Saturday, June 22, 2019

Democrats Are Unfit, Whether They Believe What They Say, Or Not!!!

I can't say for sure if this includes all Democratic candidates...   There may be someone running for Dog Catcher, in Podunk, Iowa, that can actually speak the truth,,, When I find them, I'll let you know!!!   In the mean time, the candidates we keep hearing on the news are either a bunch of collective idiots, liars, and truth-manipulators, depending on whether they actually believe what they say, or believe we are such idiots, as to believe their lies, and the fantasy charges that come out of their mouths daily!!!  Either way, they have proven themselves to be wholly unfit to govern, in a world that is growing dangerously more evil, also daily!  Unfortunately, this includes many of the Democrats that were elected to the House of Representatives, in 2016!!!  They have abundantly proven their unfitness to govern, yet they sit in positions of power today, accomplishing nothing but to continue to make unfounded charges, supposedly calling for the impeachment of President Trump!

The Bible says, "A House divided can not stand!",  so we will either throw these idiots out, in 2020, or we  will fall before 2024!!!  The world has become too dangerous for us to endure such political incompetence to clog our government's machinations, when there are so many of our enemies that would love to take advantage of our collective political befuddlement, which paralyzes our ability to quickly, and properly respond to any crisis!   In this case, the "House divided..." is the entire Congress, since laws cannot be passed by one chamber, only.  If the Democrats retain control of the House of Representatives, after the 2020 elections, to say nothing of if they win any more power, in either the Senate, or the Presidency, then America will be finished, as we know it!!!

There was a time when a Democratic victory could be viewed as a temporary setback, and we would merely endure an uncomfortable period of difficult negotiations, to get anything  done, at all!  That time has passed!  We now must recognize that the new brand of Democrats do not intend to accomplish anything constructive when elected!  They wish to use their power to corrupt our government, so they can blame it on an "obsolete" Constitution, that must be abolished so we can join the "One-World" Socialist government, that Europe is trying to develop!  The Bible makes it clear that anyone who cooperates with this government will get a free pass to Hell, for an eternity!!!  So, if these idiots take control of our government, in 2020, we will lose our government, and the alternative will be a choice between eternal damnation, or slow starvation!!!

Sounds like an important election is approaching, wouldn't you say so???

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