Saturday, June 1, 2019

"No Longer "If", But "When"! WHEN, INDEED!!!

I enjoy watching the Sean Hannity show, on FOX NEWS.  It's perhaps the best source of honest, reliable news on broadcast television, which I'm ashamed to say is not particularly complimentary, due to the dishonest, and unreliable state that the Mainstream Media outlets have degenerated into!!!  But, I usually agree with most of what Hannity says, and even now, though I hate to admit it!

Hannity has recently taken to saying, almost joyously proclaiming, that the "Deep State" conspirators, and those who fallaciously brought about this shameful Mueller investigation were about to receive their just due, as the investigations have been turned against them!  But, I am somewhat less than convinced that the culprits will be finally brought to justice!

I agree that the intent to bring these people to justice is proceeding, but, AT A SNAIL'S PACE!!!   When will the trials begin???  

 After nearly two years of the Mueller investigation, which was probably meant to obfuscate the real issue of which political party really colluded with Russian disinformation to interfere with the 2016 Presidential election, we now have more investigations to establish that very fact!  The Horowitz, Inspector General's report is rumored to be released sometime this month!  But, though people keep proclaiming Horowitz's integrity, the fact is that he was appointed by disgraced  Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, who famously recused himself from overseeing the Mueller investigation, after selecting Rod Rosenstein, to preside in his stead!!!  This essentially gave Mueller carte blanche to do whatever he wanted, (including hiring a bunch of  Clinton-loving, and Trump-hating cronies to server under him) and nearly two years later, we find that the investigation was inappropriate, and probably meant to take the attention away from the Clinton campaign, and stall any truly relevant investigations, such as we supposedly have now!!!

 I say "supposedly", because we still don't have Horowitz's report, and we don't know when any indictments will come down, for any perpetrators of any criminal acts, of which there seems to be a plethora!!!  Even after the indictments, which could trickle out slowly, most complicated criminal trials frequently take years to complete!!!  Since we only have 18 months before the next election, there must be significant proof that this non-violent Coup, as I call it,  will be sufficiently adjudicated!  If the Democrats (who have run increasingly on lies, slander, and manipulation of the truth) can get elected by convincing their semi-Socialist constituency that they are innocent of any conspiracy, and this whole thing is a bunch of Republican partisan skullduggery, then you can bet they will shut down any trials, and pardon any convicts from them!!!  So, these conspirators will get away with their crimes, and will certainly begin conspiring for the next coup attempt, which will probably NOT be non-violent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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