Monday, November 30, 2020

Israel is Threatened By Iran!!!

So what's new about that???  Israel is always threatened by Iran!!!   Recently, the death of a top nuclear scientist, killed in an assassination by gunmen, similarly to other Iranian officials who where gunned down, and were attributed to Israeli agents, this must come as quite a shock to Iran, as it may slow their efforts to develop nuclear weapons to use against Israel, in their spoken effort to wipe Israel off the face of the earth!!!

But, this creates a real dilemma for Israel!   I'm sure the Israelis  are really worried  about public opinion for killing a top scientist who was helping Iran to develop weapons of mass destruction, so they could commit a greater genocide against Israeli Jews than Nazi Germany did in World War II!!!   Uh-huh!!!  

But with the typical self control of Iran's government, this could bring about an escalation of tensions between the two countries, that might cause Iran to move against Israel, without waiting to complete their development of a nuclear bomb!!!    They could decide to invade Israel by barrowing one of their neighbors' favorite weapons of mass destruction, such as Syria's stockpile of poison gas, which they promised to destroy(until Russia kindly volunteered to take it all off their hands!!!   I'm sure that by now the Russians have "gotten rid of it all" by giving it back to the Syrians!!!   The prophecy in Ezekiel: 38, and 39, says that the invaders will come against Israel, "like a cloud" to begin the invasion!!!   Will that cloud be poison gas???  Many people in Israel's government apparently think so, as they have been giving out gas masks to their citizens for years!!!  But since poison gas has been outlawed internationally, Israel will probably feel exonerated in retaliating with Neutron  Nuclear bombs,  and artillery, which are also banned by international law!!!   (Neutron Nuclear technology is designed to kill large segments of personnel, while leaving buildings, and vehicles unharmed!)   And, God might throw in a few earthquakes against the invasion forces, for good measure!!!

The resulting panic of the invaders is prophesied to cause, "every man's sword (or modern weapon) to be against his brother", as the retreaters are fighting against those who are trying to stop them, I suppose!!!   In this manner God prophesied that the invaders would destroy their armies, to the tune of 83%!!!  So Israel should be real concerned that Iran is upset at the elimination of their modern Nazi scientist!!!   Yeah, right!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Who Is Gog, And How Far Is "North"???

I am somewhat gratified to know that Pat Robertson, of the Christian Broadcasting Network, has come to recognize the imminence of the "Gog/Magog" invasion of the Middle-East, and Israel in particular (as desribed in Ezekiel: Chapter 38, and 39)!!!   I have been writing about what has seemed to me to be a build-up, for this invasion for several years!    (Please see the archives list to the right of this column, for June 26, 2013's post.)   I assumed that the reason more of the geat televangelists were not speculating about this was that they had large ministries to protect, and didn't feel the evidence was profound enough to take a controversial position on somthing that might be several years from developing!!!    But I have no large ministry to protect, and no reputation to be damaged by making a call that turns out to be in error!   Therefore I merely tried to share my opinions with my readers,  more for the exercise of recounting my views, than any realistic effort to convince anyone of the  truth of my opinions!

I can't help but disagree with Pat to a minor extent, as he seems convinced that president Erdogan of Turkey seems to be the likely culprit that God calls "Gog", the leader of this predominately Muslim invasion of Israel!!!   Pat's reasoning is compelling, except for some minor points!   Pat points to the reference of "Gog" being referred to as the leader of a tribe known as "Magog",  which originated in the area of present-day Turkey, but does not consider the reports I've read that this same tribe eventually migrated to the area around present-day Mosow, Russia!   Turkey will certainly play a major role in the invasion, since other tribes are mentioned as allies, called "Gomer", and "Togarmah", which also resided in the area of present-dayTurkey.  But it is my opinion that the leader whom God refers to as "Gog" must be from Russia, either Putin, or some future Russian President (though Putin seems to be setting himself up to be President-for-life)!!!   

Either way, the leader is doomed to fail, along with his forces,  because God says His, "fury will come up in my face!!!"   I don't think anyone will be happy after God becomes furious with them!!!   Between what seems to be earthquakes, and possible neutron nuclear devices ( which are designed to kill large numbers of personnel, while leaving buildings and vehicles undamaged), used by the Israeli forces, in response to the invading Iranian  army's use of what seems to be a poison gas against Israel (fatal, or temporarily incapacitating), God turns the invasion into a panicked rout, between those who want to flee, and those who try to stop them, saying "every man's sword (or modern weapon) will be against his brother", and they will destroy their own invasion force to the tune of 80%, or more!!!   This is a familier way of God's bringing judgement upon the enemies of Israel, such as parting the Red Sea for the Israelites, and drowning the Egyptian pursuers, after them!!!   They tried to drive the Isrealites into the sea, so God did to them what they tried to do to the Israelites!!!   

Some scholars tend to couple this war with the later account of Armageddon!  But, between accounts of these two wars, God describes a period of seven years of apparent peace during which Israel will be burning the weapons of their dead enemies!  Recent reports of  Russian development of  pressuized composite  wood being used for weapons (which is reportedly stronger, and more flexible than steel), and vehicles, such as tanks, and trucks, also makes this seem plausible!   Could this be during the seven-year period referred to as the Great Tribulation, between "Gog/Magog" and Armagedddon???

Only time will tell, and I agree with Pat,  that it's looking as though there won't be much left of that!!!

Sunday, November 15, 2020

"Republican Temper Tantrum"???...Are You Kidding Me!?!?!?

Believe it, or not, that's what some Democrats are calling President Trump's lawsuits calling for investigations, recounts of ballots in various states, and charges of ballot tampering that has now become rather widespread!!!   

