, bring in an outsider, who is a Federal Prosecutor, from Utah, to conduct the investigation to determine if a Special Council does actually need to be appointed.  This sounds reasonable, on face value, but this Prosecutor will reputedly have to present his findings to Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein,  who himself is suspected of corruption because he signed off on the F.I.S.A. application to eavesdrop on Trump Campaign officials, using the lying, Democratic funded Dossier as evidence of why they should be granted this right, when he apparently knew that the charges within the Dossier had never been checked for their validity, and therefore were inadmissible as evidence.  He also was the one who appointed Robert Mueller as the Special Council of the Trump Collusion investigation, that is now running on empty for evidence of conspiracy, but belligerently continues to pretend to investigate, "ad infinitum nauseum".

This seems to be the "strategy" of the Democrats, and the "Deep Staters", who support them in various Federal Departments.  They are apparently trying to drag out meaningless investigations, until after the mid-term elections, to try and create the appearance of chaotic incompetence within the Trump Administration,  when actually they are creating the only incompetence, within the bureaucracy, and the Congress, themselves.  How cynical of them to think that they can fool the voters so easily!!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Is Trump Forcing Putin's Hand?

I see no other alternative, and we know how it will all turn out eventually, but it's still a bit frightening to recognize.   Trump's tough stand against Russia, and Putin, has to be done.  We have to resist his despotic moves internationally, which he is fomenting in order to take the attention of his peoples' eyes off of the decrepit state of his country's economy.  South Carolina Senator, Lindsey Graham said, on FOX NEWS, that Russia's economy was little more than a corner gas station, with the implication that Putin will soon capitulate under the pressure of increased sanctions.  Well, it seems to me that Putin has two choices, at least as he would view it.

Capitulation is one option, in which he would quietly begin to behave himself, internationally.   But I don't see this as an option that Putin would find tempting, especially with his demonstrably massive ego!!!  He seems to be the kind of person who is obsessively determined to always be in charge, no matter the consequences.

I guess you know what I think he will consider to be his second option:  The "Gog/Magog" invasion of the Middle-East, with the ultimate goal of invading, and capturing the Gulf States' oil fields, and squeezing the western countries dry with an embargo, followed by outrageous prices once he restarts the flow of oil, under Russian control.   His ego is frightening to consider, if we didn't already know that God is going to use this as an opportunity to demonstrate his power in defeating those who go against His Chosen People, Israel; which Putin will indirectly do, by sending his Muslim allies against Israel.  Israel is the only Middle -East country that could disrupt his move against the Gulf State Emirates, which they certainly would do, unless they are neutralized.   The Muslims hate Israel so much, that they will gladly try to do just that.  Fortunately, God will defeat them first, and then drive them back, in a panicked retreat, which Russia will try, unsuccessfully, to resist!!!

Even with the fore-knowledge of the ultimate conclusion of this invasion, it is still frightening to think that anyone could be so meglo-maniacle as to believe he could actually pull off such a plan!  But, I guess Satan has an almost unlimited capacity to delude those who don't believe there is a God who is ultimately in control of the universe.  And when you seek to harm His Chosen People, Israel,  you are essentially poking your finger in the "apple of God's eye"!!!

Monday, March 26, 2018

A belligerent Putin...

I was listening to FOX NEWS' strategic analysis contributor, former four star General, Jack Keane,  talking about how despotic dictators get more belligerent internationally, as they feel more threatened domestically.  This struck me as typical of Putin's behavior, within Russia, and it seemed to me to be a basis for concern that he may be about ready to vent his frustrations about trying to hold together Russia's economy, in the face of international sanctions, and Saudi Arabian oil flooding the market, driving down the price of oil, upon which Russia's economy depends.   This might be the major reason for his apparent plans to invade the Middle-East, as is prophecied in Ezekiel: 38, and 39.  If Russia can take over the Gulf States' oil fields, he can embargo the oil sales to the western countries, and when he restarts the production, he can gouge these countries with exorbitant prices, which they will be desperate to pay!

Except for God, and Israel!!!  Apparently, the plan seems to be to let his Muslim allies, especially Iran, drive Israel into the Mediterranean Sea, so the Russians will have a comparatively easy time conquering the Gulf States .  Just one problem with that plan.  Suppose Israel doesn't feel like drowning in the Mediterranean Sea, and suppose God helps them drive the Muslim forces back on Putin, and his Russian forces.  And, suppose a panicked Muslim retreat becomes an all out war between Russian resistance, and Muslim determination to get to their home countries.  This is described in the Ezekiel prophecy as, "every man's sword (modern weapon) will be against his brother (or, comrade in arms)".

