Sunday, May 12, 2019

More On, "...Those Who Call Good Evil, And Evil Good!!!

I have long been intrigued by various so-called conspiracy theories, mostly because they all seemed to be so unbelievable that it seemed unlikely for them to prosper here in America.   But lately, I've been reading "The Shadow Party", by David Horowitz, and Richard Poe, and I don't find it intriguing, because it scares the you-know-what out of me!!!

Lately, we have been hearing reports about billionaire computer company owners, and the like, who have taken it upon themselves to try and force their liberal values upon their customers, infringing upon their rights, in ways that government officials would be arrested for tryin the same tactics through their bureaucracies!   It always seems to be oppression against their openly conservative customers, never the Left!   The book I mentioned above points to the "Grand Poohbah" of liberal billionaires, George Soros, as funding nearly every anti-establishment organization, and trying to impeach every Republican President, since the last century.  Coincidentally, Democratic Presidents seem to be immune from such harassment, even when they confuse falacio as not being a form of, "sexual intercourse with that woman"!!!  Just another case of selective moral outrage being fomented against conservatives, only!

There was a time when most of the corporate money for presidential campaigns was given to Republican candidates.  No Longer.  It used to be that  corporations figured they would be best served by a president who promoted capitalist values.  Also no longer!  I suspect that these liberal billionaires were converted in our liberal universities into being "One-World" Socialist devotees, otherwise known as, "Globalists", and after they established their computer companies they found it was easier to get socialist governments to cooperate with their policies, and very profitably so!!!  We now see how much they care about the Bill Of Rights, of the Constitution, when it comes to profits!!!

The truly scary part of the book was when it quoted various proponents of this conspiracy as saying that they don't believe that capitalism can be successfully overthrown, without widespread violence!!!  This tends to legitimize my suspicion that the basis for the Left's obsession with America abolishing the 2nd amendment right to, "keep and bare arms", was because they intend to defend themselves, once they retake the Presidency, and try to abolish the entire Constitution!!!  They mean to control the military, and not let anyone dispute their dominance!  We see an example of an outraged populace which is powerless to overthrow it's socialist government, because they have no weapons, in Venezuela, today!!!  If we think it can't happen here, we are kidding ourselves!

In line with the message of my last post, we must pray that God sends a spiritual revival, to change these peoples' evil hearts, or that He will "Rapture" us out of here, before He wipes them out completely!!!

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