Saturday, September 5, 2015

Do I Smell A "Humanitarian" Rat In The White House???

I admit to being a bit of a conspiracy paranoid, having rarely found a conspiracy that I didn't like, or believe in, at least partially. But, today my conspiracy antennae went haywire when I read a byline on FOX News saying that the Obama Administration has offered assistance to the European countries caught in a quagmire of illegal immigration swarming from North African, and Middle-Eastern nations, desperately trying to reach their "promised land" of Germany, France, and England.

On the surface, this appears to simply be an offer of Humanitarian aid; namely food, water and medical supplies. If that's all, then perhaps my paranoia is nothing more than just that. But, why am I suspicious of the most evil, Democratic administration in the history of American presidencies, especially when it comes to illegal immigration? This administration sees illegal immigration as a political opportunity to recruit new voters, even if they have to bend citizenship requirements to get them to vote, and by giving them "Humanitarian" aid, they obviously intend to persuade these new immigrants to vote for the political status quo, which in this case just happens to be the Democratic party. Their interests in the immigrants do not extend a bit beyond their voting potential. Yet, they portray themselves as being so concerned for the humanitarian needs of these people, so long as they don't have to pay for it themselves; let the nameless, faceless taxpayers pay for it all.

It's bad enough that they allow illegal immigration to flow almost unchecked across our southern border. But, how long before these hyper-humanistic Liberals will determine that offering Europe food, water, and medical supplies is not enough; "we've got to open our doors to let these poor people immigrate to America", I can almost hear them proclaiming. Is this just the paranoid imagination of a hopeless Conservative, in a demonic Liberal America? Or will our Muslim President decide that these poor Muslim immigrants need a refuge, and America fits the bill? Fine for most of the people, who are just trying to escape the murderous bloodshed of their regional homelands, and just want a place to raise their families in peace. But, the Muslim terrorists who drove them out in the first place are famous for hiding within their numbers, making themselves virtually invisible, so they can spread their terrorist international "Jihad" to other nations, undetected, until they blow themselves up in American market places, schools, and nursery schools, etc. How do you sift between the sincere, peaceful families, and the murderous terrorists, who look identical? And worse, how do you determine that the non-radical adolescent child will not become a radicalized teen-aged terrorist, suicide bomber in a few years, after steady indoctrination by the local Imams who are preaching "Jihad" in American Mosques today? These radical Imams are taking advantage of our first Amendment privileges, while a Christian woman has been jailed for resisting an immoral Supreme Court judgment, in Kentucky.

One might almost suggest that what we need in this country is a truly Holy Ghost breathed Spiritual revival, but, naah! The government would never allow that, would they???

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