If it seems as though I interpret almost everything I hear, and read, in the news as evidence of the soon fulfillment of this prophecy, it's because everything seems to be shaping up perfectly for the invasion.  As I've said before, the only thing left to be done is for American forces to be withdrawn from the Iraq, and Syria, for some reason that I can not foresee.  But, I am convinced that this has to happen, as there is no mention of anyone helping Israel, but God, in the prophecy.  If American forces were there, they would surely go to Israel's aid, and God would have mentioned them in some way that we could reasonably recognize them as American forces.

So, keep your eyes on the Middle-East... When American forces are withdrawn, for whatever reason, the invasion will be set to begin, and the second greatest battle will soon follow (second only to the final battle of Armageddon)!!!

Saturday, March 24, 2018

What's Going On At Blogger???

I have been writing about Russian interest in my blog whenever I get a remarkable increase in the daily "pageviews" of my posts; usually it's an increase from the average single digits from non-American sources, to triple-digit numbers.  This usually happens when I publish something about Russia, so guess where I assume the interest is greatest?  And since I suspect that Russia is up to some international skullduggery, based upon their posturing as though they intend to act out the Middle-East invasion, prophecied, Biblically, in Ezekiel: 38, and 39, I can't say I'm terribly surprised that they should be interested in some American "shmoe" who has the outrageous temerity to actually believe a prophecy that was given 2500 years ago!!!

Yet two things don't add up.  First, when I get a triple-digit increase in "pageviews", it doesn't carry a corresponding increase in the numbers listed for the particular posts, when it should especially show a corresponding increase, especially for the post that I just wrote, about Russia.    Second, today I found that there were 189 total "pageviews", but only one listed as from Russia.   I have never received that many "pageviews", even from American readers (as this was indicated), except from Russian sources.   Either I really struck a nerve with my post about the "Deep State" in American government, or the Russians are bribing my server to indicate that the "pageviews" from Russia are supposedly from America!  How's that for paranoia!!!

Anyway, as that great philosopher, Alice, of Wonderland fame, once said, it's all getting, curiouser and curiouser!!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

"Spiritual Wickedness In High Places"...

Thank God for Sean Hannity, of FOX NEWS!!!

I remember when the "Watergate conspiracy" finally began to be noticed in the regular Washington media, and people actually began to realize that our President, Richard Nixon, was guilty of masterminding an illegal "Dirty Tricks" burglary of the Democratic Party's campaign offices during a mid-night raid, presumably looking for damaging evidence of corruption of one kind, or another.   Previously, it had seemed that this story was going nowhere, for lack of evidence of any wrongdoing, but the Washington Post's editor-in-chief,  Ben Bradlee,  continued to support his two investigative reporters,  Bob Woodward, and Carl Bernstein, until they finally uncovered enough tangible evidence to expose the crimes for everyone to see.   This finally forced Nixon's resignation, so he could be pardoned by the new President, Ford,  sparing the country of the prosecution of a sitting President.

Today, we have another unfolding Constitutional crisis developing, around the so-called "Deep State" conspiracy, primarily of former Obama administration appointees, (but also of long-serving officials of like-minded values) who have tried to manipulate their offices, in the Justice Department, and the F.B.I., to exonerate each other, as well as Hillary Clinton, of any wrongdoing, in spite of what is seeming to become overwhelming evidence of political illegal activity, in order to get Hillary Clinton elected, and, when that was unsuccessful, to portray Donald Trump as unfit for the office of the Presidency.  While the Main Stream Media continues to gloss over the evidence as irrelevant, and serve as the promotional tool of those who would discredit such investigations, Sean Hannity has continued to investigate what is beginning to become obvious to all, and to keep the pressure on Congressional investigators, until it is beginning to look like there will actually be prosecutions for these people, for what has been apparently illegal corruption, on a massive scale!

It may be that the Obama Administration set up this "Deep State" conspiracy throughout the Federal bureaucracy to continue the corruption of our government, from within, in order to make it seem that our Constitutional form of government was obsolete, and therefore must be abolished legally, so that we would accept membership in the coming One-World system of government, that these liberal "Deep Staters" seem to feel is the salvation of all our problems, nationally, and internationally.

