Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Could The Left Be Considered TREASONOUS??? Including Democrats???

By definition, treason is when someone wants to overthrow the present government, and give the country to the government of another entity, or country!   I submit that if my suspicions are correct, and the evidence indicates that they are, then all the leftist demagogues, that are spouting all these  outrageous principles, that are so absurd that even they must know that they would destroy our country if they were ever put into practice, must be intentionally trying to destroy our government, in order to force us into their preferred government:  the "One-World" Socialist government, that the European Union is trying to develop!  To me, that meets the criteria of TREASON, easily!!!

But, the practice of the so-called Fabian Socialists of the 19th Century, which has dominated the governments of western Europe, and differs only slightly from Communist Revolution, is to slowly brainwash a population with their encroaching principles, beginning with the least offensive, until they present the most outrageous, and socially destructive principles, to a brainwashed populace, which by that time is thoroughly conditioned to accept Socialism as a viable form of government, rather than a  destructive social concept!

The Leftist leaning public school systems, regulated by the Federal Department of Education has produced generations of brainwashed young adults, who actually believe that socialism is the best form of government (A.O.C.!!!), after years of schools refusing to teach any course that could seem even slightly patriotic, such as American  History, Civics, anything that presented Capitalism, or the Constitution in a positive way.  The Constitution was presented as an obsolete document that has outlived it's usefulness, and must be abolished!!!  All this has been to condition society for a leftist takeover of our government, which will abolish the Constitution, and force us to join the European "One-World" Socialist system that Britain is desperately trying to exit, but their elitists are foot dragging to keep them from leaving!  Whenever you hear about the world's "Globalists", they are talking about the "One World" Socialists, which the Bible prophecies will be taken over by Satan's Antichrist, who will use it to persecute Christians and Jews during the 7-year Tribulation period.  God will allow this to happen, to test us to see who will remain faithful to Him, and who will not!!!

My reasoning centers upon the belief that even these people who spout those outrageous plans for our country can't be so ignorant of the harmful effects of what they are proposing.  These people can't be so stupid as to think that outrageously expensive plans, such as Medicare for everyone in America (and you bet that will include illegal immigrants), reparations for Blacks, for damages brought upon their slave ancestors ( whether, or not one considers this to be deserved, it will increase the debt, monstrously), and trillions of dollars for "global warming" projects, that the worst polluters are exempted from!  It doesn't even consider the foolishness of a "Guaranteed National Income" for everyone!!!  These Leftists must know what history says about empires that hyperinflated their currencies, until they were considered worthless, and were no longer accepted as legal tender, for the payment of debt!!!  I believe they are intentionally trying to force us into such a  destructive hyperinflationary crisis!!!  Historically, some of the most evil empires grew out of the wreckage  after a hyperinflationary crisis (to wit; Nazi Germany, in the 1930's)!

The U.S. Dollar has been reported to be worth about 5 cents of what it used to be, due to years, even decades of irresponsible currency inflation, and debt, to supply the programs of greedy politicians, in both parties!   Tack  on the outrageous Trillion dollar programs that these idiots propose, and the dollar will soon be so worthless that our trading partners will not accept it as payment for debts! Then we will all be faced with the likelihood of starvation, unless we can convert our savings into other, more stable currencies!  I suspect that this is the ultimate intent of these irresponsible programs being proposed by the Democrats!!!  They want to create such a panic in America that we will demand that our politicians join in the European "One-World" Socialist movement, and accept their computerized economic system, which the Bible cautions us to never accept, on pain of eternal damnation!!!

So there you have it!  Democrats are proposing Pie-in-the-sky programs that they must know will bankrupt our economy, so they can lure us into abolishing our Constitution, and joining another system (that is not just of a different country, but of the whole world)!!!  If that doesn't smack of treasonous intent, I don't know what else would!!!

May God protect us from this ever happening!!!

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