Thursday, May 30, 2019

I Thought The "Deep State" Was An American Problem, Not International!!!"

Apparently it is endemic of Socialism in general, in every socialist nation, especially within the "One World" Socialist system that Europe is trying to create, headquartered in Brussels, Belgium, which is overrun with "Deep State" bureaucrats who impose their will on the average citizens, even though they are unelected officials, who have no authority beyond their appointments.  This is the basis of the British revolt from this system, known as "Brexit", which the citizens voted for last year, while their Prime Minister, and other government elites have been foot dragging on the exit procedure, ever since!   The bureaucrats not only have obscure authority, but do not fear punishment, since they can not be un-elected to the position for which they were not originally elected, in the first place.  Sound familiar???  The English are tired of unelected bureaucrats, who live far away from them, telling them what they can, and cannot do!!!  In this case the, "Something rotten in (Europe)…" does not stink from Denmark, but from Belgium (with apologies to W. Shakespeare)!!!

Pardon my ignorance of typical Socialist bureaucracy!  I was under the impression that the American Democrats were merely using the federal bureaucracy as a dumping ground for their brand of job creation, as opposed to the Republican efforts to create the environment for job creation in the private sector!   I didn't realize the extent to which  the  Democrats were stocking their departments with loyal Socialists, who were ready to harass Republicans, and especially Conservatives, when called upon. This has apparently been the practice of Democratic administrations since Bill Clinton's Presidency, if not before.   Because they had almost  airtight union contracts, that made it difficult to fire them, they felt they were free to run amok with near impunity.  This is the way that our form of encroaching Socialism has almost completely destroyed our democratic Republic, and they are still trying to do so, today!!!

We have traditionally believed that all government  employees were careful to ignore their own political beliefs, and carry out the instructions of their politically appointed bosses, even if they disagreed with them, and were appointed by members of the opposing party!  Not so much, today, when the bureaucrats feel their union contract is so tight that they can get away with acts of insubordination because their bosses feel that the process of firing them is too much trouble, so they merely demote their authority, and ignore them!  The result is an over-bloated bureaucracy, which frequently doesn't do their job at all, because they dislike their bosses!  Even the White House is supposedly plagued with these types of "Deep Staters"!!!

I suspect that this reality sets up the Mueller investigators, and the FISA Court signees, plan to avoid prosecution for their obvious crimes as "Deep State" cronies.  Their plan is to do nothing!  They are desperately waiting for the imagined Socialist waive to save them from prosecution for their obvious crimes, and even from charges of treason!!!  They desperately hope for a Democratic, or even Socialist presidential victory, and clean sweep of Congressional control, in the 2020 election!  Afterwards any prosecutions started before then would be stopped, and they would get away with their crimes, ready to do it all over again, if necessary!

The Republican investigators are playing into their hands, by taking forever to determine the obvious, and to begin indicting, and prosecuting, the people who have already been linked to this obvious attempt to bring about what I have previously called an attempted peaceful Coup, to overthrow President Trump, and his administration!!!   If this lengthy process drags on beyond the 2020 election, with the Left taking over the Presidency, and Congress, they will quickly abolish the Constitution, and force us to join the European "One-World" Socialist government, and America will be no more, and anyone who tries to resist them will discover the lack of peace in this takeover!!!

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