Unfortunately,  as Christian believers,  we already know that this One-World government system will eventually become the tool of Satan's Antichrist, with which he will someday terrorize the world into blind submission to his evil ways, even to the point where we might endanger our eternal souls, by cooperating with this system.    Therefore we have a responsibility to resist our country's participation in this system, and to prosecute those who are trying to corrupt our government, to force our obedience, to what they believe is for our own good, (though we know otherwise, since we've read the "last chapter of the book" [the Bible], and we know how it will all turn out!!!)

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Putin "Emboldened" By Election Victory

Whoopee, what a surprise!!!  Putin wins his rigged election, against candidates that some analysts referred to as the "seven dwarfs", while the strongest candidate against him was not allowed to run.  Maybe that will be Hillary Clintons strategy, in 2020, while she runs for President, while serving time in Jail!!!  If she can't get Trump impeached, she might try Putin's tactic, and make it illegal for him to run!  I don't know how that would work, Constitutionally, but the Democrats have never cared much for Constitutionality, anyway.

I guess if Putin's "emboldened", and Russia's economy is still recovering from 16% inflation, that would be a strong temptation for his Middle-East invasion!  After he gets rid of those pesky Israelis, he can swoop down on the Gulf State oil fields, and embargo the oil needs of the entire free world!!!  Then he can charge exorbitant prices for oil, when he finally releases the spigots, and "voila!!!", Russia's economy is booming again (while everyone else's is in an emergency depression phase)!

Now , that's really "emboldened"!!!   Just a few problems with that logic, though,,,  First, what happens if those "pesky Israelis" don't feel like laying down. and rolling over quietly, while Putin's Muslim allies try to drive them into the Mediterranean Sea?  Suppose they drive their invading armies back into Putin's face, in a panicked retreat, and his forces end up fighting a losing battle with former allies, who are desperately trying to get home?  Suppose they end up destroying up to 83 and 1/3rd % of the original invasion force?  How "emboldened" will Putin feel then?  And what if Putin is himself killed in the fighting, as the 2500-year-old Ezekiel Prophecy seems to predict?  So much for his booming economic plans!  I don't know about Russia's economy, but it seems like a lot of "booming" is going to be going on, real soon!!!

Saturday, March 17, 2018

"(Putin's)...Running Out Of Money..."

...As heard on FOX NEWS' "Journal Editorial" this week, discussing the attempted murder of a former Russian double agent by weapons grade chemical weapons with his daughter also exposed to the attack, in Britain.   The expert was speculating that this attack had to be approved by Putin personally, and the reason for it's blatant brutality across international borders, he continued, was to send a message to all his military personnel, generals, spies, and bureaucrats, that even if they defected to an enemy state after betraying their country, Putin would hunt them down and kill them and their families, wherever they were!

As if this were not serious enough in itself, it also verifies my suspicion that the economy of Russia is really hurting, so much so that Putin feels he must go to this extreme to "threaten" his people because he cannot afford to buy their loyalty, which is customary, according to the expert.  This would seem to make my assumption that he is intending to invade the Middle-East soon, in order to, "take a great spoil", to further bankroll his former communist "utopia", (by taking over the Saudi, and other Gulf States' oil reserves, so he can blackmail the world into submission), certainly appears all the more plausible.  The only reason he will begin the invasion by attacking Israel is because Israel is the only country in the region capable of offering a serious resistance.  I suppose Putin has allied himself with Israel's Muslim enemies so that they can attempt to neutralize Israel, for their own anti-Semitic hatred, leaving him a clear road to the Gulf State oil fields.

As I've said repeatedly before, it seems to me that the only thing hindering the start of the invasion is the presence of America's remaining military presence.    I see nothing in the Ezekiel Prophecy to suggest that America (or anything that can be interpreted as America) will assist Israel in defeating this invasion, and I can't imagine our troops being in the region and not assisting our best ally in the Middle-East.   Therefore, I still expect some kind of agreement between Trump, and Putin, for our troops to be withdrawn from the region, for whatever reason, soon.  Then, you can expect "all Hell to break out!!!", literally!                            

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

A Re-statement of Assumptions...

At my weekly Bible study, we had a discussion of a Prophesy that I am somewhat familiar with.  I found it somewhat confusing, as there seemed to me to be a confusing of the prophecies for the "Gog/Magog" invasion of Israel, and the final battle of "Armageddon".

