Sunday, June 2, 2019

"When Indeed!!!" Part Two:

Pardon my impatience, but it's been a whole 24 hrs. since I first complained at the apparent foot dragging of the investigations into the "Deep State" efforts to pull off a non-violent Coup of President Trump, and his administration.  Does this mean that I'm going to write nothing else but updates every 24 hrs. of how long it's taking to bring these bast… (sorry!) people to justice?  I'm considering it!!!  But, realistically, I don't think that Attorney General Barr, Inspector General Horowitz, or Special Prosecutor Durham are paying much attention to anything I have to say, if they even know I exist!!!  So, I guess I'll have to placate my impatience while I'm waiting for these endless investigations to run their course!!!  (I remember, in the "Godfather" movie, how Michael's sister relieved her anger, and frustration by throwing all of her dishes at the wall!  But, somehow I don't think that throwing my dishes at the wall will help much, since they are mostly paper, and plastic!)  Oh well, such is the life of a self-appointed Op-Ed writer, who has plenty of opinions, but no credibility for anything.

However, I can't help but wonder how many Americans are likewise frustrated by the interminably slow pace of bringing these people to justice?  I know that, "the wheels of justice turn slowly", but in this case the wheels are turning slowly enough that the degree of Democratic victories in the next election may determine the amount of justice that will eventually be served, here!  I suspect that the main purpose of the Mueller investigation was simply to throw off suspicion from the real perpetrators of the Russia collusion conspiracy, for long enough to hamstring any appropriate investigations to follow!  It all boils down to the 2020 elections!!!  If Trump is re-elected, and, hopefully, Republican control is re-established in both Houses of Congress, then we can see these cases prosecuted fully, and justice will finally be served!!!  But, if the Democrats can convince their anti-Trump constituents to vote them into power, along with all the illegal votes they are probably planning to bribe from the illegal immigrants, they will use their power to stop any investigations, and trials, and pardon any convicted conspirators!  Like I wrote yesterday, then these conspirators of a Coup will try it all over again, only this time it will probably NOT be non-violent!!!

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