Thursday, September 24, 2020

It's TimeTo Stop The Communist Insurection In America!!!

I have written many times about my concern for the leftist bent of the public schools, and especially the colleges and univrsities, in America.  I felt that the Education Department should be disolved, and the authority for school curriculum, etc., should be returned to the states and local governments!  If their was concern for the possibility of racial predudice being restored to various local districts that produced the discrimination of the early 20th century, the courts can rebuke that trend, and even place the offending school system  under receivership until that violation is corrected! 

But the major issue should not be the curriculum that is being taught, but the fact that  taxpayers' money is being used to fund the teaching of doctrine that is offensive to the parents of our children today!!!  If there is a community anywhere in America today that wishes their children to be taught the wonders of Marxism, fine!   Let them send their kids to those schools ( in California, and Oregon, likely!!!) and let those people pay for the total cost of their schools, but let them receive no taxpayer funds, at all!!!  The same should go for the universities that have been blatantly indoctrinating our children, increasingly openly, in Marxist dogma, for decades!!!  Also, there shoild be no more governmet -backed loans given to students that wish to attend the universities that teach that Socialism is good, and everything about America is bad.  If they prefer that Marxist dogma, fine, so let them pay for it on their own!!!  The effect  is that now many of those children are probably on the streets, protesting, and maybe even participating in the violent rioting and looting, because the Marxist formula for overthrowing a government, in a communist revolution, is to first create chaos, and then demand a despotic tyrant to end it all!!!  I don;t think Biden would satisfy them, but prhaps Pelosi, or Harris would!!!  They don't need to be tough, just evil!!!

So, today we have our children being taught that they must stay home from school, for fear of coronovirus infection, while their older brothers and sisters take a break from college, in order to riot, and loot in the cities!!!  ( I guess rioters and looters are exempt from coronavirus contagion!!!)

But, what else should we expect, after paying for their Marxist indoctrination for decades, with taxpayer funds???!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2020

America Is About To Be Judged By God!!!

It's coming, and it's coming soon!!!  The only thing we can do about it is to decide which of us will be judged, and which of us will be spared, if any, when it comes!!! 

Today, we have two Americas:  the one of the left; the Socialists, and Anarchists, and the one on the right; the conservative, Constitution-loving, Patriotic America!  I'm sure that God wants to bless, and protect the latter, but I am conviced that He will not automatically do so!   

As callous, and unfeeling as this may sound, I believe that the death of Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsberg was not an accidental timing, but a specific timing of God, to clear the way for those of us who hate the scourge of abortion to finally, and legally put an end to it!!!  It is possibly God's final test to see if we have the courage of our convictions, to undo the evil of "Roe V. Wade", and end the slaughter of millions of innocent, unborn children every year!!!  [In the Ten Commandments, God said,"Thou shalt not kill."  The translation of the word "kill" means literally the shedding of innocent blood!!!  As all are born into a sinful world, the unborn are the most innocent of all!!!  And we are guilty of killing tens of millions of the most innocent of all!!!  Hitler was an amateur compared to us!!!]

It may also be the last opportunity we have to re-elect President Trump, and even retake control of the House of Representatives, while maintaining controll of the Senate!!!  The polls have continuously shown that this seems unlikely!  I know that the polls can easily be manipulated by the hostile Media, but they at least speak of a closeness that should make us all rather uncomfortable!!!  To think of our governmennt in the hands of  Anarchists, and Socialists, should cause all God-fearing, and patriotic Americans to shudder at the prospect!!!   I don't care if we're talking about Biden as President, or if he resigns shortly after being inaugerated, so that Kamala Harris can take over, or if the process is so boondoggled that a winner can't be determined by January 20th, and Nancy Pelosi is awarded the Presidency, legally!!!   Any of these possibilities will put America in the hands of  the Socialist, Deep State bureauracy, who take their marching orders from the likes of Bernie Sanders, and A.O.C.!!!  We would then shortly see our Consttution abollished, and America would shortly join the European "One-World" Socialist government, that the Bible prophecies will eventually be taken over by Satan's Antichrist!!! 

I believe God has been waiting patiently to see if we would end this abomination of abortion, and has been listening to the prayers of his people, and now has provided the "golden opportunity" to finally take back control of the Supreme Court, to  allow the abollition of the abortion laws, nation-wide, and to withstand the flood of lawsuits that will follow to try and reverse our efforts!!!  

I am also convinced that if we fail to take advantage of this opportunity, God will allow the Democrats to  take control of the government, and His Judgement will be upon us all!!!  He will not judge any of us, only, but he will end America's abortion abomination, without sparing us any more than he will those who support abortions!!!  Remember the old addage "All it takes for evil to prevail is for good (people) to do, nothing"!!! And we have allowed evil to prevail since 1972!!!

