Sunday, May 26, 2019

If MY PEOPLE, ... turn From Their Wicked Ways, ...Then Will I... Heal Their Land.

The above title is a synopsis of God's miraculous formula for reviving a broken and dangerously faithless land, as America has regrettably become!  I sight the recent statistics of the Pew Research poll, which states that the number of professing adults who call themselves "Christians", in America, today, has dropped from over 78% , in 2004, to a little over 70% , now!   And, remember, these are not the people that God considers to be His People; merely those who accurately, or not, consider themselves to be Christians.  This includes, genuine, and nominal Christians, both!

It does not include the truly unrepentant sinners (why am I tempted to write, "like the Democrats", here???).  The unrepentant sinners are the cause of God's impending judgement, but the restraint of that judgement is the degree of true faith in the rest of the nation.  That judgement will come when God decides that the level of Christian faith is insufficient to balance out the level of heathen sinning going on, unrepentantly, within that nation.   Has he reached that point with us, yet???  I certainly hope not, but I doubt if He will wait much longer!!!  The intent of this post is not to save the sinners, as much as it is to wake up the complacent "Christians", who may not be as ready as they think, to face the judgement of God!!!  (His judgement for a wicked nation will somehow exempt the true believing Christians, whether through "Rapture", or some other method.  But, many "Christians" may be shocked to realize they are not as "exempt" as they should be, when it's too late!!!)

 Many children are raised in Christian families, and grow up assuming that they are Christians, but having never actually given their hearts to Jesus, which is the determining factor in what God considers to be Christians.  Or, they did commit to Jesus, in their childhood, and were led astray as they grew up in our very secular public school system!  They may even think they are still Christians, while performing some of the evil acts that are commonly committed by school children today.  Or, they may falsely believe in their childhood conversion well into their early adulthood, without feeling any need to openly practice the tenets of the faith of their childhood.  Even more were raised faithlessly, and see no need to come to Christ, today!!!

According to II Chronicles 7:14, the whole formula for healing a desperately broken nation, as America has obviously become, is stated as follows:  "If MY PEOPLE, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, THEN will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and HEAL THEIR LAND!!!"( God's formula for giving one's life to Jesus is printed at the top of this page, for those who haven't yet, and want to be certain that they are ready to escape His judgement for a wicked nation!!!  Simply pray the above prayer, and Jesus will do the rest!)

In reflection, consider a few points within this statement!  Since these are God's words, spoken to His people, thousands of years ago, and intended to be as true today as it was in the day He spoke them, it  seems clear that He considers all who profess to be Christians, to be "His people", simply because they call themselves to be so, rightly, or not!  Perhaps not in the sense that they are faithful to Him, but that their confession has showed enough promise that God is not willing to give up on them, until He has brought them to true faith, in Himself.  He is not talking about the heathen in this passage; the rest of the Bible is available to reach them!  He is particularly interested in those who call themselves Christians, now!  If these people will follow the above formula of genuine repentance OF THEIR SIN, as well as the committed Christians, (who may have recently fallen into some form of sin, and have not yet repented of it, and asked Jesus to forgive it)  then He promises to hear them, "...and … forgive their sin (individually,  and collectively), and heal their land!!!"

In calling them His people, I believe He is honoring their own beliefs, even though that may not get them into heaven, if they died immediately.  He has promised that He "...will never leave you, nor forsake you", and that goes for the most ignorant, childish, profession of faith!  He will continuously draw that person to an understanding of what a genuine commitment entails.  If they then recommit in their adulthood, then the above promises will be available for them, as well as the rest of the people of their land!!!  Sure, he wants the unrepentant sinners to seek his salvation, as well!  But, for the immediate problem of healing our land, we must all repent of our collective sins, and our wickedness, before it's too late!  Then afterward, we can address the preaching of salvation to the unrepentant, in a land that is safe from God's impending judgement, as we are presently in acute danger today, (as Jesus said, "a house divided can not stand",  and neither can a nation!!!)

Anyone who foolishly looks upon the state of America today, and does not draw the same conclusion as I have, is a fool that the Devil has lulled into complacency so they will not interfere with his evil plans!!!  Just the state of the rantings of the Democratic "Presidential Candidates" should convince us all that judgement can not be far away!!!  No candidate for President could ever realistically be considered a potential winner until today, with the silly platform issues they are professing unabashedly! Do you really believe that their hatred of President Trump is simply because they don't like him???  Whatever level of Christian faith you may believe motivates him, the real reason they "hate" him is because he is trying to, "make America Great again", right when Satan is trying to get Europe to develop his "One-World" Socialist government, and he needs America to fall into hopeless decline, to force us to join in his system, which God has prophecied  that Christians must never do!!!  Since Satan is in charge of all hatred, it is the easiest thing in the world for him to make all these people think they really hate him!!!  Actually, Satan is using them as a conduit to express his hatred of Trump, and the rest of us, too!!!

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