Saturday, May 18, 2019

The Squealing Of "Stuck Pigs"!!!

The above title refers to an old American adage which means complaining when criticism hurts, whether it is well deserved, or not!  Also well known is the fact that no one screams "Police abuse!" louder than a criminal that is caught in the act, with plenty of incriminating evidence to prove his guilt!!!  The intent is to obfuscate the incident, and get any judge to throw the case out of court, regardless of the guilt, or innocence of the accused!!!

The screeching from the political Left, over the past few years, must fall somewhere between these two principles!  (I won't bother to guess which one fits their loud squealing best!)  But, I suspect they are trying to direct attention away from the several investigations of the past few years, now that they have unanimously concluded that there was no evidence of Trump Campaign collusion with the Russian attempt to influence the 2016 election.  The recent acknowledgement that Attorney General Barr has begun an investigation into the propriety of these investigations, with concerns that some of the investigators may have overstepped their legal authority, in their malicious fervor!  I think we can expect to see some of these officials, most of whom have been fired, or resigned their positions, to take long-term vacations, in whatever countries do not have extradition treaties with the U.S.!!! 

In the mean time the complaining from the Left, and the endless attempt to investigate President Trump, and the desperate attempt to find him guilty of any impeachable offense ( is blowing one's nose, in public, an impeachable offense???), continues endlessly, from the Democratic controlled House of Representatives!!!   It seems as if they hope to fend off criticism of their endless investigations, by exhausting our patience of even considering anything.  I guess they hope we will just forget about it all! 

But. we dare not, in my opinion!!!  I wrote earlier that the past few years of investigations smack of a non-violent form of political coup!  If the perpetrators feel they can get away with this, and avoid prosecution, and punishment, they will surely try it again!  And the next time may not be non-violent!!!  I think all this clamoring about abolishing the second amendment is with the expectation that the next Democratic victory for the Presidency, and the Congress, will need to be free of any possibility of a popular revolt of the people, when the Democrats try to permanently abolish the Constitution, and force us into joining the European concept of a "One-World" Socialist government!!!  They can't stand America's free enterprise, and Capitalist system because it doesn't facilitate bureaucratic skimming off the top to enrich the politicians, like Socialism does! 

It also doesn't allow for tyrannical discrimination against Christians, and Jews, as the Bible says this system will allow for the Antichrist, who is prophecied  to eventually take over this system, and use it to launch a genocidal campaign, that will make Nazi Germany look like kindergarten!!!

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