Friday, May 10, 2019

..."And Among Them That Dwell Carelessly In The Isles"

What I am about to write, I do so with, "fear, and trepidation"...

My main purpose in writing this blog has always been to call to attention, for Christians around the world, to various current events that seem to align with various Biblical prophecies, for the "End Times", or the "Last Days", as the Bible refers to them!   As I am fully persuaded that we are well into this period, though I don't know exactly when it began, and I am certainly NOT about to try and predict the day, and time of the "end of the world"!!!  So please don't sell your homes for an emergency ten bucks, and head to a mountain top with your family, expecting some divine flying saucer to pick you all up, and fly you all to Heaven!!!

But, on the other hand, I recognize that what I am about to write may sound very similar, and it seems to me that it is premature of what I have been persuaded would likely be the case!!!  I don't believe in, "shouting FIRE!!! in a crowded theatre!", as some famous Supreme Court Justice wrote (was it Oliver Wendell Holmes?)  concerning the limits of free speech!   But, I may be about to. "cry Fire!!!" it the midst of a crowded country, effecting roughly 310 million people (the population of the U.S.)!!!  I certainly hope no dangerous panic will result from my efforts, but realistically I imagine I will be dismissed as a raging lunatic, who has finally, "gone off the deep end!"  Well, so be it!!!  Better for me to become the biggest fool in the world, than for what I believe may soon happen to occur without a warning to those who would otherwise prepare!!!

I have been writing for years that the prophecy of Ezekiel 38, and 39 seemed to be pending, for some time in the very near future!  But, even I felt that there would be sufficient warning for believers, if they watched the developing current events, with the prophecy in mind, for indications of it's imminence!  I am not so sure, now!!!  The developments recently,  in the Middle-East, leave me a bit concerned that the timetable may have just moved forward, or more likely my own understanding may simply have been supernaturally corrected, and we may not have much time left!  I say this not concerning the Middle-East invasion, which God has promised to work out for Israel's protection, and ultimate victory, but for the apparently Nuclear attack that I had gathered to happen AFTER the conclusion of the war!!!

The part of the prophecy, in Ezekiel 39: 6, which talks about God sending, "fire (Nuclear???) upon Magog (probably Russia, who instigates this whole invasion), and, "among them that dwell carelessly in the isles (also translated as "coastlands", which Biblical scholars have long felt was America!!!)  I assumed that this would come after the conclusion of the invasion, since it is described after the description of the war!  But it does not have to be so!

I have written about my perplexity over nothing being said about Israel receiving aid from any allies, even with a backhanded reference to what might be America, which would have to be so described, since we did not exist, at the time the prophecy was given.  But the silence of what would certainly happen, as long as America was still in existence (since Israel is America's best ally in the Middle-East), caused me much confusion!   I hate to suggest it, but it is possible that we may not exist, even before the invasion!!!

With the recent sabre rattling of Iran, and the consequential deploying of the American Aircraft Carrier, and accompanying fleet, it makes me wonder if Russia, or some other communist ally, might preempt the invasion by "getting rid of " America's threat to disrupt the invasion!!!  In the spirit of Joseph's words to his brothers, the communists would mean it for evil, "but God (would mean it) for good!"  By allowing them to remove America's ability to come to Israel's defense, it would set up His Glory for helping Israel defeat the invaders, without any allied help (which would seem to be impossible, in worldly terms)!!!

So, where does that leave us???  If I am right, and I certainly hope I am being foolishly in error, and unnecessarily (but not irresponsibly) alarmist, then that means we, as a nation must make sure our "spiritual houses" are in order!!!  As I have written before, there is some Biblical evidence that God may be planning the "Rapture" for some time before any Nuclear missiles touch down!  If that's so, then we should all get on our knees, today, and repent of any unconfessed sin in our lives, as there may not be much time left to do so!!!  (The rest of the salvation prayer is addressed in the heading at the top of each page for those who want the Lord to come into their hearts, forgive their sins, and take them home to be with him when they die [or, are "Raptured"]!!!) Worst case scenario; I may have totally misunderstood the meaning of the current situation, and may be guilty of some of the worst alarmist buffoonery, ever, by anyone!!!  But, perhaps I would unnecessarily lead people to the Lord's eternal salvation!  Where is the harm in that???  I would gladly accept the world's criticism if I am wrong, in that case!!!

BUT, IF I'M RIGHT?????????????????????????????

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