If we fail to take advantage of the opportunity that God has given us now, then we will bare the same resposibility as the pro-abortionists for the judgement that will surely follow!!!

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Vaccine Against War In Middle East???!!!

I do not criticise Former Israeli Ambassador to the U.N. Gillerman for his optimistic statement suggesting that the new Middle East peace agreement betwen Israel, Bahrain, and the U.A.E. will have a calming effect on the principles of the tension in the area!   But, realistically speaking, it will more than likely encourage more outrageous violent reactions from the Iranian/Russian/Moslem coalition that is prophecied to begin the "Gog.Magog War" ( and which is probably already secretly agreed to), and which seems to be on the verge of happening sooner, rather than later!!!   I am not going to make any silly predictions about when this will all start, but this is just the kind of  apparently progressive movement toward peace in the Middle East that the provacateurs can not stand for!!!  

If  anything, Iran will likely consider this a "slap in the face", which demands a retaliation-in-kind from them!   I do not suggest that this will bring about the invasion of Israel by Iran, that is prophecied in Ezekiel 38, & 39, but it very well could!!!  In any event, Israel is very well prepared for this, and more importantly, God is thoroughly prepared, and He will show Iran what happens to those who attack what He considers to be "the apple of God's eye"!!!  Before it is all over, the Bible prophecies that 83 and 1/3rd% of the invasion force will be destroyed, mostly by internal disputes that turn deadly, in what the Bible calls, "every man's sword (or modern weapon) will be against his brother (or comrade in arms)!!!"

So, this peace treaty will not bring about a lasting peace, directly, but I guess you could say it will bring about peace, indirectly and eventually, after the war!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

God has exonerated me from my most rediculous suspicion of China's evil empire!!! IT'S ALL TRUE!!!

Last night's "Tucker Carlson Show", on Fox News, exonerated my wildest and most suspicious thoughts about the massive evil of the Chinese government!!! 

 I remember that some time ago, I speculated that "I wouldn't be surprised if the Coronavirus was actually developed in some Chinese laboatory, and released intentionally on their own people (whom the Communists really don't care much about, anyway!!!), as a way of  debunking suspicion of their doing exactly that, because the callousness of such a move would be too horrible to contemplate!!!   [Actually that's not quite true, I am quite surprised, even in spite of my massive distrust of the Communists in China!!!] Then they could export infected people around the world, forceing other countries to lock down their economies, giving China the opportunity to become the primary economy in the world, once they locked down the locality of the disease's inception (the Wuhan province), and kept it from spreading further, in China (which they did)!!!   

Also, since China was the main supplyer of masks, and other surgical equipment that protected people from spreading the disease, it would be necessary to sell these supplies to other countries, instead of America, in order to give the pandemic enough time to ruin America's economy, since we are their main competitor in dominating the global eonomy (which they did, also)!!!  Any harm they could do to America's economy would also help their freind, Joe Biden, to beat Donald Trump in the upcoming election!!!

Last night, Tucker Carlson's guest was Dr. Li-MengYan, a Chinese Virologist, who works for the World Health Organization, and she said that W.H.O. records show that China did indeed do exactly as I imagined they might have done!  (I hope Dr. Yan has a squad of S.W.A.T. team police acting as her bodyguards; the Chinese are not above using assasinations to eliminate embarrasing whistleblowers, as seemed to be, coincidentally, when the first chinese laboratory worker proclaimed the disease had been released in Wuhan, only to suspisciuosly die of the disease, shortly thereafter!!!  (He probably contracted the disease from a bullett passing through his brain!!!) They created the virus in their laboratory and released it intentionally upon the whole world, just to gain economic advantage over the rest of the world!!!  I admit the charge that they might have done so seemed to be so diabollical that even I felt it might be going too far with my suspicions, but since I presented it in a hypothetic manner, I felt it was reasonable for people to speculate on.  My point was not that they had done so, but that they were evil enough to do so!!!

I just spent an hour, or so, going through the list of previouse posts, to see if I could find the one where I made the facetious charge, in my Archives, but I could not recall the title of the post!!!  I remember writing it, but I don't recall the main point of the post!  If anyone wants to search the archive list to the right of this column, I would appreciate their informing me of it's location!  It would have to be a post written after the January outbreak of the pandemic!!!  You can contact me through the "No Comments" indication, at the bottom of this page!  I know it seems to suggest that comments are unwelcome, but that is not the case.  I suppose that is my blog server's way of letting me know that there are no comments, yet!  God Bless!!!

