Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Do "Fake Polls" Now Derive From The Same Sources as "Fake News"???

Most people have learned not to place lot of credence in the political polls that precede elections, especially when there is more than a year to go before this coming election.  But, I have been troubled lately by the news reports that, even before President Trump announced the beginning of his re-election campaign yesterday, the polls seemed unanimous in predicting that the top five Democratic candidates are ahead of him, already!  Upon reflection, though, two thoughts came to mind that brought some consolation.

First,  the polls might be strongly influenced by the same bias that has corrupted the so-called "Main Stream Media", since before the last election.  The most remarkable thing about the 2016 election was not that Trump won,  but that the corruption of the Clinton campaign was so blatantly obvious, and the Media was so overwhelmingly dishonest about their reporting, throughout, and especially afterwards!!!  The media seemed to decide that reporting the truth would not get their desired result, so they decided to resort to pure propaganda, and it didn't matter to them how absurd their reporting seemed!  It showed a basic disdain for their collective audience, to think that their viewers would believe some of the moronic drivel that they repeatedly broadcast!  But, as I have written before, they predominantly are Socialists, and one central doctrine of Socialists (and their Nazi, and Communist forerunners)  is that a lie, repeated often enough, to the exclusion of all counter opinions, will eventually become accepted as an absolute truth!!!  This is obviously why the Left, which controls all the Social Media, seems so desperate to censor primarily conservative news sources, while leaving similar Leftist sources untouched!!!  They don't want to remove the "Fake News" propaganda, but they want to exclude all the "counter opinions"!!!  (Thank God for FOX NEWS, which may be the only major national news service that still believes in broadcasting the truth!!!)

It would be a simple matter for pollsters to "rig" their statistics;  the 2016 election results would show the areas where the Democratic, and Socialist candidates did predominantly better than Republicans, and especially Trump!!!  So, if pollsters placed their calls in these areas, and avoided the others, they could reasonably expect that their statistics would be skewed accordingly!  Polls usually make their predictions based upon mere hundreds of answers to their questions, which they feel is statistically representative of the millions of voters in America, today!   That may no longer be a relevant assumption, depending on the honesty of the pollsters involved!

 I have written that I suspect many Media outlets are no longer loyal to America, but are fully persuaded that "Globalism" is the best hope for the world!   Their overwhelming Biblical cynicism would surely doubt the veracity of anyone who claimed that Satan is behind this movement, and he is only using it to set up his "One-World" Socialist government, that will eventually be taken over by his Antichrist, which will be bad news for all Christians, and Jews at that time!!!  This is why only the fervent prayers of God's people can save our nation from being manipulated into joining this evil system!!!

Also, there is another Spiritual factor to be considered!  God, throughout History, with repleat accounts in the Bible, seems to enjoy allowing evil to prevail, almost to the point of victory, before He turns the tide miraculously in the favor of the party He chooses to win.  It has happened even in modern times, to wit;  the American Civil war started out disastrously for the Union, before the ultimate victory; and the Revolution started poorly, as well: and WWII started for us with the Pearl Harbor attack almost destroying all of our Pacific Fleet!!!

If anyone doesn't believe that politics is equivalent to warfare, with no guns, they are sadly mistaken!!!  And the Leftists want to abolish the second amendment, so they will be the only ones with guns, when they take power!

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