I have always maintained a bias for interpreting prophecy, given to Israel over 2000 years ago, through the eyes of modern society, though expressed by God to an ancient people who could not possibly understand the conditions of modern technology.  Therefore, I believe, God merely describes the appearances of the effects of modern weapons in terms that are relevant to ancient peoples, yet are clearly applicable to those technologies.

Thus, we have God describing, in Ezekiel: 38 that the beginning of the "Gog/Magog" invasion will seem as the invasion force comes against Israel, " a cloud". in verse 9, and again in verse 16.  This could obviously, simply be a description of the vastness of the size of the invasion force.  But, the readiness of the enemies of Israel, especially Syria, to rely upon chemical warfare to debilitate their enemies, makes me to feel that God is merely giving modern believers a hint, while also describing it in terms that the ancient believers could also understand.  The fact that Russia (referred to as "Magog", in the prophecy), and Iran (referred to as "Persia"), are massing their forces today in Syria makes me suspect that some form of chemical weaponry will be used to start the invasion of Israel.  And, the fact that so-called  "International Law" has "outlawed" the use of chemical warfare, relieves Israel of the condemnation for retaliating in kind, with another form of "banned weaponry", which I suspect will be "Tactical  Nuclear weapons", in the form of Neutron Nuclear bombs, and artillery.  This may be the basis for what God describes as,  "hail, and fire, and brimstone",  which brings about a poisonous condition, referred to as a pestilence (perhaps the radiation effect that kills large numbers of enemy, while leaving much of the surrounding infrastructure, (buildings, vehicles, etc.) intact.)

I have previously written that apparently the Israelis have come to the same conclusion as I have, about the possible use of chemical warfare, as they have been reputedly distributing gas masks to their citizens for decades, for just such an emergency.  Further corroboration of my belief may be found in Jesus' description of the Last Days, in Matthew: 24, when He cautions the people of this period to flee to the mountains, or, if they are in an upper story of a building to,  "...not come down", which is consistent with a caution for chemical weapons, whose gas is heavier than air, and sinks to the lowest point available.

The reference to an earthquake may be an aspect of the after effects of a massive bombardment upon the invaders, in an area of Israel that has long been known to be fairly, geologically unstable.  Perhaps God allows an earthquake to finish the job that Israel's weapons have started, and turning the invaders into an all-out panicked retreat, which is attempted to be stopped by some, which may be the basis for what God describes as, "every man's sword (or modern weapon) will be against his brother (or, comrade in arms)", as those who are retreating resist those who are tying to stop the retreat!

Thus, we have a plausible explanation of how a massive invasion force can be defeated, and nearly wiped out, to the point of 83 and 1/3rd %,  as God prophesied nearly 2500 years ago.  I don't think that the use of modern weapons technology detracts from the obvious miraculous protection by God of His "chosen people".  Perhaps He will cause most of the invasion force to be swallowed up in the earthquake, to make sure that the rest of the world realizes that He has brought this all to pass.  But, either way, I think that His fingerprints should be recognizable all over this miracle!!! 

Also, the seven-year period, afterwards, that is described as Israel burning the weapons of the enemy may coincide with the Antichrist's rise to power, in the European Commonwealth,  during which a "peace treaty" seems to be negotiated with Israel, which may include their voluntary disarmament of all Nuclear weapons, including the very Neutron Nuclear weapons the were necessary in defeating the "Gog/Magog" invasion force.   Perhaps this is how they set up the Armageddon invasion, for which Israel will appear to be largely defenseless,... except for the return of Jesus to finally destroy all the evil armies that go against His chosen people!!!

I admit that their is an awful lot of presumption in my interpreting of these "Last Days" prophecies, and I add the caveat that I do not claim to be a prophet, myself, therefore I recognize that I may be absolutely wrong in my interpretations!  Still I think the discussion of the Prophecies is healthy, and the conclusions will all bring about the ultimate victory for Jesus, and His believers, one way, or another!  Comments are welcome, within propriety, of course.  All one must do is to "click" the "No Comments" notice at the bottom of this page.  Please be aware that this is not a warning that comments will get you arrested by George Orwell's "Thought Police", whether Google wishes it, or not!  The "No Comments" merely indicates to me that none have been recorded, yet.