Thursday, May 2, 2019

"Investigating The Investigators..."

It would almost be humorous, if it weren't so deadly serious!  The tables have turned on those who perpetrated this hoax, accusing President Trump, and everyone associated with him, all the way back to his three-year-old nanny, of every felony in the book, supposedly to try and get him impeached!  The real reason for their investigation (as I see it) was to irritate the President enough to get him to fire Special Counsel Mueller, and shut down the investigation, so that they could falsely accuse him of  obstruction of justice!!!  The President realized this, and did not do it, even though it was legitimately within his Constitutional power to do so.  He realized this would be playing into their hands, and they would be screaming, "high crimes and misdemeanor", which is an impeachable offense!!!  They could probably get him impeached, through their hostile House of Representatives, but there are too many Republicans in the Senate to convict him, and they know it!  So, they probably wanted to drag out the proceedings, till the 2020 elections, hoping to convince the unsophisticated voters that Trump was guilty, simply because the Democrats were making so much fuss about it!!!

Just as Attorney General Barr said yesterday, when he appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee, " We have to stop using our criminal justice system, as a political weapon!"  The Democrats have been squealing "like a stuck pig" for nearly two years, about Trump's supposed crimes, I think, to try and throw the spotlight away from their own guilt (and Hillary's), just as the arrested criminal screams "police brutality", to try and get a judge to throw his case out, because he knows they caught him "red handed", and that's the only way he can "beat the rap"!!!  If we let them get away with this Hoax, without convicting those who behaved criminally, in what amounts to an attempted peaceful coup, they will surely try it again!  And the next time it will probably not be so peaceful!!!

 Have you noticed that they scream all the louder, whenever their charges are dismissed as the hoax they obviously are???  As the Attorney General answered the Senator's questions, yesterday, the angry Democrats on the committee, especially those who have announced they are running for President, in 2020, stopped questioning him, and began charging him, outrageously, with lying, and ignoring the truth to cover up Trump's "obvious guilt"!!!  They are desperate to keep charging the President, no matter how obviously wrong they are, according to the old communist principal, that a lie repeated often enough (and loudly enough), to the point that it drowns out the opposition, will eventually become believed, at least by the more easily influenced, whom the Democrats are desperately hoping they can convince to vote for them. in 2020!!!  That's the real basis of their political platform:  Lie, scream. and rant long enough to convince those who will accept their deceptions without closely examining them all, and will presume they must be telling the "truth", simply because they hear it so much!!!  They are hoping to convince all the simple-minded;  especially as many illegal immigrants as they can get past President Trump's resistance, to vote illegally (though some Democrats are trying desperately to get that legalized, too)  and any who might be naturally hostile to the sitting President, like convicted felons, in jail!!!  Rather then try and come up with policies that are better  than their opponents, they find it easier to deceive the less sophisticated voters, to win their votes by deception!  Bill Clinton, and Obama did this, and Hillary nearly pulled it off, also!  Let's hope we can keep these other rascals from doing the same thing!!!

As my title suggests, the "Investigation of the Investigators", of the past two years of "witch hunt", is beginning to take shape.  But, if it drags on for two years, like the previous "investigation", it may not keep these idiots from pulling off their larcenous election victories, in the Presidency, and the Senate, and then we would have to turn over control of the whole government to those who obviously wish to destroy our Constitutional government, abolish the Constitution, and drive us into joining the European "One-World" Socialist system of Government, that is prophecied to become worse than Nazi Germany!!!

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