Now we have Trump's Attorney, Sidney Powell explaining on Fox news how a corrupt company has designed a computer ballot-counter that can be adjusted to completely alter the ballots that are being counted!!!    With appropriate soft ware, it can easily change thousands of ballots from one candidate to another, and this same machine was apparently used in many state, and county election offices!!!! This same machine has been used in questionable elections throughout South, and Central America!!!

 So much for the Democrats saying that the Republicans have no evidence of voter fraud!!!   Powell also has afidavits (or sworn testimony, under threat of felony purgery charges) that this was the case when various polling  places abruptly paused their counting, with Trump clearly ahead, only to have Biden suddenly pull ahead after counting resumed!!!    Hmmmm, just enough time to make some adjustments in the machine, I guess!!! 

Another Trump Attorney, Rudy Gullianni said much the same thing!!!   He claimed the evidece is strong enough "to overturn the election"!!!

Monday, November 9, 2020

How Things Stand So Far!

There have been many irregularities in many state ballot counts across the nation!   Perhaps some will prove unfounded, but even if a few prove legitimate, the whole election could turn around on these issues!   

In the worst case scenario, Biden could remain as President, and the only remaining check on keeping  the insane Democratic platform from  becoming  law would be if the Senate remains in Republican control!!!    We would then have two, to four years of bickering, in which nothing gets done, good, or bad,!   As it stands now, the Senate is  tied at 48 seats for both side!   But there is a runoff election scheduled for January 5th of next year, for the Georgia Senators' seats, which were too close to call!!!   The control of the Senate hangs in the balance of these two runoff elections!!!

The Republicans must gain these seats, or America will be pushed into a Socialist state, in which corrupt Socialists will plunder our economy, and leave us flat while they skip off to their utopian "One-World" Socialist European government!!!

The time for intercessory prayer for our country has never been greater that it is right now!!!

UPDATE==  (11/12/2020)

Perhaps we should all pray against the latest Democratic ploy  to steal the elction!!!

Saturday, November 7, 2020

"Trust In The Lord With All Your Heart, And Lean Not Unto Your Own Understanding..."

"...In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths!!!"

In times like these, we must hang on desperately to truths like these words from the Bible!  We have now come to perhaps the most dangerous moment in our history, when our entire Constitutional government has been blatantly stolen from us, in an illegal coup attempt by the party of the Socialists, who could reasonably be expected to try and abolish the Constitution itself, as an old and obsolete document, in order to force us into joining in the European "One-World" Socialist system of government, that the Bible predicts, clearly, that Satan's Antichrist will eventually take over, and use to destroy many of God's people, in the last days!!!  If any had previously doubted that we are within the "Last Days",  this clearly confirms that we are, and probobly have been for some time!!!   

I don't think that a coup attempt this blatant could ever have been pulled off, unless the deceiving power of Satan was not behind it, blinding the eyes of those who had the power to avoid it, because they just could'nt believe that such an unscrupulous and devious plan could ever have been brought against our nation's government!!!   I guess the righteous people in Germany, in the 1930's just couldn't belive that such a diabolical coup as Hitler's Nazis (led by a World War I Corporal, and former house painter) could take over their government, and turn it into the most evil government of their day!!!   It's astounding the evil that Satan can bring upon an unsuspecting world, when we let our guards down!!!

But, remember that Satan is God's devil, and he only has as much power as God allows, and no more!!!  God is still in control, even when it may be hard for us to see it!  Satan is only the second most powerful force in the universe,and God remains the first!!!  We have the ear of God, when things seem too hard for us to control, and He will turn things around, if enough of us pray for Him to do so!!!  The only way for Satan to triumph is if he can decieve us into believing that he has won, and there is nothing that we can do about it!!!   Well, there may be nothing that we can do about it, but there is always plenty that God can do about it, and we all need to pray that He will!!!    Remeber, "the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man (and woman) availeth much"!!!

So, how many of us praying "fervently" is "enough"???   I can't give you the final total, but I can tell you it starts with you, and me!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

When Shakespeare Wrote," Something Is Rotten In Denmark!", I Wonder If The Democrats Were In Denmark!!!

The Democrats sure are rotten in America!!!   

Last night's shenanegans will go down in history as a new low for Democratic meddling in the Constitutional election process!!!   But, this really should come as no surprise to anyone!   I think we all suspected that they were planning to try and cheat somehow!   Still it's absolutely criminal that they should try and interfere in the election process, after claiming vociferously that  the Trump campaign "colluded with Russia" to steal the last election, only to have their own investigation prove that they didn't!!!  It seems to be that the Dems. always accuse the Republicans of what they are guilty of themselves (or, in this case, what they are planning)!

Trump was leading in many states, even though the tabulations had not offiiallly been called as such, though the remaining uncounted votes left too few for Biden to reverse the projections!   When it became clear that Trump might soon also win in Pennsylvania, suddenly the counting was called off, or, "paused", with Democratic strongholds, in Philadephia, and Pittsburgh, still uncounted!   It's then that the whole process began to stink like "Denmark", and we all began to wonder what scullduggery the Dems. were up to!!!   

It wouldn't surprise me if  a  few hundred thousand ballots will be miraculously discovered in those two cities, with unrecognisable signatures, which the courts have already said would be allowed, "in good faith" (are you kiidding???), just before the counting resumes today!   Since they probably couldn't have forged them all overnight, the damns, I  mean, the Dems., probably would have had to prepare them in advance, just in case they were needed!!!

Sounds a bit like something you might expect from someone like the F.B.I.'s Peter Strozk, of e-mail fame!!!

Someone should start the chanting, "Lock them up!!!", again!!!

Let's pray that an honest investigation will convene, and end before Jan. 20th.,or we will be forced to deal with Nancy Pelosi as President for the next 4 years!!!  Uggghhh!!!