Friday, June 14, 2019

"Cooperating" With F.B.I."Ivestigations"\

Over the past few years, when I started expounding my beliefs that present-day, current events seemed to be matching up with the Biblical descriptions of a prophecied time when an international alliance would invade the Middle-East, described in Ezekiel:  38, and 39, I subsequently noticed that my Blog Server was indicating a rather remarkable jump in my daily Pageview stats, from Russia, the most prominent nation identifiable in the prophecy.  While this did not concern me, personally, I felt the F.B.I. should at least be notified of this, in case they felt some investigating might be called for.  So, I sent an E-mail notice to the F.B.I., for the first few times this occurred. but never heard anything back from them.

I reasoned that the "intelligent" secular view of what I write about should reasonably dismiss my writings as the absurd ramblings of a hyper-paranoid lunatic, and nothing more.  As I am not writing with the "intelligent" secularist in mind, but for the un-alerted Christian believer, who can examine what I write, from the position of Faith, to see if there is any merit to what I write, that they may simply not have considered before.  After all, it takes some reflection, to reason that an unfulfilled prophecy, spoken by God to the Prophet Ezekiel, some 2500 years ago, for some unspecified future time, may be about to be fulfilled!  I shouldn't expect someone in a highly secular position, charged with the role of determining if certain information is true, or not, should reason that my writings were credible!  At least not until it all comes to pass!  Then, a lot of skeptics will have a lot of  "egg-on -their-faces", for dismissing this as lunacy!  I don't feel insulted for the dismissal, for God has been described as, "delight(ing) in confounding the "wisdom" of the "wise", with the "foolishness" of man!"  I suspect that this may be a prime example!!!

If I live long enough to see this all come to pass, I expect I will be credited  with great powers of "wisdom", when actually all I did was read, and believe!  Since God is the one who actually deserves the credit (or Glory), and not me, this may not be fulfilled in my life-time.  My concern is only to alert  Christian believers, who may not have considered the evidence that I  write about.  Any convincing is up to God, not me!   If the F.B.I. dismisses it all, that's up to them!  But the very fact that triple-digit  jumps in my Pageview stats no longer appear as designated from Russia, but other countries (only when I write something about this prophecy), indicates to me that Russia is still interested in my writings, as if  I am some kind of spy who has uncovered their plans, somehow!  I have no idea how they disguise their pageviews as coming from other countries, but the coincidence is far too obvious to doubt it!

So, I guess I'll just keep on spouting my "foolish drivel", and leave the convincing up to God!!

[For years I have been writing about my belief that certain current events seem to indicate that God is setting up the soon fulfillment of His  Ezekiel:  38,and 39 prophecy, given some 2500 years ago, for a future fulfillment.  But, I have been reluctant to bore my readers with repetitious recounting of those beliefs.  If the reader wants further explanation of those beliefs, they can refer , most recently, to the posts dated in the "Archives" list, to the right of this column, as such:  Dec. 19, 2018; Nov. 17,2018; Aug. 7, 2018; and Aug.23, 2018.]

[My most thorough speculations about the Ezekiel:  38, and 39 prophecy were written in early June, of 2013, though they are a bit difficult to find.   If  you click the bottom listing of the Archives list, you will be sent to the page for late 2013, then scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click, "older Posts", and you may have to repeat this procedure, until you reach the early June, 2013 Posts!  Please remember, these are merely my own speculations;  some of which is clear enough to call it , "cut in stone", while some of it is merely my best guess speculation.  I may not be right about all of it, but I think I am close enough, that I believe the readers' reflection upon it will leave them with enough correct understanding, as to not miss out on any blessings, and protections God plans for His people, in the most turbulent period of all of History!!!]

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