Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Stop The Endless Investigations, And Begin To Prosecute, Already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, Sean Hannity, I appreciate that you can't speed up the legal proceedings, but I can't share your excitement that these crooks are going to get their due, "when the reports come out"!!!  We have been waiting for Inspector General Horowitz's report on "possible" ( even though it is blatantly obvious) Department of Justice, and F.B.I., improper, and even illegal investigating of the Trump campaign, before the 2016 election, and attempts to find illegal activity that was not there, in order to try and impeach the President, after the election!!!  His report is reputed to be released, "sometime in June"!  Well we have 5 days left for that timetable to be met!  So, where is it???

These endless investigations, smack of a blatant stall campaign, by the Deep Staters, within the Justice Department, and the F.B.I., who realize the vulnerability of their fellow workers to exposure  of improper, and even illegal behavior, begun during the Obama Administration, at the behest of the Clinton campaign, and even by Clinton, herself!!!  I suspect that such a stall would be an attempt to drag the process out till after the 2020 elections, which hopefully (in their eyes!!!) would give them further control of the Congress, and even the Presidency, and the power to end the process without bringing the perpetrators to justice!!!  The Deep Staters are desperate to protect their own, since they were mortified by the Trump victory, in 2016, when they were all "certain" that Clinton would win, and their "Socialist Utopia" would be established!  Having been frustrated then, they are pulling out all stops to guarantee a 2020 victory, by several states issuing Drivers Licenses for illegal immigrants, which will allow them to vote (presumably for Democratic candidates, perhaps even bribing them to do so), and calling for the abolishing of the Electoral College, and making outrageous claims of  "free everything for everybody" (at least until after the election)!!!

My point is this:   STOP THE ENDLESS INVESTIGATIONS, AND GET ON WITH THE PROSECUTIONS,  ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  By allowing this endless "stall process" to continue, there is a real possibility that these "soft coup" conspirators will get away "scott free", which will all but guarantee that they will try it again, if necessary;  and the next time will probably NOT be non-violent!!!

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