Saturday, May 25, 2019

Should We Go To War With Iran, First, Or San Francisco???

It's hard to figure which is the more dangerous enemy of the people of America today!!!

San Francisco has long been the "capitol" of the LGBT. movement.  But, I don't believe they are capable of completely taking over our government, unless those of us who resist their perverse values sit back and do nothing!  The old adage of, "all it takes for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing!", certainly seems to apply here!   We have the authority to lay ahold of the Throne of God, and literally bombard Him with our desperate prayers for His Divine Intervention, to deliver our nation from the evil threat to destroy our Constitutional form of government, and force us into the prophecied European "One-World" Socialist government, that the Antichrist will eventually take over!

 I would suggest that even people who don't really believe that God exists, but don't like the way things are going, should at least try praying to see if He will really deliver this nation from it's desperate divisiveness.  There seems to be no other good solution, and what do you have to lose by trying???

Lately, San Francisco has also been the home of what has been called the bastion of "liberal group think", and political correctness, centered in "Silicon Valley", just outside of  San Francisco.  Mega corporations, like Facebook, Twitter, and Google (along the "social media" trail) have recently taken it upon themselves to begin censoring what they consider to be inappropriate blog posts on the internet.  But, what they consider to be inappropriate seems to be mostly conservative viewpoints, or whatever they disagree with!  Granted this is not protected by the first Amendment to the Constitution, which restricts the censoring of free speech by Congress, whose business is to make the country's laws.  But, these corporations have so much easy capacity to censor anything they wish to, that the almost exclusive censorship of conservative speech seems to be almost the same thing, in effect!   We now have quasi-governmental corporations taking extra governmental regulatory restrictions upon their customers, simply because they disagree with them!  It almost seems like they are daring Congress to pass laws to break up what seems to be an encroaching group of monopolistic corporations, which have too much power to censor, because there is too little competition to oppose it!

 I wonder how George Orwell seemed to get so much of his predictions correct, in his book, "1984"  considering that he claimed no divine prophetic revelation!  The date of his prognostications was certainly not correct, but the general description of the evil era he was describing seems to be frighteningly accurate!   Was he a Christian, who was given a vision of what was in store for us, but didn't wish to claim any divine revelation, out of humble concerns?  One can only wonder!

Regardless, it's up to the rest of us to get off our behinds, and get on our knees, and "bombard the Thrown of God", with our desperate prayers for His revival of our nation!  Time may well be growing short, to do so!!!

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