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Democrats Have Given Up Trying To Win Elections Honestly

So, if they can't win honestly, they'll cheat!!!  I firmly believe that was the real basis for their desperate efforts to stop Trump's efforts to stop the illegal immigration!  I'm sure they planned to have millions of latin-Americans trying to vote illegally for Democrats, so they could each receive a few bucks for their effort!

Even their faux compassion for corona virus distancing, and closing businesses was likely intended to tank the economy, to negate Trump's best calling card, heading into the election!

Now, the massive mail-in ballot effort,which is reputed to be a way of allowing people to avoid going to the polls, and risking corona virus infection, is more than likely an effort to open the election to fraudulent
voting, by those who steal ballots out of other's mailboxes, and by others posing as the recipient of the ballot that was mailed to a dead person's address!   

I wrote previously about the possible plan to simply overwhelm the ballot counting process, either legitimately, or falaciously, in order to keep the Electoral College from knowing if there was a clear winner, until after January 20th, of next year, which would automatically throw the election to the Speaker of the House, whom they presume would still be Pelosi (God forbid!!!)!

It sure appears as though the Democrats have already given up trying to win the election honestly. and are scrambling to cheat their way to "victory" by any means possible!!!   

I don't want crooks like this running my country, how about you???

Saturday, September 5, 2020

President Pelosi??? America's Worst Nightmare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[It occurred to me, after publishing the following, that liberals might dismiss my opinions as conservative bias against the concept of a woman preident!!!   That is not the case; but I am vehemently against this woman to ever become Preident, not because of her gender, but because of her political lunacy, as I was as vehemently opposed to the thought of a Preident Hillary Clinton!!!  There are many men that I could not stand to become President, mostly within the Democratic party, and even some within the Republican party!  But this one has a chance of pulling the victory off, to the great shame, and horror of our nation!!!

 What a horrible thought!!!   Yet it could happen, and it seems that the Democrats are trying to swing things that way!  

Judge Andrew Napolitano, on FOX NEWS recently explained that if the election results dragged on beyond Jan. 20th, without a clear winner, then the Speaker of the House of Representatives would become the "Acting President", and hold the position for the next four years!!!   That sounds like a more realistic effort on the part of the Democrats, than trying to elect "Sleepy Joe" Biden!!!  I have long thought that the luke-warm effort to support Biden seemed somewhat artificial, and now I suspect I know why!!!

The call for massive mail-in ballots sounded so concerned about voters possibly contracting coronavirus, yet Democrats rarely have compassion for anyone, unless  there is a potential political benefit in it for them! 

So, to assure that the Democrats can't legitimately steal  this election (as opposed  to the Democrats false claim that Presdent Trump's victory in the Electoral College was a theft), one of two things must happen:  First, lets reelect President Trump with a clear enough victory, that any sluggish vote counting (or, intentional foot-dragging in Democratic-controlled states) would not interfere with the Electoral college vote.  Or, second, lets vote Republican control back to the House of Representatives, so that any Democratic meddling will still work against them!!!  If the Republicans regain control of the House, then any stalling by the Democrats would still put a Republican in the Presidency, and Trump cold be reelected in 2024!!!  Boy, would Pelosi stew in her own vomit then!!! 

Any way you look at it, it is imperative that we all pray dilligently for God to work this all out for our good!!!   Never before in America's history has such a blatant effort to overthrow our Constitutional government been so determined by one of the major parties!!!  From the effort to flood the nation with mail-in ballots, which will make the election rife with possibilities for fraud: from ballots being sent to addresses of people who are dead, ballots being sent to maiboxes where they are stolen, ballots being sent to the addresses of people who are not even American citizens, with no means of them being forced to verify ciizenship before voting, to the afore-mentioned effort  to bog down the tabulating process, until after January 20th, so Pelosi could be named acting President (God fobid!!!), not to mention the endless propaganda of the Mainstream Media, the fake news, and the bullying of Conservatives, by liberals, Antifa, and Black Lives Matter, and other George Soros-funded anarchists!!!

Anyone who cannot see that the effort to blatantly steal the election is now full blown, simply is not paying attention!!!   I have said before, and I reiterate, that I believe the liberals are desperate to win this election so they can force us to abolish the Constitution, as an obsolete document, and set us up to join the European "One-World Socialist Government" system, that the Bible prophecies Satan's Antichrist will eventually take over, and use to persecute all the Christians and Jews of the world!!!  That alone should scare the "willies" out of all of us, and drive us to our knees, in fervent prayer!!!